
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs

Chapter Nine

"That damn scholar Yang! Why of all days he's late today?!" Wu Cai complains while tapping his feet under the table impatiently. Kang Ye flips through the menu while answering him. "He must have made a stop somewhere along the way." Wu Cai scowls, "He yells at me for being late but when he's late it's ok? What a hypocrite!!" Kang Ye finally having enough of his whining snaps back finally being affected by his friend's annoying personality. "It's because you're late every day but Xing is only late once every blue moon. Now stop whining so much and think about what you want to eat!" Wu Cai, seeing that Kang was serious and sending him warning looks starts to sulk, but he still mumbles under his breath. "You're just mad cause sister Xia didn't text you after the show was over."

It was loud enough for Zhi Qiuang and Kang to hear but the two of them just ignore the childish man. "I wasn't aware both of Xing-Fu's sisters were into the fashion industry." Zhi Qiuang spoke up to break the sulky atmosphere that Wu Cai gave off. Kang Ye looks up from the menu answering him lightly, "Xia'er studied it in college which I'm sure you knew. But his youngest sister, if you remember she used to come with Xing-Fu when we all studied together in university. She only started modeling recently, Xia'er used her connections to pull some strings and let the girl take part in the show." That answers his questions on how a newbie managed to debut so early. He didn't ask how Xia had such a good connection or reputation in her company to have so much influence.

Although Kang Ye answered casually Zhi Qiuang was sure the man had something to do with that. After all, Kang Ye's family background was rather influential like his. He was just more subtle about it, even Zhi Qiuang himself didn't suspect him to be a rich child from his modest and easy-going personality. Zhi Qiuang comments somewhat absentmindedly, "The girl must have pretty good qualifications and training to be able to get accepted though. They wouldn't have let just anyone up there." He must have been wrong thinking the girl was a troublemaker. But the response he receives wasn't what he expects. Kang Ye cracks a smile shaking his head gently and Wu Cai laughs out loud without much reserve holding his stomach.

"Qiuang! Your jokes are funnier than mine! Hahaha!!" Kang Ye chuckles and sets the menu down to face the confused Zhi Qiuang. "I forgot you don't know because you usually don't ask or pay attention when younger people are involved. To be honest, Xing-Fu's youngest sibling is actually the most troublesome child I have ever seen or even heard of. She may look innocent but the girl truly knows how to keep her family busy." Zhi Qiuang was faintly surprised, recalling the innocent-looking girl who greeted him nervously at the reunion party. Kang Ya saws his look and his grin widens as his eyes twinkle with amusement and hints of fondness as he thought of the girl himself.

"It's hard to believe isn't it? To this day she hasn't attended her classes for longer than half a week. The longest Xing-Fu told us she stayed in her school was a single week and a half. She's been expelled so many times no school wants to accept her in the city anymore." Zhi Qiuang was in disbelief that someone related to the diligent man called Xing-Fu would be so unruly. "And her family allows her to do what she wants?" Kang Ye who was smiling as he recalls the mischievous girl suddenly freezes and his smile becomes awkward. "There's a reason why they're so lenient on her."

From his reaction and Wu Cai's sudden silence, it was clear that the matter was something very sensitive for the Yang family. Zhi Qiuang wanted to know more as he was suddenly curious about her background but at this time Wu Cai stood up to interrupt him. "Scholar Yang what took you so long?!" The three siblings smile at his over-enthusiastic greeting. The girl they were talking about was leisurely hanging off her older brother's arm while yawning. Being woken in the car was unpleasant, Chao-Xing only managed to wake up when Xing-Fu told her there was food. Wu Cai greets Chao-Xing after flirting with the beautiful Wen Xia until he received a harsh look from Kang Ye.

"Hello hello to you too little miss Yang! You must be tired from the show today, I heard it was your first job. Did you like it?" It was a polite and friendly question and Chao-Xing doesn't show hostility for it. The girl leans on Xing-Fu's arm lazily with a grin, "I hated it." Wu Cai's eyes show curiosity, "Oh? Why is that?" Chao-Xing seeing he fell for her trap smiles wide. She was about to answer when she is shot a sharp look from Xing-Fu. She pouts childishly, "I wasn't gonna say anything!!" He pinches her cheek catching the girl's lie easily. "Don't be naughty, you're an adult now." She pouts and whines hiding her face in his arm. Wu Cai was confused, "What was she gonna say?"

Wen Xia gives him a beautiful smile that dazzled the poor man's eyes. It made him momentarily forget what it was they were even talking about. "Did you guys order yet? Sorry for being late, I asked Xing-Fu to take a long way around since Chao-Xing slept in the car." Xing-Fu and Chao-Xing both give her a knowing look but the woman puts her dignified elegant mask on and ignores them. Wen Xia shyly walks to the table beside Kang Ye who stood up when Wu Cai did. Her cheeks were a tiny bit pink as she coyly glances at him with a humble smile. "Brother Kang..." Kang gave her a warm smile, "Xia'er." Wu Cai already forgetting what he was standing there for was passed by the other two siblings.

Kang Ye pulls out Wen Xia's seat much to her happiness as she seemed to forget anyone else around her. Xing-Fu pulls out the seat between himself and Wen Xia for Chao-Xing to sit, not that he didn't trust his friends it was just out of habit. Meanwhile, the recovered Wu Cai rushes to sit back down between Zhi Qiuang and Xing-Fu in an energetic manner. This seating arrangement was around a round table hence, making it the perfect seat for Chao-Xing to look directly at the handsome Zhi Qiuang. She tries to pretend to not see him but didn't get away with it long enough as Wu Cai introduces them to each other. "Little Chao-Xing, this right here is a friend of ours, Zhou Zhi Qiuang. He came to the show as well and is no stranger to your older brother." Chao-Xing was reluctant to meet the man with unnervingly bright amber eyes.

She felt exposed under such a firm-looking pair of eyes, "I remember him, he's one of Ge Ge's study friends like you." Wu Cai was surprised, "You still remember him? That was very long ago your memory is good!" Kang Ye cuts in, "Or yours is just bad. They already got introduced to each other during the reunion party." "Really? Why wasn't I told about this?!" Everyone tried their best not to roll their eyes, Zhi Qiuang takes this chance to talk to Chao-Xing. A charming smile on his face, "Nice to see you again, Miss Yang." The formality and tone in which he spoke to her somewhat irritated Chao-Xing. It reminded her too much of the past her. Chao-Xing didn't show her irritation but her answer was curt in response to his formal words. "Mr. Zhou." Her siblings both simultaneously give her startled looks.

Usually, Chao-Xing would continue acting cute and mischievous in front of everyone. But the serious Chao-Xing was rare to see, Wen Xia finally looks over to Zhi Qiuang scrutinizing the man carefully. The atmosphere became awkward and frosty after her unfriendly answer in reply to Zhi Qiuang. Seeing this Wen Xia steps in smiling politely at Zhi Qiuang, "Senior Zhi! It's been a while since I have seen you. How have you and your family been? I heard your mother was interested in the fashion show this month? If you like I'd be happy to provide her with a seat next time." Zhi Qiuang takes the chance to break the weird atmosphere returning her efforts with a kind smile. "I will relay the message, thank you." With this, the ice was broken and conversation between the group came naturally. "What's wrong? Are you still tired?"

Xing-Fu asks under his breath, Chao-Xing shook her head and lays her head on his arm. "I just don't like the way he looks." He's too...proper. I hate it." It wasn't fair of her to think that way but every time she saw that man he brought back memories of her from before. Always smiling for no reason, always speaking politely in that fake tone of voice. Superficial. Fake. Xing-Fu rose a brow, "That's the first time I've heard that about Zhi Qiuang." She chuckles, "He does look pretty handsome. If only he didn't have that annoying fake smile on his face he would actually make me drool properly." He sent her a look that was more out of humor than anything else. "Do you want Ge Ge to get you his number?" She made a face earning her a laugh and pat on the head from Xing-Fu.

The food arrives making it more cheerful, "Hey, little miss Yang, how long do you plan to work as a model? Should I expect to see you on cover magazines soon?" Wu Cai teases. The girl shrugs, "The show today was my first and last. It's not my thing." He eagerly leans forward, "Then why don't you work with us? You know your big brother-" "She already told me no." Being shut down by the girl's older brother Wu Cai seemed to lose his spirit making Chao-Xing giggle. "If you don't mind me asking, what do you plan to do in the future then?" Chao-Xing answers mysteriously with a sly glint in her eyes. "That's for me to know and you to try and figure out."

Wu Cai whines and begs her to tell him but the girl doesn't budge. She only pays attention to the food being served to her by Xing-Fu who was enjoying the conversation. When five minutes pass and he still couldn't get a single hint out of her mouth Wu Cai finally gave up. "You and your brother are too similar! Your lips clamp shut tighter than a clam!" She turns to Xing-Fu and tilts her head cutely at him. "Ge Ge is that a compliment or an insult?" Xing-Fu pets her head fondly and dotingly replies, "If it's about Chao'er it's obviously a compliment. Our Chao'er is perfect." Sis-con. Everyone's thoughts were in sync seeing the loving siblings show off their close bond. Zhi Qiuang still threw the girl curious glances, is this really the same girl who snuck sugar packets from the table back then?

The one who shot a man who threatened her and her brother's life? There were so many sides to her he saw, he wasn't sure which one was real. The flustered girl at the party, the mischievous one talking to her siblings, or the one on stage who was proud and stood tall. Who was she? He remembers how back then he even had his men monitor the child to see if she would turn into a cold-blooded killer. After a year of no news of psychotic behavior, he threw it to the back of his mind as an accident. If not then the girl acted in self-defense and fear for her and her brother's life. He knew the girl was very intelligent at a young age so it wouldn't be too far-fetched to say she knew it was either her life or the kidnapper's back then.

If he didn't know any better he would think this girl had multiple personalities. A waiter comes in with a friendly attitude, "How is everything going? Would you all like anything for dessert?" At the mention of desserts, Chao-Xing sat up, and her eyes glitter. "A fudge sundae with three cherries on top!" He smiles at her and was about to write it down when Xing-Fu spoke up sternly. "No fudge sundae. If you have Tangyuan or Egg tarts we will take one of those instead." The waiter looks between the siblings curiously and checks with Chao-Xing to verify. The girl only pouts and doesn't say anything against it so the waiter stays professional and wrote it down. "Anything else?" As everyone orders their desserts Chao-Xing was focused on acting sad and giving Xing-Fu puppy eyes.

He remains unmoved only pinching her cheek, Chao-Xing really didn't see why she couldn't have a tiny bit of ice cream. "Ge Ge I got better, it doesn't act up anymore." She tries to persuade him once more but Xing-Fu didn't believe her for one second. After such a tiring day if he let her indulge too much in cold foods and sweets the girl would soon catch a cold after. He was not willing to see her in pain again. She wanted to persist but she saw the vigilance behind his calm expression and bit her tongue. The girl gives up and instead looks over to Wen Xia who shot her another sharp look of reproach. Her face basically said, "You should have known you cant get away with it."

She sulks making circles on the table with her finger, "I was allowed to eat ice cream when I was little though.." The two don't even look at her and continue speaking with someone else. Seeing she was ignored Chao-Xing leans against her hand on the table in a bored manner and abruptly sheds her spoiled act. Looking across from her she saw the Zhou guy meet her gaze by accident. Feeling childish she sticks her tongue out at him surprising him before she huffs turning away with puffed cheeks. Zhi Qiuang was amused by her sulking and chuckles. So childish. That was the first time she didn't avoid him altogether though. After dessert, the group decided, well, more like Wu Cai decided. That all of them were going to karaoke together, "It's the only thing I am confident I do better at than Scholar Yang and Qiuang!"

He proclaimed proudly, which Chao-Xing doubted but Xing-Fu told her with a smile. "You would be surprised, that idiot is actually good at something other than chasing skirts." So this obviously makes her curious and made her want to follow along. Seeing the youngest of them all was interested in going naturally the group was obliged to follow, everyone but Zhi Qiuang that is. He gave an apologetic smile, "I still have some paperwork I need to look over, sorry to dampen the mood." Wu Cai was disappointed but everyone gave their reassurances and goodbyes. A car pulls up to pick the man up while everyone watches him leave for a few moments.

"It's a shame he can't join I wanted to sing with him." Kang pats Wu Cai's arm and jokes with a light laugh. "That's why he ran away, he didn't want to sing with you. You might get your lines mixed up." Wu Cai took offense to this frowning at his friend with some disdain, "I never mess up a song! I'm offended you would even suggest such a thing of me!" Despite losing a member, the group stays happy and excitedly head towards the karaoke bar. Inside Wu Cai was the first to sing since he wanted to prove himself and show off in front of Wen Xia and Chao-Xing. When he qued up an artist called Ice paper, Chao-Xing was pleasantly surprised to find a fellow Ice paper lover and genuinely cheered for Wu Cai. Wu Cai winks her way when the song starts and he begins to sing in a surprisingly smooth and soothing voice. It was better than she had imagined! The man actually had talent so he ends up stunning Chao-Xing to the point where she actually laughs out loud, delighted with his performance.

Xing-Fu smiles knowingly into his drink while his friend shows off in front of his sisters. He didn't joke about Wu Cai's genuine gift in singing, it was one of the main reasons the man was still popular despite being a womanizer. As he finishes the song he even brazenly sends Chao-Xing a handsome raise of the brows and a smirk. "Aiya!! Brother Wu Cai, I never knew you could sing!! And you also know Ice Paper? He's one of my favorites!!" The man seeing a fellow fan also grew excited instead of being arrogant with her compliment. "You also know this artist?! Sister Xing!" They send each other looks of happiness like finding long-lost kin.

The next one to sing was obviously Kang Ye, but he didn't seem to want to sing and passed the mic along. Wu Cai was about to call him a spoilsport when Wen Xia spoke up innocently. "Brother Kang doesn't have to sing if he doesn't want to. I can do it for him." Chao-Xing was alarmed and wanted to shout no but Kang Ye stood up before she could say anything. His smile was awkward, "I can't have a lady take a bullet for me, I will sing." Chao-Xing was relieved and sat back down yet Xing-Fu looked ready to burst out laughing at the thought of Wen Xia actually having to sing. When Kang Ye sang it was stiff and almost robotic making everyone laugh.

Well, Wu Cai and Xing-Fu laughed. Chao-Xing wanted to save his face but couldn't help giggling herself. His expression was one of someone in pain even though he had choosen a relatively easy song to sing. The only one who didn't laugh at him was Wen Xia, the woman was smiling at him with encouragement and gentle eyes. When he finished Wu Cai couldn't even stand up straight anymore because he was laughing so hard. Chao-Xing still stood up politely clapping for Kang Ye who looked red in the face. Wen Xia also stood up while clapping for him, "That was amazing Brother Kang!" It was false flattery from Wen Xia but Chao-Xing expected nothing less from the love-struck woman. Kang Ye coughs embarrassingly into his hand and tries his best to keep his composed appearance.

Wu Cai recovers and takes the microphone to quickly hand it to Wen Xia with bright eyes. "Junior sister Xia should also sing once for us! With your beautiful looks, voice, and personality I'm sure Juinor sister has a beautiful singing voice as well!" "*Cough!!" Xing-Fu, the man feigns a cough into his drink and wipes his mouth with a straight face when they look over. Chao-Xing saw his grin before he could hide it so she directly sent him a warning look. When it comes to Wen Xia he doesn't know how to be an adult! Kang Ye too starts to encourage the suddenly shy Wen Xia to sing for them. "I too want to listen to Xia'er to sing, I'm sure you sound beautiful." She blushes fiercely and was about to stand but Chao-Xing wanting to save her sister's face stood up and snatches the mic quickly.

"Wu Cai duet with me!!" Everyone was confused when she did this yet Wu Cai was only distracted for a second until she says this, making his confusion turn into excitement instead. "Ok!" Xing-Fu knew why she did it and laughs no longer hiding his amusement. Kang Ye was curious by the sibling's strange actions and asks, "Why are you laughing? Is your little sister a bad singer?" Xing-Fu responds humorously with shining eyes. "You could say that." But when Chao-Xing sang, it proved Xing-Fu's words to be false. The girl was ok, if not then she was just as good as Wu Cai making both gentlemen amazed and suspicious. Wu Cai, seeing a real opponent began to genuinely sing his heart out which Chao-Xing doesn't even think about before matching him perfectly using up the strict training she went through in her past for once. When he glances over at her in mild astonishment the girl wasn't even looking his way with her eyes closed completely lost in the music.

In the end, Wu Cai bombarded her with questions full of curiosity and genuine appreciation after they had finished. "Did you take lessons? Why didn't you tell me you sing too?! Are you sure you don't want to work for our company?" To this Chao-Xing declines his proposal once more and lightly skips back to her seat where Xing-Fu gave her a glass of water. "Yep!" Yep..... yes to which question?! While he was pulling his hair out, Kang Ye was still trying to work out why Xing-Fu said his little sister doesn't sing well. Then, as if a lightbulb lit up in his head he took a quick glance at the smiling and oblivious Wen Xia who had turned to tease her sister. Ah. He finally understood why the two siblings were so weird when Wen Xia offered to sing. Catching a stray glance from Chao-Xing, he couldn't help but give a helpless smile when she mischievously winks at him before looking back to Wen Xia who was still talking to her.

Wu Cai butts into their conversation, even more eager to learn more about the girl. "Sister Yang I don't understand, if you're so gifted why do you keep ditching classes when you have such a bright future ahead of you?" He had already changed the way he addressed her taking the girl as an equal. She shrugs, "It's simple, I already know what I want to be in the future." Plus even though I was reincarnated it doesn't mean I am originally a genius. It took years of hard work and dedication to know what I know. If I try to be what I can't be with past knowledge isn't that just pushing my luck? Chao-Xing rather stick to what she knew she was good at. She was a spoiled brat but, so what? Others aren't as lucky as I am? Fuck off. If someone doesn't understand the way I feel they can just try to get lucky in their next lives too. She wasn't living for other people anymore. She was living for herself.

Wu Cai was annoyed and disappointed by the same answer he got from her earlier. "Ahhh!" He makes a sound of frustration and sat back in his seat looking annoyed. "This is why I hate people like you and your brother. Don't even try and you are good at everything you do." Chao-Xing smartly doesn't reply to this and only continued to smile to herself. "Zhi Qiuang is the same." Kang points out laughing. Wu Cai waves his words away, "He's different. Unlike these two at least he's humble about it all." Xing-Fu chuckles at his childish friend, "If it bothers you so much why don't you actually try for once in your life." Again Wu Cai seemed dismissive of their words, "I rather not ruin myself trying to beat people like you. I demand a rematch!"

She grins answering his challenge with humor, "Rematch? I didn't know it was a contest. And even if it was I'm sure you won." She wasn't being humble, to be honest in her opinion this idiot Wu Cai actually had a very handsome singing voice. But the man himself glares at her, insistently shoving the other mic back into her hands. "That doesn't count! I wasn't being serious! I refuse to lose to someone like you at the thing I'm known best at!!" Chao-Xing felt helpless but amused at the same time. She saw the silly man was actually serious and sighs on the inside while he drags her back up on the mini stage. Xing-Fu only looks on with a smile on his face, she knew he had no intention to stop Wu Cai.

Only stops dotting on me once it amuses him. Tsk. The last of the night was spent mostly with Wu Cai stubbornly insisting on "challenges" with her over and over again. The man was only satisfied when Chao-Xing bowed out of most pop, country, or rap songs. By the end of the night he was practically skipping to his car, she could even see his tail held up high as he did this. With a heavy arm placed around her shoulders making her stumble Wu Cai happily declares while grinning from ear to ear. "You tried your best! But in the end, I won this time sister Yang! But-! Even though you are lacking in variety unlike I am. I still consider you a very talented competitor! Next time I won't go easy on you so you better practice your heart out if you want to beat me next time! Haha!!" Chao-Xing was struggling under his weight only managing to make her escape when Xing-Fu twists Wu Cai's arm off her.

The man's happy grin quickly gets wiped off and was replaced with pain, "Ow ow ow ow!! Scholar Yang are you crazy?! F-***!! That hurts let go!" Xing-Fu seemed somewhat irked so he held his arm for a few more seconds before letting go. Tossing Chao-Xing's jacket on top of her head he cooly responds to Wu Cai's curses with, "Don't touch my sister so casually you predator." Pr-Predator?! Wu Cai's handsome face flushes red as he glowers at the cool-looking Xing-Fu. "I wasn't doing anything improper you sis-con!" Xing-Fu buttons up Chao-Xing's jacket, who obviously obediently stood still watching the show while blinking innocently not opposing her brother's quiet orders. "Anyone would be a sis-con with a sister like mine." Wu Cai's mouth opens and closes like a goldfish, completely speechless.

That...that doesn't help your case at all!! You are practically admitting to being a sis-con!! Chao-Xing giggles at his speechlessness to Xing-Fu's comment. Xing-Fu looks around the parking lot and frowns, "Wheres Wen Xia?" Chao-Xing chirps up cutely still blinking her eyes like an ignorant child, "Wen Xia walked behind us slowly with Brother Kang." Wu Cai, finding something other than Xing-Fu's annoying attitude to talk about spoke up a bit too happily. "Is he gonna finally confess? Took long enough!" Chao-Xing bobbles her head agreeing wholeheartedly with Wu Cai. "Indeed! It's so obvious but those two have been dancing around the subject for years. So annoying." Wu Cai drawls out while leaning against his car. "Tell me about it! When we were in college those two never stopped their flirting in front of us for a second." Chao-Xing tilts her head cutely, "Why hasn't brother Kang asked her out after all these years?"

Xing-Fu ruffles her hair making her scowl and raises a hand to fix it, Wu Cai sends her a dull look as if she was an idiot. "Obviously you need to ask your beloved older brother that." Xing-Fu? She brought her bright eyes to stare at her stoic brother's face. But her brother unexpectedly doesn't answer her making Wu Cai sling an arm around her to whisper conspiringly. "There was actually one instance where your beautiful older sister asked out Kang Yefirst believe it or not. But Kang Ye said something that made Junior sister Xia cry in return. When Xing-Fu heard of it from some of our classmates he got a scary look on his face and rushed over to beat up Kang Ye so badly he had to go to the nurse's office." Chao-Xing was shocked, she never heard of this! The girl took another peek at her brother who in her heart always had a calm and composed nature. Wu Cai nods in agreement when she turns back to give him a disbelieving look.

"That was the first time I've seen those two fight so seriously. Actually, they only made up because junior sister Xia begged for Xing-Fu to forgive Kang Ye. If she hadn't, to this day there would still have been a cold war between the two because of that event. Who knew that scholar Yang actually had a bite as fierce as his bark?!" She was intrigued at what it was Kang Ye told her older sister, "What was it that made my Jie Jie sad enough to cry?" Wu Cai lowers his voice even further, "Apparently he told junior sister that he doesn't consider her someone he could ever date. And at that time Kang actually had a fiance decided for him by his family already." "You're joking!?" He shakes his head enthusiastically his eyes glittering with gossip, "I'm not! They aren't engaged anymore as I'm told by Kang, but the ex-fiancee still gives his family trouble and visits his family home almost every day. His mother keeps insisting on the marriage arrangement and his father thinks it's a good match too. The only reason Kang managed to break it off at all is because his grandfather is still in charge of their home."

"-Most likely Kang Ye isn't confessing to your Jie Jie because he's afraid of your older brother breaking his legs for getting your sister involved in such a complicated situation." Chao-Xing was startled to hear such juicy gossip about who she thought was the perfect gentleman. To think, brother Kang is involved in such a messy situation! Chao-Xing is suddenly pulled away as Xing-Fu glares at Wu Cai with reapproach. Wu Cai backs off with a grin, "That's enough whispering behind my back. I don't know what type of unsavory things you're saying to her to make such a creepy smile." Chao-Xing was still thinking to herself. Perhaps...does Jie Jie know about all of this too?