
Multiverse: The Chicken Hero!

Enquanto houver o Bem haverá o mal, é por isso que o Frango herói sempre estará lutando contra o mal não importa onde ele esteja.

Pato12 · Anime und Comics
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2 Chs


Following day.


Alex cackled at the sunrise letting the city hear his beautiful sound, "What a beautiful day!" I said taking a deep breath and feeling the morning heat enter me and with that I was ready for a new day, but first I needed to eat my breakfast.

Without giving any warning I darted forward jumping from the building I was in and spread my wings to allow myself to float during the fall, at that moment a building window opened and a little girl poked her head out and saw a rooster flying.

" MOM!!!" She screamed for her mother who quickly ran towards her in despair thinking that something had happened and when she reached the window she saw her daughter excitedly pointing ahead as she called out to her, "Look mother a flying hen!"

She calmed down when she heard her daughter's words and approached the window as she smiled, "My daughter, chickens don't fly. There can't be one..." She was about to refute her daughter's words but looking out the window she actually saw a chicken soaring in midair.


Back to Alex.

I smiled as I felt the wind beat against my feathers as I descended into the sky, "this is the feeling of freedom." I exclaimed as I maneuvered from my position to head towards a park that was already showing signs of movement.

Minutes later I landed right in the middle of the park scaring an old man who fed pigeons and made him rub his eyes to see if what he was seeing was real.

Alex without being intimidated by being observed approached the front of the man where he threw bread crumbs to the pigeons and started their meal, the pigeons of course didn't like having an intruder approaching their feeding field but no one dared to approach that cock that was 3 times bigger than any of them.

Soon several other elderly people began to arrive and distribute different types of crumbs, there was bread, corn, bread with caramel, farofa, there was even doughnut, a real feast for any bird.

I reveled in the food offered by the elderly while letting the children caress me, "Oh that's the good life." I said as I snuggled into the lap of a little girl who kept stroking my feathers.

Sniff! Sniff!

"You smell like a monster!" Alex's eyes opened when he heard these words and jumped off the girl's lap and faced the man who spoke them, on the side of the child he was in her lap was a man dressed as a dog.

"That's it! O (Watchdog!)" I mentally exclaimed seeing the hero who was now staring at him too, 'You smell like a monster but you don't look and act like one.' alert and its tail followed its movements.

" This is bad." I thought as I saw him go into alert position as he watched me, probably just waiting for a move from me to attack without any mercy and I knew that in my current state of strength I couldn't face him.

"What to do" I wondered as he put one of my legs forward and spread my wings to look menacing.

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(Pov guard dog)

I was sent to town J a few days ago because of some rumors about a new powerful chicken dressed hero in town, the association seeing the opportunity to recruit another capable hero sent me into town not only to do a patrol and cleanup but to find that hero.

Although I found the job tedious they promised me a premium dog food kit which I couldn't refuse, and with that I checked into J city and began my search.

To my surprise the number of monsters here was much smaller than expected and the strongest ones were just being Tiger threat level which didn't give him much trouble.

However I couldn't find the so-called Rooster-Hero, of course I could find dead monsters on the outskirts of the city and reports of people being saved but I wasn't able to firmly smell him and track his whereabouts.

Whenever he followed his scent it suddenly spread into the air as if it had vanished into thin air, but today I could smell it as I passed a park to relieve myself.

And entering the park I not only smelled such a hero but also a smell of monster blood leaving me alert and looking for whereabouts, in that I ended up arriving at a chicken that was being petted by children and snorted it without him noticing .


Returning to our current moment.

The two continued to stare at each other for a while making the people who were in the surroundings strange that scene, but others recognized the hero of Rank S and soon began to walk away from the place warning the other people who took their children and elderly there.

The atmosphere began to tense as the rooster and the man dressed as a dog faced each other, but the real question was in the minds of the two as they worked to find a solution.

"Eh now?" The two wondered mentally.

The Watchdog being an S Rank hero expert at tracking never had a problem finding both people and monsters but he never thought he would meet a rooster with and get into a stalemate with it.

Alex was in the same dilemma not expecting the S Rank Hero to show up in the same place as him today, but with a slightly nervous heart he made a decision.

"Although I want to resolve this peacefully this misunderstanding may give me the opportunity to face one of Rank S's greatest heroes and make myself stronger." He thought and activated his transformation to roosterman.

With a flash and a few feathers flying he transformed into his second form and got into battle stance as he faced the Watchdog, "I see you've uncovered my disguise, may I know your name before we fight?" He said in a serious voice.

The Watchdog seeing his transformation was a little surprised but not totally as he had seen monsters transform before however when he saw the appearance of Alex that totally matched the Hero-Rooster he was totally confused.

"Is he a Hero or a monster after all?" The Watchdog wondered as he faced him and seeing that he didn't change his aggressive posture decided to defeat him before asking, "My hero name is Watchdog, I hope you don't die." He said in a neutral voice along with his expression and prepared to attack Alex which sharpened his nerves.

The wind passed around the two of them, raising a little dust in front of the legendary combat that was to take place.