

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 26

"So, Scar…..That is your little sister?" I asked.

He nodded and said, "Yes….Her name is Grace,"

'Hmm... so her name is Grace, huh?' I glanced at the little girl sleeping in the bed. I could clearly hear her panting sound from here. The game didn't have her as a character. She was just a trigger that initiated Scar to become evil and corrupted.

While I was immersed in thoughts, Scar called me out,

"Um-mn excuse me, sir…."

I turned towards him and saw him fidgeting,

"Hmm? What is it?"

He suddenly stood up from his seat, and leaned his body in a bow, "Sir…. I am really sorry!"

I was caught a little off guard because of his sudden apology.

"I- I tried to steal your belongings. I am really sorry." He said, his voice trembling and eyes shut.

'Oh!' I slightly exclaimed inwardly. 'But it was a deliberate attempt by me. I just took a chance to try my luck and set up bait. And you took the bait.' Of course, I didn't speak that part out loud.

I asserted my position in the chair more firmly. I put one of my legs over the other and leaned against the chair. I gazed over his figure, which was still in a bowing pose, with straight eyes.

"Well…." He trembled as I spoke up, I can guess he is becoming nervous.

"you really tried to steal from me…..there is no denying it. Though I understand now and you had some circumstances, which may have led you to do that. But….." I paused for a moment, letting everything I said to sink into his mind.

His body was trembling slightly, maybe he is worried I will do something to him.

I continued, "But, I don't think that negates the issue that you have indeed tried to attempt a theft. And so….you are needed to be put under an appropriate punishment."

*GUlp* I could hear a clear gulping sound coming from him.

"Y-yes!" He acknowledged my words.

Nodding, I proceeded to continue, "So, you must-"

Knock- Knock-

But before I could continue, a knocking sound was heard, "It's me Cloud. May I enter?" followed by Cloud's voice.

'Oh! He is back! Well, that was fast... And most importantly, he didn't call me lord. Looks like he is growing.'

Hearing Cloud's voice I decided to pause my conversation with Scar and beckoned Cloud to enter the room.

"Ah! Yes. Cloud, please come in."

Following my reply, the door slowly opened with a creaking sound, and Cloud's figure came into my view.

Seeing Scar bowing his head in front of me, he stopped in his tracks and looked toward me.

I waved my hand, indicating for him to get closer, and not mind Scar.

He complied and walked to me. He gave me a short bow.

'WHY HELL DID YOU BOW!? I just thought you were growing up. Don't you know how to act undercover!?' I facepalmed inwardly at his actions.

Still, I acknowledged his bow with a simple nod.

"Have you brought that?"

He nodded, took out a small crystal bottle from his inner pocket, and presented it in front of me.

There was a purple-colored liquid inside it. The liquid was glittering. It was clearly no ordinary liquid.

Taking the bottle in my hand, I asked Cloud, "Is it that?"

He nodded again, and replied, "Yes, this is the highest-grade recovery potion of the church. There were only three of these bottles left when I went there."

Hearing the word 'high-grade potion', Scar who was still bowing jolted his head up, his eyes and mouth wide open, staring at the potion in my hands.

Ignoring him for the moment, I addressed Cloud, "Thank you for your hard work Cloud, You may leave now."

Cloud, bowed down, before glancing at Scar and the sleeping Grace, and taking his leave.

After Cloud closed the door behind him, Scar hurriedly spoke up, "Si-sir….this is…."

I nodded and placed the potion on the table, "This is the highest-grade potion. I bought it for your sister." saying so I pointed at the brew, "Take it and make her drink. It will cure her."

Scar's eyes were still wide, "Wh-why?..." His voice trembled.

"Why?...cause why not?" I said keeping a nonchalant expression.

He remained silent after hearing me. I think he understood what I meant by that statement. He has a genius mind, so it will not be hard for him to understand what I meant. But maybe he wants me to elaborate on the statement so that everything becomes much clearer.

"Does it really matter if I want to help a little girl who is sick? If I hesitate to spend some money to help her, then I will be inhumane."

Although my main purpose for doing all this is to get Scar as my ally, I am still genuinely worried about the life of this girl. In the game, she was fated to die. I can think of other ways to make Scar my subordinate. I am by no means a goody-generous person. And I don't even have the wealth and capability to help every people in need. But it would really strike me if I didn't help her only because of a small amount of money.

Don't get me wrong, I know that ten gold coins are a good amount of money, but it's not so much that can actually affect me. The economy of the barony will not crumble if I spend this money here, rather if I can win over Scar's trust, it would help me in the long run. If I needed to spend more money to help her, I would have radially given up on her. But as it's only ten gold coins, I can very much agree with spending that.

This time, streaks of tears began to flow off his eyes.

"Here…."I beckoned him again.

He took the bottle from me with trembling hands. "Thank you…." as tears of gratitude flow from his eyes.

He walked towards the sleeping Grace and made her drink the entire potion slowly.

After the bottle was empty I said, "Well, it will take some time, She will be fine."

"Yes," Scar seconded me with a nod.

Silence fell. None of us spoke anything.

'Well….this is getting awkward, what should I say now?' I thought inwardly.

And then after a few moments of silence, Scar finally spoke.


"Hmm? What?"

"Who are you?....." He said,


He paused for a second, before continuing, "Sir, I understood that you are no commoner…."

'Oh!!' I lightly exclaimed in my mind, "....and…why do you think that?"

He looked at me and continued, "Sir….first of all, no ordinary commoner keeps so many gold coins with them, as you have."

"Hmm….but that doesn't prove anything though…." I said nonchalantly, not showing any emotion. I don't know if I could keep my nonchalant facade.

He then sighed and continued, "The way your companions treat you. Their attitude is unusual towards you. Such behaviour is only shown by subordinates to their masters. Though they have tried hard to cover that up, they have failed miserably."

'Well….yeah, they really can't play undercover at all. Whatever I say, they take it as an order.'

But I still didn't change my nonchalant facade, just stared at him.

He added, "Plus, sir….you don't look like a commoner."

I slightly raised my eyebrows at that statement.

He sighed again, "Sir, you are too handsome…"


"You are too handsome to be a commoner. And I think even among novels there is rarely somebody as handsome as you."

Hearing him complimenting my looks, I subconsciously rubbed my face. 'Well, there is no doubt I am handsome…'

"Sir, you wore commoner's clothes. Stayed in this old inn. And even visited the slums…..I don't know why….but you helped me and my little sister. So for us, you are by no means a bad person. Rather you are our saviour." Saying so, he bowed his head again. "I am not sure if I am qualified to know your identity, but I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you….thank you so much…"

I stared at him bowing, and released a sigh, *haaa~*

"It's not that you are not qualified to know my identity, but first…Scar, you didn't tell me anything about yourself."

Scar raised his head and looked at me, as I continued.

"I want to know about you guys, how you ended up in the slums, what's your story...Will you tell me about yourself?" I asked him.

Hearing my question, his expression became complicated. He was going to say something but I was fast.

"Don't worry, I am not forcing you to say anything. But if you want, you can share that with me, take your time." I looked at the sleeping figure of Grace, who was showing subtle movements. "I will come back, later on, you can think about it in the mean and answer me later. For now, look after your sister. I guess she will wake up."

Scar nodded, he also probably thought about taking a while before answering.

"And yeah,...." I glanced at his clothes. "You should probably take a bath and wash,....your clothes are not in the best condition either, I will send somebody to fetch some new clothes for you and your sister."

"T-thank you...." He thanked me again.

I nonchalantly waved by hand. Indicating it's not a big deal.

"Cloud will be standing outside the room, if you need anything to call out for him, alright?"

He nodded.

So. I left the brother-sister due alone and exited the room.

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