
My A.M.A.Z.O Journey

I wished, I wished so hard, luckily darkness didn't leave me in my last moments

wheel_of_power · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs


"Lets go then"

[Accepted mission]

[Crossing bridge]


My body started to turned into dust until the final count down


The world went black until I gained consciousness, things were hazy but everything clicked, things became clear. Looking down at my hands they were a grayish metallic. Clenching my fist it wasn't like a muscle, my body didn't need to conform to a specific shape, it was what I willed it to be.

'The human body is both efficient and fragile, to many components, too much maintenance is required. AMAZO's body is amazing'. I already had his memories before my cross over so I know that Ivo's dead and lex should be coming any minute now. ' It would be best to get rid of him now before he causes any hindrance to me later'

Hearing a knock at the door I hid in a separate room , after he kicked the door down and entered with a lowered guard my fist turned into a spike ' on second thought' Scanning his suit it was like an instinct. My body shifted into a replica armor but grey, walking calmly behind him I pushed him onto the floor before blasting him in his unprotected skull. An energy shield blocked it from reaching as he struggled but I just focused the blast awarding it more piercing power.

His shield broke away and a minute hole drilled its way through his skull and the lower levels of the house. 'That takes care of that' I didn't react for some reason but I felt it had to do with the extreme emotion drain I have been put through, or Amazo's android like physiology had affected my psyche. 'Food for thought, right now lets just get the rest of the league's powers, first lets take out batman, right now he should be with superman at lex corp.'

"Hey what was the point of a base appearance if I was just gonna be amazo?"

[Ones base appearance can be switched to at any time if you so please, its perfect, even if one looked at you with eyes that discern the truth they would find only a human and nothing more]


Flying off into the sky I landed on a library building, switching to my base appearance with a thought I broke in. Plugging into a computer I closed my eyes, soon I gained access to the internet, my physiology was really a boon. Downloading everything it had to offer I was disgusted, the things that I viewed were appalling, its bad far outweighed the good, the justice league may deal with super-powered villains but the true villains were in hiding unhindered.

"Can I go to other universes like marvel or something like that, it slipped my mind"

[Yes, the chaos or ripple effect you create, generates cosmic energy which is then used to power your travels]

"So all I have to do is create some ripples huh, that's easy" To generate good ripples is far harder than generating chaos. 'To travel to other worlds and go on adventures with my favorite character... There's really nothing I wouldn't do' Jumping up and down as i cycled through several martial arts styles I nodded in satisfaction.

"Better pull out your dukes batman because I'm about to woop dat ass"

Chuckling at my own joke I walked through the hole I created in the roof "I haven't had this much fun, well, in forever" Flying through the sky I landed on the roof of lex corp, focusing my eyes I scanned the building, I found batman and supes walking out of the front door while also trying to contact somebody 'It seems that the martian is having a problem with his telepathy. Scanning supermans body I could feel my form shift before returning to normal. Pointing my finger like a gun I focused energy into my finger tip, this energy launched itself towards batmans head, it was almost paper thin.

Superman suddenly shifted his arm and blocked the shot ' Looks like he heard it, annoying but I'll just get the rest of the leagues powers first, I only tried to take him out because, he has to many contingencies, he's currently my only weakness' Pulling back I flew towards the center of the city to quickly acquire power 'How should I attract them' Seeing a waste filled section of water I ignited it with heat vision. Floating on my back I waited for one of the league to come.

'Damn this is taking forever'

Finally after a couple minutes green lantern swooped in and used a construct to scoop all of the oil infested water then created a vacuum extinguishing it. Scanning his body a ring appeared on my finger, I not only copied its powers but the equipment itself, its revolutionary technology. Using the knowledge I gained from the internet as a basis I slowly incorporated it into my physiology.

It took almost an entire day but considering I had to use backwater earth data to reverse engineer one of the most powerful pieces of technology in the universe. It was not that bad. I was flying, mentally speaking, I haven't been this interested in things since I first got onto the internet. Everything was just so easy to understand, way different than when I was human, while humans took several decades to master a craft it took me seconds, it took humans million of years to evolve but I am constantly evolving, adapting the strength that I absorb.

Rolling my shoulder the energy within my body flowed with greater efficiency and I could feel myself on the right track. "All that's left is martian man hunter, hawk girl, flash, and wonder woman" Floating I shot off towards a building, landing I rubbed my chin "Perfect" The building was empty and this was the flashes territory.

A green flame formed in the palm of my hand as I touched the building, it quickly spread "Setting fire to things is really the go to move" I didn't have to wait long, flash almost instantly appeared, scanning him as he rotated his arms at super speed I became a blur. "This is really to easy, am I close to the required cosmic energy?"

[You have gained their powers efficiently but have failed to generate any meaningful ripples, good or bad, you barely cracked a percent of the needed energy]

"Really? Seems efficiency doesn't rein in the dough, im gonna have to change my approach if I want to leave"

Dashing behind flash I swung my fist but ducked quickly dodging a fist, snapping my head to the right I saw superman while batman perched on a building three houses down. "So it was you that tried to assassinate batman, flash move away he's dangerous" Before he could get away I generated a hand and grabbed him, with my free arm I moved at super speed and swiped his head from his shoulders with great resistance. 'Seems he was shaving off the damage by using counter vibrations, luckily I stole his powers.'


I saw Supes scream before gritting his teeth, his eyes glowed red as his lazer eyes barreled towards me, sticking out my hands it was covered by a thin layer of energy. Slanting it to the side I redirected the beam which sliced through a building. In his rage he didn't think of all the lives he just killed, rushing me I met his fist with my own but quickly transitioned into a body blow, leaning to the right I spun and kicked him in the head. To my surprise he pushed through and tackled me to the ground. Now on top I popped my hips hitting him into the air while shifting like a snake onto his back.

When he flew up I released my hold but he just slammed his back into the ground, lowering my weight I couldn't help but smile. About to punch him into the ground a construct wall slammed into me knocking me back. Gaining control of myself in the air I didn't stop my movement which allowed me to dodge a morning star to the head. Scanning her my eyes glowed, with a couple shifts I returned to normal.

I could feel my power growing and adapting to a new level.

About to rush her a golden rope wrapped me, hawk girl took this opportunity to smash her weapon into my face knocking me down, superman who was waiting on the floor punching me in my back with a force so great it folded me in half but I didn't feel pain. Wonder woman who still had me in her lasso spun me around before slamming me into the ground. Laughing laying face up in the crater I floated back to my feet, a golden aura started to flicker around me momentarily before dispersing.

"This is really to fun"

I touched this chapter up a little and fixed some of the mcs reasonings for things

wheel_of_powercreators' thoughts