
Multiverse Teleporter

Have you ever wondered how it would feel like to travel worlds? To journey across time and space, in search of meaning? To traverse Dimensions in the vast Cosmos and explore worlds that you only thought to be fiction before? One day, in my room, as I looked out of the window I was struck by lightning and gained the ability to Teleport myself anywhere I could think of...

ArcaneWriter · Andere
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5 Chs

Time Lord

I opened my eyes and looked at myself sleeping on the bed, l took the phone near the bed and checked it, '10th of August, 2021? I can time travel!'

I put the phone back down to where it was exactly and teleported back to my room in the future.

'Was that time travel or did I just jump to a parallel universe...' I wondered and tried to appear there again, this time I felt a resistance.

I was confused, 'What?'

I tried again only to feel the resistance again.

'Maybe further in the future...' I willed to appear after I had left and I was surprisingly successful.

I was back in my room on the 10th of august.

'So 2 versions of the current me, the one with the power, can't be in the same universe? I wonder what this means for me, am I not myself anymore?'

I tried going on the 7th of august but couldn't.

'It seems I can enter a universe at a certain point in time, and from thereon only in periods that a version of me is not there. I can't travel to the past of that universe from the moment I entered. This means I can't go back to the time before I appeared at Avengers universe...' I realized.

I suddenly felt regret, 'Dammit! I can't travel back in time further than a few days in my home universe because of this experiment...'

I took a deep breath to calm myself, 'Doesn't matter, there are infinite universes. I just have to will and imagine it and I will teleport there... Wait a moment... That means I have to have a general idea and knowledge of the universe, that limits it to known universes, this means only fictional ones in my case!'

I didn't know how to feel... I realized I needed a professional's opinion. I had to know what was happening with logic and I just had the person in mind.

I was a bit nervous but quickly calmed myself.

Closing my eyes, I imagined where and when and willed to teleport there.

The familiar shift came and this time I didn't even lose my balance, I was ready for it. I opened my eyes and gasped looking at the interior of the place I was in. I could hear a man was talking to himself as he approached the door but the moment he noticed me, he stopped.

"Hey! Where did you come from?!" I looked in the direction and saw the man. I heard some telephone ringing close by.

The man quickly approached me with an expression mixed with curiosity and confusion then circled around me.

"How did you...?" He asked but the ringing of some telephone interrupted him.

"Wait a moment here..." He said but was interrupted again by some robotic head attached to the control center in the room, "Attention, Information available."

The man quickly turned toward the robot head and walked close to it with anticipation, "Okay?"

The robot continued in its robotic voice, "You must patch the telephone device back through the console unit."

The man nodded, "No, no. No, no, no, no. No, not now. Remind me later." He began walking toward the door again.

"When?" The robot asked. "I don't know. Just later. Just pick a time."


"I don't know. Just any old time. When you think I've forgotten." The man seemed frustrated.

I was looking with raised eyebrows, I was just ignored...

"When?" The robot asked for the nth time...

"Just pick a random number, express that number as a quantity of minutes, and when that time has elapsed, remind me to patch the telephone back through the console unit."

"Affirmative." The robot simply said as the man shook his head and headed back toward the door while saying, "How those Cyber-evenings must fly."

He opened the door, took a telephone, and brought the handset inside.

"Hello, the Tardis."

As the man conversed with the phone, I looked around. Some warning seemed to pop up, The scanner had picked up an unidentified new vessel in orbit. The Doctor dropped the telephone receiver.

A moment later, he took the robot head and headed out through the door. 'Did he forget I am here?' I wondered.

A while later, he returned inside quite disheveled and didn't forget to bring the ringing phone in. Everything began shaking...

He looked at me, "Almost forgot, sorry... I believe we haven't officially met, I am the doctor and who are you?"

I paused for a moment then answered, "I am the Traveler."

He seemed taken aback for a moment but quickly replied urgently as he fiddled with everything around, "Okay, Traveler. Can you pull that lever?!"

I did and the shaking stopped. The doctor sighed in relief.

He then turned towards me, this time more seriously, "How did you just pop up here?"

I smiled, "I wanted your take on something..."

He urged me to go on with his eyes.

"I can just pop anywhere I want to, so I wondered if there was any logic behind it, that's why I came here. Who better to figure it out for me than a Time Lord, right?"

The doctor nodded a bit confused, "Just pop up anywhere you say? Even here?!" He suddenly pointed at a place in the Tardis and said, "Pop up there!"

I closed my eyes and a second later, I teleported there.

The doctor's eyes widened, "That's strange..."

He quickly fiddled with some things on the tardis and pointed something pen-shaped object up and down around me.

"The scan shows no sign of technology around you, not even spatial distortions... This is brilliant!" He suddenly smiled in excitement.

"I have never seen something like this! What are the limits? When did you learn to do that? How did you learn to do that? Also, how did you know about me?" He fired off questions.

I paused to think for a moment and answered, "There are no limits but when it comes to time travel, there are some... Just a while ago. It just came to me instinctively. You are kinda famous in the universe..."

He paused to look at me with even more excitement, "You can even time travel like that?! This is... fascinating. How do you do it exactly?"

I replied unsurely, "I just will it and it happens..."

The doctor was surprised, "No calculation, strange feelings, nothing?"

I shook my head.

He pointed the screwdriver at me, "Do it again."

I complied and teleported right at where I was previously.

He was shocked, "There is nothing! How can this be..."

Suddenly, his eyes began seemingly sparkling, "No there is something. Some sort of unknown space-time distortion on your upper arm. It is barely readable with my scans. It should take a while to analyze it completely and see what it really is."

He turned toward the robot head, "How long till it is finished?"

The robot replied, "Calculating... Estimated time, 10 hours 19 minutes."

The doctor turned toward me with a smile as he began taking off his clothes, "Guess we are going to church together."

I wanted to just jump 10 hours into the future but then realized by Tardis time, the probability of him becoming the next doctor existed. He would lose some memories and might forget about the happenings.

"What are you waiting for?" He asked as he got naked and a moment later, clothes appeared on his body with a flash of yellow light.

I was really curious to see what this power really was. Only by understanding it, could I use it to its full potential.