
Mummy, Please Bring Daddy Back

"Who is it?' "Mia. Mia Salvatore." "Come in." Mia opened the door slowly and entered with the suitcase. His chair wasn't facing her. "Good morning sir." She greeted him and exhaled. "Good morning. And why are you standing at the door? Come here." The CEO said and Mia came towards him. At the same time, he turned his chair. Mia stopped in her tracks. He was so handsome. "Seriously Mia??" She asked herself. Wow...i love your lips sir. Mia actually felt like telling him that. After all, she's got the bravery, but the words just couldn't come out. "Miss Mia Salvatore, please sit." "Mia." "Miss Mia??" "Miss Salvatore??" "Are you there??" "MISS MIA SALVATORE!!!" He yelled and she finally blinked and closed her drooling mouth before sitting. Sometimes, i still cry. Sometimes it still hurts To have my daughter smiling back at me when i look into her blue eyes, it's wrong. But NO! She doesn't need a dad. I can be a mum, dad, sister, brother, and even grandparents to Rebecca. All my youth was devoted to her monster dad, then he did what he seems fit. I will never trust a man again. I will never lavish on a man again. No one is capable of taking care of Becca than me. I'll work hard and give her the best life. But when Mia crosses path with Oliver, an handsome, caring billionaire who is attached to Rebecca, will she give him a chance to take care of her and her darling little Princess?

phyinfoluwa · Urban
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23 Chs


"Good mo...."

"Good morning Mia Salvatore, my name is Sheila Mercedes and am the daughter of the renowned business man, Peter Mercedes, the sister of the hottest guy on Instagram, Red Mercedes." She introduced, and sat without even waiting for an invitation to sit.

"Hello, Sheila. I.."

"This office looks so shabby. And why are you dressing so shabbily too?? Why the fuck are you wearing sneakers on a gown? You're so annoying over here at Richardson Textiles! DAMN! SHIT!" Sheila hit her fist on the wall.

"Ma'am. What do you want?"

"Are you dumb? Are you crazy? Am the customer you're expecting!" Sheila thundered.

"Am sorry, Sheila. I apologize." Mia pleaded.

"You don't even know how important I am. Impress me, and I'll renovate your office." Sheila folded her arms, while Mia nodded slowly.

"Archie and Selena told me that you needed a dress that shines brighter than the stars."

"Exactly." Sheila nodded.

"I don't think I can get anything like that."


"Am sorry ma'am. On behalf of the organization. You can bring us extract of the finest diamonds, and we'll do our job."

"Extract?? Ironic. Show me the shiniest fabrics you have." Mia opened a drawer and took out fabrics, that shone directly into Sheila's eyes.

"This is what I need. But am not the One wearing it actually. Its for a girl named Bright. My adorable niece." Sheila said.

"Oh. So do you want a ball gown?" Mia asked.

"Something like that. But not too babyish. She's turning 4."

"Oh, I see how mature it will be." Mia said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. 

"You have two days to sew the outfit. Else, you'll be sued to court for disrespecting a billionaire like me." Sheila stood up. 

"Alright." Mia stretched forward for a handshake, and Sheila swept her hand away.

"When you do my job, we can be friends." She left Mia's office immediately.

Few minutes later, lots of employees came with fabrics, which needed work to stitch successfully. 

This time around, she wasn't the only fashion designer, but the stress was double what she faced in Starry.

At 5pm, she locked her office up. 

"Mia." Oliver held some chocolate chip cookies in his hands.

"Sir, I'll leave now. I need to pick up my daughter from school." 

"Oh, first time you show an ounce of respect." He chuckled.

"I don't care what you say."

"Looks like you have a great deal with Sheila Mercedes. Satisfy her with your talent, else, your career is dead." Oliver said coldly.

"I see that. I don't like her but after the job, she might be nicer." She kept her medicine in her bag.


"Welcome Sir. I want to believe work wasn't too stressful." The cook, Darlene asked.

"Am fine, thanks for asking. Is the meal ready?" Oliver asked.

"Yes sir. Your favorite, sir." Oliver noticed her gestures again, and he frowned.

She was wearing a clear skirt, that revealed her thighs, with a crop top.

"Haven't I told you to always wear your apron?" He wasn't happy with her.

"Am very sorry sir. It got stained so I had to wash it." She lied.

"Oh really? So what did you do with the loads of aprons I bought you?" He folded his arms.

"Am sorry sir, they..."

"Never mind Darlene. I need my dinner." He headed upstairs. After freshening up, he slid on his jammies and went back downstairs. The aroma of his favorite filled his nostrils. Pizza, straight from the oven.

"Thank you so much Darlene, I..." He gasped aloud. She was wearing a black bra and a string pantie.


"Sir! Why have you been ignoring me! For two years, I've been giving you signals, yet you never even looked at me! Am I not pretty enough for you?!" Darlene cried.

"Darlene...where's my meal?"

"Here I am, sir." She walked towards him.

"You must be kidding me." 

"I'm not sir. Aren't you experienced? Haven't you met with a girl before?" Darlene asked.

"Leave my house, Darlene." He sat. Darlene sat on his lap and he pushed her hard.

"LEAVE MY HOUSE, DARLENE!!" He yelled. She jumped hard on him caressing him. With her body temperature, she was wet.

She threw her wet hair on his face.

"Leave..." He tried to push her but failed.

"Be the king of my body..." She mumbled. He unbuttoned his jammies and suddenly, someone burst in.

"WHAT THE...." It was Mrs. Richardson. Darlene jumped off scared.

"Ma'am I..." 

"Get out of this house." She ran upstairs. Soon after, she was out of the house with her belongings.

"Mum I.."


"Mum, I can explain. She..she forced herself on me."

"But I saw you. You allowed her unbutton your shirt, and the scene means, you must have undressed her yourself." His mum was mad.

"Don't you trust me, Mum?"

"The future of Richardson is in your hands, Oliver. Don't destroy things with your promiscuous attitude." His mum warned.

"Am sorry."

"You need to employ another cook. And she must be decent, not the turkeys you've been employing." His mum was strict.

"I don't know of any girl who doesn't want me to taste them. Am every girls' dream." He proudly said.

"Oh, you think so?" 

"I don't need a lady. I have Ma Gloria."

"Ma Gloria is an old hag. She'll die anytime soon. She can't even hold a spoon properly."

"Fine, Mum. I'll do something about it."


"AUNT GIOVANNA!!" Becca hugged her tight.

"Honeybunch, I missed you. My heart ached all these years when I didn't see you." Giovanna smiled. Her perfume filled the atmosphere.

"Have a seat, Anna." Mia brought some orange juice.

"Thanks, sis." She saw different photo frames on the scratched and cracking walls, lizards and cockroaches were having fun in the holes, termites were slowly opening the holes even more.

"What's with this shabby house??" Giovanna didn't let Mia give a reply. After two phonecalls, she sighed.

"What have you been saying? You didn't even touch your juice" 

"Follow me." It was getting dark, but Becca and Mia left in Giovanna's car. They reached an area, where a mansion stood.



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