
My best Enemy

a girl who wakes up and discover that her identity has been changed , find out how she clears the wrong and a way to succeed

mirabelria234 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Skyler Lin

yui mei sleep was interrupted when someone opened the window and the sun rays entered the room.

yui mei was annoyed and upset , she turned her face to the other side of the bed .

wishing that the early morning devil would disappear and leave her alone....

"haven't you slept enough for the last seven months, look at your slef two times in the mirror .....you would know you are two steps from being the most world fat woman"

yui mei face flared up with anger , she was so angry , she stood up from the bed ..... no.. not stood up , she flew up from the king sized bed turned her face to an unfamiliar figure

" look at myself two times at the mirror , you interrupted my sleep , and made my day bad , you know what you are an ass hole , don't you have something to doooooo.....

she stopped talking ... she has seen anyone as handsome as this man

"close your mouth , else a fly will happily make it a home ,am I right or not"

yui mei was completely speechless , did ..did he just insult me ' I was not looking at you ,l was looking at the lovely bird behind you " she said pointing at the the peigeon behind sykler ... clearly mocking him .

Skyler scoffed and finally said " so , the ma'am of this mansion was amazed by a bird ,that too a peigeon , he smirked clearly making fun of her ... Yui mei was becoming more angry ; was he making fun of her .

she walked towards the bed and brought out a remote control and pressed a red button "security come to my room there is a stranger ruining my day , Skyler looked at her with disbelief written all over his face "is this woman feeling okay, how can she call his employees to take him out of his room and could she not recognize him " he grazed his forehead , when he heard a knock on the door .

he walked to the door handle and opened the door .

A group of men walked into the room and looked at skyler "gosh what has they ma'am gotten them into , did she have to call them ... they are in Big trouble out of every one in this house , she choose this devil .

Skyler took really small strides, the security guards was already trembling from seeing their boss walking towards them

"Aiden , all the men standing in this room are fired"

Skyler turned his gaze to Yui mei "follow me "he said with an emotionless voice . she followed him like a puppy..... to an unknown destination..

yui mei was led into a dark room , Skyler turned on the switch..... yui mei was shocked that her brother was sitting on a couch and even her mom was in the room ,but her little sister but was nowhere to be seen even Mr and Mrs Lin was in the room all waiting for her to come....

"what is going on here "yui mei asked why happened my face, it was changed .

Yui mei twirled her eyes "how could she expect an answer",, she turned and walked away , going to her room , Skyler and Alex"yui mei brother" followed her.

yui mei was fuming she ... was been mislead"I will find out the truth myself..... wait was that footsteps , she thought"she immediately turned and her gazes met her brother , who was as calm as water and turned her gazes , still had a face of emotions....

"could she not get a normal person as a brother ", she was still lost in her world when she felt a warm blanket enclotting her body ,her troubles left her.

yui mei brother can kill human beings like chicken but he had one weakness and that was yui mei

yui mei hugged him like there was no tomorrow , while Skyler did notice that , he was feeling angry seeing yui mei in a tight embrace...

he walked down the hallway ,where yui mei was standing in a comfort zone , she froze did the mysterious man ..... just call her"wife ", she didn't hear anything wrong , cause he said wifey.

this time freeing her from her brother embrace

yui mei took gazes at her brother which told her that Skyler was not lying about "marriage",

"mei'er "referring to yui mei come I will tell you what happened before he could take her with him Skyler said "don't worry we can discuss here .

yui mei broke out of her daze turned her gazes to Skyler "are the both of us married"

Skyler calmed his temples cause he didn't even know what made him call her "wife" now fixing his gaze at yui mei he casually said yes

how are you and the Lin family related she asked again still directing her questions at skyler , "my parents"

are you the one that owns this house? he nodded

yui mei turned her gaze to her brother "big bro what happened that night and why am I here