

Another six months have passed and I have now turned four years old and Nina have turned 7 years old respectively

After so many months of training together she quickly reached the intermediate level in the God of the Sword style, which is why she had to change to the secondary dojo.

I was still at a beginner level but according to Donald it wasn't long before I reached intermediate level in the same way.

But because of my age and lack of physical strength I still couldn't cross that gap, and my father said the same thing:

"You are already at the intermediate level but your body does not behave like one" he said.

This obviously means that I'm still too young but I'm still growing so it's just a matter of time.

As for my magic, I have also made considerable progress, so to speak.

I can now do ten water balls before passing out.

I had planned to move up to the intermediate range in water but I preferred to do other beginner level spells in another elements.

and for that I asked that I wanted to go out to train in the forest one afternoon when I left the dojo

My mother looked at me curiously but she let me go.

I walked through the "village" passing by the dojos that were closed until now and walked into the forest

Even though it was already summer, the snow never stopped falling in this place.

Nina is probably already at home resting.

Although we get along it seems to be a little more of a rivalry than anything else and the gap only got bigger when she turned Intermediate, now we can't even see each other in training.

This really depresses me, believe it or not, I can't help but get depressed if I don't see my future wife!!

After a while I came to a clear spot in the forest, it was a cliff and in the background I could see the sea

You don't realize it, but I'm currently in the northernmost part of the world, not counting the Sky Continent...

But I didn't come here to see the sea, I came here to train my Magic

I stood in the middle of the snow and closed my eyes trying to remember the spell

I wanted to make a beginner level fireball now and throwing it in the snow would be the best

I focused on a point in the snow and pointed my hand towards it.

"Let the great protection of fire be on the place thou seekest,I call the bold heat of a torch here and now Firewall!!" I said and a ball of fire formed in my hand and shot out to the ground

The snow beneath the spell quickly evaporated, dissipating the spell as well.

"I did it!!" I said with joy

Now I'm a beginner in water and fire!!

Now I planned to do other spells in the same way.

And some time later I used a Sonic boom and a stone bullet to become a beginner in the four main styles of magic.

I had to keep this totally silent, no one could discover me using magic just for the simple fact that I wouldn't know how to explain where I learned it from.

Satisfied with my progress today I decided to head home and that's what I did.

Plus I was feeling slightly tired so I went back home to sleep.


The next day went by without many problems, I arrived at the dojo and started doing my swings.

I can now do a total of one hundred swings before collapsing which is already impressive even for me.

Since the kids didn't want to spar with me and Nina was already in another dojo, I couldn't practice with anyone.

Donald noticed this and approached me.

"Do you want to have a light fight with me?" He said as he unsheathed his sword.

I nodded at this and put myself on guard in the same way.

The other students formed a circle around us with expectant looks.

"kick his ass sensei!!"

"go back to kindergarten!!"

"get out!!"

The way I laughed at this and even more at the kid who yelled get out, reminded me of a meme in my old world

Putting these thoughts aside I knew that if Donald made the first move i would have no chance.

So I decided to pounce first.

I ran as fast as I could, made a big jump and aimed at Donald's neck, I knew he would block the attack so when I saw him raise his sword to block mine I quickly changed of direction quickly propelling me down slightly with wind magic at an imperceptible level

My target now was his shoulder, I could see Donald was a little startled by this but he blocked the blow anyway.

My sword was in my raised right hand, I released the wooden sword and with my left hand I caught it and aimed at Donald's ribs, this caught him off guard but obviously he could react to this, I guess he had already let me attack at will so with just a movement of his sword that I couldn't see I was sent crashing into a wall of the dojo

"Hahaha! You deserve it, brat!!"

"Get him out of the dojo!!"

"you don't have what it takes!!"

The children were screaming as I slowly got up from the floor.

"Silence!!" Donald commanded and the children fell silent

"You've really impressed me Gino, despite your age those moves took me by surprise" he said as he approached me with a smile

"From today you can call yourself an intermediate in the Sword God Style" Donald said with a smile

I just looked at him in shock and a smile appeared on my lips.

"Thank you very much sir!!" I said enthusiastically

The other children looked like they couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"what does that mean?!!"

"How can that kid be an intermediate!!"

"He didn't even have his first birthday!"

The children screamed in indignation but neither Donald nor I paid attention to them.

And so...that day I became an intermediate in the Sword God Style.

Obviously I ran home to tell her what happened and she didn't seem to believe me although I don't blame her.

After lunch I continued training in the yard until dinner arrived and dad arrived at the same time.

"Dad....guess who's an intermediate now?!" I said excitedly.

Dad, who was about to put a piece of bread in his mouth, looked at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Really?..." He told me a bit skeptical.

"Of course, sensei Donald made me an intermediate today!" I declared

I could see that my dad and mom were looking at me in amazement and they both smiled at this news.

"I'm proud of you son, no one has achieved what you achieved at such a young age" he said with a smile

I nodded at this as I looked at him with a genuine smile.

Dinner went on as normal and I went to sleep immediately because of my exhaustion...only to be woken up by my mother's moans.

"Really?!....damn it..." I muttered as I walked to my parents' room

I gave a sharp knock on the door which made the moans stop instantly.

"You're so loud, Mom!" I complained and quickly returned to my room.

The next day passed normally except that my father and mother avoided looking me in the eyes.

"g-good... Good morning Gino... did you sleep well?" my mother stammered as she served me breakfast.

I raised an eyebrow at this as I looked at her, Mom blushed in embarrassment at this.

"E-em....w-what did you hear last night?..." She said while covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

"Umm, I don't know...everything?" I said while eating.

Mom didn't answer but I could see how red her face was.


After breakfast I accompanied my embarrassed father to the secondary dojo, this dojo is supervised by the other Sword Emperor named Samuel, I will train in your dojo until I become an Sword Advanced.

We arrived at the same time as at the other dojo months ago for me to sign up and there was Samuel also outside the dojo but he was just training.

Samuel saw us immediately but he didn't stop training, I looked at my father and he didn't flinch at this either.

"Good morning Samuel, I brought my son here as we had already discussed" my father said

Samuel raised an eyebrow as he looked at me "It's already an intermediate so soon?" He said skeptically while he looked at me

"Not to brag, but it seems my son has an innate talent with the sword," Dad said as he patted me on the back.

Samuel's gaze went back and forth between me and my dad until he finally stopped swinging his sword.

"Okay, let's go to the paperwork" he said and so we entered the dojo.

And by paperwork I mean getting my name on an attendance list...

The other children started arriving about half an hour later and to no one's surprise Nina was the first to arrive.

"...Little one...what are you doing here?!" Nina said as she approached me.

"I came to train, I recently became an sword intermediate" I said to her as I started swinging my sword

She looked at me skeptically but didn't say anything else and trained with me.

The outlook for the intermediates was now very different as before Nina was the youngest of all the students.

And the oldest is a 19 years old guy.

But since I joined it seems that Nina was released from her status as the smallest, but being the smallest was not something that interested me at all.


Nina became an intermediate of the Sword three months ago and I can see that he has progressed remarkably in the field, as in my previous dojo the other students refused to train with me and Nina so we had no choice but to train the two of us together.

I realized something in our training

Nina chooses to be the first to attack in all of our sparring matches which gives me the opportunity to predict her attack and counterattack.

But because of my current body, the strength of my attacks is almost zero, so in the end the one who ends up losing is me.

And I think this has boosted Nina's ego in some ways...

But I can't complain because I can see her ass jiggling during the sword swings so I have no right to complain after witnessing something so magnificent.

But still, the path to glory is still far away from me...


Hi!! Comment what you thought of the chapter and give me power stones!!

That helps me more than you think!!

coment and give me power stones!!

Brian17Greyrathcreators' thoughts