
halloween and troll

a few weeks passed quickly and it's time for Halloween, Hermoine and Francis attended the classes befor eth halloween holiday, the charms class is about wingardium leviosa, well they performed it easily while Seamus burned his feather and Ron insulted Francis and Hermione calling them spies in Griffindor and a dark wizard, though many ignored this which made Ron furious and he didn't perform the spell well, Lavender brown who is beside him gave him an advice but he just called her miss know-it-all, well this scene is familiar looks like this world repaired itself so instead of Hermoine who is with Francis, it's Lavender who joined the trio.

she looked sad from what Ron called her and when the class is over he insulted her again while talking to his friends, well as expected that day she didn't come to have dinner and Hermoine wanted to help her, she tugged my sleeve while asking me tag along while Ron even though he knows it's his fault ignored this.

Quirell suddenly rushed to the great hall while yelling," troll, troll in th dungeons, I thought you should know", he then fainted there while the students panicked, I looked at Ron and Harry, but it looks like Ron didn't care about her while Harry is concerned and turned towards me, even Hermoine is tugging my robes.

I sighed and nodded while we three ran towards the bathrooms and saw a troll entering the girls toilet, Lavender brown is screaming inside while Francis sighed and took out his wand then cast," Flinpindo", the troll is knocked into the wall while again he fired," reducto", the troll's head blasted to pieces while he again cast a spell," scourgify" to clean the mess as it smells very bad If left like that.

just then McGonagall arrived and saw the troll, Quirell whimpered looking at it while Snape looked at Harry, Francis and Hermione then at the poor lavender who is crying while scared, Hermoine approached her and took her away while McGonagall came out her daze and asked," what happened here? you two explain now?", Harry opened his mouth to say something which Francis cut off and said," well professor you see Ms brown lost her way to the great hall which her room mate Hermoine is concerned about, so I and Harry wanted to help Ms brown with Hermoine, but the troll incident happened and with concern we searched and found her, well since this troll tried to attack me I just fired a few defensive spells like reducto, Flinpindo to kill it, have I done something wrong professor?".

McGonagall is speechless and don't know what to say while Harry, Snape and Quirell have their jaws dropped at how calm I explained a rule breaking like a righteous act. McGonagall sighed and yelled," it's night time go to your beds", Francis and Harry left while McGonagall said," 10 points to each of you for fighting a troll", I smiled at Harry and we both goes to the common room where we heard cheers, I throw Harry and escaped while saying," it's Harry who defeated the troll", well simply I sold Harry as I don't want to tell a story again and again tonight.

Harry is stunned but before he can say anything he is flocked by Griffindor's who asked him about the troll while Hermoine and Lavender laughed at this, I looked around as I found a burning gaze on me and sure enough it's Ron, this is getting bad I need to do something if this continues he'll definitely do something to Hermoine or the ones around me.

so I approached him while invisible and placed a soul seal on him, even the thoughts of harming those close to me will result in a burning pain, I also placed this on Quirell twice to be exact, one on the back of his head on voldemort, while both of them are sleeping, and one on Quirell.

I enjoyed the notification of Quirell and voldemort getting tortured by pain and burns in soul and their magic through the seal, now it'll be the same for Ron, I then came behind Hermoine and kissed her forehead which replied with a smile while Lavender brown is blushed seeing our affection, just then Ron felt a pain and grunted with shock, I smiled inside and continued my talk with Hermoine about the magic core, I gave her a new breakthrough potion as she hit a bottle neck and gathered energy for about 3 months and now it's enough and harmless to do this.

she drank the potion and I can see she has a breakthrough, I smiled at while she hugged saying," thank you, hubby", I smiled patted her while Lavender looked away from us, I them left to my room saying a good night and a good night kiss on cheeks for Hermoine which she returned back with a kiss to my cheek.