

I shall never forget that certain summer for for it was when my father King Israel Houghton died. Right in front of my eyes he was struck dead .

Before that, my father wanted me to get married to the prince of Persia to create peace and prevent war that has been going on for years between England and Persia.

But I obliged. I didn't want to be used as s pawn in their game of politics.

As a princess, you need to make sacrifices for your kingdom even if it cost your life. it is your fate.

"Fate", I laughed sarcastically, then I would rather die than be married off to a man I don't know and might not probably love.

" Cassandra, Do you think your mother and I got married because we were in love with each other, it was after our arranged marriage we fell in love. if you can successfully give birth to a male child for the prince, then England would become more powerful. By that time If you want to divorce then I won't go against you but for now do as I say. my father said sternly.

"Father, I finally realized that you had never loved me. I am just a pawn in your he if chess, you only want to use me then cast me aside after am useless.