
My 13th Reincarnation: The Gods Won't Let Me Die

After 1600 years and 12 reincarnations, Shawl is reincarnated and forced to save yet another world. When his new family is murdered by a horrifying beast, he's cast into the unfamiliar world as a fragile 14-year-old. Setting off with the expressionless Elizabeth, they aim to hunt down the world's most terrifying monsters. Wait, why are most of his memories missing? --- Since this story produces $0 in revenue, the promotional image is AI-generated. A human artist will be commissioned to illustrate a new cover, should the book ever produce income. The story itself was written without AI.

MadCreativity · Fantasie
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It's been a while. Wherever you are, I hope you're well. And I hope you're happy.

Considering the length of my life - and yours too, I suppose - we've known each other for a rather short time. Still, we had fun, didn't we? I think Elizabeth did. I know I did.

And I know you'll always be in my heart, no matter how much time passes.

I'm sorry things went the way that they did, and I'm sorry that you had to go. Sometimes, I regret not trying harder to make you stay. There are so many things you never saw in our world, and so much about you we never knew. I wish we had shared more stories. There's so much I would've liked to tell you.

I moved back to Rosewood after you left. Elizabeth went her own way, but she visits me quite often. She still looks and acts like herself, but I get the sense that she misses being around you. It's hard to tell with her, though.

There are even days when I imagine that we're all still-

No, I can't write that.


Honestly, I hope you never get to see the words I've written on this page. Not because I don't want you to know them, but because it means you're not where you're supposed to be. And even if you did, I guess you wouldn't remember me.

So, really, this letter is just for me. When you're as old as I am, you need closure. I hope you got yours.

Who knows, maybe we'll see each other again some day. We've done the impossible before, right?

Anyway, this is more than I was planning on writing, so I'll end it here. I can't linger on the past forever. I just want to say one last thing. I probably should have said it long ago, but better late than never.


We love you, Sebastian.




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