
My Angel.

Oc x reader Will an ordinary girl, thrust into a world unknown to her, survive and maybe find love?

Shinigami4Lif3 · Fantasie
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13 Chs

Feather 6: My mate's a hybrid?! (Part 2)

~(Y/n) POV~

Shū replaces his mischievous smile for a gentle one. He replies, "Yes and no." I look confused at his cryptic answer. His smile broadens. "Yea, we are supernaturals but we're not like him and all those other supernaturals with mob mentality.", and towards the end of his answer his expression darkens however it immediately brightens as he continues, much like that of a child in a candy store. "There are quite a few supernaturals out there but like you asked, I shall answer the questions you have in that cute little human head of yours.", and lightly knocks his forefinger knuckle against my temple.

"Well Little One, for me, I'm just your average pureblood vampire!", before he childishly smiles towards me. It's contagious, resulting in me smiling too. Ezra and Natsuo simultaneously mutter, "Nothing about you is average nor normal." , and though I'm puzzled, I still let out a slight laugh at their statement. Shū pouts but smiles after as he continues, "Ezra, here is a werewolf and dragon hybrid. Miniature backstory: both his parents were werewolves, so I'll leave the rest for you to mull over and Ezra to tell." I look worriedly at Ezra but he just merely shrugs and says, "It's fine. Don't worry about it. I trust you. After all you're Natsuo's mate.", finishing by looking down to meet my eyes. I nod. Shū continues and I turn my attention to him, "And the blue grinch back there, is a werewolf and fallen angel hybrid." Nodding in response, I become puzzled when I hear stomping sounds before Shū crouches,  exclaiming in pain, "Ow!", clutching his head. Behind him Natsuo stands scowling. Their interactions are quite funny causing me to crack another smile.

While an argument ensues in the background, Ezra asks, "You're pretty calm about this, you know. Why is that?" I shrug, "Probably 'cause I got beat to the ground in one punch to my gut, had the wind knocked outta me, saw a guy's purple eyes flash golden and also said guy punch halfway through a thick tree trunk. Other than that, I can't really say." I shrug again and have a playful smile on my face. Ezra chuckles, "Yea, now I see why." Suddenly Shū ditches Natsuo in their argument and hurries over to me, leaving a fuming Natsuo in his wake.

"Aww, you poor thing.",Shū comforts. "That mutt is gonna get his a** handed to him!", a growl is emitted from Shū and the childish voice Shū uses to talk, just went out the window and is replaced by a deep guttural one. Natsuo walks up to us, glances towards me and then he himself growls out in a lower voice than usual, looking away to the side as he speaks, "Get in line, loser. He is gonna get what's coming to him and I'll be sure to make him squirm in agony before I'm done with him. He's. Mine. First."

Shū sighs in defeat, "You'll get to have all the fun but I guess in this case I'm willing to let it go." Nothing else is said due to loud growls coming from where Travin flew into several trees, causing us all to look in that direction. The man himself soon emerges, snarling, "You're gonna pay for that, Kobayashi." Natsuo scowls, "Hah?", he questions before he dissolves into a fit of dark chuckles. It's kinda unsettling but even more so when Natsuo's eyes start losing their shine. Finally Natsuo stops laughing abruptly, "Like h*ll I'm gonna be the one paying dearly. You're gonna wish that you would've ran first chance you got."

Travin roars, "Die, Kobayashi!", before crouching to the ground on all fours. Purple tendrils begin coming out of the ground to form a dense mist cloaking Travin's form from us, well I guess, me, to be more precise. Natsuo monotonously orders; voice still unusually low, "You guys should get back." This causes both Shū and Ezra to simultaneously cuss, "Sh*t!", before they immediately turn to jump onto the nearest tree branch, before jumping higher up, distancing us from the fight about to occur down below.

I'm a little shocked by that feat but then I remember that these guys are supernaturals. 'I should really commit that to memory...', I internally facepalm myself at my forgetfulness. Looking down at the forest floor, the purple mist once cloaking Travin in a dense cloud has vanished and where the male once was, is a brown wolf with purple tints in its fur; however I'm not surprised about this, as now I've seen that supernaturals actually exist with my own two eyes, so that must be Travin shifting. What can I say, I love fantasy books and it's a given that this kind of thing goes hand-in-hand with fantasy anyways.

Focusing back on the forest floor, from what I see, Natsuo looks pretty calm and his black wings from a higher vantage point make his wings look absolutely magnificent. An all consuming black that swallows the light shining on it and yet it looks like the most beautiful and harmless thing on earth. Talk about beauty having a dark side. 'I wonder if his feathers are soft? Are the- Nope! Not going there! He's a jerk. A really strong jerk too...Hmph.'

The brown wolf lunges towards Natsuo, fangs bared and growls ripping through the air from the animal. When the wolf is about to make contact, Natsuo side-steps it. The wolf crashes into the ground, pushing up soil. It gets up, snarling. Natsuo has a disinterested look on his face. Seeing this the wolf begins to run at Natsuo; moving faster than before; aiming for his ankles. Natsuo jumps into the air above the wolf and lands a kick to its spine. It whines in pain, as Natsuo lands a little away from it. I flinch at the fallen animal's wounded cry.

The animal shakely gets up. It shakes off the soil from its coat. The wolf lunges again at Natsuo but Natsuo dodges to the side once more, however while the wolf is in mid-air, Natsuo kicks it in the stomach, resulting in it sailing through the air and landing hard against a tree trunk. Once more the animal whines in pain but it soon changes into enraged growls. It picks itself up once more and begins running towards Natsuo another time, this time aiming for Natsuo's head. When the wolf gets in close enough, Natsuo's left wing bats the wolf away, like it was nothing but a pesky fly. 'Guess that he is a pesky fly anyway. Haha...I'm so bad. I'm enjoying this and wishing I had popcorn to boot...Nah, nevermind, that Travin deserves it for tryna kill me. Jerk.'

Natsuo turns to the fallen wolf and begins walking towards it. It tries to get up but fails. Natsuo stomps on its head, the wolf whimpering in response. Natsuo "tsks", shaking his head, "Not so tough on your own, huh? Your wolf knew who was superior in a one-on-one fight, always. But you forced him against his instincts and look where that has landed you. On the floor, in pain and whimpering. Moron."

He stomps on the wolf's head again, the whimpering turning into whines. "If you continue like this, both you and your wolf will die. And if you keep pursuing me... you'll definitely die." At this point, Natsuo's aura completely shifted into one of the darkest auras I've ever felt, even Shū goes rigid, dropping a few shades paler and Ezra becoming as stiff as a board, a slight shiver racing through him. Natsuo squats down, picks up the wolf's front paw, resulting in the wolf growling and whining alternately.

A loud pained howl echoes through the forest as a disturbing crack slices through the air. The wolf's front paw is broken. Natsuo stands up, his aura lightening as he walks further away from the fallen creature that is now shifting back into Travin. The dense purple mist cloaks Travin as he lies writhing on the ground, though no one pays him any mind. Natsuo stops at the base of the tree the three of us are on and looks up at us, with dull, lifeless eyes. I shiver.

(A/N: I hope you guys are enjoying the story so far and thank you all for reading ^_^ )