
Muse of the Dragon Rider

This is the tale of Lily, a young child from a tiny town who was unexplainably transported to a continent where a prominent academy summoned a gifted magus—selected by a dragon egg to be its rider—every year. Lily begins a journey of magical education and training within the walls of this institution, eventually developing into an overpowered force in the world of magic and dragons. Lily is a powerful dragon rider herself, but why does she being called "Muse of the Dragon Rider"? Author's Note: This novel will be updated daily. Add to your collection so you will be notified. Thanks for reading! :)

Koko_Palibino · Fantasie
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12 Chs

New Hope

Day after day, Lily's voice remains unheard as she lies in her chamber. Amaria always visits her every morning to clean up and bring her breakfast. She will also do the same at lunch and dinner, where she reads her bedtime stories till she falls asleep. Despite her unwavering attention, Lily seems lost in her world, and weeks turn into months without noticeable change.

Amaria swiftly waved his hand, his magical powers activated, and the dirty dishes on the table were instantly cleaned. She turned to Leon, who was standing beside her.

"How is she?" Leon asked with genuine concern in his voice.

She heaved a sigh, her concern for Lily evident in her voice. "Still no change," she replied. "She's not speaking or showing any signs of improvement."

"I see."

"I heard her crying from her chamber every night." With a flick of her skilled hands, she gracefully retrieved the spotless plates from the table and returned them to their designated spot in the kitchen cabinet. "I don't know how to cheer her up, Leon. She is too young to have those traumas, and now she's in this situation. I feel how she suffers every day."

"We handle much worse than this. Gifted children were summoned yearly to train and be dragon riders."

"And where are they now?" Amaria asked, her voice firm with a hint of frustration.

Leon remains silent.

"We've lost so many children that we took care—I took care. Every day, I ensured they were being fed, cleaned, and provided for all their needs, but where are they now?" As the weight of her emotions began to overwhelm her, she instinctively clenched her teeth together, her jaw muscles tightening to suppress the tears that threatened to spill down her cheeks. "They're all dead, Leon. All dead because of this stupid war.

"Then why are you still here?" Leon exclaimed. "Ha? Why are you still here if you can't handle all these things? We have been partners for decades, and every day, I had to listen to your complaint about this shit academy!"

"Because I am still hoping that someone might be brave enough to stand for what is right someday."

"Then what are we doing then?" Leon shouted, waiting for a response.

Amaria closed her eyes, trying to compose herself. "I don't want to argue about this, Leon."

"I know; I understand what you feel. We've been through all of this, and this is not the time for us to give up on the child." She took Amaria's hand. "We can still make things right, okay?"

Amaria directed her gaze towards the other Leon in a wordless manner, conveying her understanding and agreement through a subtle nod. As her eyes met his, a faint trace of concern could be discerned, reflecting the underlying worries that occupied her thoughts.

"Alright," he uttered with a tinge of weariness, exhaling audibly to release the weight on his shoulders. With a deliberate motion, he gently shut the kitchen cabinet door where Amaria had meticulously arranged the freshly cleaned plates using her magic. "The headmistress sent a letter today about the enrollment for the academy tomorrow. We need to prepare her. For now, let's take some rest."

Leon extended his arms in a welcoming gesture, creating a safe space for Amaria to seek solace and support. As Lily's guardians, they only have each other to trust.

"Do you think it's her that was promised?"

He is certain about how to respond to Amaria's question, and considering the undeniable strength of Lily's aura, he confidently states, "We will know tomorrow."


Lily's attention was drawn to the sound of a gentle knock at her door. Despite hearing it, she deliberately chose to disregard the interruption, turning away from the door and skillfully feigning sleep in an attempt to conceal her wakefulness.

"Lily, I'm going to enter now."

Amaria gently pushed open the door, stepping into Lily's chamber and settling herself beside the bed. She cleared her throat with a nervous gesture as she absentmindedly brushed away an imaginary speck of dirt from Lily's mattress. Anxiously, she pondered how to broach the topic of enrolling the child in the academy.

Finally, she mustered the courage to begin the conversation, her voice filled with genuine concern. "How's your sleep, dear?"

As Lily's thoughts wandered, a familiar endearment, "Dear," echoed in her mind, reminiscent of the affectionate way her parents used to address her. The rush of memories flooded her consciousness, causing a tightening sensation in her chest, almost constricting her breath.

"It's alright," Lily murmured softly, her words barely audible as she sought solace in the embrace of her plush and comforting pillow.

"That's wonderful news," she responded, pausing briefly to consider how to uplift the child's spirit. "I understand that you've been carrying a heavy burden of sadness since the loss of your parents these past few days. However, life has the potential to be as beautiful as you've imagined it to be." A warm smile graced her face, as if Lily herself were looking at her. "Let your parents be the motivation that fuels your determination. Perhaps, someday, you will have the opportunity to reunite with them. Just remember to keep fighting and never give up."

Lily contemplated Amaria's words, pondering the possibility of finding a path that would lead her back to her parents. The thought of exploring the world beyond the confines of the mansion consumed her mind as she considered the opportunities that awaited her and how she could leverage them to return to her village.

"Do you think so?"

"Yes, dear?" Amaria responded with a gentle smile, eager to seek clarification on Lily's inquiry. A profound sense of warmth enveloped her heart with just a simple response from the child.

"Do you think I can still return to my mama and papa?" she asked anxiously. She slowly got up, sitting on the edge of her bed, and turned to face Amaria, eagerly awaiting her response and feeling a slight sense of hope.

"Absolutely! At Dragonscale Academy, it is a prestigious institution offering a plethora of opportunities for individuals like yourself," Amaria exclaimed, stretching out her hand in a comforting gesture. "Lily, you possess an incredible gift as a powerful magus, and soon, you will embark on a journey to become a dragon rider. While it may seem overwhelming at the moment, we believe it is imperative for you to grasp the magnitude of your gift, which is why we are going to enroll you today at the academy."

Lily's heart was heavy with despair, drowning in a sea of doubt and uncertainty. Yet, amidst the darkness, a tiny glimmer of hope flickered within her, begging for attention. With the weight of the sadness and longing pressing down on her shoulders, she hesitated, unsure if she had the strength to carry on. However, as she let that sliver of hope penetrate her weary soul, a surge of warmth rushed through her veins, dispelling the gloom. With newfound determination, she finally mustered the courage to utter four simple words, her voice quivering: "Alright, I'll do my best then."

In that instant, a fragile smile danced upon her lips, for she realized that even the smallest spark of hope had the power to ignite a fire within her soul and propel her towards overcoming the insurmountable challenges that lay ahead.

"Let's clean you up." Amaria can't describe how happy she is right now, but knowing that Lily is trying to improve herself is already a big change for her.

After Amaria helped Lily clean her body, she also braided her curly hair. A wave of nostalgia swept over her. Lily's words were spoken softly while gazing at her precious white-scaled dragon egg.

"My mama used to braid my hair," Lily shared, her voice tinged with longing.

A tender smile graced Amaria's lips as she replied, her eyes filled with empathy. "I can see how much you miss her."

Lily nodded, her emotions too deep for words to capture. In that moment, Amaria's resolve grew stronger. Tenderly braiding Lily's hair, she vowed to fill the void left by Lily's mother.

"Always remember, Lily," Amaria whispered, her voice carrying a comforting warmth. "I promise to be here, always, to braid your hair, just like your mama did." And in that simple promise, a flicker of solace danced in Lily's eyes, filling their world with hope.

Amaria also made sure that she also put Lily's golden rose hairpin, as she knows how important it is to Lily.

"Here's the uniform sent by the academy." Amaria laid the Dragonscale uniform on her bed and helped Lily wear each piece.

The uniform consists of a flowing robe made from a deep, rich fabric like dragon scales, tailored to fit each individual student. The robe's color is a regal shade of deep purple.

The front of the robe features intricate golden embroidery, depicting the letter D with a dragon holding it. The embroidery is not only aesthetically pleasing but also holds symbols of protection and enhances the wearer's magical abilities.

Under the robe, Amaria helps Lily wear a crisp, white button-down shirt with a high standing collar. The shirt signifies purity and connections to ancient magic traditions. The sleeves are slightly loose-fitting to allow the students to perform intricate wand movements without restriction.

For the lower half, Lily wears tailored trousers or a skirt made from a sturdy material in a dark shade to complement the robe.

Completing the uniform are knee-high boots made from soft leather, which provide comfort and mobility. The boots are designed with discreet pockets to store small magical artifacts or spell components.

To finish the look, Lily wears a wide belt around their waists, made from supple leather and adorned with small pouches and holsters for holding magical tools like wands and potions. The belt can also serve as a means to display a student's achievements through small medallions or badges earned for mastering specific spells or learning advanced magical techniques.

Overall, the Dragonscale Academy uniform combines elegance with functionality, allowing students to move freely while maintaining the essence of their mystical studies.

A voice emerged from the doorway and exclaimed, "You look absolutely stunning in that uniform!" Amaria beamed at Leon's compliment towards Lily, expressing her delight by affirming, "Indeed, the uniform suits you incredibly well."

"Thank you," Lily replied.

"Apologies, ladies, but there seems to be an urgent matter at the academy. The head mistress requires our presence immediately," Leon hurriedly informed.

"Alright, Lily, you may get your dragon egg now," Amaria commanded.

She approached the legendary dragon egg. As her delicate fingertips caressed its scaled surface, an enchanting transformation unfurled. In that precise moment, the room became a mystical realm, enveloped in a stunning aurora that cascaded in celestial hues.

Leon and Amaria's faces were frozen in a state of utter shock, their eyes wide and mouths agape as they were unable to comprehend what they were witnessing.

The radiant light, glistening like a thousand twinkling stars, weaved a tapestry of magic, illuminating every corner with an otherworldly glow. It was as if the very air had come alive, electric with ethereal energy that spiraled and pirouetted with every breath.

The powerful bond between Lily and his legendary dragon egg had summoned forth a wondrous spectacle.

"It's been a while, Lily."



I finally decided to update the story after losing hope because I broke my laptop so I just use my phone. It's hard! T ^ T Now, I need to focus because the next chapters needs a lot of dragons and academy world building I need to write down or else my mind will explode! ;(

Koko_Palibinocreators' thoughts