
My Avatar System(Rewriting)

In the wake of his sister's tragic passing, Damian is consumed by an unwavering determination to uncover the truth and exact revenge. Fortunate enough to acquire a mysterious power known as "The Puppeteer System," he embarks on a journey that unveils a startling reality - the world he once knew has evolved into a realm of unfamiliarity, where even his own abilities hold complexities beyond imagination. Join Damian as he sets forth on an enthralling quest to discover his true origins and confront the enigmatic forces at play. Get ready for an adventure that will captivate and intrigue from start to finish. Author's Note: Join the MAS Universe on WhatsApp! To join the MAS Universe group on WhatsApp, simply click on the following link: https://chat.whatsapp.com/L1P9lHz4fF4865qh2B2TWg I look forward to meeting each and every one of you in the group. Your thoughts, feedback, and enthusiasm are invaluable to the growth and development of the novel. Thank you once again for your unwavering support. Let's continue to immerse ourselves in the MAS Universe and make unforgettable memories together! Warm regards,

Likkle_Foxx · Fantasie
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66 Chs



I apologize for the delayed release, everyone. I got conjunctivitis.


"Come on, Damian. I'd also like to ride on Lil Shadow's back," Lena complained.

I nearly fell off Shadow's back in surprise.

You call this little!

Shadow was a seven-meter wolf I discovered on one of the islands within the Siren's domain. I inadvertently saved her from certain death, and ever since, she's been faithfully following me. Initially, I resisted her presence, but she persisted, even following me from within the shadows. Eventually, I relented, allowing her to accompany me, and I gained a reliable mount. However, only I could ride her; she didn't permit anyone else on her back.

I chose to disregard Lena's complaints as I reclined comfortably on Shadow's fur-covered back, and we continued our journey. I shut my eyes and surrendered to the soothing embrace of Shadow's fur until I drifted into slumber. Can you really blame me? I've barely had any rest since entering this dungeon. The girls always assigned guard duty to me and Daniel while they rested. I could understand Lisa, Diana, and the familiars needing rest, but when did my avatars ever require sleep?

This particular floor resembled a murky marshland. The dampness in the air hung heavy, and the faint croak of distant frogs filled the otherwise eerie silence. The ground beneath us squished with each step as we navigated through the thick, knee-high reeds.

Lena's complaints faded into the background as the surroundings demanded our attention. We had to tread carefully, for the marshland concealed hidden dangers beneath the murky waters. Shadows danced on the surface, and the atmosphere was thick with an uncanny stillness.

Shadow, my loyal wolf bed, moved gracefully, her massive paws barely making a sound as she glided through the muck. Her acute senses warned us of any impending threats, and I trusted her instincts implicitly.

As we ventured deeper into this mysterious dungeon, my thoughts drifted back to the mysterious method that had been used to bring us here. From a journey for the sake of leveling up to being transported into a mysterious dungeon to losing Jenna and gaining new companions, I wondered what we would meet on the last floor. The marshland seemed calm now but how can I believe that from the start this dungeon has always been surprising us, emotion amplifying fog, transportation trap, imprisoned girl, beautiful women becoming hideous monsters. 


Like hell I'll believe this floor is without surprises!

The marshland floor of the dungeon seemed to stretch on endlessly, with no clear path in sight. The gloomy overcast sky above cast a pallor over the landscape, and the chilling breeze sent shivers down our spines. Despite the eerie ambiance, we pressed forward, driven by our determination and curiosity.

With each step, the muck seemed to grow thicker, making our progress slow and laborious. Lena, who had initially complained about not riding on Shadow's back , now adopted a serious look, looking around with eagle eyes.

I chucked upon seeing her expression.

As we ventured deeper into the marshland, the atmosphere grew more oppressive. The reeds closed in around us, creating an almost claustrophobic sensation. Strange, bioluminescent flora illuminated our path with an eerie, otherworldly glow.

Shadow's keen senses remained on high alert, her golden eyes scanning the surroundings for any potential threats her posture being protective of me. It seemed like she wanted to pay me back by protect me .

Our progress was halted abruptly by an unexpected obstacle. Multiple massive thorn-covered vines snaked out from the muck, blocking our path. They were large and seemed sentient, it was as if the marsh itself wanted to impede our advance.

'As expected ' I thought 



"You've gotten even closer," a voice said. "Well then, come to me, little fragment. I'll be waiting right here."

"I want to see what makes you the chosen one "



"Hahaha, this is it! So, this is the power of the chaos fragment. With this power, no one would stand in my way. Hahahaha."




Our eyes opened wide in awe of what we were seeing in front of us.

"This is my Domain, it's called the Inferno," the old man said with his hands behind his back, standing as straight as a pole with a dignified look on his face, which would have deceived us if we didn't know him prior to this.

"Is it a fire or a wind domain?" Draxus asked.

"It's both," the old man replied. "In this domain, wind empowers the flames, and the flames heat up the wind."

"You there," he pointed at me, "you're the one with the highest defense. Put one of your fingers into my domain."

I complied and put a finger into the domain.


I quickly took the finger out. I was shocked when I saw what happened to my finger in that fraction of a second; my finger was red, my scales already came out instinctively, but they didn't last long before they melted.

The old man smiled. "You see what I'm talking about?"

"Why didn't you...."


"Come out and face us, humans!" A loud voice boomed.


PS: I still have conjunctivitis, I forced myself to write this.

Also if you don't remember Rose, check chapter 14