
Chapter - 27

(Xavier P.O.V)

After attending the meeting I shake hands with my clients and walk them out of the conference room. I tell my secretary to get the papers ready and walk towards my office thinking of the way to asks her out and where to take her if she agrees to go on a date with me. It would be the first time that I would be taking someone on a date.

But would she agree to go on a date with me? What if she rejects it because it was a high chance of her rejecting me because I think she seems from the persons who would like to keep their personal and professional life separates from each other.

"Stop being a coward and asks her out, you are an alpha for god sake and you have girls go on their knees for you," my wolf Knight said to me with an annoyed growl.

"But she is not any other girl, she is our mate, and it was easy said than done," I argued with my wolf but he just blocks me out.