Thomas Cair died, unknowingly saving the world. In the afterlife, he was bluntly told he will reincarnate or transmigrate and promptly given three wishes. What wishes he choose and where will his adventure lead him?
The Reaper pouted with arms crossed on his chest as the door opened yet again, confused Irene Belserion walked in.
She took one step inside and stoically waited for an explanation.
Thomas innocently blinked at the Reaper who scowled at him but started explaining.
"In short. You," He pointed at Irene. "dead."
"He," He pointed at Thomas. "wants you."
"She," He pointed at Bellatrix. "already his."
Irene blinked. Bellatrix raised an eyebrow. Thomas gaped.
"I always thought the afterlife would be more painful. This is just ridiculous." Irene stated.
Thomas rolled his eyes at the childish display.
"Come here and sit." He told Irene.
At first, she wanted to lash out but was quite curious so she decided to listen. For now.
"So, the thing is. I had three wishes..." Thomas explained to her the coven bond. Then told her about Bellatrix who gave her a slight bemused wave. Quipped about incompetent and childish Reapers here and there, earning himself snarl from the other male occupant of the room. And then finally, when he saw Irene was silent for the entirety of his explanation, decided to give her his offer.
"So, what I offer you is becoming a member of my coven, bonding with me and I will use my third wish to give you a human form."
As Thomas said his spiel, Irene's eyes widened to comical proportions. Becoming a human, that's what she wanted for the last four centuries and now it was almost in her grasp! But the price...
"It will also give you full magical power of your dragon form with the ability to fully cast the spells of it in your human form."
But the price...
Irene's face contorted into indecisiveness as she nibbled on her lips.
"You did not leave out anything from your explanation did you?" Her cold gaze fell on Thomas.
"N-, No." He stated as calmly as he could in front of a woman able to level a continent.
"So, you want me to subjugate myself to you and..." She started with a conflicted voice when the Reaper finally accepted his job and made himself useful.
"No, no, Mrs. Belserion. You won't be subjugated nor enslaved. Yes, your mind will be affected and in time, you will be devoted to Thomas, in time genuinely falling in love with him," His eyes flashed as he saw her wistful expression when he mentioned 'falling in love' and he instantly and fluidly changed what he was about to say. "you will gain a new family. The bond is not a one-way street, Thomas and Bella will also become loyal to you. Plus you will get your lifelong wish."
"But the price..." She muttered weakly, still not happy about having her mind influenced since that was what bothered her about Dragonification. Her primal instincts flaring, affecting her mind.
"Dear, you are already dead." The Reaper sweetly coaxed with a concerned look.
Irene bit her lower lip so hard, it bled as she glared heatedly at the Reaper.
"Do not think I am an idiot. I know what you are doing." She then turned her gaze at Thomas who was looking at the exchange with a baffled expression. "And you!" She pointed at him with her draconic clawed finger and her face showed a mix of determination and hesitation. "I-, I accept."
The second these words came from her mouth, she felt the shift in herself. Her being was bound to the man and woman in front of her as she felt herself gain a deep-seated fondness for both of them, bordering on 'love'. Her face contorted in resignation as she utterly understood just what levels of devotion she now held for the raven-haired, black-eyed male in front of her.
That moment she knew. She belonged to the man. The same way he belonged to her.
Outside, her appearance shifted too. She lost some of her height, becoming even smaller. Thomas looked amused because previously she reached only up to his nose but now she was barely reaching his chin. The proudly showcased chest of hers lost its volume, becoming a lot smaller, stopping only when she sported a modest-sized bust. Her already ridiculously silky long hair completely unbound themselves from her massive braids and lengthened, gaining a crimson sheen, showcasing their smoothness. Her body was now covered in a crimson suit of radiance, contrasting with her whitish skin. Her brown eyes brightened due to the increase of available magic in her human form as an affectionate spark aimed at Thomas filled them. The most noticeable change though was her dragon parts as they completely turned human. Claws turned into nails and scales into smooth skin as tears formed in her eyes and her pointy, slightly up-turned nose sniffed in delight.
She had once again a truly human form...
Oddly enough, her emotional changes didn't make her as repulsed as they should. Instead, she was giddy and excited. For the first time in four centuries her heart warmed up with feelings she deemed long lost to her and therefore unnecessary. But now... she was happy.
Happy was good, she decided.
As her gaze slowly lifted from marveling at the newly-acquired skin on her hands towards Thomas's black orbs, her face split in an angelic smile, capturing him in her beauty.
Irene was feeling too good to restrain her urges and sooner than Thomas could react, he was pulled down by his collar, his lips pressing into the soft red lips of the petite girl, desperately trying to reach him by pulling him down and standing on her toes as she tried to show her gratitude.
He obliged and bent down, even more, earning an appreciative hum from Irene as she slipped her nimble tongue into his mouth.
When they finally parted, both flushed in embarrassment, Bellatrix was already on her feet. Unwilling to be bested, she quickly turned Thomas around into a searing kiss. She was not as slow and appreciating as Irene. No, Bellatrix was passionate, bordering ferocious and her wet, sloppy snogging showcased it fully. She wanted more than a kiss. Way more.
Thomas returned the kiss in full but after they pulled away from each other, patted her head gently.
"Later, kay?" He told her tenderly, getting a nod.
"You too." He smiled at Irene who just shook her head in bemusement, her eyes gleaming in approval.
"Okay, okay, kids. Stop before you make me puke." An annoying voice of the Reaper sounded in the room as all three glared his way in irritation. His smile widened as he gave them a cheerful wave.
"Your wishes fulfilled, off you trot!"
A portal opened under all three of them as they fell into it, completely bewildered.