
Mushoku Tensei: Second Son

A young high school boy, Ren Nakamura, known for his empathy with the side of stubbornness, sacrifices himself to save a girl from assailants, which leads to his death. Suddenly, he awakens in a mysterious new world, reincarnated as the second son of the Greyrat family and the third younger sibling of Rudeus Greyrat.

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20 Chs

Learning the Art of the Blade

Excitement surged through me as I eagerly awaited the beginning of my sword training with my father. Each passing day brought me closer to the realization of my dream to become a hero, and I brimmed with anticipation at the opportunity of wielding a sword in the future.

As the day of my training drew closer, I found it difficult to restrain myself. It felt as though I were a caged beast, yearning to break free. The thoughts of mastering the art of the blade danced through my mind, filling me with a sense of determination and purpose. 

"Calm down, dear brother. You're tapping your feet way too much," a familiar voice scolded me gently from behind.

I turned around to see Aisha, my maroon-haired sibling, dressed in a maid outfit that dwarfed her small frame. She stood there with her arms crossed and a playful pout adorning her lips, seemingly observing my restless movements.

"Ah, sorry, Aisha. I can't help it. I'm just really excited to wield a sword," I admitted sheepishly, trying to contain my enthusiasm.

My sister sighed in response, shaking her head. "Honestly, brother. You've been like this for a while now. Give it a... Ouchie!"

Before she could finish her sentence, Lilia smacked her head lightly with a disappointed look on her face. "Aisha, what did I tell you about bothering Master Dante?" she rebuked mildly.

Aisha winced at the gentle reprimand, rubbing her head in response. "Sorry, Mother. It won't happen again."

Seeing the interaction between mother and daughter seems rather charming, which warms my heart. Despite the anticipation coursing through my veins, I couldn't help but appreciate the familial bond in front of me. It serves as a reminder that even though we're not entirely blood-related, Aisha is still my sibling.

"Oh my, what's going on here?"

Eventually, my mother came into the living room with Norn cradled in her arms. They seem curious about the situation before them, their presence adding to the familial atmosphere.

"There's nothing to be concerned about, Madam Zenith. It's just Master Dante being excited about something," Lilia reassured, casting a hopeful glance in my direction.

My mother turned to me and wore a playful smile. "Oh? And what could that be?"

Filled with excitement and anticipation, I couldn't contain my grin as I announced, "I'm going to start training with Father soon and learn how to wield a sword!"

Taken aback by my declaration, my mother widened her eyes before furrowing them with concern. However, she placed her hand on my head and smiled earnestly.

"Do your best, my dear, and become the hero you aspire to be."

Hearing my mother's words of encouragement, I nodded pridefully, feeling a surge of resolve coursing through my veins.


Suddenly, I heard the front door opening. We turned to see my father holding two wooden swords in both of his hands. He looked at me in the eye and smirked.

"Come on, little hero. It's time for training."


With a determined nod, I eagerly followed my father outside, ready to embark on the first step of my journey toward becoming a true hero.


As my father and I arrived at our front yard, we faced each other, our gazes locking with a shared determination. The wind rustled through the trees, carrying with it the promise of a new beginning.

With a confident stride, my father approached me, his hand outstretched. In it, he carried a wooden sword, smooth and polished from years of usage. As he handed it to me, a wave of excitement coursed through my veins, mingling with the weight of responsibility.

"Alright, Dante, listen closely. From this day forward, I will impart upon you the foundational skills of swordsmanship, so pay attention to me."

I nodded eagerly, ready to absorb every word of his knowledge. He began the training by explaining the three main schools of swordsmanship—Sword God Style, Water God Style, and North God Style. 

"First things first, I want you to know that the three sword styles emphasize different aspects of combat. Sword God Style prioritizes on speed and strength, Water God Style focuses on parrying and counterattacks, and North God Style highlights survival and versatility."

With each explanation, I understood more of the mechanics of swordsmanship in this world, showing me a solid foundation to build upon. My father then proceeded to demonstrate the basic stances and movements of the first style, the Sword God Style, leading me through the motions with precision and finesse.

"See that boulder over there? Watch me closely. You'll take a strong forward step with one leg, and then swing your sword!"


As he dashed toward the boulder, Father slashed it with his wooden sword, demonstrating the power and fluidity of his technique. I watched in awe, wanting to imitate his movements.

"Amazing, Father! You cut through that rock like it was nothing. How did you do it?"

His smile widened as he replied, "It's all about reinforcing your sword with Fighting Spirit."

"Fighting Spirit? What's that?" I asked, curious about the term.

Answering the question, my father explained that Fighting Spirit was a technique used to amplify the physical capabilities of the individual to the extreme level. He then guided me in harnessing my own Fighting Spirit, which surged through me like a tingling wave of energy.

"Now, with your Fighting Spirit fortified, I want you to slash that boulder over there using the technique I just demonstrated."

Pointing towards the unscathed boulder nearby, he instructed me to put my newfound skill to the test. I nodded, readying myself to lunge forward. With a deep breath, I took a strong step towards the boulder, and then I raised my sword before swinging it downward.


Upon contact with my wooden sword, the boulder shattered into smithereens, leaving a huge crater in the ground. I turned back to my father, awaiting his reaction.

"How was that, Father? Did I do well?"

Reeling from my presentation, he nodded, his expression a mix of surprise and pride. "Y-yes, you did great, son."

Filled with a sense of accomplishment, I couldn't contain my grin as I basked in my father's praise. With renewed determination, we continued our training, each lesson bringing me one step closer to realizing my dream.


After hours of dedicated practice, I absorbed a multitude of techniques to wield my sword with finesse and control. My father patiently led me through demonstrations, emphasizing the significance of footwork, balance, and timing.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, we decided to take a well-deserved break from our rigorous training. Seated underneath the shade of a nearby tree, my father handed me a waterskin, offering a refreshing drink to replenish my energy.

"Great job today, Dante. You're picking up the techniques rather swiftly," he praised, showing a hint of pride in his voice.

Hearing his compliment, I smiled earnestly, grateful for my father's guidance. As we rested, I couldn't help but marvel at how far I had come in just a single day. However, I knew that this was only the origin of my journey toward mastering the art of swordsmanship.

"Hey, Paul, over here!"

Suddenly, a male voice called out, interrupting our moment. My father and I glanced in the direction of the noise and found two individuals approaching from our front gate. One was a blonde elf man while the other was a familiar green-haired girl.

"Oh, Rawls. What are you doing here? And you brought your daughter with you too?"

Rawls, the blonde elf man, arrived to us with an urgent expression, his daughter following closely behind him. "Terrible news, Paul. There's an influx of monsters has been spotted on the outskirts of the village. We need your help immediately."

My father's demeanor shifted instantly, his expression becoming grave as he processed the report, rising to his feet with a determined resolve.

"Gather the other knights, Rawls. I'll join you shortly," he instructed firmly, his tone leaving no room for hesitation.

Rawls nodded solemnly before turning to his daughter, his concern evident. "Sylphiette, stay here while we deal with this. It's not safe for you out there," he advised gently.

Sylphiette, the green-haired elf, nodded timidly, her worry for her father evident. Meanwhile, my father, always attentive to others, had another thought in mind.

"While you're here, why not spend some time with Dante? He could use an older companion like you," he suggested kindly, gesturing towards me with a warm smile.

Rawls glanced at me briefly, his expression soothing, before returning to his daughter. "He's right, try to get acquainted with Paul's son while we're away, alright?"


After that interaction, my father returned inside the house to change gears while Sylphiette's father left to fetch the other troops. They soon gathered together and set off to the outskirts of town, leaving us both behind.

As we watched them leave, a solemn atmosphere settled over us, punctuated by the distant sounds of their departure. With nothing better to do, I decided to chat with the only fellow in my vicinity. 

"So... How are you this morning, Miss Sylphiette?" I prompted, hoping to ease the tension in the air and initiate a conversation.

Sylphiette turned her head towards me, responding, "I'm fine. Thanks for asking."

Her straightforward response seemed promising, yet there was so much I wanted to discuss with her. Thus, I continued to press onwards to interact with this elf.

"I've learned swordsmanship today," I boasted, brandishing my wooden sword.

She chuckled lightly in response, evidently amused by my attainment. "That's sounds great, Dante. I'm sure Rudy would be proud of you."

Hearing my brother's name made me curious, sparking a series of questions in my mind.

"Can you tell me more about my brother, Miss Sylphiette? What kind of person is he? And why isn't he here with us?" 

Sylphiette's expression faltered slightly, a hint of sadness creeping into her eyes.

"That's what I wanted to know, but your parents keep dismissing my questions. Your brother is a wonderful individual, and he taught me magic."

Her words only deepened my curiosity, leaving me with more questions than answers. Yet, at that moment, I couldn't help but feel a sense of connection with this green-haired elf girl who shared my longing for answers about my missing sibling.

"You know what, I'd like to learn magic as well. Would you teach me, Miss Sylphiette?"

Upon suddenly declaring my wish, she smiled.

"Of course."

Do you believe in Magic?

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