

I got transmigrated. It's a reverse harem game(otome game). The heroine and her chosen capture target are already together. The other capture targets are already in love with the heroine. But the villainess was punished and abandoned. What is this? Nobody wants her? Alright guess I will keep her for myself and live happily. But that's not the end there's more to come. Join our mc and villainess and add this story to your collections. #I am not a native english speaker. So you can expect mistakes. I will not make false claims saying the mc will be super intelligent that even gods are fool infront of him. That's just a display of author's pure stupidity. I will try to make it a bit realistic. (Don't keep really high expectations. It's my first time writting something like this.) Yeah so please go easy on me. Regards Koushik2002 Cover is not mine * and yeah give me some power stones too.

Surtor · Fantasie
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30 Chs

Chapter 14

*Aldrich POV*

I was standing in front of the podium. Not exactly, I was practically standing on the podium. Well, that doesn't matter anyway. 

Coming back to the main topic, I am currently going through all those crazy things that happened to me just a few moments ago in my head. Truly, how much crazy stuff can a person withstand in their life?


I sighed, trying to reduce some mental stress that was building up in my mind.


Then I started recalling all that happened to me a few moments ago. First, I thought that I was going to join the grim reaper. Because of that damn flower and my own foolishness, I almost literally got frozen to death. 

Really, these two subsequent incidents or accidents shook me to my core. The first was that encounter with that f*cking avalanche. That thing almost swallowed me as a whole. The entirety of my past life and the two weeks I spent in this world literally flashed by my eye.

And now this, even acting so cautious I still got caught up in this. Maybe I thought there won't be any dangers as the heroine in the game didn't encounter any. But how could I forget that this place is not the one which appeared in the game?


I sighed again.

"But then again….." 

I muttered as I looked toward my body. I could feel my body getting a lot taller than before. Before I was around 5′10″. I would say it was a standard height for me. But right now I am at least 6′3″. Yeah, that was a heck of a jump in height for me. 

Plus my body, though I am currently on jackets to fend off the cold, I could clearly feel my body has undergone a huge change. Say it my arms, they were now much larger and had just the right amount of muscle in every place. 

Though I am working out, following the training methods from my original world for the past two weeks, and of course that significantly modified my physique from a fat guy to a lean man, this transformation I have gone through now can not even hold a candle in front of that. 

I would say, the body I currently have is even better than the one I worked so hard to obtain in my past world. And instead of saddening me, it was giving me a shit ton of ecstasy.

"Now I can proudly say that I have the best physique in the world."

I mused out loud.

"I wonder how much my looks have changed." I looked at the podium ground. Which had a surface so smooth that it can be used like a mirror. 

I leaned forward to look at my reflection on its smooth surface. 

Upon seeing my face in the reflection, a light whistle escaped my mouth. 


That face was so surreal. Though my overall facial features didn't change, I still had the face of Aldrich. But, how should I describe it? They have become a hundred times refined? Yes! When I say a hundred times, I am not exaggerating even a little. Now my face has become one that countless celebrities and models may die for.

Sharp eyes, smooth nose, broad jawline, well let's not talk about the lips. This will be a too feminine description of myself. Well, overall I am now dashingly handsome.

"I guess not even the capture targets can come close to me in terms of looks," I muttered, chuckling at the end a little.

Then I noticed my hair. Its length has grown, and it reaches up to my shoulder now. But the most noticeable thing is the colour my hair currently has. Before I had short dark brown hair, with a bit of a shaggier touch in it. But now that's totally gone. Instead of that, there was shoulder-length silky hair, colored in deep sea blue.  If anybody who knows Aldrich sees me like this, they will be genuinely confused.

"It's going to be a heck of a job, explaining this to Joseph and the others at the mansion."*huhu I chuckled warily. ( It sounded like an old man's laugh though. )

After looking through my appearance, I started to think carefully about the experience I just had. 

After being frozen, I felt my soul being sucked into the darkness. Logically seeing, that should be the end of me, but it wasn't. More like that was the beginning of everything. I couldn't actually see what happened but felt everything. 

Inside my soul, new components of matter started to add from outside. It was not a physical substance but more like a distinct form of mental and spiritual energy. What was more interesting is that these outer components didn't affect my soul at all. Instead, my soul forcibly made them blend in it. 

With the addition of these components,  a new system of laws started to engrave itself in my soul. And slowly I learned an entirely new concept of reality. 

Waking up from my thoughts, I recalled the laws that I learned, and slowly, a chilling air excluded from my body. Ice started to manifest itself under my feet, and both of my hands started to cover in ice. I felt like if I use this power, I can literally freeze this entire area into a block of ice. But I can also feel a significant lack of mana inside my body to accomplish that possibility.

I understood that crystal-like flower had something to do with this power I just gained. This didn't really help me to awaken an element. Instead, it did something which made me gain control over the ice element. 

"Heh~ isn't that a bit broken?...." I mused. Honestly, that was just insane.

"Just what the hell was that flower? There was nothing so broken like that thing in the game that I heard of."

After checking out the changes in myself, I looked at the deep blue orb which was sitting alone on the podium.

"Now, what does that do?" I was curious. Would it also give me some cool powers like the flower?

Thinking that I got closer and grabbed the orb. It was not that big, just half the size of my fist.

After grabbing it, there was no reaction. I picked it up and brought it closer. Still, nothing happened. 

"Hmm? Nothing?" I muttered in confusion.

"Haa~ guess this  does nothing." I sighed. And shook the orb.

As it didn't do anything, I quickly lost interest in it. 

Then I remembered that I am still barefoot with no shoes on. I looked for my shoes to find them laying nearby. I walked up to them and kept the orb inside my pocket. I kneeled down and put on my shoes, and rose up.

"Alright. Now…." I realised that I have no way to get back.

"Do I swim back and find a way out? Haaa~"  A depressing sigh escaped my mouth. As the image of the borders of the barony came to my mind.

And suddenly, the orb inside my pocket began to glow. Without giving me the time to react, my surroundings changed.

I was dumbfounded. 

"W-what!?" I exclaimed in surprise.

I looked around my surroundings and I saw that I was in front of the borders of our barony. 

I hurriedly took out the orb and saw the glowing stopped.

"Did this thing do that!?" That was really surprising.

"Damn who knew this could teleport people!!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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