
My Best Friend is the Hero

After getting betrayed and killed by someone he holds dear. Max finds himself thrown into another world as a baby. Born as the first son of one of the supreme general and first general of demon army. Max (Arcon) has to strive to reach the expectations of the society. As though the world wants to mock him, when his powers are checked, not only does he have only an ego, which falls short as a primal demon, his only ability is luck. Through the encouragement of his ever-loving mother, he pulls himself together and trains to live a decent and quiet life and not disappoint them any further. To pour spit on the wound, one of the most prodigious demons named Crystal Del Monre takes deep interest in him after hearing a prophecy. He tries his best to avoid her eyes and the attention that it brings but all to no avail. Through her tortures...err...help, training and tutelage, he manages to advance to higher levels of strength, but such training brings about problem, a problem to his essence. His essence now tainted with chaos aims to drive him to and past his breaking point through unending nightmares. After ending the hero and his group and subduing the human army, the demon continent is plunged into chaos by an organisation whose end goal is to put demon back on their 'right path', the path of never destruction and carnage. This event leads to Arcon's most fruitious encounters. During a dungeon raiding as per usual with Crystal, he stumbles into a missing room with an enchanted book at its centre. Feeling compelled, he walked closer, hands outstretched towards the book. He had finally reached it, all the conditions clear, the space and state to complete his missing part. Chaos was complete, his mind serene, his purpose, his goal clear. Rain down destruction and chaos to the world. Engrave their hearts with fear at the utterance of his name. Who was going to stop him? The monster in him finally unleashed. What hero could slay his predatorial hunger? The time for demons to rule drawing ever closer. The fate of all other races dangling on a thread. A force on like any other, only another of greater intensity could bring an end to it. Who might it be? Where might they be? Only time will tell.

prime_infinity · Fantasie
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53 Chs

Lied I

In a white and empty space, two demons face of. The boy had a fierce look on his face as he faces his opponent while said opponent, looks at him without a single expression on her face, to her this bout was no different from her boring day-to-day activities. Her lustrous dark hair fluttering around as her darker than night eyes pierces through his soul. 

"As condescending as ever."

Without exchanging any words, she fires off several dark tendrils lunge at him at frightening speed, but he kept his cool and created similar dark tendrils to defend the attacks and launched several beams of light at her. In one swift motion, she obliterated all attacks heading towards her.

"Expected as much."

He summons hands of darkness, which wrap around her and with a close of his right hand, he increases the gravity around her by several folds. He looks at her face with was still devoid of emotion and scowls. He summons three spears made of light and points it at her but despite the tremendous gravity and the danger around her, she remains unfazed.

Even now, you still toy with me.

He increases the light spears to fifteen and launch them at her. 

Without so much as lifting a finger, the gravity, hands of darkness and spears of light were annulled and at that moment, Lied appears behind her with a grin on his face.

"You're defenceless now that I am this close."

With all the energy in him, he triggers a catastrophic phenomenon. [Gravity Collapse]. This ability was truly catastrophic in nature. It worked by amplifying the gravity all around its target(s) by leaps and bounds to attain similar properties like a black hole. This ability requires perfect control of the energy around the caster and the target(s) lest it goes amok and lays waste to everything. Its only sort of flaws was in range and distance; the wider its ranger, the lesser the effect and the further the distance between the caster and the target(s), the lesser the effects but its sheer destructive power more than makes its flaws meaningless. This attack was meant solely for plundering lives, but he could care less. Whether she died or not wasn't his concern, all he wanted was to claim victory.


Despite releasing this attack only few inches away from her and limiting its range of only where she stood. The attack as overwhelming as it was destructive was just shrugged off without her showing even the slightest glimpse of panic.

Thee look on his face said it all. After going through hell and back to perfect this weapon of mass destruction, it was brushed off like the morning breeze. He was awed and devastated. It was too late to retreat and even if he did, he had wasted too much energy and that failed attempt.

She turned to him, her cold eyes peeking into soul.


These was the only thing he could mutter at that moment; his body was tensed up and his thoughts were shattered. His eyes frantically waiting for an answer. 

"Why should I answer a weakling like you."

At that exact moment, apart from his head, his body was blown to a million pieces and in his dying moments, all he could do was whisper.

"As cold as always."

Lied opens his and exhales. His body was drenched in sweat as he stayed in his cross-legged position. 

That ended too quickly. I need more training. I must surpass that monster.

He could clearly recall the moment they first fought. The humiliation he felt on that day made him want to gouge out his eyes and from that day he swore that he would return the favour in tenfold. But alas, the stronger he got, the more outrageous her power got. He couldn't even imagine a way he could beat such a monolith of strength. There were some days when he even secretly cursed himself for being born in the same era as her, but he wouldn't give up. Not until he made her know that she wasn't above the world.

Just as he was about to close his eyes to meditate, someone pops up from behind him.

"Come on Lied. This class ended about an hour ago. Get up."

This was Cleo, a girl in his class and one of the few demons that could call themselves his equal but one thing about her was that she was annoying.

Once Lied noticed he voice, he rolled his eyes and got up.

"What do you want, bug girl."

Cleo, was a year younger than Lied. She had peach hair and orange eyes. She was also very short and a figure that spoke well of her age. Her innocent demeanour made her colleagues think of her as an angel but only few demons knew her for who she truly was and Lied, unfortunately was one of them.

She pouts her cheeks as she walked to his front.

"Your obsession will be the death of you."

She stuck her tongue out and turned.

"Anyway, leave here you oaf. The next session is about to beginning."

"Okay then."

He waves her off as he catches the towel, she throws at him. He was so immersed in his image training that he didn't realise that an hour had passed. He left the dojo and headed for his dorm with Cleo in tow.

"Do you still want something from me, bug girl?"

She frowned and tried to kick him, but he evaded in time, only to but hit by an invisible force.

"Stupid Lied."

"Where are you going?"

"I'm done for the day, so I'm heading to my dorm room."

"Well, I'm heading to mystic class. See you later."

With that she left him alone, and joyful brisked away.

Finally, some time to myself.

He felt a nagging suspicion that he was forgetting something but after thinking about it for a while and coming up with nothing he decided to disregard the feeling and move on.

· Cleo

· Ego: Magic

· Inherent Talent: Element

· Rank: Platinum (4th)

He used the spare time he now had in his hands to think of ways to better himself. The path he took to his dorm was filled with demons, who all looked like they were having fun. As he watched some of them play, he couldn't help but want to be like them. After a few seconds of indulging in his fantasy, he shook his head and brought himself back to reality.

This is the hand I have been dealt.

After few minutes of deep thoughts, he opens the door to his room. The room was wide enough to fit about fifty demons with no difficulty and painted cream with some glittering effects, this was because of magic. His royal-looking resting place was at the edge of the room, placed in between a small white drawer and a small well-polished and stacked bookshelf. At his left, there were two high quality white sofa, decorated in gold. At his right was a bigger bookshelf and a table and chair beside it, which all were placed next to the door leading to a small kitchen and a bathroom. At the centre is a well spread red carpet with delicate gold embroidery around it.

Lied exhale as he stood at the centre of the carpet and after a few deep breaths and got into a lotus position and began his meditation session which lasted for two hours. After the two hours of calm meditation, he looked at the clock hanging above his bed. It was already evening and time for him to leave. He glanced over at the picture which stood on his drawer. It was a picture of his family; his dad, mom and three siblings together with his pet [a mystical beast, Fenrir. A wolf about 4metres long and 2metres tall with beautiful snow-white fur. The tip of the fur around its head and tail are red and fiery orange respectively and its golden eyes gave it a majestic look], that laid in front of them as one of his siblings stroked her fur. After a few stretches he went into the bathroom His bathroom was immaculately white, devoid of even a speck of dust. Just a few steps away from the door was the sink and right above it, a small window cabinet, to its right a few steps away was a closed compartment meant for doing one's business and behind the lime green curtains was his tub and above it, a tap placed between a small round red and blue metal plates. He touched the red metal plate and infused it with energy and hot water shot out of the tap and after it was half filled, he switched over to the blue till it was almost filled. He quickly undressed and entered the steamy bath.

After refreshing himself, he got out of the bath, dressed, took a little meal and headed out. The sun was already beginning to set but the liveliness of his surroundings wasn't getting any duller. He took a shortcut through the Year 4 training grounds and after his fifteen-minute jog, he arrived at an open space which was surrounding by a blockade made of sticks and wires. He follows the open spot and enters. The place is filled with training dummies and demons practicing their way of the swords to their heart content. He went to the corner where the wooden swords were neatly stacked. A red muscular demon stands just in front of the rack, giving Lied a strict glare. Him knowing the standard procedure brought out a small badge. This badge showed that you are eligible to use the swords. After careful inspection, the guard pointed towards an almost empty rack. He goes up and picks up a wooden sword. After taking a few light swings, he swapped it and tried again. Two tries later, he smiled as he held the wooden sword of his choice and headed to one of the training dummies.

Some guys around him already began engaging in friendly spars. He could see a lot of familiar faces but none worth taking the pains to talk to. Once he stared on in the face, he started practicing a few swings which he had seen his 'sword rival' do with ease. It wasn't complicated but the fluidity which he tried to replicate made it seem like a Goliath task. After practicing those swings continuously and still failing to reproduce it, he decided to go back to his normal sword play. Sharp and quick strikes were his motto. Just as he got immersed in his sword play, a guy walks up to him.

"Hard at work as always."

He didn't reply and just kept on with his swift strikes. The boy understood so he went to the free dummy on Lied's left and continue his training. In comparison, Lied's swordplay looked harmonious while his was barely above normal.

"I heard you'd be taking on the empress during the ranking matches."


He's reply had a hint of annoyance which his friend didn't fail to pick up on.

"Well you only live once but on another note. I heard from a few instructors that the humans and a few beast folk have intensified their attacks on the western front and so classes might be slowed down for a bit."

"I wonder why these humans can't ever take a hint. If not for the demon lord, our armies should have stormed their territory and laid waste to their lands. Only then will they understand where they stand in this world."

"The strong will always prey on the weak."

After that they engaged in a few more back and forth banter before returning to their trainings. After working up quite the sweat, he did a few stretches before dropping of his wooden sword and taking a jog round the academy.


Lied does a couple of little exercises, stretching and meditation to start of his morning. He freshens up and heads for his first class of the day.

After exchanging greetings and pleasantries with some students and instructors together with thoughts on yesterday, he arrived at his destination in no time. In front of him was a coliseum, half the size of a football stadium, this is popularly known as the 'Sword Den' by the students. This was where sword class were held for every year. Shortly after the coliseum, took in the sight of various students holding wooden swords and discussing in groups.

The session would begin in about ten minutes, so he headed straight for the rack of wooden swords. Unlike the place went yesterday, here had no bodyguard and lesser swords. After careful inspection, he picked up a sword and headed towards the group he was assigned to.

"Hey Lied! Hey!"

On hearing this familiar voice, Lied froze and like a mechanical doll, slowly turned his head to face the caller as he gulped.


She lands a heavy slap one his back as she burst in laughter.

"Energetic as always, Reena".

She ruffles his hair a bit as she laughs.

"Of course, this is my home. How won't I get pumped up."

He could only sigh as she wore her cheery smile.

"Why didn't you meet up with me yesterday. You promised."

She pouted a bit as she slapped his back. 

I knew I was forgetting something yesterday. It's going to be a pain to appeased her now.

"I'm sorry I couldn't make it, but I promise to make it up to you."

All he could do was hope that she calms down.

Her face lit up as she heard him, but she shortly concealed her excitement.


After a second of thinking he decides.

"Why don't we meet up in two days. I'll be all yours for the day."


She could hide her excitement now. It seemed like sparkle will come out of her eyes any time soon. She took his hand and shook it rigorously.

"It's a promise alright."

He nods his head and smiles. She bids him farewell and heads to her trainer.

 This was a longtime friend he made when he entered the academy. He could still remember the first time he met her.


About a year ago, after Lied had suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Crystal, he locked himself up in his room and cursed himself out continuously. He had never been this ridiculed in his life. Just recalling her soulless eyes made him break a cold sweat. His body shivered as he recalled the monster called Crystal.

After spending an awful lot of time deliberating, he was about to set his new goal, overcoming that monster and with that he decided to head out for some air. He unlocked the door and headed out while ignoring the complains of his roommate. The sky was already engulfed in darkness as the beautiful moons shone in all their glory.

He went from one place to the other, deliberating how best he could overcome her. He continued to aimlessly wander about until he reached a small building the size of the average house. Out of curiosity, he decided to enter the building to see what was inside. He opened the door and entered, in front of him were various weapons and wooden dolls around the side and at the centre, a ring. He slowly walked into the room and shut the door. 

I suppose my instincts led me here.

He couldn't help but smile inwardly as he walked around the room while taking in everything he saw. Right there he decided that the only way to beat her was to broaden his horizon and eliminate any weakness he comes against. He walked towards the wall where all the weapons were hung and picked up a sword, which transformed to a wooden sword. He was a little perplexed at first but quickly adapted. He decided to give it a few swings, before giving it a go.

How bad could I possibly be?

He walked up to one of the wooden dolls and took a stance he once saw in the past. Gripping the sword tightly with two hands, he swung it as much power as he could. The recoil from the attack made him let go of the sword and groan in pain.

What the hell is this made of?

He picked up the sword again and this gripped it a bit loosely and struck the doll as fast as he could. This time the recoil didn't hurt as much but the sword flew away. He glanced at the doll with a bit of frustration on his face but opted to calm down.

At least I've learnt something.

He picked up his swords and tried again. With each failure he adapted and changed his style and not too long after he was fully immersed in his attack. His flows between strikes had gotten better and with some enhancement (by covering his hand with a layer of energy), he could cancel out the recoil from any powerful strike he took.

After about an hour of striking the doll, Lied seemed to be contended with the results. Although he couldn't display anything on the level of what he had seen before, he could still see some progress. Only then did he realize that someone was watching him. He distanced himself from the culprit and pointed his sword at her.

How long has she been there? Why didn't I hear the door open? Was I too engrossed in my progress to not notice someone spying on me?

He inwardly cursed himself for not noticing sooner as his eyes were focused on the culprit.

It was a girl, short auburn hair with deep orange eyes. She was tall with fit physique which was accentuated by the sports bra and tights she wore. Her face was small with baby fat around her cheek. Her little eyes shone with a tint of excitement as her peach lips curled up. Just by her face, one could believe that she was just a baby in her earliest of age but her height and well define figure disproves that.

"Did I startle you? Sorry about that. I was just watching you practice, don't mind me".

Lied was taken a back from her statement but he quickly composed himself.

"When did you get here?"

He had to probe her for answers one way, or another so why not be direct, he thought.

"Let's just say that I've been here all along."

She scratched the back of her head trying her best to hide her embarrassment.

She's been here all this time? How didn't I see her when I surveyed the room? Does she have any reason to lie to me?

A couple more questions sprouted but he ultimately decided to ignore them and push on.

"Okay. So, who are you?"

His eyes were dead focused on her as he asked this question, but she returned his fierce gaze with a nervous chuckle and a light hit on her head.

"Where are my manners? My name's Reena, Year 2, Rank Gold. You are?"

"That's none of your business. One last question, what is it that you want?"

His eyes never left her but as soon as he asked the question she vanished from his line of sight. Before he could react, she appears behind him, grasping his hands and moving his centre of gravity as well as the position of his footing.

"That's much better."

Startled by what had just occurred he swung his sword as hard as he could in her direction, but she easily evaded and distanced herself from him.

"What the hell were you trying to pull?"

She tilted her head and gave him a sincere confused look while just aggravated him.

"What do you want?"

His voice was filled with rage as he shouted.

"While observing you, I came to the conclusion that despite the fact that you lack the basic knowledge on how to properly hold a sword you showed potential, so I decided to guide you a bit."

Her words stung but before he could offer any words of protest, she continued.

"Seeing how you were able to imitate the skills of others you've seen, albeit a poor imitation was quite the impressive skill. Your handling of the sword was unique."

Now he felt he had to interject.

"Aren't you contradicting yourself? Just now, you said I lacked the basic knowledge of holding a sword yet commend my abilities to handle a sword."

"No, I stated a fact and commended your imitation not your skills. At the end of the day a cheap imitation will always remain as that, a cheap imitation."

Her words pissed him off more not because of how harsh it sounded but because what she said was true.

"And from what I just observed you've just barely scraped Dan 9."

He had no idea what that mean but it felt like she just walked over his pride. Couple with the frustration he felt earlier he couldn't hold it in any longer.

"What do you think you are?"

"Are you better than me?"

"You arrogant shit. Who are you to tell me that? Pick up a sword this instant and prove your worth."

She looked at him in silence for a few seconds and sighed.

"Are you sure you want this?"

"Don't mock me any further. Pick up your sword this instant let me put you in your place."

She shrugged and picked up two swords, faced him and after a split second though she dropped one.

Lied picking up on this could help but feel even more humiliated and so he burst out.

"Are you still trying to mock me? Why you…."

He was cut off by the drastic change in the atmosphere. All it took was one look in her eyes and he had to keep shut. Her aura had completely transformed from an average bystander to that of a veteran warrior. He felt as though they were about to fight to the death. The look in her eyes was that of pride or condescendence like what he had experienced earlier but rather of resolve and determination. She wholeheartedly accepted his challenge and was going to give it all she's got. Before he realized it, he already started showing signs of admiration and respect for the girl in front of him.

"Prepare yourself."

All signs of her clumsy behaviour were gone as though it was a lie and replaced with seriousness and serenity.

Lied readied himself to attack and once he took a step forward it was over.

In that instant she managed to draw close to him, knock of his sword and deliver strikes on the side of his temple, his throat, his right side, arms and straight to his solar plexus. 

The match was over before it started.

Lied opened his eyes to find himself on Reena's lap. He quickly distanced himself from her as he coughed awkwardly.

"What happened?"

"I'm so sorry. I don't know how to hold back so I ended up knocking you out. I'm so sorry."

She bowed repeatedly indicating that she was back to her usual self.

Looking at her now, it felt like what he saw when he challenged her was just a dream, but he quickly discarded that idea. The aching he felt in his head, throat and chest were enough to prove that it was reality. So, after a few seconds of silence while she still apologize he collected himself and smiled.

"How long was I out?"

"Just about an hour."

"An hour?"

The urgency in his voice startled her and she apologized again.

"Sorry for startling you. I was just surprised that I've been out for that long."

He stood up and bowed.

"Thank you for enlightening me and I'm sorry for my arrogant remarks."

She just smiled.

"It's all water under the bridge. I'm happy I got someone willing to spar with me no matter how short."

Her remarks stung yet again but seeing her innocent smile, he chose to look past it.

As he was about to leave, he recalled something see had said so he decided to clarify.

"You said something about me barely being a Dan 9. What does that mean?"

Reena seemed a bit taken aback by his question, but he still took time to properly explain what 'Dan' meant. It took a couple of minutes for him to completely grasp all that she explained, and he sorted it out into the following points:

· The term 'Dan' referred to the ranks given to swordsmen.

· It is split into 10 ranks. From Dan 10 – Dan1.

· The number of demons ranked Dan 3 and higher were very rare.

· Each rank is assigned a name Dan 1 – Divine/Chaos Sword master.

· Dan 2 – Sword Saint

· Dan 3 –Revered Sword master

· Dan 4 – Master swordsman

· Dan 5 – Renowned Swordsman

· Dan 6 – True Swordsman

· Dan 7 – Proficient Swordsman

· Dan 8 – Swordsman

· Dan 9 – Sword Apprentice

· Dan 10 – Sword Wielder

· Climbing the ranks would be easy up until Dan 7.

· She was at Dan 5.

· She was not only a master of numerous sword styles but a master of a variety of weaponry.

After their little session, he bowed and thanked. As he reached the door, he turned back and said with a smile.

"My name is Lied. I hope we meet again."

"Sure. Come back anytime."


After recalling the events of that day, he couldn't help but chuckle.

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