
My best Enemy

a girl who wakes up and discover that her identity has been changed , find out how she clears the wrong and a way to succeed

mirabelria234 · Fantasie
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10 Chs

New identity

yui mei was dumbfounded , she was really married and most importantly, she was not yui mei ....her identity , she was not allowed to speak with her brother .. ... she was broke out of her thoughts, as a hand grazed her hair... she looked up and saw her brother


she flew in to his hand and tears bathed Alex clothes , he allowed her to use him as a fluffy pillow for some minutes as usual.

"can I come over sometime,I will come with Skyler " she said trying to convince him .

Alex gazed at her for a moment , he finally spoke "yui mei once I get the person who tried to kill you , you can come visit me and Betty " he said trying to convince her not to visit him yet .

yui mei wanted to protest , then she held back her compliant , cause it was the first time he refused to give her what she wanted from him ,so it must be serious.

Alex took small strides towards skyler , he got to him in some seconds and shook his hand and hugged him "you better not make my mei'er cry else I will make sure that I hurt you "

"how would you know when I make her feel happy or sad , or according to you , make her cry , she isn't allowed to call you , remember". " don't worry I have spies to watch over yui mei for me". "you know I can kill them in seconds, you would not even be aware of their death". this whole discussion was done while they were hugging , finally Alex said "just don't make her cry" he said in a pleading voice . Alex broke out of the hug .

"I will be on my way and yui mei please don't try to talk to your mom cause she thinks you are dead , I told her your last wish was to get married , which I allowed you to , after which you died" and I want you to stay out of danger " finally said and left.....

yui mei froze at a point , she was trying her best not to break down , she felt a warm blanket enclotting her body ...it was Skyler .... some how she felt more comfortable with him than her brother , but didn't let it bother her , she just hugged him tight ...

unknown to yui mei , it was Skyler first time of hugging someone willingly , when she felt a bit better she let go of Skyler , realizing that she was in an very intimate position.

Lina was surprised did she... was she daydreaming , she was here to call Amiranda , cause her parents arrived at the Mansion but she met with an Incredible sight of her son hugging someone.

since Skyler was a child , he was not the touchy type , or the person who is affected by emotions.

Lina coughed , gaining the couple attention "amiranda your parents and brother arrived and have been waiting for you"

yui mei stared at skyler , then turned her gaze to lina "Skyler and I will be down in a sec "she said , Lina simiply nodded and left

Skyler do I have a.... another brother . she said stammering

"is having a.... another brother something wrong" he said trying to mimic her expressions

Skyler looked at her face expressions, he remembered what Alex had told him, he was forced to answer her .

" yes you do and you even have a very bad reputation "

I have what , now .... no no no this can not be happening , all my life I have tried my best to keep myself away from any negativity and this happens ; she shouted out of shock. Skyler shook his head not surprised any more "come , they must be waiting for us remember you are not allowed to speak simiply say yes or no " he said in a stirct but caring voice .

yui mei "Amiranda" followed suite though observing some social distance , Skyler looked behind "we are supposed to be walking hand by hand remember we are both married " he said in a mocking tone then smirked.....

"did I just see what I thought I saw , did this mean man really smirk , is he really making fun of me in a matter as serious as this " she thought to herself , then walked up to him " ehmmm Skyler did you just smirk" she said with a very serious tone .

seeing her you would think that Skyler had killed someone. Skyler starred at the most serious yet cute face he had ever seen "

he found himself chuckle, although Amiranda didn't notice , it was the first time in a long time that he had ever chuckled that too by a girl now he seems to understand why this girl is the weakness of a cold hearted man like Alex

Skyler could not believe it they had arrived downstairs, it was as if time was not moving at all .....

' finally they came down , I have never seen my son that close to anyone .... not even me I hope this girl is able to tolerate this annoying son of mine ' Lina thought to herself as she watched them walk down the long stairs .

Mr and Mrs Smith was surprised when they saw they daughter coming down like a gentle person .

well it was not their daughter but yui mei , but they were not aware of this seeing they mischievous daughter behaving like a saint .

"mom how are you doing , it's been awhile since I have seen you , hey Dad how are you doing, hope you are feeling fine and my cute little brother " she bent down .... she tried to reach out to him , but the boy ran to the back of her mother .

she looked at skyler cause , she could no longer understand what was going on , wasn't these people meant to be her family .

Skyler ran to her rescue and walked up to Amiranda parents "yui mei" hi mum in law , dad in-law how are doing , he said trying to find a way to get yui mei out of there . ..

Amiranda parents had gotten used to Skyler in the last seven months .

" B.I.N you finally came" , he finally came out of his hiding place.

'B.I.N , what's the meaning of that' yui mei thought to herself , i will ask Skyler later.