
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs

Chapter Six

Yang Wen Xia was bragging to their parents about how she had succeeded in convincing Yang Chao-Xing to work as a part-time model. Meanwhile, Chao-Xing was playing with the large fluffy dog, Hitoshi, trying her best not to sulk openly. Hitoshi was wagging his tail enjoying being pampered by his master. Yang Gu Ping was worried even if Yang Da Chun was obviously delighted. "A model? Isn't the entertainment industry a dangerous place for a young girl?" What he really wanted to say was, was this not tossing his innocent little girl to the wolves?!

But Da Chun and Wen Xia hurry to reassure him seeing this as a big opportunity for Chao-Xing to spread her wings and have a chance at something big. "Honey, Xia is one of their highest regarded fashion designers. They wouldn't dare treat her sister badly unless they want to lose a talent like our Xia. And this is also good for little Xing, her health is always a worry for us and we constantly worry about when she's all alone. Going to this agency will allow Xia to be able to keep a close eye on her in case something happens." Chao-Xing pouts sluggishly leaning on one arm on Hotishi's back as he licks her cheek laying down obediently in her lap.

Since he was too big now he only half lays in her lap making the most of what he had and could get away with. Wen Xia strikes while the iron is hot adding confidently. "Dad don't worry! Under my care, no one will even get the chance to harm Chao-Xing." Gu Ping still didn't seem very convinced so he looks over to the pouting Chao-Xing who was teasing Hitoshi with his toy. "Chao'er, are you really sure this is a good idea? Daddy can always get you a job as a secretary at my workplace." Chao-Xing winces when her waist is pinched by the smiling Wen Xia. She straightens up and pushes the poor Hitoshi out of her lap to hug her father's left arm, cutely swinging his arm in a spoilt manner. Hitoshi's eyes were obviously showing the betrayal he felt being shoved off his master's lap so fast. But sadly his puppy eyes were not taken into notice by the four humans so he could only jump from the sofa and lay at Chao-Xing's feet. "Daddy it's ok, it's just one show. Big sister already promised I can quit whenever I want, you don't need to worry too much ok?"

He still hesitated on agreeing so Chao-Xing sweetens her mouth once more with a lovely pout. "Daddy Chao'er heard that each person will have their "five minutes of fame". Even if daddy doesn't like the idea of me being a model. Chao'er at least wants to be allowed to stand on stage for a few moments to experience what it's like." He finally gives in and rubs her forehead fondly, ceasing his protests seeing the effort she was spending on trying to convince him. He supposes one show will not be that bad, if she wants to do it that badly how could he say no? "Ok ok, as long as that's what Chao'er wants. But if you get tired make sure to tell your big sister and go home right away."

This was said without question, Chao-Xing having had Gu Ping's permission to leave early as she wished was pleased on the inside. But on the outside, she shows a delighted and relieved expression singing Gu Ping praises worthy of an emperor making him laugh. Da Chun felt the worry in her heart recede a little watching this harmonious sight. "Xiao Xing mommy will pack your favorites so remember to take your lunch box to work ok? Mommy will also prepare snacks for you in case your hungry while working." Snacks? Wen Xia and Chao-Xing's lips both twitch simultaneously.

Whoever heard of a model who would snack all day? But Chao-Xing saw her step mother's kind intentions and beams at her. "Mommy knows how to make Chao'er happy! Mommy is not only beautiful but also talented and kind!" Her sweet voice was full of flattery making Da Chun feel warm on the inside. "Only knowing how to sweet talk, really makes me worry for you." She was scolding but it was soft and her eyes were gentle making Chao-Xing know it wasn't serious. So the girl only smiles fluttering her long lashes at her family members to charm them even more. Suddenly her cellphone starts rumbling ringing out a familiar song.

Her eyes brighten significantly more and her smile becomes a grin. The three by now were familiar with the signs of pure happiness when Xing Fu called Chao-Xing. Hitoshi lifts his head from her lap also wagging his tail seeing his master so happy. Chao-Xing stands up and answers her phone running up to her room with an exclamation of joy. "Ge Ge!!!" Hitoshi runs behind her barking merrily after her. Wen Xia snorts with a pout and leans forward with her head resting in her hands. "With those two I cannot tell which one has it worse. Xing Fu has a sister complex, and if it isn't bad enough little Chao-Xing has a brother complex as well."

Gu Ping smiles at her comfortingly but in his heart, he felt a sharp pinch, as he was the only one to know exactly why his children were so close to one another. Chao-Xing shuts her door while Hitoshi makes himself comfortable on her bed. She sat down spinning in her chair while chattering into her phone to Xing-Fu excitedly. "Ge Ge how is work? Is the game almost finished? When can you come back home? Did you get me lots of candy? Did you get a girlfriend? Just so you know if you get a foreign girlfriend I'm not gonna treat her well just because you like her!" Chao-Xing pouts at the thought of her big brother doting on anyone.

She didn't know if those girls would be sincere or not!! It is better if her Ge Ge dated a girl who she knew personally! Yang Xing-Fu was leaning on the railing of a balcony dressed in a black tux, he was currently waiting for an attendant to knock on the door to escort him to the party. Looking down at the private beach hundreds of feet below him, a few dots ran around enjoying the space and clear waters. His expression was clear and passive until he heard the barrage of words from the phone coming from a sweet voice. The man felt the corner of his mouth hook up into a natural smile, taking the chance to get a word in as she was taking a breath.

Xing-Fu gently greets the adorable girl, "Chao'er, how are you? Father texted me what you intend to do in hopes I could convince you not to model." Xing-Fu shamelessly throws their father under the bus to stay in his little sister's good graces. Chao-Xing gave an exaggerated groan leaning back in her chair lazily like she was exhausted. "Daddy won't make up his mind!! He wants me to work but he doesn't let me do anything that's too exhausting. He wants me to go out and have fun but he can't bear the thought of me not being under supervision. And he won't even let me eat anything that isn't organic or has hormones in it! Ge Ge!"

She sits up suddenly to complain loudly, making Hitoshi jump before the poor dog realizes there was no danger and warily relaxed again into a light sleep. "Do you know that mother can't even shop without daddy butting in to question about the foods I eat!!" Xing-Fu chuckles when hearing her complaints. "How is it that you manage to sound spoiled yet humbled at the same time? Most girls your age would be ecstatic to be eating good food every day and having their father's dot on them." She unconsciously pouts, "Father worries too much, besides our family doesn't bring in a large amount of money. With the burden of my hospital bills, it's already hard enough for him. An added addition of expensive foods mixed into the expenses will daddy be able to retire peacefully?"

Xing-Fu too worried over his sister's future so he understood his father's intentions. Xing-Fu had brought up his willingness to help take on Chao-Xing's hospital bills, but their father had vehemently declined his offer with a stubborn look in his eyes. "If my daughter is suffering it is normal for her father and mother to do whatever they can to lessen the burden. To me, you, Chao'er, and Wen Xia are more important than pieces of paper with faces on them." Xing-Fu sighed walking back into the room to take a seat on the bed while trying to reassure Chao-Xing of her worries. "Father just loves you very much, if you want to repay him then do well in your studies."

He pauses for a moment, "I heard you skipped classes again today. What happened?" Chao-Xing spins in her chair twirling her hair with her fingers and curses her luck, their father must have found out faster than she could tell him herself. She plays it off casually hoping he wouldn't be mad, "The usual, you know I can't stand those prim and proper girls who only know how to complain and spread their legs." His lip curls into a helpless smile, "Don't say those kinds of vulgar words in front of aunt and father. You may just give them a heart attack."

Her voice was also naturally full of spite as well, I'm concerned it will be too much of a shock to our father to take. Thinking this to himself Xing-Fu hoped his younger sister would stop curses period and grow out of her rebellious phase sooner before her foul attitude ruined Da Chun and Gu Ping's image of her. Their father always considered her a pure angel without faults besides being a bit spoilt. Chao-Xing was aware of this so she doesn't add more to the topic adding with a jealous comment to change the subject. "Ge Ge is the girls over there beautiful? Don't let them blind you with their beauty! I heard girls over there have lots of plastic surgery and they dye their hair till its brittle like hay!!"

Her older brother laughs heartily hearing the concern in her voice. "Did Wen Xia tell you that?" Chao-Xing pouts, "Just don't fall for them! Your little sister is much more beautiful than any of those fakes so just come back home alone!" Xing-Fu doesn't tease her but only somewhat happily obliges to her demands. "Yes yes, this older brother will listen to his little princess." The two fall into a more fun and entertaining conversation. A knock on his door reminds Xing-Fu of the time, he says goodbye to Chao-Xing. "Chao'er I have to go now, be good, and try not to cause so much trouble. When I come back in a few days I don't want to hear about bad things got it?"

She asks excitedly, "You're coming back so soon?" He teases her, "You don't want me to come back?" Chao-Xing whines, "Ge Ge!" He chuckles, "I'm coming back for a meetup. Some college friends of mine want to hang out when I come back." The girl lets out a long "Ooohhh... You're talking about that playboy Wang and brother Kang?" He confirms this as the knocking grows a tad bit louder with a voice calling out from outside if he was there. "Ge Ge has to go now, don't be naughty." With an indolent attitude, she promises him this, making him know the girl was already up to no good.

But before he could reprimand her she already hung up with an "I love you Ge Ge bye!!" He looks down at his phone helplessly but his eyes were full of fondness. That girl... Chao-Xing tosses her phone on her bed and skips out of her bedroom with Hitoshi following close behind. "Mommy I want cookies!" Da Chun turns from the stove to smile at the hungry and whiny intruder. "If you want sweets we can go buy some from the store. I'm sure it's still open." Chao-Xing in a spoilt manner hugs her from the side rubbing her face into her sweater. "I only want the ones mother bakes." Although not blood related the two, mother and daughter chat happily as Da Chun with a light heart prepares the cookie dough. I suppose it's not all bad if she wants to stay home for a while longer...


Wen Xia made a face seeing her little sister's clothing choice for the day. "It's Xing-Fu and my reunion party and you plan on wearing that?" Chao-Xing was wearing a fancy off-shoulder black top with wide sleeves so the top of her chest was slightly shown. The midsection of her stomach teasing others with tiny glimpses of what was under the top. The shorts she wore were pure white and stuck to her bottom barely reaching her knees. Finishing up the outfit was a teardrop diamond pair of earrings and necklaces. The girl also wore a little makeup to liven her face a bit, with berry Haute lipstick on the girl looked, sinful. "Bark!"

Hitoshi interrupts as if also agreeing with Wen Xia staring at his master with a long wagging tail. The woman pets his head with satisfaction making his tail wag more before he butts his nose against Chao-Xing's hand to ask for more pets. The girl gives his head a few scratches before answering Wen Xia's judgmental question. Chao-Xing, of course, knew what Wen Xia was displeased about but she played dumb, she leans over slipping on her black heeled sandals to place a finger on her lips widening her pretty hazel eyes at her sister copying a magazine pose she saw one day. "What do you mean? Don't I look good?" Wen Xia seeing Chao-Xing tilt her head cutely at her as if she didn't understand, made her really want to pinch the girl's cheek and pray to the gods at the same time.

No way Xing-Fu will ever forgive me if I allow this girl to leave the house in that! Wen Xia scowls at her, "Don't play stupid, you know Xing-Fu will kill me if I allowed you to go with me in that!" She looks down at her phone, then looks back up to order sternly. "We still have time, go change into something more formal." Chao-Xing went to pull her arm whining, "But Jie Jie~!! What will I do if I see a handsome guy I like and I'm wearing something ugly!! I don't want to be an old virgin forever like youu~!" Wen Xia fumed pinching the girl's ear so she wouldn't ruin Chao-Xing's makeup and glares down at her with red cheeks. "Ow ow ow!! Jie Jie! It hurts!!" But the older girl doesn't listen instead she pulls harder on Chao-Xing's poor ear.

She shouts angrily, "Ha?! Old virgin?!?! Yang Chao-Xing you are looking to greet our ancestors early?!" Chao-Xing winces and begins pleading with teary eyes at Wen Xia. "Sister I'm sorry!! I'm sorry!! I apologize you're not a virgin! Ow ow!" Wen Xia lets go and gave an exasperated sigh towards the ceiling as Chao-Xing rubs her ear pouting. Da Chun and Gu Ping had left to go have dinner together so it was no wonder Chao-Xing had dared dressed like this. Usually, the girl at least had something to wear over her clothes to attempt to hide. Wen Xia gives her a sharp look, "Chao-Xing I don't want to die tonight before I find myself a boyfriend. I have a nice modest dress in my closet upstairs go change into it."

Chao-Xing didn't want to change again after she had put so much effort into her outfit, so with a pleading gaze and complaining voice she says sulkily with one last attempt at persuading her. "But Jie Jie if I don't look nice tonight won't people make fun of our family? Those college meetups are just an excuse for people to brag about how good their lives are. If I didn't wear something pretty won't I make you two lose face?" She held onto Wen Xia's arm giving her large puppy eyes. "Jie Jie I'm already a grown woman so I should be able to decide what clothes I can wear yea? Not to mention you made these for me so I'm also advertising your brand."

Wen Xia was slightly speechless hearing her reasoning but then she recovers her scowl quickly seeing she was clearly being played. Reaching up she tugs the girl's ear once more scolding her with a stern tone. "You just want to make sure no one clings onto your Ge Ge, don't you? Stop making up lies." Chao-Xing bit her lip but doesn't deny her accusations while wincing from the pain of the pinch. They were true after all. She only pouts after a moment's thought, "Is that so wrong? If they see how successful, handsome, and capable our Ge Ge is wont they try to snatch him up? Plus Ge Ge is so gentlemanly and kind he won't know how to turn them down!"

Wen Xia massages her temples with a groan, I knew it this girl had bad intentions! Throwing her arms in the air she gave up grabbing her keys and purse. "Fine fine! If Xing-Fu yells at you don't you dare try to get me to help you. Grab your purse lets go, I can't bother to argue with you and your brother complex!" Getting approval Chao-Xing beams at Wen Xia following after her obediently after pulling on her white coat. "Big sister wait for me! Hitoshi mommy will be back later tonight don't bark and make sure to attack strangers ok? Muwah~!" She gives the large dog a big kiss before running after Wen Xia.

In the car Chao-Xing fawns over Wen Xia's appearance to try and get Wen Xia to stop frowning. "If you keep frowning like that you will get wrinkles." Wen Xia's frown deepens then she fixes her expression to a neutral one, then, her lips pull into a frown again as she shoots a look at Chao-Xing. Chao-Xing covers her mouth to hide her smile, this sister of hers is trying too hard to be the bad guy. "Big sister Xia, is it so bad I dress like this? Don't you help dress girls in these clothes every day at work?" She snaps back harshly, "Those types of clothes aren't meant for you, I gave you more modest clothes that would fit you better." The girl sighs and plays with her hair absent-mindedly, not scared or shocked by her outburst.

"Big sister Xia maybe you all see me as a pure and innocent girl still but I'm grown up now. I can't wear pretty little dresses and pretend to be an angel forever when I'm not. Even I want to live a little, being chained down will only make me more depressed." The young girl had a rare look of melancholy that made Wen Xia's heartache. Thinking of their family's actions and her own Wen Xia realized that she had never thought of what Chao-Xing felt all these years. Her eyes become complicated as she becomes lost in her thoughts. All this time I assumed Chao-Xing was happy to be spoiled and had a bad temperament because they all gave in to her whims. But perhaps shes...not?

Wen Xia herself spoiled the young girl rotten without thinking too much, she was a single child and always wanted a younger sibling. Plus her mother had reminded her over and over again to be kind to Chao-Xing as the girl's health was delicate. Unconsciously they all placed heavyweights on the girl's wings with their overprotective yet giving behavior. For your future. They would say while nailing her down to the ground. Wen Xia was again speechless and didn't know what to say to the quiet Chao-Xing. Her heartfelt guilty but she didn't know why. Finally able to open her mouth Wen Xia says gently. "This job, if it doesn't work out you don't have to save me face by staying."

Chao-Xing smiles with a thankful look in her eyes and turned towards her older sister. "En." The car is filled with a comfortable silence until Wen Xia adds lightly. "Send any men who look handsome and rich my way. You're not allowed to date anyone older than you by six years." Chao-Xing giggles into her hand sending Wen Xia a sly glance. "Ok....you can have my leftovers." "You-!" Xing-Fu was standing by the lobby doors waiting while occasionally looking down at his watch. He was dressed in a casual white suit and had a distant expression on. When people go to greet him as they enter recognizing the young dashing man his lips rise into a gentle smile greeting them back politely, he never turned down their greetings with a gentlemanly air.

The girls who were dressed prettily for the event whisper and giggle to each other stalking him from the corners. When he looks up from his watch and a breathtaking smile blooms on his face the women all swoon. "So hot!! Who is he?! I don't remember seeing someone like him on our campus!" The woman speaking was blushing as she pulls at her shirt while fanning her red face. "You must have been living under a rock then!! That's the famous Scholar Yang who graduated a year before we all did!" She gasps, "The genius boy!?" The voice hmphs and proudly lifts her chin, "The one and only! Not only that I sat next to him for a whole semester once!"

The woman who was fanning herself suddenly gave an exclamation of heartbreak seeing something that made her give up on trying to get the man's attention. "What?! What happened?!" The other woman peeks around the corner in a rush only to be dazzled by beauty. "Who's that girl clinging onto his arm so familiarly?! Is he already dating someone?! She's so young too! We're too late!!" The "Scholar Yang" had a warm smile on his face as he allows the girl to cling onto his arm, she seemed to be holding on without any reserve. She even pulled at his arm until he rubs the girl's head lovingly with a gentle look in his gaze.

Besides the girl was... "Goddess Xia?!" The two women's mouths were wide enough to catch flies. "After all these years I had prayed she would become fat and ugly but instead she became even more beautiful!! This is unfair!" Wen Xia wore a pretty slim fit skater blue dress with silver bracelets. Around her neck was a pretty silver chain with a black onyx hanging off it. Her long lashes flutter prettily with each blink making them feel so jealous they could die! Pairing with her jade-like skin and red lips Wen Xia was a sight to behold, she turned heads like no other. Her hair was curled and like a waterfall fell her back like a silky curtain. When she smiled, even the ladies' eyes couldn't help but become fixated on her plump red lips.

The woman sighs bitterly, muttering under her breath. "They truly do live up to their names still, Freyja and Freyr." The heartbroken women turn to her confused, "What?" The gossiping girl huffs and crosses her arms while pouting. "Norse gods." Then she storms away towards the room where the event was being held. Still confused the other woman chases after she complained. "What gods? Hey, hey! Wait up tell me what you mean I'm confused!!"

~ Meanwhile ~

"Who let you wear this?" Xing-Fu had a dark look on his face when Chao-Xing had taken off her coat to hand to the waiter. "Here we go." Wen Xia snags a glass of champagne rolling her eyes with a sigh as she mutters under her breath. "I'm gonna need this." Being endowed with a decent size chest the girl drew plenty of gazes as soon as her coat was removed. Of course, that was after they had an eye full of Wen Xia already, Chao-Xing plays cute and hugs his arm blinking her large eyes at him. "Ge Ge its fashion now and days for girls my age. Plus Ge Ge is always by my side so I don't need to worry right? Ohh!! Ge Ge look they are passing around little fancy crackers!!" Changing the subject so he wouldn't get the chance to scold them both.

Chao-Xing drags him with her to chase the waiter with the "fancy crackers". Wen Xia shakes her head with a tiny chuckle before she goes off on her own to find her long time friends. Before her greedy little hands could grab one he holds onto her wrist with an assertive look. "You can't have those." Chao-Xing pouts as Xing-Fu waves the waiter away asking for a glass of juice. "It's just a cracker what's the harm." Her pout melts away the anger he felt seeing her dress from earlier, Xing-Fu gave a helpless smile unable to stay angry at her for long. "Just because I've been overseas for a few weeks doesn't mean I forget what you can't and can eat. Those crackers had other things on them not allowed in your diet."

He rubs her head, "Be good I had some food requested fitting your preferences once we take our seats." The waiter brings back a pretty glass of apple juice which Chao-Xing takes reluctantly with a sulk, Xing-Fu keeps a careful eye on her with a doting smile on his lips. When seeing the young girl standing at all times beside Xing-Fu the men were disappointed in not being able to be introduced to her. Each time they got the courage to greet Xing-Fu their eyes glance over to the oblivious Chao-Xing as if hinting at wanting to be introduced to her. But the older brother with the sister complex kept his gentle smile ignoring their pleas. Their hearts shook when she had gasped in a delicate manner pulling him to a fountain in the corner-cutting his conversations midsentence.

Inside the little man-made pond were two beautiful koi fish, she pulls at his sleeve with a childish gleam in her eyes pointing at the fishes. "Big brother! Big brother! Look at these koi aren't they gorgeous?! Look at that pretty blue one! He looks like a sapphire statue! Ge Ge looks at that black and red one isn't he also handsome?!" Right now many men in the room were cursing Xing-Fu who had the beauty's full attention. He smiles lightly, "En, they are very pretty. Does Chao'er want one?" Chao-Xing seemed to seriously ponder this before shaking her head and looking down at the fishes with admiration.

"I only want to admire them from afar. If I was in charge of one I would be too sad to see it pass away one day. Besides I already have Hitoshi." Xing-Fu was about to speak when an annoying voice calls out to him from behind. "Scholar Yang! It's been so long haven't you missed us?" A brightly grinning man puts his arm around Xing-Fu's shoulders making him instantly frown. Xing-Fu turns to the man his words dripped with annoyance. "Go away." Ling Wu Cai who had grown up to be a rather handsome man feigns hurt. "Xing-Fu after all these years of being together you treat me so cruelly! Don't you have any shame?!" Chao-Xing was watching this with a curious light in her eyes, it had been a while since she saw this guy. He grew up rather well, didn't he?

She still wondered how he managed to pass his classes though. It was only when Wu Cai saw her did he choke on his words. "This...Xing-Fu, you're handsome but dating a minor is really.." Just as Xing-Fu was getting ready to punch Wu Cai someone else smacks him over the head. Another elegant handsome gentleman joins the group to scold Wu Cai, "Ow!!" "Stop messing with his sister, don't you ever learn?" Wu Cai rubs the back of his head then his eyes widen as he points to Chao-Xing with disbelief. "You-You-" Ouang Kang Ye's lips curve up into a friendly smile as he greets Chao-Xing. "Little Chao-Xing, how are you?" Chao-Xing, to rub it into Wu Cai's face since she had been insulted by his "minor" accusation.

Steps forward to hug Kang excitedly around his waist surprising the trio. "Brother Kang!!" Wu Cai seemed to want to say something but being given a glare from both Kang and Xing-Fu so he smartly shuts his mouth. Kang laughs at the little sister even though he himself was surprised by her actions, but being rather fond of her himself he plays along with her petting her head fondly. "Your brother doesn't bring you with him anymore since we all had graduated. I had thought you would of long ago forgotten me but it seems I was wrong." Chao-Xing coyly steps back and pretends to be shy as she pulls at her skirt with a tiny shy smile. "How can I? Brother Kang was always so nice to me when I was little I missed him lots too."

Xing-Fu clears his throat making Chao-Xing retreat back to his side "bashfully". Kang knowing he was only being used to make a certain someone feel left out had an amused look on his face. Wu Cai asks cautiously, "You're his little sister? The same little girl from long ago?" When he says "little" his eyes unconsciously wander to her pretty snow-white chest. This earns him a polite smile from Chao-Xing and two smacks from both Kang and Xing-Fu. "Ow!!" "Yes, and who are you?" Her older brother doesn't bother hiding his satisfied smile. Kang laughs and begins poking fun at the red-faced Wu Cai who didn't know what to say. The three begin catching up as Chao-Xing detaches herself from their conversation, she leans against the side of the pond and lightly hovers her fingers along the top of the water. The koi swimming around in the pond takes notice of her hand.

Some smaller curious ones bravely swim to the surface to nibble her fingers. Her eyes dance with silent joy at this, the little fish when seeing her fingers weren't edible go back to swimming around aimlessly. "Do you like them?" The person which spoke had a deeply modulated voice that made one's ears tingle, it was low yet not too low, and it was smooth and seemed to warm one's cheeks. Chao-Xing jumps from the jolt the voice gave her making her hand on the rim of the pond to slip. Her eyes show rare panic as she begins falling towards the pond, she shuts her eyes waiting for impact only for her waist to be caught stopping her descent.

With sweat coating her brow she was slowly pulled back up by the stranger who assists her in straightening her. "T-Thank you." She takes a deep breath of relief before looking up at the person who helped her. Her mouth goes dry as she blinks with surprise and slight dread. Ahh..shit. Zhou Zhi Qiuang was kind of surprised to see the girl who was lazily kicking rocks outside the gates of a high school. "It's you." Chao-Xing's smile drops as she scowls and curses under her breath. "Chao'er are you alright?" Her brother rushes over in a hurry to check on her he gives a nod of acknowledgment to Zhi Qiuang. Chao-Xing wanted to make a quick escape as she was slightly afraid he would spill the beans. But the man seemed to have other intentions and spoke up before she could. "Yang Xing-Fu and this young lady must be, Yang Chao-Xing?"

She and Xing-Fu blink in sync with each other startled. Chao-Xing was the first to recover and ask curiously, "You remember me?" Zhi Qiuang smiles lightly down at her. Not, "You know me?" But "You remember me?" instead, implying that the girl truly did recognize him at first glance. It kind of made his ego inflate the tiniest bit as he analyzes this bit of information. "I do, I still remember that day you kept trying to sneak sugar packets from the table." Chao-Xing clears her throat with slight embarrassment "That, ahh, I was too little I do not remember this." Both Xing-Fu and Zhi Qiuang both flatly call out, Liar.... in their heads when seeing the girl's awkward expression. Zhi Qiuang smiles at her not calling her out, his voice was gentle "I see, you were very cute back then."

So blunt! Xing-Fu did not want to be rude but he did furrow his brows with disapproval. She turns away not letting the men see her face and points to a random place across the room. "Look there's Jie Jie! Excuse me I got to go to her she was calling for me earlier. If you will excuse me." Her older brother glances at Zhi Qiuang who continued watching the girl make her escape with a tiny smile on his lips. Chao-Xing makes a quick retreat flashing them a pretty smile full of innocence. A young girl clearly not belonging to the crowd dodges the men who saw a chance to talk to her by giving them a clueless doe-like flutter of the lashes each time they try to stop her.

Thus stopping them in their tracks in a daze as if she had flashed a camera in their faces. Although she seemed in control of her actions Chao-Xing herself didn't know what she was doing currently. She didn't go towards Wen Xia but in fact, left the room all together with a tint of pink covering her cheeks. Slapping her cheeks in the corner of the lobby Chao-Xing lets out a frustrated noise. Her face was flushed red like a true maiden, "Chao-Xing! Chao-Xing!! How dare you act like a maiden in love?! You are practically his mother's age if adding our previous lifetime together!" But then she stops abusing her cheeks as her thoughts begin to wonder. Wait a minute...doesn't that mean I'm technically legal? "That kind of guy is too dangerously handsome!! Don't even think about it!" She scolds herself muttering under her breath.

In the end, she runs a hand along her hair messing up her bangs with a long sigh. "I've been a virgin for way too long." Thinking of her plans to ruin all women's attempts to seduce her older brother today she became lifeless since in front of such a handsome gentleman she didn't know if she would mess up her act or not and forget her age. "Forget it! I doubt Ge Ge would fall for their charms anyways." Being near that Adonis is more detrimental to my health than being out in the cold. Retrieving her coat and calling Xing-Fu and Wen Xia saying she wasn't feeling well, she informs them she would head home first. Xing-Fu had offered to go with her but Chao-Xing threatened to go on a hunger strike if he did.

The threat was effective as Xing-Fu had only replied with "...." Chao-Xing smiles bitterly. Hope Ge Ge can still enjoy himself even though I ruined it. I'm such a troublesome sister Ge Ge is a saint. Strolling out of the lobby with her coat hanging from her shoulders Chao-Xing ponders what she would do for the rest of the night, sighing smoke she strolls down the sidewalk aimlessly. The sky had just recently darkened replacing the sun with tiny stars. Xing-Fu and Wen Xia most likely assumed she took a cab back home by now. But Chao-Xing had no intention of going back just yet. In just a few weeks the game was going to be released. Kuta will be born again and so will my "Ayling". So by now, she should start preparing herself.

Scrolling through her phone Chao-Xing searches for "Endless Realm". Like an explosion contained within her device, her phone vibrates and she was taken to the official website of the game. With it a pretty woman on-screen with a pair of wings resembling a pixie. Her red hair curled to perfection with flowers decorating her. She had bright violet eyes and an innocent yet seductive looking smile on her lips as she peered at the viewer. Below the smiling fairy was a trailer Chao-Xing ignored since she watched it too many times to count. Instead, she logs into her premade account to check the countdown. Hovering her finger over her faceless profile and the name her eyes soften. "I will bring you back, Ayling. We will have our day once more....wait for me."