
Chapter - 115 I am Sorry!

I can feel the tears in my eyes

"I….. I am sorry Ansfrid, I am sorry!" I said as I started weeping, I can feel the sadness from my heart, I feel so bad, so sad

"I am so sorry, I know you can hear me, I did something, something so bad even for two times, I don't feel good, I don't feel like I deserve you," I said again as I wipe the tears from my eyes but the tears seems to not stop, it still flowing down but I want to apologise to Ansfrid, I feel like he needs to hear even if he's unconscious, I know he can hear me

"I don't feel good for what I did, you are really a good person unlike me," I said again

"And…. And I regret so much doing it," I said again and then I hold his hand as tight as I can, I feel like my heart is crying too

"And…. And I…. I don't feel so good," I said as I weep once again and then wipe the tears from my eyes, I think it's time to tell him what I did

"I am so sorry but I cheated on you twice, I am so sorry," I said as I lied my head in the bed