
Mutants Vs Aliens

In the distant future, two millennia after a devastating alien invasion nearly wiped out humanity, Earth's surviving inhabitants find themselves on the brink of extinction. Desperate to ensure their survival, humans embark on a daring experiment, willingly subjecting themselves to genetic mutations that grant them abilities comparable to the formidable alien invaders. As the centuries pass, these mutations become hereditary, and a new generation of humans is born with extraordinary powers. These gifted individuals, now known as mutants, must navigate a world where the ongoing conflict with the aliens has become a way of life. In the midst of the ever-escalating war, alliances are forged, betrayals run deep, and the lines between good and evil blur. In the heart of this chaos, our protagonist emerges. Sky, an extraordinary mutant with a unique power capable of tilting the balance of the struggle. As they strive to understand their purpose and navigate the complexities of this new world, the fate of both humanity and the alien invaders hang in the balance. "Mutants Vs. Aliens" is a gripping tale of survival, resilience, and the indomitable human spirit, as mutants and aliens clash in an epic battle for control of a planet on the edge of oblivion. Will the mutants' powers be enough to save humanity from extinction, or will the alien invaders reign supreme and reshape Earth in their image? Only time will tell as the relentless conflict unfolds, revealing shocking truths and testing the limits of power and sacrifice.

AlexisKing · Fantasie
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5 Chs


Sky sat on his bed, his gaze fixed on a weathered photo clutched tightly in his hand. It was a picture of him and his parents. Every night, he found himself lost in thoughts of them, the weight of their absence still heavy on his heart. They had embarked on a mission to rescue captives held by the aliens, but tragically, neither they nor the others who went with them ever returned. Unspoken words and unfulfilled promises haunted Sky, leaving an ache that refused to fade.

Suddenly, the shrill blare of the alarm pierced through his reverie, jolting him back to the present. Without hesitation, he donned his jacket and rushed to the command center, where Dr. Elena awaited with a grave expression.

"The chronosphere has been taken," she announced, her voice tinged with concern. "We don't know how, but one moment it was here, and the next, it vanished."

Logan, the brainiac of the group with unparalleled analytical skills, swiftly chimed in. His mind raced, calculating various possibilities. "It must have been teleported, and someone incredibly fast manually moved it," he deduced. "Thankfully, I sealed off all portal access immediately after its disappearance. No one can enter or leave Haven 5 until we locate the chronosphere."

Dr. Elena nodded, impressed by Logan's quick thinking. "Sky, we need you to find whoever did this," she instructed, her trust in him evident. "We'll track the energy signature of the chronosphere and send you the coordinates."

As the team set out to search the entire city for the criminals who had stolen the chronosphere, a sense of urgency filled the air. Dr. Elena, with her keen intellect and advanced technology, managed to track the artifact's energy signature. However, a perplexing problem emerged – the chronosphere's energy appeared to be scattered everywhere, yet it remained elusive, as if it was nowhere in particular.

Dr. Elena's mind raced as she tried to comprehend the nature of the perplexing ability she had just witnessed. She swiftly communicated with her team through the communication system, "It appears that the entity responsible for this is either moving at an incredibly high speed or possesses teleportation capabilities. You must split up and conduct a thorough search until we locate it." Urgently, she prompted the team to take action.

"Understood," they all responded, and without hesitation, they split up.

Logan was the first to spot a girl-like figure, but she quickly fell to the ground, seemingly weakened from overusing her powers in an attempt to escape. "Gotcha," Logan exclaimed as he shot a net-like object to restrain her. However, before the net could reach her, she teleported away with astonishing speed, leaving Logan stunned, unable to follow her movements with his eyes.

As she appeared a few meters away, Logan deduced that the girl could only teleport to places within her line of sight. With limited visibility due to the darkness, he realized she couldn't go far with her teleportation, making it easier for him to predict her next move. Determined, he swiftly pursued her, utilizing this newfound advantage to track her down.

He shot her another net but she did the same thing. Logan predicted the girl's teleportation, strategically placing nets in those areas. His plan succeeded when she materialized in one of the trap locations, getting caught in the net and was unable to teleport. "Don't mess with a genius like me," Logan proudly remarked.

"I've got her, but there's no sign of the chronosphere," Logan informed his team through the communication system, his voice steady despite the urgency of the situation.

"Good job, Logan. Keep her secure," Dr. Elena's voice crackled through the channel. "Sky, there's one more. Pursue with caution."

Sky, fueled by the copied superspeed ability, raced through the underground city in pursuit of the elusive teleporter. However, his tenfold amplified speed proved insufficient to keep up with the nimble adversary. The teleporter moved with such blinding agility that he seemed to be everywhere at once, leaving Sky baffled and at a loss for a moment.

"I can't catch him; he's teleporting too fast," Sky admitted, frustration seeping into his tone. "How did you manage to catch the other one, Logan?"

Logan's voice came through with a hint of pride, "They can only teleport to places they can see, Sky. Anticipate their moves and position yourself in potential teleportation spots." Sky's mind quickly grasped Logan's advice. He began to strategize, predicting where the teleporter might reappear next. With a newfound determination, he shifted his approach, positioning himself in the likely teleportation zones.

As the teleporter materialized beside the street chair, he seemed momentarily disoriented, not expecting anyone to be waiting for him. Unbeknownst to him, Sky had been carefully tracking his teleportation pattern during the chase.

Sky had anticipated the teleporter's next move and positioned himself strategically, ready to intercept the criminal. With the copied superspeed ability still coursing through his veins, Sky reacted in a split second, his heightened reflexes allowing him to close the distance between them in the blink of an eye.

The moment the teleporter fully materialized, Sky lunged forward, expertly grabbing hold of the criminal's wrist before he could react. With a swift yet precise motion, he swiftly brought out a pair of handcuffs and secured the teleporter's hands, effectively preventing any chance of escape.

Caught off guard and unable to teleport away, the teleporter found himself subdued by Sky's quick and calculated movements. The element of surprise had played a key role, and before the criminal could fully comprehend what had just happened, he was securely handcuffed and at the mercy of the mutants.

With the artifact, the chronosphere, safely retrieved and the criminal apprehended, Sky felt a sense of accomplishment. The chase had been intense, but his ability to analyze the teleporter's pattern and plan accordingly had turned the tide in their favor.

With the mission accomplished, the team returned to the Haven 5 defense organization, where they handed over the captured criminals to the waiting authorities.

In the dimly lit interrogation room, the air was charged with tension as Dr. Elena stood before the captured criminals, her eyes fixed on them with a steely determination. Sky and the rest of the team stood nearby, a united front offering silent support in the pursuit of answers. "You are working for XZY, aren't you?" Dr. Elena accused, her voice firm and unwavering. Lily and her brother exchanged nervous glances, the weight of Dr. Elena's accusation evident in the tension that filled the room. "Yes," Lily finally admitted, her voice tinged with regret. "We are working for XZY."

Dr. Elena's gaze remained unwavering, her expression a mix of sternness and concern. "Tell us everything you know about XZY and their plans," she demanded. Lily spoke up, her voice wavering slightly. "XZY took us in when our parents went on a mission and didn't return," she explained. "They promised to help us find them and reunite our family. But as time went on, we realized the truth about XZY's dangerous methods and their true intentions."

Sky and the team listened intently, understanding the complexity of Lily and Brown's situation. They knew that XZY had manipulated them, preying on their vulnerability and fear for their missing parents.

Dr. Elena's expression softened slightly as she regarded the two siblings. "You don't have to be afraid anymore," she said gently. "We will protect you and help you find your parents. Just tell us everything you know about XZY, and together, we will bring them to justice."

"I'm sorry," she began, her eyes locked on her brother's, "but I can't keep this burden to myself any longer. XZY didn't just take us in out of kindness; they manipulated us from the beginning. They used me, my brother, and countless other innocent children, to carry out their illegal operations."

"We stole classified information, artifacts that contains information about the Aliens. They wanted to save humanity just like everyone else but they wanted to be the only one who took credit for it. When they learned you had the chronosphere, they tasked us to come get it because our powers allowed us to appear in and out before anyone notices"

Tears welled up in Lily's eyes, but she steadied herself, determined to reveal everything she knew. She recounted the countless missions they had been sent on, the dangerous encounters they had faced, and the growing sense of unease she had felt as she learned more about XZY's true intentions. Dr. Elena and the mutants listened intently, their expressions a mix of concern and resolve. They understood the gravity of Lily's revelation and the potential dangers that XZY's plans posed to everyone in the underground cities.

Brown turned bitter as he heard Lily spill out everything she knew about XZY. The feeling of betrayal gnawed at him, realizing that his sister had decided to share their painful past with the mutants and Dr. Elena. He clenched his fists, his heart torn between the loyalty he felt towards XZY and the desire to protect his sister.

"You shouldn't have said anything!" Brown exclaimed, his voice filled with frustration and anger. "We trusted them, and they trusted us. We were family!"

"Family don't put members at risk" She replied. Lily looked at her brother, her eyes glistening with tears. "I'm sorry, Brown," she said, her voice quivering. "But I couldn't bear the weight of their secrets any longer. It's not just about us; it's about all those innocent lives at risk because of XZY's dangerous plans."

Sky stepped forward, his gaze firm yet compassionate. "We understand that this is difficult for you," he said to Brown. "But we want to protect you and your sister, and the only way to do that is by bringing XZY to justice."

Brown laughed like a crazy person. "Y'all don't know what it's like to live on the streets, we were homeless, we had no food we starved for days and no one cared not even our own haven organization cared about us, at that time we hadn't shown any powers so they thought we were useless. XZY found us and sheltered us for years" He turned to lily. "And yet you turn your back on them, you know what's gonna happen now, how can I protect you now!!!" His anger was evident as he yelled at her.

"Look, I understand what it's like to lose parents, my parents too went on a mission and didn't return, Dr Elena found me. I think it all depends on who found you first. if Dr Elena was in charge of your haven, she wouldn't have disposed you" He said to brown.

Brown wasn't ready to look at anyone, anger and betrayal was all he felt.

"We'll talk better in the morning, you're all dismissed" Dr Elena dismissed all the mutants. they all went to their dorms to rest.