

The three of them were walking towards morning class and Thomas was already slacking behind. Alex put his arm around him.

"Today we get to look at the material for your new sword! Come on Thomas get excited with me?" Alex tried to cheer Thomas up.

Thomas looked up, "Yeah you are right," he faked a smile.

All events were the same. Alex grinning his teeth in the morning, him having a panic and Corbin waltzing in. Even the outside event and class remained the same.

They sat down peacefully for lunch once more and Thomas scrambled his brain for thoughts.

"I will catch up with you guys later," Thomas waved and took his leave to head back towards the library.

Thomas sat down and pushed the orb to activate it for some privacy. He took out a book and pencil then began to scribble down a couple of notes.

[If I stay here, Alex gets killed...]

[If I save Alex, Corbin gets killed...]

He scratched his head real good, but towards no end.

"Wait!" Thomas thought all of the sudden.

Another idea came to mind. What if he tagged along with both Alex and Corbin, then prevented Alex in going in the first place? Thomas thought this idea could work after researching demons a bit more.

There was no mention of any demon like the once Thomas had encountered. It was about time he left to catch up with them before Alex would take his leave.

On his way out of the library Thomas could hear the noise of a thud and couple books falling over. He had almost forgotten about the bullying that happened yesterday, this would make it a second time in two days.

"Did you think you would get away today after lunch?!" A couple of students laughed while ganging up on the same kid from yesterday.

And Emily appeared behind Thomas and shook her head. She signaled for Thomas to let it go a second time and not intervene.

Right before Thomas left, he felt like he missed something when he walked passed and ignored the bullying that was going on like scheduled.

"Feels like I missed out on something important…" Thomas scratched the back of his head and exited the library.

Thomas found Corbin and Alex idly walking around the training ground buildings, just like before when he stalked Alex back to the start of the incident.

"Ale… Corb…!" Thomas tried to yell out their names, but each time he was interrupted by an immense pain and then fell down on his knees.

He grabbed back onto his chest similar to this morning.

"What is wrong with me? I cannot even alter this part of the event?" Thomas agonized and saw Alex turn to Corbin.

"Yo Corbin, I have something to take care of! I will pick up Thomas along the way, do you mind waiting at the rendezvous point and fetch us some cold drinks?" Alex smiled broadly.

Corbin did not suspect anything one bit and smiled with a nod. Then two people later emerged from right around the corner of one of the smaller buildings outside.

"Alex, you are coming with us!" The student back at the stairs incident grinned alongside his friend.

They wrapped their arms around Alex's shoulders so he would not escape and they headed back into the academy. Thomas saw his friend disappear and he knew where they were heading, back to the North-Eastern Wing.

This made Thomas panic when he managed to stand back up when the pain once the pain in his chest had disappeared. He walked around in circles for a few minutes.

"Are events just bound to repeat themselves?! What should I do!" Thomas cursed at his current predicament.

Another thought suddenly hit him. He rushed back and ran all over the academy to try and find Cassie. Thomas never found out where her private study room was. Every student or teacher was given one eventually, to conduct their own research and training in. One could remain at the academy after a few years and be given certain privileges.

Thomas was completely out of breath and stopped for a minute to rest. Once he looked up he saw the sign he was ironically looking for.

[Cassandra Thornbury]

He immediately banged on the door loudly and Cassie opened it to find Thomas outside.

"Thomas, you appear to be out of breath? Has something happened?" Cassie worryingly asked with an anxious look on her face.

"Alex… he is in trouble!" Thomas was still panting.

"Is this another student quarrel?" Cassie sighed, "You know that we teachers do not bother unless it is serious, right?" Cassie added, but Thomas did not change his panicked expression.

Thomas' mind was a blur from all the running and minutes left before the demon would strike and kill them again.

"Dammit Cassie, listen! There is a de---" Thomas fell on his knees.

"Not again!" Thomas thought to himself with immense pain overtaking him.

Cassie rapidly hunched down and put an arm on Thomas' shoulder, "Are you okay? What is happening with you guys?" Cassie now believed Thomas who was clearly agonizing in pain in front of her.

"De--- DE--" Thomas tried his damndest to suffer through the pain and inform Cassie at any cost, even if he had to pass out doing so.

This was the only idea he could think of. Get help from the teachers, clearly they knew and had more experience in dealing with demons first-hand. Thomas' mind began to fade and his vision blurred. Thomas really tried with all of his strength to utter the word "Demon" and warn her of what was happening in the North-Eastern wing within minutes remaining.

He could hear Cassie trying to shake him to stay conscious.

"Thomas! Thomas!" Cassie shook him back and forth.

"De---mon…" Thomas passed out from all the incurred pain.

In the complete darkness a surge of light spiked through and Thomas regained consciousness at a much familiar voice and sound coming to life.

"Rise and shine boys!" Alex grinned first thing in the morning.

"DEMON!" Thomas screamed and woke abruptly out of bed.

Thomas covered his face with his left hand, panting heavily and sat upright, just like every other time.

"Did you have a nightmare or something? Looks like you have seen a ghost!" Alex asked worryingly and sat besides him.

[Arcane System Warning]

[Thomas Rosemary]

[Your HP has been decreased to 3/5]

[Message: Your HP will be recovered the following day]

[Medicinal vials or abilities will not have an effect on you]

This time around instead of tears or sobbing, Thomas began to maniacally laugh out loud. Corbin rushed in from the bathroom and found Thomas scaring Alex, and now him with his odd behaviour.

"Wh-at hap-pe-ned?" Corbin mumbled with his toothbrush in his mouth.

Thomas apologized once he calmed down.

However in his mind Thomas was still hysterically laughing. No matter what he does, either Corbin or Alex needs to face the demon. Thomas was not even allowed help from the outside to alter the event firsthand.

Only one option remained. Thomas has to face and take down the demon himself in order to save both of his friends and prevent their deaths from happening all over.

And by the looks of the system, Thomas has not many attempts left.