
My A.M.A.Z.O Journey

I wished, I wished so hard, luckily darkness didn't leave me in my last moments

wheel_of_power · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


A crack formed in my mental barrier which suppressed my negative emotions and memories, breathing more rapidly my barriers which regulated my feeling and memories allowed them to slip through. An overbearing pressure descended upon the ship, falling to my knees tears fell from emotionless eyes, it hit with full force.


Hearing blackfires scream my eyes focused on her, getting a grip I circulated my energy slowly repairing the crack "AMAZO! I'm sorry" On my hands and knees I fixed the crack returning the pressure to normal. Controlling my stuttering breath I could hear blackfire apologizing over and over again trying to help fix her mistake. I know she was apologizing out of fear for her life but it was so genuine, she embraced my body in a tight hug, as if holding on for dear life. Hugging her back it felt warm.

After a couple of minutes I finally stopped stuttering, leaning back I plopped on my back and blackfire released a breath of relief. "I'm sorry" Shaking my head I finally understood why she became so defensive " I'm sorry" Getting up I pulled her to her feet with a yank, staring into each others eyes we started to laugh, her because she almost died due to her stupid mistake and me because I almost killed everyone. Everyone in the room looked at us incredulously, like we were crazy.

With continued laughter she spoke into her com "Manditory inspection, check the state of the ships and return to formation, report any ships that are out of commission"

It took hours but we were flying with no problems, sitting silently I spoke up "So how did it feel screaming my name, you hugged me pretty tight to"

"Shut the fuck up"

"Not only that as compensation I feel you should heal me"

"Hear me out though, are we not even, think about it"

"No! Because you did it first and were too much of a bitch and almost killed us all" Not speaking anymore she continued "So, are you gonna heal me"



Looking back at me with a smirk she got up started to poke me "How does it feel"

"How does what feel?"

"Being wrong"

Slapping her pokes away I spoke with a smirk as well " Why don't you tell me, you have the most experience" Dodging her punches I laughed uncontrollably and the event from before faded almost immediately from my mind, not only that but I could tell blackfire was opening up as well. She was my first friend.


The week passed insanely fast while me and blackfire just talked most of the time. Though she also offered to spar and train me in combat which quickly became one sided and caused her to not talk me to for a good while. Not only that but I recreated some board games from my past life to play like chess, uno, scramble, and more. That was fun because she lost every time causing her to go into multiple rage quits

" This is stupid! Fuck you and this game!"

Remembering them an evil smile on my face, watching the light fade from someones eyes as they lose more and more money in monopoly brings an indescribable feeling. "we're gonna be entering Okaara soon, prepare defenses and troops" Floating above her we finally made it to Okaara with her slow ass ships "Finally"

Ignoring my comment she got up and went to change into her combat clothes, her skills have grown since we started sparring so she was a good chunk more powerful. Sensing something I looked at the planet out of the corner of my eyes, the layers started to become transparent, finally at the core, locking eyes with a woman she spewed copious amount of energy.

Smiling at her she adorned a surprised expression, looking away blackfire noticed my zoned out state. "Is everything good", Nodding she sat in her chair with a smile " Conformation" The coms buzzed as the other ships gave the ready "Engage, kill if you must but detain, they are useful warriors"

Hundreds of smaller ships dove into the atmosphere with great speed breaking the sound barrier "Ship-AL and IO, keep a look out of all sides" She spoke to the other two massive ships which were parked on either side of us. " Lets touch ground" Shrugging my shoulders I was pretty sure I was gonna have to get involved, the being which resided in the core was far too powerful for this band of soldiers.

"Race you there"

Running she sprinted after me, getting into a combat ship he floated out of the hanger before blasting off towards the surface. I could sense the fire fight which was happening and lives were lost each second "There isn't that many Okaarans so that shouldn't be a problem, but there is one issue"

"Issue, what issue could there possibly be"

"You know the god you worship"


Patting her shoulder from the seat behind her I smiled with my eyes closed "She at the center of the planet and is coming to annihilate your troops" She scoffed but seeing I wasn't laughing her expression became solemn. A large pulse of energy knocked us back, we were just outside the atmosphere, explosions lines the air, all that was left of the fighter ships was black smoke which drifted and dissipated.

' This can't be happening, the planning, the resources' Gripping the steering wheel with wrath fueled strength she almost pulled the whole thing from the dash. "Well, that was unfortunate "

"Now's not the time for your smart ass remarks "

"When isn't the time, so what are you gonna do, you can't beat a god, you'd need technology or power on the same level"

Parking the ship in its spot she got up and stood in front of me, slapping both hands on my shoulders she smiled "Looks like today's my lucky day" Chuckling a little bit my face hardened "No" Holding my arm in between her breasts she pleaded "My army is literally being destroyed right now and you won't even help a friend out, I thought we were friends" Her face fell, full of sadness and betrayal.

Seeing that I raised my hands in the air in surrender "Fine, because you're my first friend, I'll help you out, no strings attached" Floating down I went to fight X'Hal.


(blackfire POV)

'Naive bastard'