
My accidental isekai life as a Plunderer

A 19-year-old boy was caught in an accident and got a chance to travel into anime worlds. So, what changes will he bring into the story?

RoneGreninja · Anime und Comics
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65 Chs

Chapter 41: Rift

After Shimizu was captured, we dragged him across the battlefield and presented him in front of Aiko. While on our way, Tohru gave him the death glare the whole time. If glare could kill, Shimizu would have died hundreds of times.

Ignoring her for now I looked at Aiko, she had a complicated look on her face. Well, that is to be expected, it was confirmed now the instigator of this incident was Shimizu one of her students, whom she wished to protect. But looking at my side, the way Tohru continuously glared at him… it was only a matter of time before she jumped at him. 

"Sigh." let's leave it at that.

"Shimizu wake up, Shimizu can you hear me, Shimizu… open your eyes."

Aiko, for the past few minutes continuously called him, trying to wake him. Shimizu finally woke up. Opening his eyes, Shimizu remembered his situation and jolted awake. He warily looked at his surroundings, but before he could make any moves, Aiko grabbed his shoulder and said in her energetic tone, "Calm down, Shimizu. We don't want to hurt you!"


Shimizu calmed down but I noticed his eyes were still darting around, probably finding an escape route. I then looked at the others who were the witnesses here, from the looks of things only Hajime noticed his strange behaviour.

Just as I thought that, Hajime informed me using telepathy, [Be ready, he might make a move.]

[Yeah, I have noticed it don't worry nothing will happen to Aiko sensei in my watch.] saying that Hajime cut the telepathy.

As I watched, Aiko started to question Shimizu gently, "Shimizu, I like to talk things out with you. Why… why did you do this? Could you tell me what you were feeling?" Aiko slowly asked.

Shimizu hearing her question felt irritated, he wanted to lash out. But he controlled himself and spoke in a calm voice, "Why you ask? Can't you tell by looking? You really are a bunch of Idiots… isn't it obvious it is because I am the true hero, unlike that fake? I was just showing them how much I am worth. If only you guys didn't interfere, I would have shown them." Shimizu's irritation poured out.

Hearing Shimizu's response, Aikawa one of Aiko's students felt horrified and angrily said, "Do you even understand what you did?! If Rihito and Hajime weren't here, do you have any idea how many people would have died? There are children inside the city, they would have died."

Yuka feeling similar to Aikawa also spoke up, "Do you have any idea how much Ai sensei was worried about you?! The whole time you were missing she continuously searched for you in the whole city. And you were doing what, planning to destroy the city, using your power for that do you think, it is the right thing to do?"

Yuka wanted to say more, but Aiko stopped her with her hand, "Shimizu, you must have been very frustrated. I am sorry that I didn't notice. But as Aikawa and Yuka said you shouldn't use your strength like that, you can't prove your worth with such things. If you wanted to spare us, why didn't you choose a way that shouldn't cause casualties."

Shimizu, the more he hears them rambling the more irritated he gets. [Doing things right they say, I was doing things my way and I was conquering this city. I was about to become an Emperor; you people are the ones in my way. I really want to kill all of you, but I can't. Those two white hair guys are watching me, I can't make sudden moves.] Shimizu then looked at Aiko and smiled cruelly.

From inside his robe, he pulled out a poisonous needle, which he kept for an emergency. Shimizu then readied himself, he waited until Aiko got closer to him. Before he takes Aiko as hostage he speaks up, "Who said that I wanted to prove my strength to you?"

He grabbed Aiko by her neck, then pointed a needle at her neck and threatened everyone, "No one moves, this needle is coated with a viscus poison. If anybody moves, I will stab her."

"One stab and she will die a long and painful death, thanks to the poison!" Shimizu said with a psychotic grin.

Hearing those words from Shimizu I was disappointed. After he said those generic threats like 'drop your weapons' and all that.

Aiko still tried to reason with him, but at this point, anybody could see he was too far gone to reason with anyone. And just to prove what I was thinking he said himself, he made a pact with demons to kill Aiko. Shaken by his threat everybody dropped their weapon, except us that is.

Shimizu then looked at us with a scowl, "You!"

I pointed at myself, "Me."

"Not you, him the one beside you with the robotic arms, eyepatch and gun."

I then looked at Hajime pointing his gun at Shimizu.

"You chuunibio fucker. Give me your gun or she gets it." Shimizu said.

Hearing Shimizu's words I tried to hold my laughter and looked at Hajime. He looked dumbfounded. Seeing him confused like that, it became harder for me to hold my laughter. I was practically shaking.


Unable to hold it any more I busted out in a laughing fit, "Hahahaha… that was hilarious." wiping my tears I muttered, "It has been a while since I laughed that hard."

All the while Hajime with hands on his forehead was shaking and muttering, "I am not a chuunibio," repeatedly.

Shimizu seeing our antics was angry because we didn't take him seriously. So, he screamed at us, "You bastards, stop screwing around! No more games or I will kill her, for real."

Hearing those words, I looked at him with contempt and said, "Are you stupid or something."

Shimizu eyes became bloodshot when hearing my words.

"You do understand the only thing keeping you safe from us is Aiko and the moment you harm her, there is nothing stopping us from capturing you or worse," my gaze became sharper and my eyes started to glow, "kill you."

Shimizu, feeling my gaze's intensity, gritted his teeth and said, "S…shaddap! Spare me your logic and do as I say! Give me those guns now, or I will kill her."

Sighing, this time, I looked at Aiko sensei, "Sensei you understand right? He is not the same Shimizu you knew any more. You know that don't you."

Aiko with a hurt tone, spoke up, "Rihito, I…I still want to save him and go back together with everyone." Aiko said in a plea.

"I am sorry sensei, but I can't allow that. The way he is now do you really think, he will go back like he used to," I shook my head and pulled out the mask and wore it.




Shea, Yue, Aiko, and her students see me wearing the mask, and their eyes widen. While Tio looked confused and Tohru was too angry to care about the mask. As for Hajime, he readied himself to pull the trigger.

Shimizu getting tired of stalling time said an ultimatum, "I will give you ten seconds if you don't give me those guns I will stab her."

He then started the count, "10. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1."

Saying that, the moment he tried to stab her Shimizu felt weird. He felt lighter on the right side, but the strange thing was that he was unable to move his right hand.



Hearing something falling Shimizu looked at his right shoulder. There he saw, from his shoulder to his armpits, nothing was there, except blood pouring out. Shimizu feeling the horror and pain released Aiko and curled into the ground and screamed, "My arm!!! My arm!!! My arm!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!! It hurts!!!"

Aiko from the sudden push from Shimizu stumbled and was confused as to what happened. She stood up and looked back to Shimizu bleeding out in the ground. Aiko feeling horrified went towards Shimizu and tried to stop the blood, but failing at it. She then started to beg us, "Please Rihito, Hajime save him."

Suddenly, I sensed danger from behind Aiko. I used my <Superhuman Speed> to move and protect her. I swung my sword and cut down a magic attack, then looked in the direction it came from. There, I saw a long-eared man standing with a flying mount.

I then went after him leaving my last word to Hajime through telepathy, [If you are going to kill him, let Tohru do it.]

Demon, "Damnit, he blocked it." the demon said in frustration. He was ordered by lord Freid to assassinate the human called the goddess of fertility. But it failed, "Tsk, I should get out of here," saying as he went toward the mutated flying eagle.

When he looked back, he was shocked, there, the human that blocked his attack was standing. On his side, his mount mutated eagle was lying dead without its head.

Seeing all this the demon broke out in a cold sweat, [What should he do?], the demon thought to itself.

Then he heard a cold voice from the human, who was now suddenly standing in front of him, "I have a few questions if you don't mind answering."

On the other side, Shimizu was still bleeding out. Aiko's students seeing him in this condition tried to stop the bleeding. While Aiko begged Hajime to help him.

"Please Hajime help him."

Hajime was willing to listen to her request, but before that, he asked Aiko, "Tell me, sensei if he dies here will you hate Rihito."


Aiko hearing the sudden question was stumped, "I, I, I" Aiko then took a deep breath and spoke resolutely, "I will still consider him as my student."

"I see" saying that he walked up to Shimizu and asked him a question, which would decide his fate.

"Shimizu tell me are you, our enemy?" Hajime asked narrowing his eyes.

Shimizu smirking with his last breath said, "I am not an Enemy… there must be something wrong with me… I must be controlled by those damned demons… I won't do this again… if you save me, I will do anything… I will make an army of monsters for you. I will brainwash any woman for you… I will swear loyalty to you… so please save me…"




Hearing those words, everyone was silent and horrified. It was as Rihito said, even if they go back to their world, the current Shimizu is too far gone to be saved.

Hajime looks at Aiko who has a hopeful look. He then put his guns in his holster and said to Tohru, "Tohru it's your turn."

Hajime said the rest of the message through telepathy, [Do not cremate the body. Finish it in one blow. It was Rihito's order.]

Tohru then walked up to Shimizu and looked at him with murderous eyes. 

Aiko felt something wrong, she was about to say something, but before she could. Tohru instantly turned her hands to dragon claw and the gauntlet she was wearing also resized itself according to her claw size. She then attacked his chest reaped his heart out and burned it instantly.

Aiko witnessing all this screamed out in sadness, "Nooo!!."

"Chapter end"


Author note:

I am busy with my job, so the next chapter will take time. Thank you.

(If you like my story please comment, give me power stone, and Rate my FF. It will motivate me plenty to write more. Thank you.)