
Madam Rosmerta

Madam Rosmerta had led a colorful life, to be sure. She'd started out as a barmaid, before transitioning to a whore. From there, she'd eventually become the Madam of the Whorehouse, before finally squirreling enough galleons away to buy the Three Broomsticks and become a reputable matron. Through all her ups and downs, Rosmerta had never lost sight of her goals… nor had she lost her looks.

Even now, the matured witch was blessed with youthful features. Albeit, youthful for HER age. She looked to be in her early forties, and a strong, gorgeous early forties at that. But then, she'd never had children, she'd never even married. Sure, her body had seen lots of use in its twenties, but then, that was the exact time that one was supposed to be putting one's body through its paces.

The fact of the matter was, Madam Rosmerta still turned heads whenever she stepped out of the back and into the front of the Three Broomsticks. Whenever she made an appearance, her patrons, both young and old, stopped what they were doing to admire her gorgeous form. With her young protégé Lavender Brown at her side, the two of them had managed to largely keep Hogsmeade afloat after the Second Wizarding War.

Even though the good guys had won, there was no denying that the damage to Hogsmeade and the wizarding world of the British Isles as a whole had been done. Voldemort and his cronies had committed what some would call irreparable harm to the area, the Dark Lord's reign of terror causing many of Hogsmeade's tenants to flee for greener pastures, usually across the pond into the countries that had magical communities NOT plagued by blood purism and Death Eaters.

Rosmerta called those people who'd fled quitters and cowards, of course. She wasn't going to leave her home of thirty years, not for nothing. So, she'd stuck around, and the old witch, still beautiful and youthful, did her level best to keep people coming to Hogsmeade, even going out of her way to personally negotiate with some of the cowards who'd fled to return to the town. The ones who refused, well, she went ahead and found replacements, even financing some of the shops that surrounded the Three Broomsticks.

With Lavender helping her, they'd done a lot to save the only full-blown magical village in all of the United Kingdoms. It felt good to be able to look at all they'd accomplished and find it done well. It felt… sublime. But that didn't mean there weren't still problems. Recently, Rosmerta had noticed something of a change taking place in her establishment. She'd owned the Three Broomsticks for several decades at this point, no matter how young she still looked. She was no one's fool, and she could tell something was going on.

For instance, her establishment had recently seen an influx of many more patrons than usual. Oh sure, the Three Broomsticks had been thriving for a long while, right alongside Hogsmeade with Rosmerta's help, but quite suddenly, things were getting even busier. It wasn't some holiday season, it wasn't a Hogsmeade weekend for the students of Hogwarts… there were just a bunch more wizards and witches in her tavern then previously.

All the while, Lavender had become increasingly flaky in her work, much to Rosmerta's chagrin. The beautiful blonde barmaid had never given Rosmerta problems before. Her affliction was something they handled rather easily, and Rosmerta had had no issues making allowances for Lavender's… difficulties in that manner. In turn, Lavender had spent these last couple of decades since Voldemort's second defeat steadfastly loyal to Rosmerta and working hard on her behalf.

It was commonly known between the two of them, or at least Rosmerta thought it was commonly known, that when she was gone, she would definitely be passing the Three Broomsticks over to Lavender. Or perhaps even earlier, if she decided it was time to retire. And yet, all of the sudden, Lavender's commitment to the inn was not as steadfast as it once was.

All of the sudden, she could no longer count on her protégé. Instead, the blonde witch was disappearing for hours at a time whenever she shuffled groups of patrons through the Three Broomsticks' private booths. Rosmerta's suspicions were growing further and further, especially as more and more of her patrons would loiter about the bar, waiting for the young barmaid to reappear, with the patrons she'd left off before a stumbling, drunken mess as they followed out of the private booths behind her.

When all is said and done, Rosmerta knows she needs to find out what's going on. Luckily for her, this is HER tavern, and she knows the ins and outs of it better than anyone… even her protégé. And yet, even Rosmerta is somewhat shocked when she finally manages to sneak a peek in on her wayward employee and finally finds out what Lavender has been doing.

The matron can only watch as her buxom barmaid, completely in the nude, gyrates atop a tavern table inside of one of the private booths, held up on the balls of her feet and one palm, her legs splayed open with a patron's head nestled betwixt her thighs, eagerly lapping at the river of foaming butterbeer that Lavender is pouring down through the valley of her heaving breasts, across her taut stomach, and finally over her bare mound.

Galleons rain down upon her, bouncing off her engorges nipples even as she matches the flow of the warm beverage with the flow of the golden coins, until finally the purse that the man is taking from runs dry, and the patron is in turn shoved off by one of his compatriots so that they can take his place. This continues until Lavender has not only satisfied every man in the booth, but also managed to filch them of practically every gold coin they've brought with them for the evening.

Still very surprised, but at least now in the know, Rosmerta pulls back from her peeping place and returns to work before anyone can be any the wiser. She spends the rest of the night keeping her patrons happy, as she has for several decades at this point… but when the time comes for closing, and the last of their many, MANY satisfied customers stumbles out of the Three Broomsticks a beaming, drunken mess, Rosmerta follows Lavender into the back after closing and locking the doors, and finally confronts her protégé.

"Lavender. I watched you tonight. I watched you very closely."

Freezing up, the buxom blonde looks to Rosmerta, once more dressed in her barmaid attire. She tenses very visibly, her eyes wide as she stares at the matron, knowing what Rosmerta means. Raising an eyebrow at Lavender in turn, Rosmerta plants her hands on her hips and taps her foot on the ground in front of her.

"Well? Do you have anything to say for yourself, my dear?"

Swallowing thickly, Lavender bows her head in shame.

"I… I apologize, Madam Rosmerta. I've let my greed and lust get the better of me. I-!"

"What? Nonsense!"

Rosmerta cuts Lavender off, making the blonde fall silent as she clicks her teeth shut, blinking stupidly at the matron. In turn, the older witch waves a hand dismissively through the air.

"I'm not upset about your little side business, my dear. You seem to have forgotten, I was a whore, and then a madam, long before I was the owner of the Three Broomsticks! What you're doing is quite enterprising, and exactly the sort of behavior I expect to see from my protégé."

As Rosmerta speaks, Lavender's chest swells a little, her shoulders squaring as she lifts her head up, a small smile spreading across her face at the matron's praises. But Madam Rosmerta isn't quite done.


Lavender's confidence and happiness falters in the face of that, even as Rosmerta holds up a finger in front of the blonde witch's face, scolding her.

"Your slow service is leaving far too many men waiting for you at the bar! You only seem capable of handling one man at a time, and that just won't do. Merlin knows that magic gave us witches these bodies for a reason. We have tits, we have asses, we have nice wide hips… and we have three fucking holes, not just one you silly girl!"

Lavender blinks owlishly, her mouth opening and closing in stupefaction for a long moment before she finally finds the words, apologizing.

"A-Ah, I'm sorry, Madam Rosmerta. I didn't… um…"

Waving a hand dismissively again, Rosmerta just shakes her head.

"No matter. While the amount of men you've been leaving waiting around the bar each night is intolerable, it's obvious that the mistake is born out of inexperience. You think you know it all, my dear… but it's obvious you do not. I will have to teach you what I know, there's no helping it. I will begin instruct you in the finer points of fleecing wayward wizards of their coin tomorrow night."

For a moment, it looks like Lavender almost wants to reject the offer. She looks surprisingly mulish for a moment, but one look into Rosmerta's eyes, and she can tell that she's out of luck if she thinks she can convince the matron she doesn't need more training. In the end, Lavender's shoulders slump and she bows her head in supplication, giving in to Rosmerta's demand.

"… Yes, Madam Rosmerta."

Smirking, Rosmerta passes Lavender by, heading for the stairs in the back of the backroom that will take her up to her bedroom and office. As she does so, she gives the blonde barmaid a not-so-gentle smack on the rear, and Lavender moans, making Rosmerta laugh as she sashays her hips back and forth the entire way.

"That's a good girl. Now go get some sleep, once you've taken care of your own needs. You'll have a long night ahead of you tomorrow."

Of course, in her need to get the last word in and achieve a stunning exit that has Lavender staring at her ass all the way to the stairs, Rosmerta completely misses the considering, measuring look that the blonde is giving her. If she'd seen it, she might have been worried… or perhaps not. Feeling distinctly confident, but more letting her overconfidence and arrogance run her more than anything else, Rosmerta probably wouldn't have taken Lavender's look as anything more than a challenge.

As it was though, she never saw it… and thus had no clue what she was going to be getting herself in for the next night.


In no time at all, night the next day rolls around. Though, on this particular night, Rosmerta is a little taken aback by the first and only group of patrons that come in looking for Lavender's special service. Rather than a bunch of wizards that Rosmerta KNOWS are mostly married men, it's a whole lot of masked witches and only one masked wizard among the bunch.

Not to be dissuaded, and certainly still undaunted, Rosmerta smiles as she moves to greet them with Lavender at her side. Over the course of her life, she's serviced a great many individuals, and she's never let gender, or even species bother her before. There are quite a lot of sentient magical creatures under the sun, and Rosmerta has danced and dallied with quite a lot of the ones that interact regularly with wizarding society. Even a centaur, once upon a time…

If the masked individuals that Lavender has indicated as interested in her special services are surprised by Rosmerta's presence, they don't show it as the gorgeous young-looking matron stops in front of them and plants her hands on her hips, giving them all a husky smile, though with him being the only male in the group, the masked wizard is the one who ends up drawing her gaze in the end. Grabbing hold of her blonde barmaid, Rosmerta pulls Lavender in front of her and brazenly grabs hold of the younger witch's sizable rack right then and there in front of all of them. As she gropes Lavender's chest, she speaks.

"Good evening. Tonight, is a limited time offer, a two for one special that may never happen again, both Lavender and myself will be serving you. Right this way."

Releasing Lavender's tits, Rosmerta gestures with a sweeping hand towards the largest of the magically enchanted private booths. They're going to need it, for a group as big as this one. All these witches… the two of them are probably going to end up doing quite a lot of licking tonight. Though perhaps there's something special about the wizard. Rosmerta can't say for sure…

Either way, as soon as they're all inside of the private booth, Rosmerta takes Lavender by the hand once more, and draws her gorgeous protégé up onto the large table in the center of the magically expanded area. There, she begins to kiss the younger witch, taking charge of the encounter right off the bat by aggressively grinding against Lavender, and having Lavender grind against her in turn. As Rosmerta had offhandedly told Lavender that morning… she was to follow the matron's lead on everything.

Of course, as they're making out and pressing up against each other, Rosmerta is well aware of their audience. She's not some weak-willed little floozy after all, to get distracted by a beautiful blonde of Lavender's caliber. Yes, Lavender is gorgeous, yes Rosmerta wants to pin her down and ravish her… but the needs of the patron always come first.

To that end, and also because she quite wants to, Rosmerta strips them both naked, slowly but surely. She pulls off their clothing piece by piece, with Lavender helping here and there, but Rosmerta doing most of the work. Eventually, the gorgeous owner of the Three Broomsticks throws off her lacy bra, revealing something truly tasty… the fact that her large, round, galleon-sized nipples are tipped with ring piercings. She's down to nothing more than a pearl-string thong at this point as well, and it does nothing to hide the diamond studded ring pierced on her clit.

Rosmerta is dripping in wealth, and she'd come dressed to impress, that much was for certain. But she wasn't just going to rest on her laurels by hiding behind her riches to make a good impression. No, she might be an older witch, but this older witch had a few more tricks up her sleeves. Showing an incredible amount of flexibility for her age, no doubt taken from decades of experience as an enthusiastic whore, Madam Rosmerta bends her legs back behind her shoulders, splaying her wet pussy for all to see and lifting her ass slightly off the table as she rests on her tailbone.

Bringing up her wand, the matron gives it a flick, directing the tip to the hollow of her neck as sweet sherry begins pouring out of it, flowing down onto her tits and stomach, filling her belly button up like a human cup of some sorts, even as it trickles down further still to her exposed mound. Beside her, Lavender does the same of course, also going with sherry instead of butter beer, at least for the evening.

With this, the group divides between the two of them… though to say they divide between them is sort of misleading. In the end, every single one of the masked witches migrates over to Lavender's side of the table… leaving Rosmerta dealing with just the masked wizard on her side. As she'd thought, he IS someone special… and certainly nothing to scoff at as well.

Rosmerta can't help but be impressed, even as he licks and slurps at the sherry flowing down across her mound. He doesn't just drink from her gushing cunt, he also brings up a galleon and wandlessly casts a vibration spell on it, using it to toy with her clit. Of course, this service wasn't free, and if he just spent all of her time playing with her with the one galleon, she would be reluctantly forced to kick him out.

That's not the case though. Instead, with his other hand, he pours a seemingly endless rain of gold across her lifted butt cheeks, causing her to shake with pleasure and ultimately decide to reward him with another trick. Reaching up as she licks her lips salaciously, Rosmerta squeezes and pinches her engorged, pierces nipples. A second later, and twin streams of breast milk spray out of her teats, mixing with the liquor as the new fluid flows down her gorgeous body.

Moaning wantonly, Rosmerta writhes a bit as she looks with lust to the masked wizard.

"Please, honored patron… have a taste."

The man chuckles and dives in to drink of her sexy cocktail, slurping up the mixture of breast milk, sweet sherry, and pussy juices until he's finally had his fill. When he's done, he pulls back and grins at her, shaking his head slightly.

"Congratulations, Madam Rosmerta. This is a fine special, this little two for one deal you have tonight. I have to admit, when Lavender told me about your offer to teach her, I was a bit skeptical. After all, she's fairly skilled on her own… I wasn't sure what else she could learn from you. But…"

And here, even as Rosmerta is processing his words, the masked wizard looks over at Lavender, his shift in gaze causing Rosmerta to do the same. She finds her blonde barmaid completely, shamefully addled by the numerous tongues playing with her body, the masked witches having gone to town on Lavender, and one even capturing the trapped blonde's mouth with her own, kissing her domineeringly and controlling as she conquers the other witch's lips.

Still smirking, the masked wizard just chuckles again.

"You definitely have a lot more to learn from the Madam, dear Lavender."

Then he looks back to Rosmerta, who in turn looks back to him, just in time for him to pull off his enchanted mask and reveal his true identity… that of one Harry James Potter, Head Auror of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Rosmerta's eyes go wide at that, and a small spike of fear hits her heart, because truth be told, this wasn't exactly legal, what they were doing right now. Not quite illegal either though… in the end it was a grey area… and business owners like her preferred to keep the head of law enforcement away from such grey areas as much as possible.

And yet, Harry doesn't follow up with some sort of comment about how he'd got her and that this all was a sting operation or anything like that. Instead, he meets the matron's shocked face with a languid suckling of her pierced clit, his tongue tugging at her ring piercing and causing her to squeal and squirt a powerful orgasm all over his mouth and face.

Meanwhile, having seen their Master unmask, the masked witches also begin to reveal themselves, and Rosmerta finds herself staring at a who's who of beautiful magical women, from Hogwarts Professors to the wives and daughters of some of the most well-known names in the wizarding world. From the Weasley Wives and their daughters, to the Malfoy Matriarch and the Greengrass girls, and even the Delacour Witches.

All of them… belong to Harry. It's quite obvious almost immediately what's going on here, especially when Harry snaps his fingers and the myriad of gorgeous witches of all ages, shapes, sizes, and color move from Lavender to Rosmerta, pouncing at her. His conquests, because Rosmerta knows conquered women when she sees them, having had more than one whore during her days as a Madam fall in love with a man because of his cock size or his bedroom prowess, or both, lap happily at the matron's body, and Rosmerta can do naught by whimper in pleasure, lust, and all-around enjoyment at their attentions.

Fleur in particular licks up the length of the woman's chest, before the veela pulls back and adopts a faux frown, pressing a finger against her plump, pouting lips.

"Hmm… Harry~ the cock-tail is missing a crucial component!"

Chuckling a bit at that, the powerful wizard takes Fleur's words to heart, and a moment later Rosmerta's eyes are widening as his meat pillar, his bitch-breaker of a cock, smacks against her squirting cunt with a wet thud. Hearing the older witch's audible gulp at the sheer size of Harry's shaft, the veela giggles wickedly, moaning somewhat wantonly into Rosmerta's ear as she moves up her body.

"Mm, it'll taste sooo much better after Harry has stirred it up in your womb with his batter added in. You'll see, Madam Rosmerta. You'll see~"

And then, right as Harry draws his massive schlong back and thrusts up into the gorgeous older woman's cunt, Fleur silences the whore's screams with her mouth, covering Rosmerta's lips with her own and doing her level best to stick her tongue right down the back of the matron's throat. Rosmerta's eyes roll back in her head almost immediately from the explosion of sensation.

Not only is Fleur's aura hitting Rosmerta full blast, the part veela really having no filter anymore after spending so much time around Harry, who was of course immune to her… Harry Potter's cock was in turn the biggest thing that she'd ever had inside of her. That might not seem surprising to most, that might not even seem like that big of a deal. After all, every witch had their biggest, and Harry was the biggest for a LOT of witches… most in fact, at least that had slept with him.

But to put things into perspective, Rosmerta was, despite her youthful appearance, definitely getting on in the years. And while she'd never had a husband, that hadn't stopped her from being quite the promiscuous witch, both before and after her decades as a whore. Not to mention those very same decades, where she'd fucked and sucked more wizards for gold then most of the women around her had ever even SEEN.

It was safe to say without reservation or hesitation, that Madam Rosmerta had been with hundreds of men over the course of her storied life. Perhaps even thousands, though that might be going too far. And yet, out of all of those lovers, out of all of those patrons, out of all of those johns, the whore, madam, and matron had NEVER had a cock as big, thick, and throbbing as Harry James Potter's.

He's buried so deep inside of her that she can already feel him ramming up against the gates of her womb with every thrust. His cockhead slams into her cervix with bruising force time and time again, and Rosmerta's tongue would be sticking straight out of her mouth if it wasn't for Fleur silencing her with a makeout session, the part veela forcing herself upon Rosmerta and at the same time groping and squeezing the older witch's breasts, tugging and pulling on her ring piercings in order to elongate her lactating nipples even further.

Harry's cock pistons in and out of her, breaking her bit by bit, piece by piece, and all Madam Rosmerta can do in turn is cum uselessly around his thick meaty rod. She orgasms again and again and again, and her entire world shrinks to a pinpoint on that pleasure. Nothing else matters anymore, no one else is important. Not her bar, not her patrons, nothing… just Fleur, Harry, and his bitch breaking cock.

But of course, it's not just the three of them in the booth. While Rosmerta is busy being Harry's new favorite toy, the aged whore getting taught some new tricks as he fucks her gorgeous youthful body with reckless abandon, all of the other witches in the private booth are watching on with jealousy, envy, and sheer earnest desire in their eyes as they touch themselves and each other.

Moans fill the booth, and they're not from Rosmerta, not with her mouth currently covered by Fleur's. No, they're the honest, begging moans of the other women in Harry's harem, all of them eager for him to cum, all of them hoping to get a taste of the eventual cock-tail that Harry's seed, mixed with the sherry and Rosmerta's breast milk, would create. None of them could resist, none of them could wait.

Lavender, meanwhile, was having the time of her life, watching as her boss seemed to revert from a skilled, confident, and altogether domineering matron back to an inexperienced whore taking her first dicking. Rosmerta could do nothing but scream and moan into Fleur's mouth, clearly already fucked senseless judging by her eyes rolled back in her skull.

Turning back to the bushy-haired witch locked between her own thighs, the buxom blonde can only grin malicious down at Hermione as she in turn struggles to lick at Lavender's cunt, lapping up the liquor still being poured down the mound, forcing the bookworm to constantly slurp and lick desperately at it, just to catch a breath. Meanwhile, her other hand is gripping the head of Ginny Weasley, forcing the red head, Harry's wife in fact, to give her a well-deserved tongue bath.

No one had really noticed, save for maybe Harry, as Lavender had taken back control. When every single witch had been focusing their attentions on her, her senses had been just as overwhelmed as Rosmerta's currently were, she'd been completely and entirely dominated by the gaggle of witches that her Master had brought along with her.

But then they'd all moved away… and when Hermione and Ginny had tried to, Lavender had stopped them. There were some benefits to her curse, and one of those benefits was enhanced strength. As such, the buxom blonde was able to grab them both fast, locking Hermione betwixt her thighs and forcing Ginny down to her tits and abdomen, forcing her to lick and slurp and lap at Lavender's body, even as the red head got progressively drunker and drunker.

Without a doubt, Lavender probably couldn't have pulled this with many of the other witches. She certainly couldn't have dominated, say, Fleur in this manner. But everyone knew that Ginny, despite being Harry's wife, was effectively the bottom bitch of the harem, the utter ground-floor of the totem pole. Meanwhile, Hermione went up and down a lot, but her mistakes in the past left her pretty close to the bottom as well and had given her quite the submissive streak after Harry had thoroughly, THOROUGHLY punished her for trying to betray him by going to Susan.

So, it wasn't difficult for Lavender to take control of the two, even as she got a front row seat to Harry dominating and conquering her boss, just as he'd done to her, all those months before. Madam Rosmerta had never looked happier, in Lavender's humble opinion, never looked more satisfied. Oh sure, she'd been content for years… but she'd never been well and truly happy. Now though, now she was experiencing what every woman experienced at Harry's hands. Complete and utter domination.


Harry, meanwhile, was certainly enjoying what had to be one of the more memorable nights of his entire life. He really hadn't known what to expect from tonight. He really had been skeptical of what exactly Madam Rosmerta would be able to bring to the table. As youthful and beautiful as she looked, there was no denying that the witch would soon be fully past her prime. Not even magical could keep the ravages of age away forever.

She was certainly one of the older women he'd been with… and yet, Harry was having the time of his life fucking the whore's tight cunt. She took his cock like almost no one else, and that clit-ring of hers rubbed against the top of his shaft as he pushed in, in such a satisfying manner. Though, staring down at it… Harry can't help but reach down and hook an index finger into the ring piercing on Rosmerta's clit.

He holds it for a moment, allowing Rosmerta to feel the slight tug as he thrusts in and out of her cunt. Even as insensate as she currently is, her mind crystalizes for one long second, her eyes rolling forward again and darting past Fleur's head as the part veela continues to kiss her, down to where he's got the ring held fast. She looks at what he's doing, and then looks up and meets his eyes. Harry grins… and then he actually pulls, even as he thrusts forward.

The powerful wizard doesn't pull hard enough to rip it out, he's not trying to be malicious or harm the matron, no… he just pulls enough to send her into another convulsing explosive orgasm, her clit getting tugged and her cunt getting plugged at the exact same moment, resulting in the biggest fucked silly expression that Harry has ever seen on ANY of his women. Even Fleur is slightly taken aback by it, pulling away and blinking as she realizes what Harry is doing. A tinkling giggle erupts from the part veela's throat, even as Harry groans at the immense pressure that Rosmerta's flexing cunt is currently putting on his cock.

Without warning, without hesitation, Harry erupts inside of Rosmerta's hot, velvety tightness, he fills her womb to the brim in an instant and causes a fair amount of backlog to spurt out of the sides of her cunt around his thick prick as a result. Fleur's eyes widen at this, just as the eyes of every other witch who's been watching, masturbating, and begging for Harry to cum widen.

As soon as the wizard pulls out, his bevy of beautiful magical bitches rush in. Harry, in turn, flops his coated, messy meat log down onto the cocktail that he's created, a mixture of all sorts of fluids now, from sweet sherry, to breast milk, to Rosmerta's own pussy juices. Without hesitation, without concern over their own pride or their image, the thirsty, horny witches fall upon Rosmerta and Harry's cock both, not showing a single ounce of humanity as they rush like pigs to the trough to get a taste of the delicious, delectable combination.

Slurping, sucking, lapping, licking, the remaining women attack with a vigor that has Rosmerta's eyes widening and even rolling back in her head again ever so slightly. She shudders in orgasmic bliss, but at the same time, her decades of experience in whorehouses warns her that this is far from over. Rather than coming to a close soon, Rosmerta begins to realize that they're just getting started. Her first clue is when Harry's cock doesn't grow any softer, but instead throbs and pulsates along her cunt and abdomen with renewed vigor.

Her second clue is when Fleur gives her a wicked grin and a wink, while guiding her younger sister Gabrielle in suckling at Harry's member, getting him ready. But he'd already fucked Rosmerta into a stupor, so what exactly could she be getting him ready for? In the end, there was only one option truth be told, and Rosmerta was no fool. She was no inexperienced whore, no matter what Lavender thought of her while watching Harry break her with his meat rod.

No, Rosmerta understood quite quickly that they were preparing Harry to fuck her again… this time in the ass. There was no way around it, no denying it. Her puckered little butthole was the only orifice left untouched. Even her mouth felt like it'd already been violated by this point, if not by Harry's cock, then by Fleur's tongue.

The only thing was, the matron was SURE that Harry would never fit. So, sensing what was about to happen, Rosmerta struggled, oh how she struggled. Her asshole puckers frantically, but the weight of the other women holding her in place stops her from getting much of anywhere. Of course, it certainly doesn't help that she's put herself in such a compromising position as she has, with her legs tucked back behind her shoulders. An impressive display of flexibility to be sure, but also her undoing.

In a panic, Rosmerta ends the stream of sweet sherry she'd been exuding from her wand all this time and gets ready to cast some magic that will free her from her current situation. But before she can, Harry's cockhead is already pressed against her sphincter, and before she knows what's happening, He's plunging into her deepest depths, completely destroying her concentration.

Contrary to what Rosmerta believed, Harry's bitch breaker of a cock DOES fit inside of her anus. It doesn't fit easily though, and the matron's eyes roll fully back in her skull yet again as she screams in temporary agony at his massive schlong splitting her open. That agony soon becomes pleasure, even as she begs somewhat unintelligibly for him to pull out.

Of course, that's not going to happen. It was never in the cards. Instead, Harry takes Rosmerta's ass to task, fucking her in a mating press and pounding away at her bowels with all his might. As he does so, the rest of his women are finishing with her body and moving away. Even Fleur pulls back and slips off of the table, over to Harry's side. The drunken, lusty witches surround their Master and eagerly begin to lick at his body, some of them staying upright to kiss and lick at his neck and his face, while some slide down to their knees, working their way between his legs to suckle at his swinging ball sack, or merely worship his body in other ways.

Harry, meanwhile, ignores all of them in favor of Rosmerta herself, leaning into her and fucking her harder and harder and harder. Her already creampied cunt spurts out some more of his batter mixed with her juices every once in a while, and the other witches happily fight over it, moving down between the two of them to capture the delicious cock-tail as quickly as they possibly can.

Eventually, the room is filled with nothing but Rosmerta's screams and squeals, her eyes rolling back in her head and her tongue lolled out of her mouth in a completely insensate expression. As experienced as she was, as many years as a whore as she had, as many bed partners as she could boast, Madam Rosmerta was, at the end of the day, no better than the other witches that had come before her. Oh, she was certainly special in her own way, and Harry was greatly enjoying making her his bitch, but there was no denying that ultimately… she was just another conquest, another notch in his belt.

With a triumphant roar, Harry cums deep inside of Rosmerta's ass, filling her bowels with his seed and bloating her belly with hot cream. Her stomach balloons outwards as a result, and Rosmerta's mouth remains wide open in a silent scream as her eyes stay rolled back in her skull from the sensory overload. Leaning forward, Harry captures Rosmerta's tongue between his teeth, nibbling at it and then suckling at it as he leans further in to capture her entire mouth with his mouth, giving her a domineering, conquering kiss to finish up the beginning of her service to him, to seal the deal, so to speak.

When he's done kissing her, he pulls back and looks down at Rosmerta with a wide, wicked grin, still holding onto her by her creamy, messy thighs, his cock still incredibly hard and hot-dogging her cunt lips as he waits for her to come back around. Eventually, her eyes roll forward again, and though they're slightly glazed over and mostly vacant, the matron does eventually focus her attention onto him, looking up at him blearily.

Once he knows she's listening, Harry speaks, chuckling as he rubs soothing circles into her flesh with his thumbs.

"I just want to thank you, Madam Rosmerta. This limited time special you're offering tonight… it's the most fun I've had in ages. I hope you don't mind that I'm going to take advantage of it for all it's worth. After all, who knows when an opportunity like tonight is going to come around again, right?"

His grin turns wicked as he sees understanding light up in Rosmerta's eyes. She licks her lips and opens her mouth to speak, but Harry is already thrusting into her cunt again, this time penetrating directly into her cum-stuffed womb. Almost immediately, Rosmerta's back arches as she tosses her head up, her eyes rolling around in her skull and her words turning into wanton moans and ecstatic screams of pleasure as Harry takes her to task and begins Round Two right then and there.

Chuckling, he reaches up and grabs hold of Rosmerta's tits, his palms grinding down into her pierced nipples, even as her teats continue to lactate breast milk. He gropes and squeezes the beautiful matron's massive mammaries to his heart's content, even as he fucks her womb as hard as he can. The night… was just getting started.


"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Almost ten hours later, things are finally beginning to wind down. The Three Broomsticks is closed of course, Harry had gone ahead and had Lavender go out and close it down about two or three hours into his marathon sex run with the lovely Madam Rosmerta. They didn't really have anyone out there to service the other customers anyways. Lavender reported some grumbling, of course, but thanks to her enhanced strength and everyone knowing that she spoke with Rosmerta's authority at her back, in the end she didn't have much trouble.

This gave Harry and his bevy of beauties the run of the place, and he'd fucked Rosmerta up against practically every surface in her bar at this point, claiming her in every spot he could think of, and some that Lavender shyly suggested to him. He'd conquered her all across her establishment, and left quite a mess in their wake, even as he thoroughly and utterly messed Rosmerta up at the same exact time.

Meanwhile, slowly but surely, the witches that Harry had brought with him for the day cycled out of the bar and back to their homes. Some of them had to leave, even as reluctant as they were to do so, because if they didn't, their husbands would get suspicious. Some, like Ginny, were kicked out when Harry got tired of their presence and wanted to be more alone with his 'limited time special' for the night.

By the time things were finally coming to a close, it was just him, Rosmerta, and Lavender left. They were upstairs now, in the older witch's living quarters, and Harry was sat on a couch with either witch on either side of him. On their knees, bent over his cock, the two had been worshipping either side of his bitch breaker of a member for a while now. Rosmerta though, was the one currently getting face fucked on his dick… by Lavender, who seemed delighted at getting a chance to dominate her boss and force the beleaguered, completely out of it whore up and down Harry's massive member.

There was no denying that under normal circumstances, Rosmerta would be in charge of Lavender and not the other way around. But while Harry had used Lavender for his own satisfaction throughout the night while waiting for Rosmerta to recover from this stupor or that stupor, there was no denying which of the two witches had gotten fucked the most. Lavender had gotten a few cream fillings, to be sure, but she was still far more cognizant than her boss, who at this point, was less witch and more bitch, animalistic in her slobbering and slurping all over Harry's cock, simply letting him use any of her holes as his own personal fleshlight.

Tossing back his head, Harry groans as he begins to cum yet again. Seeing this, Lavender forces Rosmerta all the way to the base of his cock. The older witch chokes and gurgles and gags around his shaft, even as his seed explodes out of her nostrils and the sides of her mouth. She all but flails, and Harry finds himself unable to resist spanking her upturned, heart-shaped derriere, watching it jiggle and wiggle and writhe as she gags for air but doesn't find it.

Not until Lavender releases her anyways, letting her come up for some much-needed oxygen. Panting heavily and blowing cum bubbles out of her nose and mouth as a result, Rosmerta looks… utterly ridiculous to say the least. It makes Harry want to bully her a bit more, truth be told, so grabbing her by her lush long locks, he drags the matron off of the couch and over to her own bed.

Lavender trails behind of course, even as Harry throws back the blankets and sheets and climbs into bed with Rosmerta still attached to his member, his grip on her hair keeping her next to his cock. She climbs aboard as well, forced to by his actions, and Harry smiles, even as he plants the witch right between his legs, forcing her to lay out completely. Sticking his cock back down her throat, Harry locks eyes with Rosmerta and grins wickedly as she stares up at him in light distress, once more gurgling around his bitch breaking member.

"Hope you don't mind, Madam. I figure I should milk this limited time special for all it's worth, right? So, you stay right there for the rest of the night."

Of course, by this point it wasn't so much night anymore, but morning. Still, that was just semantics. Rosmerta knows that she's not going anywhere, and Harry lays back on the woman's own pillows as he holds her head trapped between his thighs. Slowly but surely, she begins to suck like the good little whore she is. Meanwhile, Lavender climbs into bed at his beckoning and curls up against him, offering a warm, soft, buxom body for Harry to curl his free arm around and hold close.

As she cuddles into his side, she nuzzles his neck and moans softly, angling her head so that she can watch her boss throating her Master's cock, right up until Harry reaches down and pulls the sheets and blankets back up over Rosmerta's head and their bodies, trapping the matron in total and utter darkness and leaving her with nothing but his cock and balls for company.

Needless to say, Harry and Lavender are soon both fast asleep. Rosmerta takes a bit longer to nod off given her circumstances, but eventually she too falls asleep, still suckling at Harry's member.


If you'd like to read more of my work not seen on this website, check out Hentai-Foundry.com and QuestionableQuesting.com! I'm known as 'Cambrian' on those websites.

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