
My Beautiful Master Is A Yandere

Yan Shun. The Eldest Brother Of The Divine Sword Peak. Or...the weakest of the Divine Sword Peak. All four of his Junior Sisters hated him to the bone. The reason? He really doesn't know... He only tried to save them, but that always led to a big problem which made him look like the bad guy... And if he's the bad guy...obviously, there's a hero... He didn't know...but it seemed that the world was always against him... But, his fate changed... When, Luo Xueying, his beautiful master... Confessed to him... "Beloved disciple... Truth be told... I... I love you~!" [The Affection System Has Been Activated!] "Uhh...?" . . . Addition Tags: Anti-Hero MC, Beautiful Heroine, Calm MC, Devoted Lover, Extremely Handsome MC, Reverse Rape, No-Yuri, No-NTR, Mature Beauties, Divine Goddesses, Immortal Goddesses, Yandere, Demonic Goddesses, Witches, Immortal Fairies, Ancient Beauties, Unparalleled Sect Masters, Evil Empress, Gorgeous Empresses, Battle Between Harem, Yandere Harem

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55 Chs

Gu Youwei's Little Secret

"What the actual fuck!?"



Name: Luo Xueying

Affection: Obsession [Tier 2]

Identity: Princess Of The Luo Family (Upper World), Divine Sword Peak's Head Master.

Cultivation: Returning Void (Middle-Stage) (Sealed)

Special Physique: Immortal Dao Sword Body

Bloodline: Ancestral Luo Family

Qualifications: Top-notch (Extremely Close to Divine)

Analysis: Due to her huge amount of affection towards the Master... The Master will need to... RUN JUST FREAKING RUN!

Cough, cough. Just keep a good distance I mean.


"My...bluff was actually correct...?" Yan Shun mumbled, he really didn't expect that his bullshit was actually true!

"I really am the Luo Family's Son In Law..." 

At this moment, Yan Shun didn't know what to say.

But, something was really bothering him...

"I was expecting to get a harem..."

"But, can I really do that?" Yan Shun thought.

He also imaginated the situation of meeting Luo Xueying's parents, how would it be?

Sighing, Yan Shun decided to put those thoughts aside, he still needed to reach the peak of the Returning Void realm to ascend.

The cultivation realms are divided into four phases!

The Qi Phase: The Bone Tempering Realm and the Qi Gathering Realm.

Usually in this phase, the cultivators start to temper their body and start absorbing Qi.

They also can start incorporating elemental techniques that use Elemental Qi.

So basically, they are gaining knowledge about the concept of Qi.

Then, it comes to the next phase.

The Core Phase: Golden Core, Life Core, and Origin Core.

Instead of the 9 layers, there are three minor stages.

Early, Middle, Late.

In these three stages, the cultivators usually start creating their own Cultivation Core, the "Golden Core".

This same "Golden Core" has a few grades, the lesser ones and the higher ones have a huge difference.

Their Qi Absorption Rate and Qi Stability will increase based on that same grade.

In this Phase, the cultivator will focus on improving the stability of his own "Golden Core" which, if it's broken, that same cultivator isn't going to be able to cultivate once again.

It can be considered one of the "hearts" of cultivation.

Then, there's the third phase.

The Spirit Phase: Nascent Spirit, Refined Spirit, and Transformed Spirit.

In this phase, the cultivators will start to condense their Spirit. 

The existing spirit of the cultivator itself is slowly nourished by the pure qi generated by its core, strengthening it.

And, once the spirit is strong enough, it can leave the body of the cultivator without dissipating. 

Even if one dies, they can use their spirit to run away and then condense a new fleshly body.

And then, there's the last phase.

The Void Phase: Perceiving Void, Unravelled Void, and Returning Void.

The first two realms only have three minor stages while the last realm has four minor stages.

That is the Early, Middle, Late, and Peak!

In this phase, the spirit transformation comes glimpsing the void with one's nascent spirit.

One needs to attain an initial understanding of heaven and earth and nurture one's body with the energy of the world.

After peeking into the void, one is to seek its understanding and unravel its mysteries.

Here, one can start understanding the laws of the world.

The Fire Law, Water Law, etc.

And then, when the cultivator reaches a certain connection with heaven and earth, he finally reaches the Peak Stage.

At that stage, the gate of the upper world will be opened, and the cultivator will be forced to enter it where he will get many other experiences!

That resumes the Lower World cultivation realms.

And Yan Shun it's still on the Qi Phase...

Really mediocre.


Abruptly, the bed sheets stirred, and Yan Shun realized that Gu Youwei had roused!

"You're up," Yan Shun murmured tenderly.

Gu Youwei gazed at Yan Shun, momentarily dazzled, and then her cheeks flushed a sudden crimson.

She noticed a droplet of saliva on her cheek; she tended to drool in her sleep.

Yan Shun couldn't help but chuckle at the sight, gently wiping her face with a handkerchief.

He'd pledged to treat her well, especially since she had chosen him over Ye Chen.

Yet, he was already under plenty of stress, and presenting them with a direct choice between him and Ye Chen might have been the wisest course.

"Senior Brother..." She spoke softly, her eyes expectant.


"Does that mean you've forgiven me?" She averted her gaze, clearly nervous.

Yan Shun smiled gently, giving her head two affectionate taps.

"Yes, I've forgiven you."

Upon hearing his words, Gu Youwei's face lit up with excitement.

She promptly flung herself into his arms!

"Oof!" Yan Shun let out a surprised sound.

Then, he began to gently pat her back.

'Why does it seem like everyone wants to find solace in my arms? Is it some kind of universal habit?' He pondered silently.

"Now that I think about it...how did you end up losing to them? I'm pretty sure, with your physique and swordsmanship, you could have held your own..." Yan Shun inquired with genuine curiosity.

At that moment, Gu Youwei's gaze dropped.

"Yeah... Feng Xian used that special array Master gave her..." She muttered, nestling her head against Yan Shun's chest.

"Really!?" He exclaimed in surprise.

But all he got in response was a muffled sound from Gu Youwei.

"Sigh... They really are something else!"

The array that his Master had bestowed upon Feng Xian was exceedingly rare.

It could effectively suppress a person's combat prowess by a staggering 80%!

That could be a game-changer in a fight, but he hadn't expected his Junior Sister to casually employ such a precious tool just to save Ye Chen!

That treasure was genuinely rare, almost as rare as a Dao Fruit!

'I'm relieved I severed ties with them...'

'Also, it's a shame I can't truly cultivate in this simulation since it restricts my realm to the 1st layer...'

'But, after absorbing the treasures given by the system, I should at least be able to advance to the Core Phase!' He exclaimed, brimming with excitement.

However, as he looked at Gu Youwei, his smile wavered...

Gu Youwei was already in the Spirit Phase, a considerable distance ahead of him.

'Come to think of it...can't I view her Status Profile...?'


[I'm on it... This girl...is quite unusual.]

'What do you mean?'

[See for yourself.]



Name: Gu Youwei

Affection: Best Friends [Tier 3]

Identity: Divine Sword Peak's Second Disciple.

Cultivation: Refined Spirit (Early)

Special Physique: Innate Sword Embryo

Bloodline: Chaos Sword Spirit

Qualifications: Top-notch 

Analysis: It's advised to increase this beauty's affection.


'Her bloodline...'

[Mhm, even I didn't expect this.]

[This girl seems to be the Chaos Sword Spirit.]

'Do you really think so...? She looks human...'

[Yeah, maybe she already formulated her body, but in reality, she really is the Chaos Sword Spirit.]

[You should connect her to your sword, then you can probably create the Strongest Demonic Sword Ever!]


[Don't worry, she'll never be imprisoned or something like that. She can just become your personal sword!]

[If she reached 'that' degree of affection, she would pretty much agree.]

'Huh...'that' degree of affection? What do you mean by that?'

[You have to see that for yourself~~!]

'Damn old hag!'

[(つ﹏<.)]< p>


'Sigh... by the way, can I claim the other rewards?'

[Heh~ You have no more rewards!]

'Uh, why!?'

[The Two Supreme Lotus you've received and the Heavenly Flame were all the rewards that you didn't claim.]


'Makes sense.'

"Senior Brother...?" Gu Youwei's voice was like a soft melody in the quiet room, making Yan Shun turn his attention towards her.

"Mhm?" Yan Shun responded, curious about what she wanted to say.

With a hint of shyness, Gu Youwei began, "For tonight...is it okay for us to sleep together...? I kind of miss our childhood."

A faint blush painted her cheeks, and her words were filled with a captivating innocence.

This sudden display of vulnerability from Gu Youwei was a rare sight for Yan Shun.

She had always carried an air of maturity and a certain coldness around her.

So, to witness her acting so endearing now left Yan Shun feeling pleasantly surprised, yet also a bit nervous.

Yan Shun took a deep breath, releasing his nervousness.

With a sweet smile, he replied, "Sure, if that's what you want, Little Wei."

Tenderly, he patted her head.

But Gu Youwei didn't seem content with being treated like a child.

She grasped his hand and protested, "Don't treat me like a child..."

For Yan Shun, this only made her more charming, intensifying his desire to be close to her.

Unable to contain his feelings, he softly mumbled, "Cute," a word that slipped out unintentionally, but Gu Youwei heard it clearly.

Blushing furiously, Gu Youwei buried herself in the bed sheets, hiding from Yan Shun's gaze.

She didn't want him to see how flustered she had become.

In response, Yan Shun chuckled and joined her under the covers.

With a gentle touch, he took hold of Gu Youwei's wrist and brought her close to his chest.

At first, she was surprised, emitting muffled sounds of astonishment.

However, as moments passed, she relaxed into his embrace, wrapping her arms around his waist and resting her head on his chest.

"Goodnight..." She mumbled, her embarrassment still evident in her voice.

"Goodnight..." Yan Shun replied soothingly, his heartbeat matching the rhythm of this tender moment.

As he felt the steady breaths of Gu Youwei on his chest, Yan Shun's thoughts briefly wandered to the time.

'Shouldn't it still be day?'

Yet, he quickly dismissed such thoughts, focusing on ensuring their safety.

He raised a protective array around his honest abode.

However, what he didn't know was that just outside his  honest abode.

Three figures were looking at them through the array that he had raised.

The three of them had guilty looks on their faces, especially the shorter figure.

She seemed to be very guilty.

Obviously, anyone would know who were they.

The three Junior Sisters that decided to choose Ye Chen instead of him.

Unbeknownst to Yan Shun, they would become one of the biggest...

Demon Cultivators.

And the reason for that event to occur would be precisely...


Sorry for the Info Dump...

Well, I'd need to do it sooner or later anyway, so I figured out it would be better now.

Btw, Yan Shun was so shocked that he didn't notice his Master's affection... and the analysis.

So, if he thinks it weird for her to act something too possessive sometimes, you already know...~~

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