

Morticia sat in the Munster's living room with Gomez who was reading the newspaper. Every few minutes Gomez would glance over his newspaper at her because he knew she hasn't been focused lately. Her mind has been on nothing but that awful dream she's been having. Gomez put his newspaper down and scooted closer to his wife on the couch.

"Querida." Gomez said, stroking her silky jet black hair. "Lionel is gone. He's not coming back."

"He tried to steal our money and now I feel like he wants to take my baby away from me!" Morticia exclaimed. "He's probably plotting as we speak!"

"Querida, don't you know the difference between fantasy and reality?" Gomez asked.

"Of course I do! But that dream frightened me Gomez! Don't you understand?!" Morticia exclaimed, beginning to cry and getting her handkerchief out from her dress. Gomez held his wife close to him and rubbed her back soothingly.

"Querida, I promise you, nothing is going to happen to Wednesday on my watch." Gomez said. "Anyone who dared hurt my children will have to face the mighty wrath of Gomez Addams!" Gomez thrusted our his sword and began holding sword positions.

"On guard!" Gomez exclaimed, getting so caught up in his sword fighting fantasy that he sliced the Munster's couch making the couch fall and Morticia fell in between each side of the couch. Gomez looked around at the mess he had created.

"Perhaps I took my sword skills a little bit too far." Gomez said helping his wife up.

"Yes, dear, perhaps you did." Morticia said.

"I don't know what came over me." Gomez said.

"Darling, it's just the Spaniard blood coursing through your veins." Morticia said patting Gomez's cheek the way she knew he liked.

"Tish, when you pet my cheek that way, it sets my whole being aflame!" Gomez exclaimed kissing Morticia's arm.

"Darling, later, later....." Morticia said stroking Gomez's cheek.

"Right, later." Gomez said nodding his head, wrapping his arms around his wife and laying his chin on top of her head.


"Gomez, for once I'm frightened of sleep...." Morticia said, her voice slightly quivering.

"Fear not my Querida, I'll be right here." Gomez said opening his arms. Morticia ran into his arms and he tucked her into bed still holding onto her with one arm. Morticia laid her head on his chest and Gomez pulled the blanket over her. Gomez could feel her shaking as he rubbed her arm supportively. He kissed the top of her head.

"I promise, everything will be alright." Gomez said. "Just close your eyes." Morticia nodded and closed her eyes, still shaking from fear.


      Morticia woke up to find Gomez's side of the bed empty. Wondering where he was she threw the covers off of her and got up to look for him. He wasn't in their bathroom so she went out of her bedroom and into the hallway to find that all the bedroom doors were open. Morticia checked Pugsley's room, but he wasn't there.

Next, she checked Wednesday's room but she wasn't in bed either. She moved on to uncle Fester's bedroom, and then mama's but neither one of them were in there rooms. There was only one person left in the house she could talk to: Lurch. She went upstairs to Lurch's room and knocked on his bedroom door.

"Lurch? It's me Morticia." Morticia said. There was no answer. Morticia knocked again and again there was no answer. Next to Lurch, she only had Cousin Itt left. The only other person she could talk to if Lurch wouldn't. She went across from Lurch's bedroom to Cousin Itt's bedroom and knocked on the door. Despite being irritated having been woken up, Cousin Itt let Morticia in.

"Cousin Itt, I hate to disturb you, but I can't find any members of the family anywhere! They seem to hav whist disappeared!" Morticia said. Cousin Itt answered back in his usual gibberish talk that only the Addams family could understand.

"I don't know where they could've gone." Morticia answered. "True Addams' stick together. They never would've left me alone like this." Cousin Itt responded in gibberish again.

"Forgotten about me?" Morticia asked shocked at Cousin Itt's response. "We all see one another every day! How could someone possibly forget a person they see every day?" Cousin Itt responded in gibberish.

"Well, thank you anyway for letting me talk to you....I appreciate it." Morticia said, getting up from the bed and walking back into the hall. She walked through the hall and downstairs into the living room. The living room was empty except for the decorations everyone in the house admired so.

Suddenly, was a knock at the door. Morticia hadn't a clue as to who would be knocking on their door at three o'clock in the morning, but being the dark hearted, but kind and hospitable Addams she was, she answered the door. It was Lionel with the whole family tied up and gagged behind him.

"Morticia....long time no see." Lionel said.

"You let my family go." Morticia said, gritting her teeth.

"Not unless you agree to be my wife!" Lionel exclaimed.

"I love Gomez, and I always will!" Morticia exclaimed. "You can't tear us apart!"

"I can Mrs. Addams...and I will." Lionel said. Lionel removed a pistol from his jacket pocket and aimed it at Gomez.

"You kill him, and I can promise you-" Morticia was interrupted by Lionel grabbing her arm and holding her tight enough for her to not move.

"You let my Querida go!" Gomez exclaimed, ready to pounce on Lionel.

"Darling, keep the children and family safe!" Morticia exclaimed.

"I won't leave you, Tish!" Gomez exclaimed attempting to untie himself from the ropes Lionel tied him up in.

"One more move, and she dies!" Lionel exclaimed aiming the gun at Morticia's head.

"Kill her and you die!" Gomez exclaimed.

"Lionel was about to pull the trigger when Morticia fainted.

~End of nightmare~

        Morticia shot you in bed, panting, which woke up Gomez immediately.

"Did you have another bad dream Querida?" Gomez asked.

"Yes." Morticia cried. "Lionel had you and the entire family except for Cousin Itt tied up. He was going to kill you at first, but you attempted to escape from the ropes he used to tie you up to save my from his grasp. He was about to kill me, then I fainted, and woke up."

"Tish, I am beginning to think this is getting out of hand." Gomez said. "Your anxiety about Lionel is unhealthy for an Addams, and nonsense. He's gone..."

"I know darling believe me, but I can't fathom why I'm so paranoid." Morticia said.

"Maybe there's something dwelling deep in your subconscious mind that even you don't know about." Gomez said.

"Perhaps your right." Morticia said.

"I have it!" Gomez exclaimed. "Tomorrow, I will help you figure out what makes you anxious! We will meet in the play room, and you can have the most comfortable seat in the house! The rack! You can get stretched before the session and relax, then we can reach into your subconscious mind, and help you."

"That sounds like a capital idea to me." Morticia said smiling.

"You're welcome, anything for you Tish." Gomez said placing an gentle kiss on Morticia forehead and helping her lay back down.