
My 99th Life

"Two sleeping dragons—one a sacred ally of mankind, the other its sworn destroyer. One heroe marked with the symbols of the dragons. Her meeting heralds the dragons' awakening—and the world's ending." A young woman who's been reincarnated 98 times has just entered a new life, her 99th life. Born as Lucina a young girl with the blood of the legendary hero king running through her veins. _______________________________________ Additional Tags: Yuri, Intelligent mc, R18, Smut, Dungeons, Yandere, Mana, Magic, Dragon girls, princesses, Side stories, Futa mc, Fire Emblem, Fire Emblem Awakening,

TouyaKazuya_2 · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Lucina Lowell

Inside of a small orphanage, kids from ages three up to fifteen are seen running around the place, in the corner of the room reading is a small three year old girl with short dark blue hair that almost looks black with blue eyes. The left eye being a lighter shade of blue with a weird symbol as its pupil.

Yup everyone, that's me. Mayra- well Lucina now. I've been reincarnated 99 times now. It's honestly pathetic thinking about it, all of that work just for earth to be destroyed.... I miss my dogs.

I look up from my book and spot the housemother and a nicely dressed noble couple walking towards me.

The housemother smiled warmly at me, her eyes filled with kindness. "Lucina," she said gently, "these fine people are here to meet you. They've expressed interest in adopting a child, and we thought you might be a perfect fit for their family."

I looked at the man and woman. Most likely nobles from the way they're dressed.

The man was tall with broad shoulders, dark purple hair with emerald green eyes, he has a very intimidating aura to him and next to him must be his wife, she has long curly brown hair and blue eyes.

"Lucas look at her~ Isn't she adorable?" Said the woman. She knelt down and smiles at me. "Hello there little one, my name is Mariah Lowell." She introduced herself. "And that's my husband Lucas Lowell."

She then begun asking me my name and what I like. When I stayed silent the housemother spoke for me. "That's Lucina, she's currently three years old and can already read on an adult level. She's fairly quiet though."

"Smart girl then," The man named Lucas said. "We'll be adopting her then."

"Did you hear that Lucina? Your coming home with us~!" Mariah squealed excitedly. "Your big brother and big sister are going to love you."

I stared at her silently before looking at her husband who's now signing the documents. I got up and went to my room to pack what little things I had here.

The housemother entered the room as I finished packing my clothes. "Lucina, are you ready?"

I was escorted inside of the carriage that belonged to my new parents, Mariah pats the spot next to her for me to sit in the middle while Lucas sat on the other side of me.

The ride to my new home was nothing but quiet, my new mother had talked the majority of the ride asking what I liked and such. While father say in silence and watched giving a small smile every now and then whenever I answered that I liked certain things.

"Lucina," my father speaks getting my attention. "Do you like dogs?"


The second I'm carried inside the manor by father, two small children ran up to us. A boy who looks exactly like a miniature version of father with mother's eyes and a girl who looked like both of her parents.

"Ben, Claire. Meet Lucina, your new baby sister." Father set me down, Claire immediately hugged me lifting me up from the floor.

"Hey, don't squeeze her so tightly!" Ben took me in his arms. "Hi Lucina, I'm your new big brother! I can't wait to spend some time with you." He smiled while Claire pours.

"Meanie! I had her first!" Claire tried taking me again.

'What am I a toy?'