
My Baby's Daddy

Kate was an only child and it was just her only cousin Kathy—the only family that she had left when both of their parents died in a car accident. Not until she heard the heartbreaking news that Kathy had died due to cancer while she was in Seattle. But that's not the only message Kathy had left her and that is Kathy's secret daughter named Elizabeth, which she had kept from Kate for 5 years and is going to end up in her care. The only mission Kathy left for Kate is to find Elizabeth's father and tell him the truth about their daughter being alive after telling him that she had aborted the baby. However, the mission that Kathy left for her was such a roller coaster to Kate that the man she was looking for was right in front of her eyes, the next owner of Des Company, his boss and his personal secretary. Their lives changed since they both took care of Elizabeth and bewildered feelings discovered.

Astr0e · Urban
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11 Chs



Riding a ferris wheel was one of the most exciting memories I can remember from when I was sixteen. Kathy and I used to sneak out at night with her friends' cars just to go to the amusement park, but I never went with a boyfriend because I was not that good-looking girls in high school, not practically a nerd either and kids at that age are only interested in girls with pretty faces and not with brains. As for me at that age, I was more into books than anything else.

When Kathy and I sat on the cold bench of the ferris wheel, it was so scary that I could feel goosebumps all over my body. I wanted to back out, and I wanted to cry so bad for sneaking out, but there was no turning back; the seats were locked, and I couldn't do much about it. I just sucked it up and made a little cry in front of Kathy, and I still remembered what she said to me that day: Take a leap, Kate, and trust me, the ride is a bit upsetting at first but all goes well after.

Since Kathy told me that, I have applied it all to my everyday life and all the situations that I always deal with, just for example with my current situation right now. I have dressed formally and decently; I wore my lucky earring and my expensive perfume that I only use during an important event like this one. And where am I going? To the Des Company and ready to fill out my application completely and formally with all the rules and regulations, my beneficiaries from the company, so on and so forth. I'm sure the first ride will be upsetting and uncomfortable, but I know it will all go better after. And this memory really reminds me to call Kathy; I haven't heard of her in a while.

"Lily," I said while finally brushing my hair into place one last time, "wish me luck."

Lily didn't even care; she just curled up into a ball and went back to sleep. Even though she doesn't always respond, her little meows are the things that kept me sane in times like this. Before leaving, I put all the things that Lily needed, such as water and food. And actually, this just reminds me to buy Lily an automated food dispenser so the food won't get spoiled from sitting on the bowl for too long.

With my heart in my hands, I went on my new journey with Des Company, and my life stars today.


For the longest months, I finally saw Sophia at the company, and she looked as healthy as ever. Before she could even greet me a good morning, I asked, "Why aren't you at work?"

Her jolly face turns into a frown. "What do you mean I'm not at work? I am working, you know." She said while looking at her uniform. I didn't know Des Company has their own company uniform for their employees.

"Well, aren't you supposed to be editing manuscripts or articles right now?" I asked again.

She rolled her eyes annoyingly and said, "Who do you think would assist you through the first steps? Of course it would be me because I was the one who referred you, and gosh, if you are not that happy to see me, at least say it straight to my face."

I chuckled and lightly slapped her arm, saying, "Oh, shut up, Sophia. You know, I'm just worried they might say something horrible to you, like slacking off on a job."

"Don't worry, they won't." She said and grabbed my arm, "Let's go this way. "

Sophia had led the way, but of course, I had to stay professional and tore our arms away. Sophia might not mind other people talking about her inside the company, but I do. I don't want people in here thinking that I only got the job because of her or just because of the referral methods that they had. I know some people in here just applied directly to work here without depending on a referral. And judging by how quiet the place is, even though people were walking around with binders and papers in their hands, it was quiet but not enough to make me deaf with the quietness. They must be very competitive or just very dedicated to their jobs.

and that makes me nervous as hell.

Even though the building was so huge that even an adult woman like me could get distracted by the few hanging chandeliers and few portraits of important people hanging on the wall, I just couldn't get enough, and my eyes wanted to explore more, but my mind couldn't comprehend how each thing that was plastered inside the building is very aesthetic.

A disturbing sound of a knuckle on a door knocked me out of my senses. It was Sophia who was knocking on the door. She stated her purposes as soon as we got in, and just like flash, I got asked a few questions here and there about a few things the company needed to know about my background and a few private questions that were needed to be asked for security reasons. I thought the process would take about a few more hours, but after the last question, they gave me a few papers for me to sign, and that was it. I am now officially an employed citizen in London, and that means working for Des Company!

After Sophia and I left inside, We both did our victory dance, and I can't believe that we are on the same team, even though most of the employees who referred someone will always get teamed with others. My head was above the clouds and I can feel my heart jumping up and down with me.

I did a silent scream while holding Sophia's arms. "Oh my gosh! I can't believe it. I'm officially an employee here, at Des Company! Ahh!" Sophia couldn't even hold back and did another victory dance with me. Our small giggles and laughter echoed silently across the enormous hallway.

"If you are going to be dancing and fooling around in the hall all day, why not do it outside the building so you can take your time and not think about your work for today." A male voice echoed behind us, making me and Sophia turn around.

He looks so familiar, yet my brain can't do something amazing most of the time and remember people who stay in the back of my head.

"Sorry, sir." Sophia stepped aside and showed some curtsies, while I just stood straight.

I don't know the man, so why should I just apologize? He seems like just a regular employee in Des Company anyway; he must just be in a bit higher position than us, and he thinks highly of himself. And like I said earlier, judging by the quietness of the building, the employees of Des Company are indeed very competitive.

"Sorry?" Says the man, even though he was very attractive, well built, and had the very strong face of a Greek god. He's not allowed to talk to his employees like that. "You are not paid here just to dance in the hallway. Be on your way and get back to work." He said.

"Well, that was uncalled for; you can't say something like that to your colleagues. We all work at Des Company; there is nothing to be stressed about if you are good at what you're doing, Sir." It must be my PMS, and I really need something to blame on because I just regretted saying that to him.

Sometimes, for Pete's sake, I just can't keep my mouth shut.

"Kate!" Sophia grabbed my arms, almost tumbling me down. "I'm so sorry, sir, if she had said that to you; she had no idea-" Sophia was cut off when the good-looking man asked.

"What's your name?" He looked at me.

"Kate. Kate Temples." I said, "And I believe you owe her an apology." I pointed at Sophia, but she just kept on tugging at my arm. I know Sophia is a very selfless woman; even when asking for a deserving apology, she won't even ask, nor will she mind if the person who did her wrong doesn't say sorry to her. I hate her for being like that. She's always been like this since we were in college.

"Sir, she's new, and she doesn't--" Sophia was cut up again.

"Then let's leave it at that." The good-looking man said and then left.