
Multiverse : start in Naruto as uchiha shisui

mc got reincarnated as shisui with gacha powers but lost his memory's, loses his eyes and clan then when his memory returns what will happen ? it involves multiverse traveling. mc travels to boruto verse from his world and vise versa mc world is au so some changes may happen this is a fanfiction , everything used belongs to their original owner

gacha927 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs


Shisui's pov

I immediately activate the templates of oden and Zenitsu. Despite my best efforts to regain my strength and composure, I find myself still feeling unwell. This persistent discomfort may be a result of my injuries or could stem from an underlying issue that I haven't yet identified. Recognizing the urgency to address this problem effectively, I retrieve another item from my supplies and use it with care.

Cradling the single Senzu bean in my hand, I look at it with a mixture of hope and anticipation. The Senzu bean is renowned for its extraordinary healing properties, and I am eager to experience its effects. I consume the bean, and within an astonishingly brief moment, my body undergoes a profound and remarkable transformation. The rejuvenating effects are beyond anything I have encountered before. Every injury, whether external or internal, is miraculously healed. However, my missing eyes remain unaffected, a stark reminder of the limits of even this miraculous healing method.

With my body now restored to its optimal condition, I turn my attention to the templates of oden and Zenitsu. Currently, the progress of these templates stands at 3% for oden and 7% for Zenitsu. By integrating these templates into my own system, I will gain access to their unique skills, powers, and extensive experiences. However, it is important to note that personal elements such as their memories of family and friends will not be transferred. Instead, this process will allow me to assimilate their comprehensive knowledge, which spans from their distinctive combat techniques to a wide array of personal experiences.

One of the key advantages of this integration process is the protection it offers against having my skills stolen. The gacha system, which facilitates this process, alters both my body and soul to align with the laws and rules of the template world. This alignment enables me to harness their powers effectively. For example, without the appropriate template that makes my body compatible, I cannot access certain abilities. Each world operates under its own set of rules, and we are generally bound by these rules unless we discover methods to bypass or transcend them.

The gacha system plays a crucial role in helping me transcend these inherent limitations. It assists me in breaking through these established laws, thus permitting me to wield powers and abilities from other worlds. However, this capability is exclusive to me. For instance, if Itachi were to observe my Thunder Breathing with Sharingan and understand its principles, he would still be unable to use it himself. Although he might develop his own original techniques inspired by what he has observed, those techniques would still adhere to the laws of this world and rely on Chakra, rather than the unique properties of Thunder Breathing.

There are fascinating similarities between the worlds I am interacting with. For example, the manifestation of a dragon by guy during his battle with Madara bears a resemblance to Zoro manifesting a beast spirit in his own confrontations. Perhaps these manifestations are reflections of spirit or intent, indicating deeper connections between the worlds and their underlying energies.

Additionally, if Orochimaru or Amado were to create a clone of me, the clone would inherit my physical form. However, the newly generated or transferred soul would not be compatible with my body since only my soul will be compatible it. This fundamental incompatibility would lead to issues beyond mere physical discrepancies, affecting the overall functionality and effectiveness of the clone. Infact other than my uchiha blood line the clone or anyone else will not get anything from me be it techniques or special body ,it will only get Uchiha blood since this world will not allow the other world existence to present, similar benefit applies to my summons , if I summon Zoro, he would be able to utilize not only his original skills but also adapt to the Chakra system of this world, making his abilities compatible with the existing laws.

As I contemplate my new journey, I realize that it will encompass more than just the act of killing. My mission will involve surviving the challenges posed by the Otsutsuki clan while striving to bring a lasting peace to the ninja world—a task that will undoubtedly be lengthy and fraught with difficulties. Revenge itself will be a protracted endeavor; I will not be satisfied with merely killing my enemies. Since they have completely annihilated my clan, I will not grant them an easy or painless death. Even with my considerable abilities, achieving this goal will require extensive time, meticulous planning, and careful preparation.

Konoha, as I have come to understand, is far more complex than it might initially appear. The village has demonstrated its resilience by withstanding simultaneous attacks from four different villages while maintaining its status. This level of endurance and strength implies that Konoha possesses strategies and defenses that are not immediately apparent. Even now, Konoha has methods to fight back effectively. Jiraiya, particularly formidable with his mastery of Sage Mode, and Tsunade, with her immense strength, are key figures in this resilience. Do not be deceived by her apparent fear of blood; this fear is likely a facade intended to justify their absence from the village, a tactic understood by both Hiruzen and Jiraiya. While a doctor might develop a fear of blood following a personal tragedy, Tsunade's actions were primarily driven by a desire for revenge against Hiruzen. Her decision not to heal anyone after her family's death was a conscious choice to reflect on why she was left alone. When she appeared frightened after Kabuto showed her blood, it was a deliberate test of Naruto's resolve.

Regarding the Nine-Tails, it is important to note that despite the three great ninja wars, Konoha never utilized the Nine-Tails' power in battle, even when other villages did. Do not underestimate the tailed beasts; aside from techniques like Wood Style, which can impact them, Sharingan Genjutsu, which can control them, or Uzumaki sealing techniques, they are overwhelmingly powerful. These beasts are composed of immense chakra, possess vast reserves of chakra, and have enormous sizes. Even the Jinchuriki, who harness a portion of their power, can become Kage-level fighters. In the series, the significance of the tailed beasts is often underrated. The fact that Konoha managed to remain secure despite the repeated assaults of tailed beasts and various Kage-level ninjas underscores the immense strength and resilience of the village.

Moreover, it is crucial to consider the last-resort methods left by Tobirama . The technique of Edo Tensei, mastered by Orochimaru, is a powerful tool that Hiruzen is undoubtedly aware of. This technique would only be used in the most extreme circumstances. In dire situations, Konoha has the capability to summon previous Hokages and other high-level ninjas—fighters who possess unlimited chakra and experience no pain. Additionally, I suspect that Konoha may have other undisclosed methods or measures in reserve. Given Hashirama's deep affection for the village, he likely left behind some form of sealed attack or defensive mechanism. Therefore, I must approach my quest for revenge with caution and never underestimate the full extent of Konoha's capabilities and hidden resources.


Author's pov

Senzu bean can't regrow missing part but heals them right?

For now templates:





Q.can observation haki be use to sense environment like 3D map in mind since fujitaro was able to live without support he must be able to sense his surroundings?


Also comment how was chapter and what should I add ?