
My Best Friend is a Hybrid

It’s the year 2073, and everything has changed. New high-tech dominates almost all aspects of life. However, this has a dark side: unethical human experiments. 17-year-old Akira Cruz, the genius nephew of the president of the Philippines, was in the middle of grieving for his late best friend when he stumbled upon an abandoned orphan boy in the mountains while on a hike with his younger sister. That boy is Hachi Shimizu, a half-zombie, half-vampire who was disposed of by an evil organization known as the Kara Tech, which was notorious for its brutal and unethical experiments. Together, the two boys team up with a detective named Toshi Kawasaki, a half-Japanese, half-British who specializes in the supernatural and also considers the murder case of Akira’s best friend open despite the police closing it due to a lack of evidence. The three of them believed that Kara Tech was somehow connected to the disappearances of various children in and around the Tokyo Metropolitan Area. As they go and solve cases, their friendship blossoms, especially when two people, Riho Yoshihara, Akira's childhood, biracial friend, and Htet Kawa, a half-Japanese, half-Burmese junior detective from Yokohama, come along in their various missions, both involving the supernatural and the overworld. Will they stop the organization from committing more heinous crimes before it’s too late? Warning: the photo used for the book cover is NOT mine! Credits go to the original owner!!!

Roxas0702 · sci-fi
Zu wenig Bewertungen
44 Chs

Chapter 9 – Suspicious

Third person POV

 Later at school, Akira, Hachi, and Riho sighed in relief. When they are being asked about the strange creature on the paper, Akira and Riho are immediately alerted that it was Hachi in that drawing, so they lied that they haven't seen him. 

 "That was so close," Akira commented. "I think that person was looking for Hachi-kun." 

 "Yeah, you're good at it," Riho responded. 

 "Thanks, you guys," Hachi said to them. 

 "Yeah, no problem." 

 At 12:22 p.m., at the rooftop during lunch time, while eating, Akira commented how, by lying to Toshi, he became a character in a movie. 

 "Okay, what movie?" Hachi asked back. 

 "A movie about a man who had little education, but yet managed to outsmart the police from arresting him and his family." 

 "Oh, you mean that movie?" Riho replied. 

Akira then nodded. "Yeah, that one, one of my favorites." 

At that point, Hachi didn't understand what movie Akira was talking about.

 Later, after school, Akira, Hachi, and Riho are walking down the streets when Toshi sees Hachi's looks. Surprised but suspicious, he compares the drawing with Hachi's hairstyle. Now seeing that they are both similar and almost identical, Toshi put it down and shouted at the three kids, "Hey, you!" Upon hearing that, the three kids are startled by it, turning around. 

 "So you lied, huh?" Toshi said to them as he pulls out his handcuffs. "I knew you're suspicious." 

Akira and Riho realized that their plan didn't work and are terrified, so they said to Hachi, "Run!" 

The three of them then sprinted out of scene, prompting Toshi to chase them. "Come back here!" 

Along the way, they dodged obstacles and go left, right, and straight without causing any damages. 

 "Why did you lie?" Toshi demanded an explanation. "Do you think you would get away with it?" 

 "I'm sorry!" Akira responded in despair.

 But then, the three kids reached a dead end, and Toshi had cornered them. 

 "Shimizu Hachi, was it?" Toshi asked Hachi directly. 

 "H-How did you know my name?" Hachi asked back. 

 "How? We didn't sign any adoption papers," Akira added. "Someone had filed a report at my agency about Hachi going missing. And yet, you almost managed to hide him from me!" 

As this situation intensifies, Hachi decided to sacrifice himself for Akira and his family by turning himself to Toshi. 

Akira and Riho were shocked to hear that. 


 "But your life with us was so much better!" 

 "No, it's my fault after all," Hachi said to them. 

And so, Toshi agreed and handcuffed Hachi. 

 But, it's not over yet. Akira suspected that the whoever filed that report to Toshi's agency might have used Toshi to track down Hachi like a missing person. So, he verbalized that suspicion to the biracial detective. 

 "What?" Toshi commented. 

 "Yes, those people might be from the Kara Group," Akira responded with bravery. 

He knows this from Hachi on the night of Hachi's life with him and his family. 

 "Oh, really?" Toshi retorted. "What makes you to think that?" 

 "I mean, in most movies," Akira came up with an explanation, "the bad guys would use detective agencies for their evil intent." 

 "Wow...How did you know that? And, how can you say such a smart line?" 

Then, Riho stepped in. "Me and this kid loves to watch movies, so we know that." 

 "Yeah, I mean, Hachi-kun is the victim here." 

 "I see," Toshi responded while jotting down some notes just in case. 

After that, Toshi said to them, "Okay then, if you mean what you say, then come with me to Tokyo to see if it's true or not." 

 "Wait, your agency is in Tokyo?" Hachi asked. 

 "Yes, come with me. I had a car." 

Eventually, Akira and Riho agreed to come, and they, Hachi, and Toshi went to the inn's parking lot to ride in Toshi's car and left Okutama for Tokyo. 

Is Akira right about it, or not?