
Apolline Delacour

Harry stares down at the drawing in his hand, managing to maintain a straight face, even in the presence of such hilarity.

"I hope you see what the problem here is, Lord Potter. There are children in my class who do not see me as a viable Professor for Care of Magical Creatures. Instead, they view me as one… or as some sort of… sex object."

Glancing up from the drawing, Harry lays his eyes on Apolline Delacour, and smiles slightly when the still-beautiful half-veela blushes and glances away. In a way, she is nothing more than a sex object. A sex icon even… and yet, around him the older witch seems to struggle mightily with controlling herself. But then, Harry has been pushing his magic onto her since the start of their little meeting, overwhelming her senses with his metaphysical presence.

He'd decided before they'd even sat down that he was going to have Apolline Delacour. Despite being Fleur's mother and Victoire's grandmother, the French Witch was still absolutely gorgeous, and could easily have passed as the quarter-veela's older sister instead. Witches aged slowly, this Harry already knew quite well… but those with veela blood seemed to age slower still, because Apolline had outlived her wizard husband by two decades at this point, and she still looked absolutely stunning after all this time.

Now though… now Harry suspected he wasn't going to have Apolline TODAY. No, instead she'd given him the perfect opportunity to enjoy himself in a more… public manner. Glancing back down at the drawing in his hands, Harry can't help but admire the crude detail in the way they've caricatured Apolline, drawing her naked but with feathers as two stick figure males fuck her in either end.

The words 'DARK CREATURE' rest at the top of the drawing, as if the would-be artist wanted to title his piece, or make it very clear exactly what he was illustrating. One way or the other, the student had gotten his point across. Or hers. The thought suddenly struck Harry, that he was simply amusing it was a boy instead of a girl. It amused him to think it might have been a witch, jealous of Apolline's looks and her allure. It was even likely, now that he considered it.

"And where did you say you found this?"

Apolline blinks as Harry finally speaks. She plays with her hands a bit, clearly nervous. But then, he'd added a little something to his voice too, and Harry was getting good at directing his magic. His deep, questioning tone reverberated through Apolline's very soul, and it took the aged half-veela a few moments to collect herself enough to answer.

"O-On my desk, but I did not call you hear in your capacity as Head Auror, Lord Potter. I wished for you to assist me in another way, as I've been told by the Headmistress that you will be spending the next while with us, acting as a sort of guest speaker in many classes."

That gets Harry's interested piqued. He lifts his eyebrows questioningly.

"You wish for me to give a guest lecture to your Care of Magical Creatures class? What would the topic be exactly? I confess, my skillset doesn't really lie in that direction."

That gets a small, nervous laugh for Apolline. She already has it bad for him, Harry can tell. He wonders if that's a veela thing, or if she's simply that slutty. It doesn't matter though, in the end. No, all that truly matters is what she'll allow him to do to her, when the time comes.

"I understand that the DMLE does not necessarily cover most magical creatures. That usually falls under the purview of the DRCMC. But in your time as both an Auror and a Head Auror, I suspect that you've stumbled upon and dealt with more than your fair share of dark creatures. And I'm sure you know full well that veela are not classified as dark creatures by your Ministry. Unfortunately, there are still depictions of us, left over from ages past, as evil seductresses stealing loved ones. This is bigotry and prejudice at its worst. I'm hoping that with your position of authority, you might be willing to dispel these imbecilic notions."

By the time she's done speaking, the half-veela is actually panting, her sizable chest heaving from the exertion. It's clear that she's passionate on this subject… and also clear from her constant glances towards his crotch that she's more than a little aroused by his mere presence at this point. Harry contemplates starting things off right then and there. He could easily bend her to his will in private now, and then use her as he likes for his still-forming public plan later.

But no, it'll be more fun to spring it all on her. Harry has absolute confidence that he can control her when the time comes. He can control all of them. Holding back the wicked smirk that threatens to spread across his face, the wizard nods his head and places the offending drawing back on the table between them, even as he takes his tea cup from that same table and sips from it. Only once he's had a long draught of tea does Harry finally respond verbally.

"Very well. I will speak to this class of yours. I'll give them a lecture they'll never forget. Does that work for you?"

Apolline's relieved smile makes it all the harder for Harry to hold back his internal glee. The beautiful half-veela takes a sip from her own tea cup and lets out a pleased sigh.

"Yes, Lord Potter, that will do perfectly. Thank you for agreeing to meet with me, and thank you for sacrificing your time for this lecture. Fleur has always spoken so highly of you… Gabrielle as well. It is good to see that you are as honorable and good a wizard as they both have said."

Together, they stand and shake hands, and Harry spends just a little bit longer than necessary with his fingers caressing Apolline's. The French witch blushes scarlet as he gives her a bit of a roguish smile.

"Your daughters have always been very kind to me Apolline. I look forward to seeing you in class tomorrow."

And then he leaves. He's not quite sure if the witch ever realized that he'd completely foregone titles, not even bothering to call her by name until the very end of their conversation. Harry didn't care though. In the end, he's finally begun to accept the true purpose of his power. After so long trying to be a Dumbledore, he's more than ready to take a little bit from Riddle's playbook. The two strongest wizards of their ages… the closest thing he'd ever have to peers.

Both had made their mistakes. Harry on the other hand, had learned from them.


Apolline Delacour had had so few opportunities to speak with Harry Potter over the years. She almost wished she'd made more of an effort now, because honestly, the wizard was beyond anything she'd ever seen before. His magic shone like a beacon in an otherwise ember-filled world, a bonfire blazing higher than anyone else around. Certainly anyone at Hogwarts.

It was the next day, the day after they'd had their little chat. Apolline was both ashamed and at the same time not ashamed of the fact that she'd touched herself after the Potter Lord had left her. It'd been quite a long time since any man had made her feel the way Harry had made her feel in their meeting. And he hadn't even had to flirt with her either. He hadn't sent hungry gazes her way like so many before him.

He'd simply existed, and by existing NEAR her, Apolline had found she wanted him all the more. She'd always been grateful to Harry Potter, both on a personal level and in a more general sense. Voldemort had been a monster who had to be stopped, but in truth, Apolline was more grateful to Harry for the way he'd saved Gabrielle in the ill-conceived revitalization of the Triwizard Tournament than anything else.

Now though, she wasn't just grateful to the boy who was no longer a boy. Despite her age, Apolline knew she was still beautiful, still desirable. It was why those brats in her class had drawn her in such a despicable, lewd position after all. Harry though, Harry was beyond beautiful. He was gorgeous, both in a physical sense and a metaphysical one, and the way his magic shone only enhanced his physical looks.

She wanted him… but she knew she couldn't have him. Standing in her classroom, facing the Seventh Year Care of Magical Creatures class, Apolline presses her lips together and calms her beating heart. Then, she plasters a smile on her face, even as she looks across the room of young faces. These were Hogwarts best and brightest. The students who wanted to dedicate their lives to a field that included magical creatures in some sort of capacity. For the Gryffindors, it would probably be dragon taming. The Hufflepuffs and Ravenclaws would go into research and exploration, no doubt.

And the Slytherins… well, it was the Slytherins who Apolline suspected of that damnable, crude drawing. The lot of them were probably looking to join up with the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures. Some of the other three houses might do the same, but it was the Slytherins who had the sadists among them. The kind of people who enjoyed playing judge, jury, and executioner to anything magical that wasn't fully wizard or witch.

Holding her smile on her face, Apolline finally speaks, even as she buries her distaste in the back of her mind.

"Today is quite the special one, class. I have arranged for a guest speaker. He'll be spending much of his time at Hogwarts these next few months, and as it turns out, ours is the first class that will be receiving one of his lectures. I expect you all to show him the respect he deserves. Now please, stand and welcome Head Auror Potter with me!"

That gets the class of seventh years awake, especially when the side door opens and Harry steps through with little fanfare. But then, he doesn't exactly need a grand entrance, or even a grand introduction. The knowing smirk on his face as the class all but jump to their feet at his sudden appearance tells Apolline that the powerful wizard knows just that. It honestly makes her a little weak at the knees, but the aged half-veela is able to keep control of herself, and thankfully Harry's presence distracts from her sudden blush as his magic washes over the entire room.

Apolline isn't the only one blushing either, as the female students to a tee find themselves pinking up under his cocky smirk. The male students are in awe more than anything else, but even they find themselves a little cowed by the powerful magical aura that the strongest wizard in Great Britain is exuding.

Harry comes to a stop front-and-center, while Apolline moves off to the side to give him room. He pays her no mind, allowing the beautiful GILF to stare at him unabashedly, even as her entire class does the same.

Grinning, Harry spreads his hands wide.

"You all… are so very lucky."

There's a pause at that, and then he finished, his grin only growing wider.

"When I was in school, our Care of Magic Creatures class was exclusively outside, and sometimes within the Forbidden Forest itself. We certainly didn't get to sit on our asses for an entire period. Not when Hagrid ran things."

There's a bit of laughter at that, and even Apolline chuckles. It's not even that good of a joke… and yet, it comes from Harry's lips, and thus the weak icebreaker works far better than it should have. The Man-Who-Won could say almost anything and he'd probably get approval and laughter and the like from everyone in the room.

Seeing that he has the class' undivided attention, Harry continues on, his grin sliding back into that easy, confident smirk. He exuded confidence, to be fair. It almost seemed to flow off him in waves, buffeting those around him, leaving them well-aware of just how strong he was.

"Now then. Your Professor has asked me to speak to you all today about a very specific type of magical creature. Veela. As many of you probably already know, Professor Delacour is a half-veela herself. Obviously, she cannot speak impartially on the subject, but given my decades of service with the Ministry, I have some experience with the veela race. I hope to pass that off to you today, though I confess I'm not much of a lecturer, so you can all expect this class to be fairly interactive. First, can anyone tell me how the DRCMC classifies the Veela Race?"

A dozen hands immediately shoot up, and Apolline can't help but feel a little flicker of jealousy at the level of participation Harry is commanding, right off the bat. She watches as his eyes move over the eager class, only to eventually fall upon a particular Ravenclaw girl. He points to her, and Apolline can't help but be a little impressed. It's the same student she would have called on to give an answer in this situation, as the young witch was quite the studious girl.

But it'd taken weeks at the start of the school year for Apolline to properly get a feel for her seventh-year class, while Harry seemed to have taken their measure in all of two minutes.

"Yes, you there."

Blushing deeply, the know-it-all stammers out her answer.

"A-Ah… they're classified as B-Beings, right sir?"

Harry's smile only makes her blush harder, even as he nods in reply.

"That's exactly right. The definition of a Being, as it currently stands, is 'any creature that has sufficient intelligence to understand the laws of magical society, and to be part of the responsibility in shaping those laws.' So, as you can probably guess, we, as witches and wizards, also fall under that classification. As do goblins, vampires, giants, house-elves, and werewolves, when they're in their human form."

"But sir, isn't that definition a little out of date? After all, we don't exactly let giants and house-elves and vampires shape our laws anymore, do we? Especially since vampires are dark creatures."

Apolline's eyes flash as she looks over to the one who'd spoken out of turn. It's one of her Slytherin students, a smarmy little asshole with a slick grin on his face as he leans back in his chair. It's obvious, what he left unsaid. She was half-tempted to call him out then and there. He was probably the student who'd left that crude drawing on her desk, and if he wasn't, he more than likely knew who was.

But no, she'd yielded the floor to Harry, and the thought of interrupting the powerful wizard's class made Apolline balk. For some reason, the mere idea of disobeying, of getting in his way… it sent shivers down the aged half-veela's spine as she stood there, off to the side, watching and observing. Harry's reaction to the Slytherin student's outburst was to chuckle.

"You're not wrong, per say. Indeed, in the case of the British Ministry of Magic, there is a startling underrepresentation of any species that is not human. And since the veela are not native to our country or our community, the information on them is a bit sparse, isn't it? But then, that's why I'm here. All of you will come out of this class today knowing more about veela than you ever thought you did before. I'm going to correct some misconceptions. Starting with the silly belief that veela should be classified as dark creatures."

Apolline takes great pleasure in watching the Slytherin boy's face fall as Harry shuts him down right then and there. But then the Potter Lord continues, and it's Apolline who becomes increasingly confused by his words.

"Veela are not inherently dark. No veela purposefully aims to steal your loved ones away from you. Only the weakest of wizards and witches will fall under a veela's allure. But they are beautiful creatures, and more than that, they are very sexual creatures. If the Ministry were a bit less puritan, this would be the category that veela would fall into. Not dark, but erotic."

The class looks as confused as Apolline feels at this point, but Harry continues on with an easy smile on his face.

"A veela cannot help her desire to have sex. It is ever-present, and ever-constant. The need to mate is present in every full-blooded veela, and part of the reason they prefer to live in conclaves and private communities is to avoid judgment from the rest of the world, concerning their nightly orgies."


"You can't be serious!"

Apolline hates that she finds herself agreeing with the Slytherin boy. The only one to speak out, the young wizard's tone is filled with incredulity as he furrows his brow at Harry. A chuckle leaves Harry's throat though, and nothing in his face or his tone gives away any hint of deceit.

"Oh, I'm quite serious. I spent some time in a Veela Compound a few years back. I'd say I'm a bit of an expert on what goes on in such places."

His amusement and his confidence and the feel of his magic still washing over the room silences the Slytherin boy, and Apolline can see that not a single one of her students disbelieves him any longer. All are staring at him with wide, awed eyes. To be fair, she doesn't think he's lying either. It just hurts a bit… as a half-veela, the woman has never been invited to one of the full-blooded veela conclaves dotting Europe and bits of West Asia.

But Harry had been? She can't help but wonder what he'd learned there. Can't help but yearn to see his memory of the place.

"This need for sex is present in partial veelas as well. Did you think your Professor was celibate? I assure you, she's most definitely not. That doesn't mean that she's seducing married wizards away from their wives, or sucking out their souls or their blood like a dark creature might do. Instead, I'm sure she pops down to her favorite pub, or hops over to France via international floo travel in order to find a proper mate. This is another point of order. Even half-veela, or quarter-veela, or one-eighth-veela, never stop needing to mate, no longer how old they get."

He's… he's wrong. Apolline sits there, her face blank as she feels more than a few pairs of her student's eyes burrowing into her. It's not… she doesn't need sex. Not with just any man. Sure, she's gone and had some fun once in a while since her husband passed, but it's not like she's some kind of slut, like Harry is making her out to be.

And yet… and yet she does want HIM, and in the end, that's enough to keep the beautiful older witch quiet as she stares at the powerful wizard teaching her class all sorts of wrong things.

"This does not make them dark creatures though, as I said. It merely makes them erotic, sexual beings. Humans are quite sexual ourselves, aren't we? In the end though, the veela take it to another level. Apolline, come here for a moment."

What? All eyes are suddenly on her, and with a deep blush on her face, the beautiful GILF steps back to the front of the classroom from where she's been observing off to the side. Harry has his hand out and a smile on his face, and all the aged half-veela can think is how much she wishes they were alone right now, so she could ravish him. But no! No, that wasn't where her mind should have been in that moment! She needed to… she needed to figure out what was going on. How had this all become so derailed?

Her hand still goes into his though, her palm touching his palm. Harry pulls her forward and suddenly, Apolline is facing her class as he stands behind her, his fingers giving hers a quick squeeze and then moving to settle on either side of her waist.

"Now then, luckily enough we have a fine specimen with us today. Getting a full-blooded veela to leave one of their communes simply to talk to a bunch of seventh years would be laughable. But in a lot of ways, a half-blood is just as good. If you all look closely, you can see the blood rushing to this one's face. This is lust, arousal… desire. When a veela is close to a powerful wizard such as myself, it is hard for them to contain their reactions."

His words only serve to make her blush harder. Apolline can't believe this is happening, but he's right, after a fashion. She IS aroused right now, as shameful as that is, and she DOES want him so very badly. His magic has wormed its way into her mind, and it's done the same to every student in the class. All of them watch with wide eyes as Harry's hands move up from Apolline's waist to her chest. His fingers begin to unbutton her white blouse, starting from the collar and slowly moving down.

The half-veela has plenty of time to stop the man from doing what he likes with her. But in the end, she doesn't. And when he stops about halfway down and pauses to once again speak to the class, Apolline almost feels disappointment that he's not going further.

"As you can see, your Professor's blush has gone from just her face, all the way down to her neck. Much like a normal human woman, a veela can have a very strong reaction to a potential mate. That's what's happening right now, with Apolline reacting to me stronger than she's probably ever reacted to anyone in her entire life."

His fingers suddenly grip either side of her blouse and pull, and Apolline's eyes go wide as he rips the garment clean off her body, buttons flying everywhere. A moment later, the shame is back in full force as her students stare at her bra, a lacey piece of French lingerie. It wasn't… it wasn't like she'd worn it with the intention to show it off or anything like that. She'd just wanted to feel pretty today, e-especially after that meeting with Harry the day previous.

Now though, her sizable breasts and the lacey undergarment that held them in place was on full display to her class, and as Harry's hands moved over her bra and his fingers dug into her tits through the cloth, Apolline finds it impossible to hold back the gasp of delight that escapes her treacherous throat.

"These of course, are breasts. I'm sure you kids call them boobs, or tits, or something of the like. Regardless, all veela have them, because there is no such thing as a full-blooded male veela. And while it differs for most human women, every veela has extremely sensitive mammary flesh… and nipples."

And just like that, Harry is flipping the cups of Apolline's bra down, releasing her large breasts from their tight confines. They bounce and jiggle as they drop, much to her class' shock and amazement. The male students are all leaning forward in their seats now, eyes filled with excitement and smiles wide on their faces. The female students are a bit better, many of them looking chagrined and embarrassed… but also altogether flustered and aroused in their own rights, if their squirming and blushing was anything to go off of.

No one was going to help her out of this… but then, she was twice Harry's age, she shouldn't have needed help, right? Only, Apolline simply couldn't bring herself to go against the powerful wizard. As he places his hands on her chest and begins to grope her breasts right then and there, the aged half-veela can do nothing but whimper. His fingers go to her nipples, eventually, and when he rolls the sensitive, hardened tips of her tits in between his digits, she moans on the spot, in front of everyone.

"There it is. As you can see, the dear girl is practically in heat by now. Though, to be clear veela doesn't experience any sort of heat like some mammals do. Instead, a veela, or a half-veela as is the case with this one, is almost always in a state of sexual need and desire. They won't simply submit to the first wizard that comes along though, keep that in mind."

She's half-expecting a comment on that from one of the smart alecks in her class, because Apolline certainly feels like she 'simply submitted' to this. But no one says a word. The class is silent, enthralled by the view of her and Harry touching her that they've been given. When his hands finally leave her impressively perky chest, Apolline feels a moment of lost… and then he's grabbing her skirt and ripping that away from her as well.

Just like that, the gorgeous GILF is wearing nothing but her lacey French panties, as well as her matching bra, still resting beneath her tits. Harry's hands arrive back on her body, and he slides his hands over her now-naked waist once more, finally arriving at her hips and the waistband of her panties.

"As you can see, this particular specimen has wide hips, and spectacular legs. Despite giving birth to two beautiful daughters, this lovely darling has kept her figure. Unfortunately girls, don't expect your status as a witch to help much there. You will age a little slower than your average muggle, to be sure. And if you take care of yourself and take care of your looks, you can maintain your beauty well into what many would consider 'past one's prime'. However, when it comes to veela, they are naturally born with a longevity of beauty. Apolline here might very well remain this gorgeous until the day she dies."

He's dehumanizing her now, and she knows she should be upset about that. She's not. Instead, it only makes her more hopelessly aroused as Harry runs his fingers up and down her body, toying with her and playing with her like she's nothing more than a model to be put on display. Like she's nothing but a pet to be stroked and caressed.

A full body shudder runs through the half-veela's frame, and Apolline can practically hear the wicked grin on Harry's voice as he speaks once more.

"Now that you've all seen that a veela's anatomy is fairly similar to a human woman, we can move onto the erogenous zones… and how to tame, and control a veela, should one come to you for companionship. You see, when it comes to veela… especially half-veela, you must always be aware of the power dynamics in the relationship. If you allow your veela to control things, she will dominate your entire life."

His fingers suddenly slip beneath the waistband of her panties, and Apolline's eyes go wide once more as he slides the tips of his digits across her sopping wet pussy lips.

"Needless to say, a veela who can instead be tamed and dominated in turn will be the most submissive, most loyal and loving partner that you'll ever have. Now then, all of you come up here to the front of the room please. Gather around, now."

His voice starts out silken, but by the time he's done speaking, his tone is one that brooks no argument. Apolline stands there, frozen in Harry's grasp, watching as her students stand and make their way down to the front of the classroom, one by one. Some are a bit more reluctant than others. Some are far too eager for Apolline's liking.

None try to escape though. None make a single noise of protest. Eventually, ALL of them are mere feet away from her as she stands there, quivering and shaking under Harry's ghosting fingertips. That's when the wizard grabs her lacey undergarments and tears them away, exposing the rest of her body to the eyes of her seventh-year students.

Everyone is watching her. Everyone is staring at her. It's in that moment that Apolline loses control of herself, and orgasms on the spot. A few students have to take a step back to avoid the spray of pussy juices as the half-veela squirts all over the place, while Harry in turn grips her tight with one arm around her waist to keep her steady. The French witch bucks and spasms in his grasp, but in the end he simply keeps ahold of her until she's settled down.

Then he drops her on the floor and crouches over her.

"As you can see, this specimen is practically already tamed. But for those of you who are not quite as… magically endowed as I am, allow me to show you a veela's weak point. First, pin them down."

He's suddenly sitting on Apolline's heaving tits. The GILF's eyes bulge out of her skull, but there's nothing she can do as his knees pin her arms to her sides. Reaching down between her legs, Harry spreads them wide and exposes her naked cunt to everyone, dripping and leaking her juices as it is. He then takes things a step further by spreading her pussy wide, only to beckon a student forward.

"Come, come here. Kneel between her legs. Do you see this bit? This bit right here? Go ahead, flick it. Hell, dig in there if you want as well. Whatever you like."

Apolline spasms again when one of her seventh years flicks her clit. A cry of distress and lust leaves her throat, but she cannot escape Harry's grasp. What she would do if she could, whether she would attack Harry or her students in a sex-drunk haze or simply flee… Apolline did not know. She just… she couldn't think straight. She couldn't even begin to comprehend what was going on.

Student after student comes up and plays with her pussy under Harry's direct supervision. The powerful wizard guides them through the motions, even the girls, and soon enough everyone has fingered her, or blown hot air across her slit, or flicked and pinched her clit. Apolline can feel another orgasm slowly approaching, but because it's not Harry, it's not quite as arousing.

She still wants him, even after all of this. She still wants him so damn badly it hurts. Perhaps… perhaps she'll get him, if she plays along? That helps the beleaguered half-veela more than it should. The thought that the 'light' at the end of this 'tunnel' might be Harry's cock filling her up. It was shameful, but it was also hopelessly arousing.

"Now then, you've all seen what a veela in the process of submitting looks like. Unfortunately, full taming of even a part veela can take many months. This darling might be ready to submit today, but she could very well wake up tomorrow questioning my authority. Taming a veela, keeping one under your control and maintaining one's submission is a constant task. It's always worth it though. Let's take a look at what the end product of training a veela looks like, shall we?"

Harry stands up then, and Apolline slowly moves from her back to her hands and knees, the aching need between her legs ever-present. She's almost ready to finger herself right then and there to reach that next orgasm, audience be damned, when Harry distracts her by whistling sharply. The door to her office… or more importantly, to her fireplace, hooked up to the floo system, suddenly opens.

Every student's eyes move towards that door at the same time that Apolline's do, and together, both Professor and class watch in utter shock as Fleur Weasley and Victoire Weasley walk on into the room, wearing bright, happy smiles… and not much else. That isn't to say they're completely naked of course. Fleur is dressed in a Beauxbatons uniform, and even at her age it looks good on her. But then, that might have to also do with the fact that it's entirely see-through, a mockery of the uniform that the blonde part veela had worn decades before.

Meanwhile, her daughter is in no way any more decent than that. While Victoire isn't exactly wearing something that's completely see-through, she doesn't really have to. The majority of her skin is still quite visible in the skimpy, slutty mockery of a Hogwarts uniform that she's stuffed her nubile young body into. With a micro skirt and no panties, a crop top and no bra, and fishnet stockings topped off by high heels instead of socks and shoes, the recent Hogwarts graduate looks more like a Hogwarts-themed whore.

To say Apolline is horrified by what she's seeing would be an understatement. The aged half-veela watches as her daughter and her granddaughter sway their hips, moving sensually and seductively through the crowd of students as their arousal literally drips down onto the floor beneath them with every passing step. They're sopping wet, and Apolline doesn't even have to see their cunts to know it. Neither does anyone else.

When they make their way to Harry's sides, the smirking wizard wraps an arm around their waists and pulls them both close. His smirk turns into a full-blown grin when he looks down into Apolline's eyes, and the beautiful older woman can't help but shudder as a fresh flood of unwanted, shameful arousal rushes through her body. N-No… she has to fight it, if nothing else, she has to be upset about THIS, right?

But once again, she can't find the words, even as Harry addresses the class.

"As you can all see, these two beautiful specimens are completely and utterly subservient… to me. A mother-daughter pair, these lovelies came to me in a time of great need. I helped them with their troubles, but of course, they couldn't help but try to seduce me into their beds in return. I allowed them to do so, and in the end, I was forced to tame them both, lest they sense weakness and try to control my life."

Reaching down, Harry grabs the hems of both veela's short skirts. He pulls them up, completely exposing their genitals… and more importantly, the Lightning Bolt landing strips shaved out of their bushes. Both of them are completely clean shaven beyond having Harry's mark sitting right above their clits. Both moan as Harry reveals their 'branding' to the class and to Apolline.

"It is important to mark the veela, once you tame her. This, combined with plenty of sexual upkeep, will allow you to remind the veela of her place. So long as she remembers why she submitted to your control in the first place, she will never stray. It is only through neglect that you might lose a veela mate, as once you've tamed one, they are utterly loyal… so long as they are not forgotten or ignored."

Apolline is horrified by the misinformation that Harry is spouting to her class. N-None of it's true! Surely not. She's also disgusted by the orgasmic, blissful smiles on the faces of her daughter and granddaughter. And… in the end, she's hopelessly aroused as well. How long has this been going on? It hits Apolline after a moment, even through the haze of pleasure clouding her mind, and the pressure of Harry's magic bending her will to his own.

They'd been his from at least as far back as Victoire's arrest. And in fact, now that Apolline knew what was happening, that was probably exactly when he'd taken the two blondes and bent them to his will. Victoire had broken up with Teddy after all, and Fleur had stopped talking about her own husband altogether in their little chats and what not.

Harry Potter had taken her daughter and her granddaughter, and he'd twisted them. He'd turned them into something they most definitely were not! And… and she wasn't going to do anything about it. Kneeling there on the floor, Apolline simply watches on as Harry continues to debase and degrade her own flesh and blood right in front of her.

Fleur and Victoire love every last second of it too, flaunting their bodies to the boys in the class, moaning and gasping with delight as Harry touches them all over. They say what he wants them to say, they do what he wants them to do. He is their owner, in truth. Just like he claimed, he has tamed the two part veelas… and she's next, isn't she?

Apolline is so unbelievably wet with anticipation as Harry finally pauses and grins wickedly.

"Mm, you know, I've always been a big fan of learning by doing, myself. I wonder, do any of you boys think you have what it takes to tame a veela? These two are all but primed for you, but you still have to be careful. Veela are dangerous, if not dark. Erotic and sensual and filled with lust and desire… what say you all? Care to give it a try?"

There's barely a pause before the eager, overexcited seventh years begin to clamor in agreement. There's shouts and hoots and hollers, and quite a few 'Fuck yeah's' and 'Hell yes!'s' thrown around. Apolline can only watch as Harry lets go of Fleur and Victoire. She can only watch as the pair of part veelas saunter away from Harry, moving a bit from the center of the room into one of the wide walkways in between the desks.

The male students in her class move with them, already hastily removing their robes. Cocks are soon out, hard and throbbing in sweaty palms even as mother and daughter descend to their knees as one, smiles on their pretty faces. In mere moments, Fleur and Victoire are each holding two cocks, while at the same time taking a third in their mouths.

"H-Holy shit! This feels amazing!"

"F-Fuck man, by merlin these sluts have tight throats!"

The part veelas go to work on the male students surrounding them. Their smooth, silky soft palms rub down the leaking dicks on either side of them, while their tongues and lips and even their throats work on the shafts pistoning in and out of their mouths. The blowbang is fast paced, as both Fleur and Victoire seem to be working overtime to please the boys they were jacking off.

All for Harry of course, Apolline could already tell that. She didn't quite understand why though. Why was he doing all of this? Glancing in the powerful wizard's direction only garnered her a wicked smirk, and the aged half-veela had the sinking suspicion that he was doing it all for fun. There was no rhyme or reason, not truly. The Man-Who-Lived, a God of Magic that hadn't been seen in their world since the time of Merlin, if even that… he was magic incarnate, in a way. And he'd finally grown tired of living as a simple mortal. Now… now he was taking what he wanted and enjoying himself.

That didn't really tell Apolline why he would loan her daughter and granddaughter out to a bunch of sleazy seventh year Hogwarts students though. The Slytherin boy especially, that Apolline still despised more than Harry for some reason, was having the time of his life as he pounded in and out of Fleur's throat, fucking her face as hard as he could.

It took Apolline a while to look past that and see what was really happening though. Yes, the boy was fucking Fleur's throat… but she wasn't even phased. His cock, barely average, was pistoning in and out of her gullet, and she was simply taking it like a champ, not even gagging on his dick. When he came within five minutes, she actually made a disappointed face at him, swallowing his meager load in mere moments before moving onto the next boy.

And that was what the two veelas were doing, now that Apolline could see, now that she'd looked past her lust and her horror and her disgust. Fleur and Victoire, they weren't simply letting the male students use them. They were actively sucking them dry, like a pair of succubi, a type of demon that was mythical even by the magic community's standards. Though, the less flattering portrayals of their species claimed that veela were descended from a Succubus, or that they were at the very least created by one of the pleasure demons.

Apolline didn't believe that for a second, but her daughter and granddaughter were certainly trying to live up to that fable. The pair of part veelas happily blow each and every male student to completion, even managing to get a couple to cum from nothing but their expert hand jobs alone. By the time they've taken every load of cum either on their faces or down their throats, the first boys, including the Slytherin boy, are ready and raring to go, putting that shorter refractory period thanks to their ages to good use as they growl and move in on the two veela again.

Fleur and Victoire aren't even winded though, despite the abuse they'd just taken down their throats. Before the first of the recovered male students can even reach them, the mother-daughter pair are up off their knees, and bending over nearby desks. They look so very inviting there, as they reach back and spread their ass cheeks wide to reveal both their tight buttholes and their sopping wet cunts. A man apiece walks up and thrusts into them, and they moan with delight regardless of the hole, happily taking the resulting fucking.

But it's a trap, and Apolline can't help but wonder if she was the only one who saw it, the only one who listened to Harry's insane little spiel on 'taming veela'. Her daughter and her granddaughter are draining the male students dry, or at least starting to. They offer up their holes, and one by one the young men come to them like lambs to the slaughter.

Time and time again, a boy fucks her daughter or her granddaughter. Fleur and Victoire moan and cry out when it's pleasurable, while growling and mocking them when it's not. It's more often that it's not, and the room is filled with derision from both veelas as the boys try their best to 'tame' the pair, fucking them as hard as they can… and ultimately failing.

Exhaustion begins to set in and Apolline is secretly pleased to see it's the Slytherin boy that she suspects of the crude drawing that's first to fall to the ground. His exhaustion is plain for all to see, but that doesn't stop Fleur from singling him out and falling atop him. She grins wickedly as she fits his half-hard cock into her cunt once more.

"What's the matter? Can't you keep going? My Harry can keep going. My darling Master, so much bigger, so much thicker than you are. His cum loads can satiate me for days, and your pitiful ejaculations barely manage to coat the first few inches of my cunt. Come on you bastard, come on!"

A groan is all the response she gets. That and one more unwanted release from the boy, before he slumps back completely exhausted. If the others notice what's happening, they don't show it. Instead, every last male student seems to be utterly enthralled by the allure of Apolline's daughter and granddaughter. Fleur and Victoire go through them like a scythe through wheat, exhausting each one to the point of unconsciousness time and time again.

It's almost beautiful, in a way. Apolline can't take her eyes off it, and neither can the female students, still standing around her, watching their friends, their boyfriends, their classmates going at it with a pair of beauties that surpass their looks in every possible way. None of them can find it in themselves to avert their gazes, until finally Harry claps his hands together and draws their attention back to himself.

"Alright then! With them out of the way, we can move onto the more practical section of the course. Gather more closely now girls, and watch just what one should do with a veela slut like the one before you."

Apolline shivers as Harry's fingers curl through her blonde, partially silver locks. He holds her in place by her hair, and drags her up so that she's fully on her knees, her ass no longer resting on the heels of her feet. This brings her massive mammaries in line with his crotch, and when he looks down at her a moment later, Apolline bites her lower lip and tries to pull back. The meager resistance doesn't last long though, as Harry deftly unbuckles his belt and pulls down his zipper one-handed.

His cock comes out of his pants and his boxers, and Apolline's eyes go wide as the powerful wizard slaps his meaty schlong down between her breasts, forcing his way into the valley of her cleavage. She's quite aware of the eyes all around her. Her class is more male than female, but there's still a handful of young seventh year witches watching the scene with wide eyes.

She can't help but wonder what they think of her. Has Harry tainted an entire class of young minds with his insanity? Has he tainted her with it as well? A whine and a whimper leaves Apolline's throat as the powerful wizard thrusts up between her breasts, his thick, bulbous cockhead bouncing against her chin with each movement he makes.

"Go on then slut, suck on it."

Tears fall from Apolline's eyes as she gives in to his demand. Her head tilts down, his hand still in her hair, and her lips open up just as his cockhead once more thrusts up from between her sizable bust. It slips into her mouth and Apolline gives it a good suck and lick, her tongue swirling around Harry's dick tip just once before it slides back down between her breasts.

This is what she wanted, isn't it? Time and time again his cock fucks her tits, slipping up into her open mouth. Time and time again, Apolline greedily suckles at it, unable to help herself. She can't… she's not in control here. She never was. Perhaps it was a mistake to ask Harry for help, perhaps it was a mistake to have him speak to her class. But she doesn't regret it, strangely enough. Even as horrified as she is, even as humiliated and embarrassed and ashamed as she is… she might do it all anyways, even if she had known how things would play out.

His magic was in her very soul at this point, entrenching itself in the essence of what made her… her. When his cock finally slips out from between her breasts and abruptly slides down the back of her throat as his grip on her head tightens, Apolline just accepts it, even as she gags on his big, massive cock.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

"It's important to show the veela who's boss girls! It's critical that you never show them a moment of weakness!"

Even as Apolline's hands move down to between her legs, her fingers sliding into her cunt, the half-veela suspects that none of the young ladies in her seventh-year class are paying much attention to what Harry's saying at this point. The whole lesson about taming veelas… it's a lot less relevant to them all then Harry himself is. Her female students are crowding around by this point, squeezing in a bit closely. Many of them are outright masturbating to the sight of Harry fucking their professor's face.

Not a one looks disturbed or disgusted anymore. They're all quite aroused, all filled with lust and desire and a thousand more emotions. And as they masturbate to Apolline's plight, the half-veela only feels more aroused as well, the public humiliation awakening something inside her that she'd never known was there.

She cums hard, and the vibrations caused by her resulting moans bring Harry right over the edge as his release arrives right alongside hers. The wizard pulls out of her throat at the last second, and his seed sprays out all over her face and tits as he paints them white. She ends up positively covered in the stuff, and right then, Apolline understands why Fleur could be so disappointed by the boys she's knocking unconscious on the other side of the room.

Harry's cum load is thick and viscous and everything that she's never received from any other man, ever. He outright hoses her down with the stuff, and then he uses his grip on her hair to drag her to her feet. Apolline's legs wobble as he spins her around and pulls her against his chest, but she manages to stay standing nonetheless, afraid of disappointing him if she couldn't.

When he bends her forward at a ninety-degree angle and forces her feet far apart with his own, Apolline's anticipation builds. It's finally going to happen. She can almost taste it… wait, no, that's just his delicious cum. Regardless, the aged half-veela feels when Harry brings his cock to her pussy lips. His thick, bulbous dick tip presses against her sopping wet slit, and a loud moan leaves her throat, even as Harry's hands grab at her wrists and pull her arms back behind her.

"Now then girls… this is when you truly show the veela who's boss. Though I suppose you'd all need a strap-on to do so. Heh, you'd probably have more luck with a toy than your male counterparts have had with their own cocks though."

By this point, every male student in Apolline's class is unconscious. Fleur and Victoire are watching on from afar, eyes filled with glee and malice, smiles stretched wide across their faces. Apolline makes eye contact with her daughter and sees no concern there for her. Instead, if anything, Fleur is jealous. As jealous as every other young woman crowded in around them, even as Harry thrusts forward, spearing her cunt with his huge schlong.

His member pierces right to her cervix in one go, and he slams up against the entrance of her womb with a ferocity that Apolline is sure cannot be matched. A strangled cry of ecstasy and pain leaves the French witch's throat, and then he does it again and again and again. His grip on her wrists is tight, and his feet are on the inside of her insteps, keeping her legs straightened and steady as he fucks her senseless.

It's not long before he barrels right through her cervix and into her womb. Apolline's eyes bulge out of her head in the same moment that her stomach bulges a bit as well, distended from the sheer force of Harry's furious thrusting. Then, they roll back in her head and her tongue hangs out of her skull as she cums on the spot, and then again and again.

Orgasm after orgasm rips through the aged half-veela's beautiful, gorgeous body. Covered in sweat and cum, that's the moment when Apolline finally, truly breaks. Suffused with Harry's magic, painted with his seed, impaled on his pecker, Apolline snaps, and her mind dribbles out of her ears as she fully gives herself over to it all, letting the pleasure wash her away, drowning her in an endless, depthless ocean of euphoria and ecstasy.

Harry doesn't say another word as he fucks her. He doesn't demand that she beg him for more, he doesn't order her to call him Master. Apolline would do both of those things in a heartbeat, and perhaps in the end, that's the point. The resistance is gone, and anything that was holding her back is gone with it. As Harry brings her to climax after climax, Apolline simply takes every last bit of it, until finally he fills her cunt with his cum, painting the insides of her womb as white with his seed as he'd done with her face and tits.

Only then is she allowed to collapse, as he releases her arms and lets her slide off of his dick. She's unconscious before she even hits the ground, left face down in a puddle of her own pussy juices and sweat, ass up in the air. As consciousness abandons her, Apolline can feel Harry's magical presence as he spreads his arms wide. She can practically hear the grin in his voice when he finally speaks.

"Well ladies? Do you have any questions?"

She really should have done something about the bad influence on her students… but by that point, the broken woman was so, SO far beyond caring.


Even as he asked the question, Harry knew what the 'answer' would be. As expected, not a single one of the gaggle of schoolgirls surrounding him is truly capable of independent speech at this point. Instead, all they do is move in closer, their eyes drawn down to his hardened prick, covered as it is in remnants of his cum load and Apolline's pussy juices.

Their lips are parted and they're very clearly salivating at the sight of his massive schlong. Harry smirks, ready to let them have it… more than one of them falls to their knees before him as he steps away from Apolline's fallen body, giving them room to worship his majestic member. However, with their hot breath only centimeters away, Fleur's voice splits the air.

"Do you truly think any of you are worthy? You need to prove yourself before you can taste of the Master. Victoire and I need to be cleaned up after all. Your peers' attempts to 'tame' us were pitiful."

Fleur's veela allure is supercharged at this point. Harry watches on in amusement as a dozen pairs of female eyes turn towards the beautiful blonde and her equally beautiful daughter. Sexual orientation at this point is meaningless. Every single woman in this room might as well be bisexual, with Harry's magic backing Fleur up. Their eyes were already glazed over, but now as the young witches move to obey the part veela, they're practically zombie like.

Harry watches on in some amusement, even as he steps back and falls into a promptly conjured, comfortable chair. He watches, even as his veela pets bully the female seventh years into submission, just as they'd done with their male counterparts. Hair is pulled and tongues are brought to bear as the young witches are forces to lick at Fleur and Victoire, lapping at their cum-covered bodies with their tongues.

Eventually, it becomes an outright orgy, with Fleur and Victoire at the center. It starts with the veelas getting their cunts licked, but with so many women in such a small space, it's no wonder that it swiftly escalates to witches pairing off and sixty-nining on the sidelines as they await their turn at the two veelas' sopping wet pussies.

Harry enjoys the view for a while, but eventually he decides that he's not going to sit around ALL day. His cock had never truly gone down, never truly softened, but now its throbbing again, and finally the powerful wizard stands and moves towards the veelas and their allured prey, eyes narrowed. Fleur catches him coming and eagerly tosses away the young witch eating her out, happily wrapping her arms and legs around Harry's body as he thrusts into her waiting and ready cunt in a single move.

Things only descend into further debauchery from there, as Fleur gets fucked, Victoire gets fucked… and then Harry moves onto the pretty young witches that make up part of the Seventh Year's Care of Magical Creatures.


It takes a while for the boys to wake up. When they do, it takes another bit of effort just to get to their feet, using the desks next to them for support as they scramble up. And then there's the moment of realization as it sinks in that they failed, that none of them managed to 'tame' one of the smoking hot veela that Harry Potter himself had brought into the classroom.

This feeling of inadequacy and failure is only solidified by the screams and moans of their female classmates, the noises that woke them up in the first place. It takes a few of the young wizards time to look over, but eventually all of them are staring, watching as Harry James Potter, the Man-Who-Lived, fucks their friends, their girlfriends, and their peers right before their eyes.

The female half of the class is bent over the desks on the far side of the room, opposite of where Fleur and Victoire had exhausted the male students. As such, the boys get a nice, unimpeded view of the faces of each and every witch in their class, as well as Fleur, Victoire, and a not-at-all recovered Apolline as Harry pounds each and every one of them simultaneously. He's only fucking one at a time with his cock of course, even if he is plowing them relentlessly when he does so.

It's his magic that's fucking the others, solidified tentacles of pure magical force reaching out and spearing cunts of all ages. Every woman is being stretched, every woman is jerked forward with every powerful thrust. All of them are in the throes of ecstasy as they cum again and again around Harry's cock… or around his magic.

The boys watch on, all of them with painful hard-ons. Harry's magic has suffused their souls as much as it's suffused the souls of their classmates and their Professor. Each and every one of them is painfully hard, even those in intimate relationships with some of the girls across the way. Whether he meant to or not, though of course he certainly wouldn't care if he hadn't, Harry has turned the entire group of young men into closeted cuckolds.

As if finally deigning to notice them, Harry looks up just as he cums in yet another young witch's womb, smirking wickedly and grunting as she cries out happily, her eyes rolling back in her head. He makes eye contact with each male student from across the room, even as he pulls his still-hard cock out of that particular witch's cunt, and steps to the side to spear into another's, much to her vocal enjoyment.

"Ah, you're finally awake boys. I must commend you for your efforts, futile as they ultimately turned out to be. I suppose it was rather unfair of me to expect any of you to manage much against a veela tamed by myself… but I'd thought that perhaps, all combined, you could equal at least one of me. I suppose that just wasn't the case. Ah well. As a consolation prize, there's a stack of magical photographs by the door. They detail me fucking your classmates and your professor, and these two lovely veela you failed to tame in all sorts of wonderful positions."

Harry's smirk is positively evil as he increases the pace with which he's fucking the poor girl before him, leaving her to temporarily lose her mind from the pleasure.

"There's enough for all of you to take three, so don't be greedy, alright? Now, go on, all of you. Get. Your female counterparts have done a much better job than you lot, so I'll be giving them a bit of an extra reward for the next little while. Bye now."

There's nothing for any of them to do. Shamefully aroused, and filled with a measure of self-loathing, each of Apolline's male students move towards the door, where the stack of recently made magical photographs awaits them. Not a single one of them is going to tell anyone about this. The very idea doesn't cross any of their thoughts. No, they'll take this to their graves, just as enthralled by Harry Potter's magic as any of the women in the room that they're leaving behind.

By the time the last of them shuffles out of the classroom, closing the door behind them, the stack of magical photographs is completely gone, divvied up amongst the corrupted, twisted young men. None of which will ever be able to have a satisfying relationship ever again, unless their significant other is fucked senseless on a regular basis by men much stronger than them.


Apolline watches her male students shuffle out of the room through bleary eyes. She'd been woken up a bit earlier by a tongue bath from some of her female students. Harry had broken them all, male and female alike, just in different ways. Just like he'd broken her, twisted her into something new. The half-veela knew she could never go back to the way things were before, but that didn't make it any easier to handle the way things were now.

Gritting her teeth, Apolline claws at the desk surface in front of her, the wood already scratched clean through by her elongated nails. She's only a half-veela, but she still has some of the transformation in her. A full veela probably would have gone full fire harpy when Harry put his cock inside of her, but all Apolline has is her claws. They're out now though, gouging long marks in the wooden desk beneath her, even as Harry's actual MAGIC pistons in and out of her like a particularly enthusiastic tentacle.

He's fucking them all simultaneously, the absolutely monster of a man. And she most definitely doesn't mean that in a bad way. No. Harry is everything Apolline never knew she wanted in a mate. It doesn't matter what he said about veelas anymore. As far as she's concerned, it's all true. He's made it true, in a way. Twisted her mind, corrupted her soul.

There's nothing more that the half-veela wants now than Harry's cock, and she can only hope she'll get it again soon, even as he banishes her male students from the room, even as he makes his way down the line of up-turned female asses, getting ever closer to her with every load of cum he deposits in a young witch's womb.

The anticipation builds, until finally he reaches her, bent over at the end of the line as she is. But rather than fuck her right then and there again, Harry pauses and slaps her ass, before pulling back. Apolline is almost ready to protest… or at the very least, whimper in disappointment. But before she can do either of those things, Harry's magic lifts her up, and the beautiful GILF can only watch with wide eyes as she's strung up in mid air by his invisible 'tentacles'.

Fleur and Victoire end up on either side of her in the same position. They're at the perfect height for Harry to walk up and simply fuck them as he pleases. That's exactly what he does, moving towards her and FINALLY (hopefully) putting his cock back inside of her needy cunt. His magic certainly feels pleasurable, but his meaty, throbbing, hot member is what she really needs.

With her daughter and granddaughter on either side of her, Apolline knows all is lost. Especially when a simple, unspoken command washes over them all, and she watches as her female students move to obey it, their questing tongues digging into every crevice and orifice and erogenous zone that the three veela had. But then, Harry stops and his cock doesn't quite go into her cunt.

Instead he stands there, grinning at her even as he lifts his thick meat stick up and then slaps it down on her abused, quivering pussy. Apolline shivers at the look in his eyes, whimpering even as she tries to plead silently with him with her own gaze. But he just keeps smacking her cunt and finally Apolline realizes that he's teasing her, and she has no idea how to make him stop. Something in his eyes tells Apolline that nothing she can say or do will sway him. She's his toy, and he is her Master. He will fuck her for however long he likes, and all she can do is hang there in midair, suspended by his magic, and take it.

It's all too much for the beleaguered half-veela. It's all far, FAR too much. The humiliation, the teasing, the degradation… Apolline is ashamed to say she cums from nothing more than tongues on her body and Harry's cock slapping against her sopping wet pussy lips. He doesn't even have to put it inside of her. Instead she orgasms right then and there, and as she realizes just how much of a whore she's become, a great loud wail explodes from her throat, mixed in with the pleasurable scream from her latest release.

That wail reverberates through the halls of Hogwarts, reaching over half of the castle from intensity alone. The students and faculty chalk it up to the ghosts, as it's a rather common experience in a castle this large and this haunted. But there's one group of boys, one group of students currently leaving a certain particular classroom that hear the wail first and that hear it loudest.

All of them end up sporting painful, awkward boners for the rest of the day, until finally they're able to masturbate to the moving photos of Harry fucking their Professor later that night in their beds. Some even experience the joy of seeing him fucking their girlfriends, or their friends. Watching the women in their lives, both young and old, being absolutely and utterly destroyed by a man superior to them in every way.

Harry James Potter had come to Hogwarts. And by the time he was done with the place, it would never be the same, ever again.


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