
My Back AlongSide Yours

Born to be lead like a cattle, Yang Chao-Xing was originally a gentle tempered and passive girl. She was born into a middle classed family that was happy, or so it seemed on the surface. When things come to light one by one, breaking her world apart piece by piece, Chao-Xing finds solace in a single place. The world of "Vivid Eternity", a VR game in which she could fully live her life how she wants. That is, until her peace is once again broken by a betrayal of who she thought was her best friend and little brother. Dong Fan Hui. Enraged by the betrayal and having the everything in her life destroyed by the person she trusted most Chao-Xing's personality twisted from a gentle passive girl to a selfish and cold person. At the end of her life having been a victim to someone behind the shadows who wanted her out of their life, Chao-Xing woke up to find herself reborn. Now, after experiencing betrayal so many times Chao-Xing vowed this in this life, she would protect those who had been good to her. No matter what she had to do, not matter who stood in her way, she would make sure her loved ones will be the only ones standing. Cover credit belongs to: https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/477944579201294785/

Chezilla · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs

Chapter Five

When Yang Xing-Fu woke up the first thing his mind went to when seeing white ceilings was Chao-Xing. Her small fragile frame staring up with terror at a large shadow looming over her menacingly. "Chao'er!!" He gasps shooting up from the bed only to see a tiny little hand holding onto his. Xing-Fu looks over the hospital room and then down to the safe and sound Yang Chao-Xing. He breathes a sigh of relief and looks over her as she slept. His father and Ming Da Chun enter the room to see him wide awake. The first thing Da Chun does when seeing him sitting up wide awake was to begin crying again as the bouquet in her hands was dropped. She rushes forward touching his cheek and holding onto his other hand sobbing in a heartwrenching matter. This reaction was shocking to Xing-Fu who could only stare at the woman.

He felt bewildered and unuse to such heavy concern from anyone but Chao-Xing and his own father. Although it wasn't too bad a feeling, he felt a bit embarrassed and didn't know how to react. The young man gave his father an awkward glance for help but the older man himself was wiping silent tears due to his relief as well. "Thank goodness! Thank goodness you're alright! Thank god....." Yang Gu Ping, being calmer about it than his wife was able to recover quickly and pick back up the poor flowers that had been tossed aside. Placing them on the side table he walks back over to the bed with a comforting smile placing a soothing hand behind her back. "Honey, you're scaring him." His words were soft and gentle but they seem to jolt Da Chun out of her mumblings. She wipes her tears and gave a relieved smile while patting Xing-Fu's hand, he could still feel the woman's hand shaking. "You're awake now. That's good, very good. I'll go get your sister, she went to entertain your friends for you while you were asleep. They are all very worried about you, you don't need to worry."

Da Chun lovingly pats his hand once more before leaving the room while wiping the tears from her face. Her heart, feeling much better having seen that he had finally woken up repairs the guilt and unjust emotions welling up inside her because of the wrongs the siblings encountered. she rushes to recover her calm outside. Gu Ping seeing his loving wife leave felt warm on the inside, he was blessed to have such a genuine person by his side this time. "Father, what happened?" Turning back to his son he smiles at him while going over to pick up the sleeping Chao-Xing, the girl grumbles in her sleep till Gu Ping pats her back rhythmically to soothe her. "Chao'er and you were saved by the bodyguards of a young master who happened to be one of the hostages in the café. Apparently, he said he knew you so when the robbers took you he ordered his bodyguards to chase. They found you unconscious and Chao'er was crying beside you as well."

He gives Chao'er a proud pampering look, "Apparently Chao'er had managed to call the police before the robbers had escaped. She must have been scared, but if it wasn't for little Chao'er I'm scared to think what might have happened to you." Gu Ping was very emotional thinking of how his two children were in a life or death situation and he wasn't there. Xing-Fu already knew that Chao-Xing would do the right thing. What he was more concerned about was if the leader had hurt her. Asking this Gu Ping's expression became a bit strange, "When the police had arrived the mastermind behind the robbery was already dead."

He glances down to make sure Chao-Xing was still asleep before continuing. "He was found in a pool of his own blood, the matter is hidden from the public currently." Xing-Fu didn't want death upon anyone but remembering how Chao-Xing was just seconds from being harmed. His heart hardens up, "It's good he died." Gu Ping had a disapproving look on his face when he looks over to his oldest son. Xing-Fu doesn't back down though and instead makes to prove his case. "Father you don't know but before I had been knocked out that man was set out to harm Chao'er even though she was just a child! Remembering the look on her face yet those bastards still..."

Xing-Fu's eyes reflected a fire that was fueling off his rage. Chao-Xing's terrified face was printed firmly in his memory, as well as the helplessness he felt at the time. Gu Ping seeing Xing-Fu was feeling angry for not being able to do anything in that situation, comforts him for awhile. The door swings open as a flustered Wen Xia rushes inside, her panicked expression becomes relief when she saw Xing-Fu was really awake. "Xing-Fu!! You're awake!! Wu Cai and Kang were bugging me endlessly!" Xing-Fu relaxes his muscles and smiles at her teasingly, "You're only happy to see me awake because of this?" Wen Xia rolls her eyes at him and pushes his shoulder. "Don't make me out to be a bad guy." Her gaze shows her obvious relief as Wen Xia smiles at him squeezing his shoulder. "Try not to run into so much trouble next time, k big bro?" Xing-Fu seeing the lingering fear brewing in her eyes gives a light "En."

When Wang Zhi Qiuang looks through the photos on his desk again and listens to his bodyguard's explanation. He still didn't believe it, "You are sure the girl shot the man? For sure? You saw it?" The man who rescued the two siblings answers somewhat complicatedly. "I did not see it, but we heard the shot and the young master was already out cold when we got there. So it couldn't have been him, the fingerprints left on the gun are way smaller than a man's." He pulls out a photo handing it to Zhi Qiuang. "There is lots of evidence showing that it is indeed the young girl who did it and no one else. If you want confirmation then we can always take her fingerprints." Zhi Qiuang frowns when his subordinate suggested this.

He tosses the paper aside, "She's a minor, there's no need to go that far. Label it as self-defense. You were forced to shoot. Understand?" The leader nods his head in his heart lamenting the girl's luck that she was still a minor and had his young master to cover for her. Zhi Qiuang was pondering the strange situation, in most cases, children wouldn't react the way she did. They would have ran or stood frozen in fear, eventually being taken care of as well since she had been a witness. Chao-Xing was prepared to play the innocent victim any day now. But to her surprise not only did the police not investigate the man's death they even wished her brother and her well after asking a few basic questions. That's it? Her mind and heartfelt really unsettled, if anyone else was in her shoes they would feel relief. But for her when it came to matters related to her or her family the girl was too worried. It wasn't right, to have a dead body but not investigate farther?

The girl hid her uneasy behind a smile as the family pays her even more attention. They were afraid she would be traumatized but after Xing-Fu had woken up she had fully recovered. She went back to her bright and lovely temperament as if nothing happened. Xing-Fu and Gu Ping take it as another event of her forcefully forgetting bad memories and swallow their bitterness only allowing themselves to give her crooked smiles. Chao-Xing fully aware of what they thought plays clueless and only flashes them back a brilliant smile. Hitoshi the puppy was circling her heels barking, happy to follow his master anywhere. "Ge Ge!"

She pulls at his sleeve with a spoiled attitude. "Park!!" He didn't want to break her heart but when he saw the snow gathering in the storm..... He picks her up and begins tickling the little monster. "Evil girl you want Ge Ge to freeze!!" Chao-Xing bursts into giggles as she squeals with delight trying her best to getaway. "Big sister!!" She calls out for reinforcements desperately. Wen Xia who had grabbed the pup so he wouldn't get in the way of their fun looks over. Hearing her little darling's cries for help she of course ran in to wrestle with Xing-Fu. "Let go of my meng sister!!" Da Chun's lips hook up unconsciously hearing the lively sounds coming from the living room. Her husband kept her company in the kitchen reading his newspapers.

"Dear, can you set the table?" Gu Ping stands without hesitation to set the table while planting a kiss on her cheek. Da Chun still blushes each time he was so affectionate before shooing him away with a smile. The five had a happy meal as Chao-Xing was being personally fed by Wen Xia. The girl even swung her feet humming while eating and sneaking pieces of meat to give to Hitoshi. Da Chun shook her head helplessly, "Xia don't spoil her, how will xiao Xing be able to feed herself in the future when she grows up?" To this, both girls turn to give her big watery eyes and childish pouts.

Da Chun when faced with both of her beautiful girl's sad eyes turns to her husband for help. Gu Ping was about to back up Da Chun but when he also turns to look at them the two already gave him the full blast of their charm. Chao-Xing's pretty hazel eyes were blinking at him prettily and Wen Xia's black ones were almost tearing at the ends. He choked on his words staring at them before giving his wife a speechless and apologetic look. "They...It's good for sisters to be close." Seeing they won over Gu Ping the girls look at each other victoriously. Da Chun lightly scolds Gu Ping who bore his wife's abuse with a patient smile.

Wen Xia wipes Chao-Xing's mouth which had bits of rice at the sides and had openly adoring expression on her face. Her little sister is so meng!!! Chao-Xing sensing the predatory eyes on her froze and gives the Cheshire like Wen Xia a wary look. Pervert! My big sister is a big pervert!! Xing-Fu saw the obvious wary in Chao-Xing's eyes when looking up at Wen Xia and chuckles. He lays a hand on top of her head making Chao-Xing turn her bright eyes over to him. "When Ge Ge is gone don't be so spoiled anymore and cause Aunt troubles ok?" He was also worried that now that Chao-Xing was growing older she wouldn't grow out of her childishness. Being like this was ok for now since she was still young, but once she entered secondary school he was concerned she would be easily bullied.

Chao-Xing held onto his hand above her head and grins him with her shining eyes. "Only when Ge Ge is home does Chao'er want to be spoiled!" Wen Xia seeing their close relationship, she felt slightly jealous as she was an only child. But she still knew when not to intervene, when she saw the love in Xing-Fu's usually calm and distant eyes it made whatever words she wanted to say fly away. This boy who was cold to her when they first met, was actually just using that as a façade to cover up a warm heart. She wondered how he would have turned out if he had no Chao'er by his side to keep him on this earth emotionally anymore. If Chao'er wasn't here, she and Xing-Fu would probably never have spoken more than one word to each other for the rest of their lives after the first initial meeting. "What about me?" Chao-Xing just sweetly cozies up to her side, blinking her lovely eyes. "Big sister already loves Chao'er a lot so Chao'er doesn't have to worry." Wen Xia pinches her cheek making Chao-Xing wince. "So cute!!"


"Yea, so what?" Chao-Xing tosses her bangs to the side, her hair was cut to a bob beside the left side of her bangs revealing her sharp hazel eyes. The young cute girl had grown into a lovely sarcastic teen. Despite the dress code she carelessly wore a grey sweater crop top to her classes. Her shoes weren't tennis shoes like others but white open toe sandals. Her shorts were an inch above her knees showing off long smooth legs, on her wrists hung twinkling emerald bells hanging off her bracelets. She pops the bubble gum while raising her brow at the girls who were trying their best to "shame" her. The pampered misses blush when she crosses her legs because when she does this even more of her thigh was revealed. "You! This school doesn't need skanks like you! Look at the way you're dressed!" Chao-Xing snorts, "My clothes? One would think a cow was walking into the school because of how tight your clothing is."

Being called a cow the girl with the floral top goes red with embarrassment, the boys watching the show immediately bring their eyes to her bouncing chest. Someone lets out a "Puchi!" making everyone else watching snicker, being ridiculed the girl raises her hand towards Chao-Xing angrily. "Who are you calling a cow?!" Before it can land Chao-Xing stands up with surprising speed catching her hand. Coming closer to the now shrinking girl Chao-Xing smirks, leaning in close to her ear intimately she whispers sweetly, "Will you believe that I've killed someone before?" She chuckles darkly making the girl's legs shake weakly her pupils shrink in fear. The look on Chao-Xing's face showed no trace of a lie, the darkness in her gaze was terrifying to see as it told stories the girl did not think she wanted to hear about. "I wouldn't mind making you my second kill."

Stepping away having properly scared her silly, Chao-Xing complains out loud shamelessly while tossing the pale girl away from her like tossing a toy away. "Ahhh, everywhere I go I always run into a woman who has no sense of property. Looks like I'll have to resign from this school too." Just like this, the students watch speechlessly as the girl leaves their classroom before homeroom even started. Walking out of the classroom she strolls down the halls carelessly with a bored expression on her face attracting many malicious people to point and stare. "School is honestly a bore now that I've been through it all already. When will the game be released already?" Outside the school property, the pretty girl leans against the front gates not caring for the confused faces of the passersby's.

Looking up into the sky she sighs heavily as if a heavy burden was on her shoulders, so many things have changed these past few years it's almost like the old her never existed. Her family is happy and living satisfied in the middle classed level. After middle school started Chao-Xing found no reason to continue her studies knowing what she wanted to do. Her father and stepmother were angry with her rebellion of refusing to continue her studies. They were worried about her future, but Chao-Xing only comforts them telling them she knew what she wanted to do. Not being able to bear staying angry at her they just kept enrolling her into different middle schools and high schools. Each time they did she would go along with it until she got bored and was suspended for bad attendance.

Gu Ping almost lost his temper had Da Chun not reminded him of Chao-Xing's delicate health, causing the man to deflate quickly and just cover his forehead sighing. Chao-Xing was already a perfect angel in her past life, she wasn't interested in being one again. She felt a pang of guilt towards her parents, but it wasn't enough for her to let herself be chained to the dirt again. Chao-Xing would just show them when the time came that she could care for herself. Feeling a bit bitter towards this place that caused her rift with her parents and its annoying occupants. Chao-Xing's eyes flash with a malicious light as she took out a permanent she stole from the teacher's desk this morning. Taking off the cap she laughs evilly and vandalizes the school plaque, drawing a mustache on the first headmaster's face engraved into the plaque.

Only when the grievances in her heart were sated did she bring her gaze back up and spun around whistling happily with a cheerful grin on her face. As she does this, Chao-Xing was startled to see a pair of familiar amber eyes watching her from a car parked on the curb outside her school. For a few seconds the two stare at each other, one sitting in the car with the window down while lazily leaning on the car door. The other blinking at him blankly, as if trying to recall where she saw him before. The memory hits her suddenly making her choke on her spit as she hurriedly spun around before he could recognize her too wiping at the marker stains on the head master's face in a panic. Chao-Xing knew exactly who that man was now that she took a longer look!!

Although he outgrew the youthful aura from before, he still had that intimidating aura. In fact, he was even more attractive now with how manly he looked. Chao-Xing was horrified to see the marker not coming off and instead it was staining the head master's face black and grey. Jie Jie is going to kill me!!! He's her brother's former classmate!! She was slightly panicked inside, if he reports her lounging outside vandalizing the school during class time to her brother before she could worm her way into Xing-Fu's good graces.

Seeing as attempting to clean up the evidence was useless, Chao-Xing felt helpless and cursed herself for being so careless. She took a quick nervous glance at him once more before quickly walking away while clearing her throat awkwardly hiding her face from him. Behind the girl the amber-eyed man riding in the back seat of the car was watching her with slight curiosity, the girl looked familiar to him, as if from a distant memory. Especially those large hazel eyes filled with mischievous intelligence. When she was staring at him it seemed as if she remembered him too, but surprisingly instead of acting familiar she actually ran away..... Maybe she was someone who offended him before. "Hmm."


Chao-Xing grimaces while Wen Xia does her best to pull the dress tighter. Ahh I can't take it anymore!! She complains loudly, "Big sister if you pull any harder my gut will pop out!!" Wen Xia grumbles under her breath glaring at the teen's chest with slight hatred. "It's not your gut that will pop out!!" Chao-Xing instantly felt wronged running away from her and went to fake sob in Da Chun's chest who had taken the girls out to shop. Who knew her big sister who always adored her would be so petty once Chao-Xing hit puberty?!?! "Mommy big sister is bullying me! Wuuu~!!" Wen Xia was feeling slightly bitter, "Where did my cute and meng little sister go? You're simply a trouble maker now!" She also pouts at Da Chun, the woman helplessly pats her youngest daughter's back laughing softly. Da Chun was filled with warmth but slight worry in her heart when looking at Chao-Xing.

Though Chao-Xing was pretty and youthful-looking, looks were not everything. She and Gu Ping knew Chao-Xing was intelligent and could actually be considered a tin genius. But the girl refused to go to school! She had hoped that Wen Xia could help the girl realize how good education was for a woman. But one was just more childish than the other! Chao-Xing pouts at Wen Xia, "Big sister don't you love me anymore? Now that I'm grown-up you want to replace me with someone younger and cuter?" Wen Xia's brows twitch, Da Chun is the first one to crack, letting out a chuckle while covering her smile. Wen Xia being given the full teary-eyed and "wronged" expression couldn't hold onto her false anger. She rolls her eyes and goes to pinch the girl's plush cheeks feeling a warm feeling fill her heart.

Only when she wants her way does she act meng anymore. Seriously a trouble maker! "What don't love? What replaces with younger and cuter? Am I a lustful emperor?! Don't act as if you're a wronged consort!!" Wen Xia wasn't gentle at all as she pinches her, making Chao-Xing wince from the pain and whine to Da Chun. Wen Xia had also grown to be a sophisticated and gorgeous goddess so Chao-Xing didn't really understand why she was being so unreasonable. Beauty or body one cant have it all or it would be a true sin ok?! Day in and day out Chao-Xing would hear the woman's phone ring with people to give her "reports" or something of the other. When her cell phone couldn't be reached the people would go as to even call the family landline. Wen Xia was a beauty with flawless skin and was rather tall too despite her Chinese origins.

She was always wearing the newest trending clothes, her dazzling black eyes appear mysterious and seductive yet her attitude was warm and gentle. The woman's hair was long to her waist and had a wavy nature to them. Wen Xia was a rising designer with her own mini brand so she was adored but also hated by a lot of people. Beautiful, successful, at the prime of her life, gentle and kind. A true trophy wife!! That is when she wasn't around her family... "Chao-Xing come here you need to try this one on too! I designed this one specifically for you!" Being dragged by her arm Chao-Xing desperately held onto her current dress with a teary look while trying to pull away. "Nooo!! Don't do this!! I can't take it anymore!!" She looked like someone who was just taken advantage of... Da Chun clears her throat and tries to hide her embarrassment from the other shoppers who were watching this with confusion.

If the store manager wasn't aware of who these people were they would have definitely been dragged out. These two, what am I to do with them? The manager clears her throat and starts making conversation with Da Chun with a considerate smile. "Madame, are you also looking for anything? We also have a more mature line of dresses for you to try on if you wish." Da Chun gave her an apologetic look, because of her two girl's actions Da Chun felt rather exasperated and embarrassed. "I'll have a look." Chao-Xing wasn't faking it ok?! She was really being taken advantage of!! The pervert was her sister! "Little Xing seriously each day you keep going up a size tell me for real, are you really asian?"

Chao-Xing flushes red as her waist and back was being tightened till she couldn't breathe in the blue satin floor-length dress. "If you cant zip don't zip! Don't zip! Just pin!" She complains to Wen Xia without restraint, who was using all her strength to pull the zipper up for her. Wen Xia rolls her pretty eyes, snapping at her impatiently. "Stop being dramatic, go back to being my cute little sister and I'll have more mercy on you again. I measured you perfectly, there's no way I will give up just because you're feeling a bit uncomfortable." Chao-Xing exclaims with a whining tone of voice, "Its not my fault I outgrew you in this area! If you want them so much just get liposuction Ill be glad to give-Oowowowow!!" The dress strings on her waist were quickly pulled even tighter making her regret her words as her breath left her body.

Wen Xia glares at the teen with fire in her eyes making Chao-Xing whimper with regret. "Say that again?" Chao-Xing goes to flatter her feeling anxious in her heart, acting cute fluttering her long lashes at Wen Xia. "Sister is beautiful the way she is! How can a small mortal like me compare to a goddess-like big sister!! How impudent of me ahh I'll slap this mouth of mine for speaking badly!" Her older sister huffs before pulling her out of the changing rooms. She pulls the stiff and awkward Chao-Xing in front of three mirrors which allowed her to see herself from different angles. Wen Xia was proud of her newest masterpiece and shows it off with pride shining in her eyes.

"Take a look! Isn't it gorgeous? I spent day and night on this dress just for you, don't say you aren't touched!" Chao-Xing saw the girl in the mirror and tried not to flinch back as if she had been burned due to seeing her reflection. The girl, not yet a full woman, was wearing a silky smooth dark blue dress that hugs her upper body snuggly, her rebellious shoulder-length hair and long single side bangs didn't do enough to hide the gentle appearance her face gave off. Little diamonds shaped like teardrops decorated the off-shoulder top stopping just before the river of blue making waves each time she moved even an inch. The girl looked really pretty, the definition of elegance and purity.

Her face was young and innocent-looking, she wasn't a stunning beauty that stole people's breath like Wen Xia. But the girl did draw some attention with her soft-looking demeanor in the pretty dress. Her eyes cloud for a bit before clearing and she just playfully turns to Wen Xia to protest not daring to look at her reflection for a moment longer. "Big sister am I an award show host? What occasion will I even wear this thing to?" Wen Xia really did know what looked good on her, to the point where Chao-Xing almost forgot which timeline she was in. Wen Xia scowls, "Can't you even express some gratitude? The dress was made to match your looks, plus I know you don't like those puffy lacey things. I held back on the shiny things that I know you also hate wearing too." Knowing Wen Xia was feeling a bit offended because he lack of reaction, Chao-Xing internally sighs. Giving her older sister a bright grin she sticks her tongue out childishly.

"I'm messing, I actually love it a lot. Since big sister made it for me, am I to assume its free of charge? Thanking big sister a lot!" She hung off Wen Xia's arm with a sly look, making the older girl give her a somewhat haughty look. "You just love me when I give you free things, you really want me to go broke!" But inside she felt relieved and pleased that Chao-Xing liked it, she knew Chao-Xing wasn't one to wear dresses and even despised them to a certain degree. So every single piece of clothing she had made for Chao-Xing consisted of shorts or pants. The girl had no complaints about shorts which showed off her legs but she hated dresses. Wen Xia would never understand since her little sister looked really adorable and pretty in a dress. Wen Xia also has a gleam in her eyes making Chao-Xing instantly put her guard up again.

"Actually, little Xing, I wanted to ask you a favor. You know how much I love making clothes for you all these years..." Chao-Xing could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up on end. Wen Xia goes on leading up to something Chao-Xing knew she wouldn't like. "Mother told me about how you got suspended from your fourth school this semester. And she's been telling me she's worried about your future. I thought about it for a very long time." Ahhh, not this again. "And I thought of a good job for you to do, how about being a model for my company? The pay is good and you have a good body for it, you're a natural beauty, unlike those fakes that flaunt my clothing all day. Plus having me as your sister will make sure others don't bully you in the workplace. How about it?" Chao-Xing hearing about her future profession being brought up again sighed. "I already told you all I know what I'm doing in the future. Why are you insisting on these things still?" Wen Xia seeing she was losing Chao-Xing's interest holds onto her hand saying sincerely and earnestly.

"Chao'er, it's not that I doubt you, but mother and father can't support your whims forever. You're almost eighteen now you need to really start taking action before its too late. Xing-Fu and I are willing to support you but we can't bear seeing your future go to ruin because of this. If we let you do whatever you want forever how will you fare in the world when we are all gone?" Chao-Xing grimaces seeing her side of things, although she knew the future her family was still clueless about it all. VR gaming will be introduced in a few months for the first time in China. When that time comes competitive gaming will become a serious money-making profession. You can earn millions as long as you signed with a company or you were talented. It would become all the rage for gifted people to have their names brought to light.

Seeing the girl was finally wavering Wen Xia jumps on this chance excitedly. "I have a show starring my new line of clothing coming up this month for spring. You can do this show and see how you like it, if its tolerable we can fix a contract. If not we can always find something else for you to do alright? Give it a chance little Xing." Chao-Xing seeing the pleading on Wen Xia's face gives in reluctantly having thought about how this would placate her parents and her siblings for a while at least. "Fine, as long as I don't have to wear dresses." Wen Xia was dissatisfied and bargains, "Six dresses." Chao-Xing makes a sound of disagreement "Three." The older girl insists stubbornly, "Four." The younger girl gives in sulking, "Fine." Wen Xia beams at her success dragging her off the find their mother.