
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasie
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10 Chs

Chapter One

Yang Chao-Xing opens her eyes to a blindingly bright light and flinches at the sharp pain it caused her. "Chao'er!!" A man's voice shouts her name when they see the young girl twitch her fingers. The so called Chao'er when hearing this warm voice calling out her name had stopped trying to move out of disbelief. Then an indescribable but familiar feeling rose in her heart as she slightly tilts her mask covered face to the side. Seeing the blurry face of her older brother by her side Chao-Xing began crying. Yang Xing-Fu seeing his little sister who was usually happy and bursting with joy crying so harshly. Was obviously very concerned and quickly pressed the button anxiously for the nurse. A available nurse hurriedly comes inside and does her best to try and comfort the patient. Because of her crying the heartrate monitor picked up so the nurse furrows her brow.

Picking up a needle from the tray she injects something into her IV drip. Almost right away the girl slowly stops crying and her eyes flutter close again. "Whats wrong with her?! Is she in pain?" She couldn't hear the nurse's reply to his question as she falls back into the deep dark abyss. Her lips mouth one name only before she fully goes under. "Ge..Ge..."When she reawakens and gains her sense back, Chao-Xing this time carefully analyzes her surroundings as the world around her slowly clears up. Then, she looks to her side, seeing the familiar face of her older brother who was reading beside her, Chao-Xing felt herself becoming chocked up with emotions again.

"Ge Ge.." Her mask had been removed so although it was weak and low Xing-Fu could still hear her. The teen hurriedly places his book down not even bothering to save the page he was on to attend to her, concerned and relived to see the little girl had awaken. "Chao'er! How are you feeling? Are you in pain anywhere? Hungry? Thirsty?" Her heart swelled with love for this loving brother of hers as his brown eyes meet hers with worry. She weakly shakes her head, "Thirsty." Xing-Fu pours her a glass of water and presses a button to help bring the bed up slowly with furrowed brows. Only once Chao-Xing was in sitting position he let her take a few sips of water, only enough to moisten her throat. "Not too much, slow down."

Listening to him she sips the water slowly and took her time to make sure she didn't choke. Xing-Fu gaze warms seeing Chao-Xing wasn't in any pain anymore, he places the cup down on the side table after she was given a sip. Chao-Xing didn't say anything for awhile, she could only watch her Ge Ge with a bit of disbelieve and relief as if making sure he wouldn't disappear from her sight. She wanted to make sure he was actually real and not a figment of her imagination. "Ge Ge, you're real?" She asks in a soft whisper unable to take her eyes off him, he smiles at her like he always did, unbiased and loving. The endless patience in his eyes he had for was made it eve harder for her to endure as her eyes start watering again. The expression on his face was loving and filled with warmth possible of curing her of even the worst chills. "Of course silly goose, Ge Ge will always be here for you. Whats this nonsense of real or not real?"

Chao-Xing takes another look at him again this time looking for any sign of injuries or sign he was unwell, his hair was messy. His eyes also had dark circles under them very blatantly telling her that he most likely hardly got any sleep while she was ill making her heart ache. Reaching for his hand she holds onto it as tight as she could with her tiny hands. "Ge Ge.." He patiently waits for her next words while smiling encouraging at her. Unexpectedly the next words his little sister said to him were full of heartache and fear. "Don't leave me, ok? If Ge Ge goes away then I-I-!" This made his eyes wide with slight surprise, though him and her relationship wasn't cold. It was still less than that of what one would call close siblings. This little girl was closer to her friends than family. Especially to that little tyke who was the main reason his little sister had gotten injured in the first place.

For a second he was stunned and lost in his thoughts but when she starts crying again he snaps out of his daze. Hearing the beeping of the monitor rise he shushes her and comforts the young girl to calm her fears. He was truly confused about why she was being like this so suddenly, so unconsciously his smile fades. Did something else happen he wasn't aware of? "Don't be ridiculous, where else would Ge Ge go if not by your side huh? Your big brother will never be far from his dearest little sister. You're our family's darling, Ge Ge will not let you be harmed ever again." As they were having their heart warming moment the door bursts open much to the displeasure of Xing-Fu. Chao-Xing sniffles and looks up at the door to see a little boy rushing inside with her mother and father.

Seeing her on the bed crying, the little boy's bright eyes go wide with panic. He rushes to her side pushing her older brothers hand away to take her hands instead. "Big sis!! Why are you crying?! Are you still hurting?" Xing-Fu frowns but knowing it was better to not fight with a child he just got up to stand with their parents. Her mother a women in her forties says fondly with her warm eyes on Dong Fan Hui. "Little Hui was so worried about you he couldn't sleep or eat for days. His mother concerned about his health contacted us to see if it was possible if he could visit you. Isn't that sweet of him?" Surprisingly to all the people in the room not only did Chao-Xing not give him a warming smile back like she would always do when the little boy shows up. She just gave him a blank look as if she didn't care shout his existence and pulled her hand away quickly like she was frighten and confused.

Fan Hui looked confused and hurt, "Big sis?" Her mother furrows her brows while her father and brother just watch almost curiously with concern. "Chao'er, don't be rude. Can't you at least say some words of kindness to comfort the child?" Instead of making excuses for her, her mother went straight to blaming her. Seeing this her father and brother were about to step in their angrily t scold her mother. To the shock of everyone, Chao-Xing just starts wailing like she was being tortured after she was scolded. Her mother was stupefied and so were the others, "Ge Ge!! Wahhhh~!! I don't know them! Ge Ge save me!! Wuuuu~!"

Her heart breaking cries make Xing-Fu's heart ache terribly, soon enough she seemed to struggle to breath with how hard she cried. So with only two steps he hurriedly scoops her up in his arms to comfort her with a worried heart. "Shh shhh, Chao'er, Ge Ge is here. Ge Ge is here don't cry don't cry shhh shhhh." Xing-Fu meets their father's eyes both were filled with clear concern seeing her strange behavior. Her father was quick to make the two who he knew were responsible for her crying leave before they could upset her more then he quickly went to find a doctor. Only when they left did the little girl start to calm down and held onto his shirt like a spoiled child and terrified child. When the doctor comes in Chao-Xing had also refused to let go of Xing-Fu no matter how much he tried to release her grip. So he could only helplessly coax her with promises of candy and treats once she got better. Only then did the little girl reluctantly let go and allow to doctor to take her for a check up. When the results come back the doctors could only shake their head.

"There is nothing wrong with her per say, it seems the fall has not only cause a concussion. She has lost some memories in the process of recovery and will maybe get them back some day. But young children are more in danger because their bones are more fragile than that of an adults. Their mental states are also even more delicate." He takes notes on his clip seriously paying attention to her condition. Once he finished, he frowns and gives her older brother a hard look. "You and your parents should watch over her better, this is unacceptable. Allowing a child to be in harms way to have injuries of this extend is truly careless." Xing-Fu only looks into his lap in shame with his fists clenched tightly. Chao-Xing seeing this quickly grabs the doctors sleeve and protests with grievances on her face to evoke pity.

The adorable young child with lovely round cheeks and large brown eyes warmed hearts and could make people be willing to take bullets for her without thinking. "Don't bully my Ge Ge! It wasn't his fault!" The doctor finally softens his stance and smiles down at her patting her head reassuringly. "What a good child, don't worry, I am only giving your brother a small lecture." She pouts her lips asking cutely, "Is a lecture bad?" He chuckles, "Sometimes, but lectures are mostly for the other person to be good. Do you understand?" The little girl purse her lips and looks down as if to ponder his words. The doctor smiles and shoots Xing-Fu another look before leaving to let Xing-Fu stew in his thoughts. Chao'er as if fully recovered acts more spoiled and pulls at her brother's sleeve since he was still in his own thoughts. "Ge Ge, hungry."

He smiles wearily, "Let Ge Ge go get something for you to eat ok?" When he leaves he was still thinking things over in his head. Chao-Xing's childish appearance changes as soon as she was alone. Her eyes grow cold and lonely as she looks around herself trying to take it all in. She had gone back... On the day she had sold all of her belongings to help her guild mates pay off their depths and solve their money issues. Chao-Xing was running errands after meeting with her guild mates in real life for the last time to give them the money. While walking along the sideway she had heard screaming behind her and before she could fully even turn around. Chao-Xing felt her body fly forward before blacking out. She didn't know what happened, there was enormous pain then darkness the next second afterwards.

Just when she had thought things were starting to look up again her life was snuffed out. Just like that. She also knew the exact day this was. About two nights ago she had been playing with Fan Hui on a bridge. Their two families went on a family picnic together just before autumn started. They allowed the two to go wander around keeping a eye on them from afar. As they both were looking down at the fishes below the bridge suddenly she was pushed from behind falling head first into the cold freezing water. Xing-Fu was the one to rescue her since he was the one paying the most attention. Once he had seen only one child on the bridge his heart had stopped and he sprinted over jumping in with no hesitation. The fall and shock made the four year old girl black out almost instantly so she didn't remember what happened afterwards.

She recalled that when her mother and Fan Hui made the trip before she had been touched and also adored this little play mate of hers so she had forgotten the event entirely. But Xing-Fu never did. He had hated the little boy from the start, and had his suspicions but no proof, she never knew why. But after her past life she understood now, the boy was a two faced snake. Even since young he was scheming. She was blind and accepted him into her life trusting him more than anyone else because he treated her very well on the surface. But this time I will not make the same mistakes. Never again. When her older brother returned he came back to a sleeping little girl buried in the hospital pillows. He smiles and took her temperature to make sure she hadn't gotten a fever from her crying earlier. Xing-Fu was very worried about her health since she was still very young and didn't understand alot.

Thinking about the shocking events before he didn't know whether to feel relieved or even more concerned. With a doting expression he helps tuck her in the bed and patiently waits by her side again. The little girl was sleeping peacefully and even cutely mumbles in her sleep. She was too adorable. He ponders when his mother and the little devil arrived and how his little sister had as if someone was trying to hurt her. Was this a good thing? Losing memories is a bad thing, but then again she had forgotten only about those two. Wasn't this too much of a coincidence? Does his little sister know who was the one who was responsible for her fall? Looking at her innocent appearance his heart tosses away those suspicions at once. No, shes too young to know anything about evil schemes. Shes just an ignorant child how could she know? Then perhaps it was the god's will that she has forgotten the little devil. A blessing came out of all of this afterall it seems.