
Multiverse Shifter

Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s). This is about the son of Levy Angstrom, not the comics but another one of his sons left behind at the untimely demise against an Evil Invincible. This story is about Liam Angstrom with the same abilities as his father has the power to travel the Multiverse and use these new powers to survive the infinite vastness of the Multiverse after his home dimension is invaded by an evil invincible. A man gets a chance at eternity, a leap into the multiverse with what he has on and what to work with he will go beyond what he thought possible.

Jovami6729 · Anime und Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 13: Esper Mentor

Chapter 13: Esper Mentor

~Liam POV~

Now then how exactly should I drag the MC out to come to meet me?



I know just the thing that might and always have worked with every Main Character.



Now then let's begin knowing everything meta about Saiki shall we?

Saiki Kusuo no Psi-nan or known as "The Disaster of Psi Kusuo Saiki" is a Japanese gag manga series written and illustrated by Shūichi Asō.

Individual chapters have been serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump from May 2012 until February 2018. An additional 2 chapters were released in May and July of 2018 in Shōnen Jump GIGA.

Born with innate supernatural power, Kusuo Saiki seems to have his life easy.

He possesses, various psychic abilities, including telepathy and psychokinesis among others, allowing him to get anything he wants.

During kindergarten, he unintentionally caught the attention of the local media after rumors of his Rock paper scissors matches against his classmates and teacher spread around town.

Since the incident, Kusuo has been particularly careful with using his powers in public, but coming into his sophomore year of high school, with all hi-jinks that ensued, Kusuo began to relax on this habit.

But also someone who's actually aware of his own existence which is honestly quite scary to consider that he knows it.

As the main focus character and frontman of the series, Kusuo ended up doing several cameos and crossovers with different Jump series and media.

He met Koro-sensei in brief crossover chapters and made a small cameo in Assassination Classroom.

His father once invited him to go into Yukihira Diner. He meets Soma and the world of Food Wars.

He was mentioned in a chapter of KochiKame, with the main character, Ryo, mentioning copying their idea of a robotic replica. It thus leads to the creation of Chapter 259.

The creator of KochiKame also ended up drawing Kusuo to represent Asou-sensei in a comic.

His limiter made a cameo in Gintama, which is later referenced in the anime episode, Restarting! Everyday Life, "As Usual".

'Ok, you can just stop narrating my life you know.'

'No need to get meta about my life.'

'I prefer my peace and quiet thank you very much.'

Just like that, I felt someone just speaking to me inside my mind as I felt a presence inside that made me stop in my tracks as glancing north I saw the main character himself.

Saiki Kusuo.

Kusuo wears a control device on both sides of his head which is never removed unless it is absolutely necessary. During the days he has school, he wears the standard PK Academy uniform that all male students wear. On his days off from school, he occasionally wears clothes that are sewn by his mother.

And stopping in front of him as he suddenly appeared in front of me he began to talk to me through telepathy, 'Ok then mister Liam Angstrom care to explain why are you in my dimension? I can tell when you lie so don't bother and start explaining.'


Oh, that sent a shiver down my spine.

And he even knows the concept of me being an invader then again, his really OP person in his own show with his powers.

Also, take the fact he also knew my name just by reading my thoughts easily and memories in this case to look through any information.

Scary but cool at the same time.

Better stop thinking as I began to talk with the teen in front of me making my intentions known to be clear, "Unhem! Sorry about that didn't think I would get spotted that quickly when I was trying to find you. Though narrating would lead you to me."

Saiki nods at this as I began to explain why I came to this dimension being honest with him, "I'll be frank with you mister Saiki. I need help hone my Psychokinesis. By that I mean can you teach me how to use Teleportation, Telepathy, Flight, and possibly Technokinesis."

At this, he raises his hand over his chin thinking of my offer as he began to talk to me in his own unique way, 'Hmm…. That depends on what I get to offer from you. Leaving you alone to die off would leave a bad taste in my mouth. But… I already knew you are willing to pay for my services in this.'

Instinct by nature I flinched at that as Saiki then expressed a very innocent but happy smile plastered on his face.

I know that smile.

I've seen it many times to characters that get screwed over and I don't like it.

That was when he began to say his offer about teaching me as he began to talk to me about it to me, 'In that case, I'll teach you the basics of Telepathy, Teleportation, Telekinesis, and Flight. At least with those, you can manage around as for payment… I'll take 10 Billion from you, open a portal to Toriko world, and one copy of that PDA.'


Having a fake heart attack at this I looked at the man as if he was being greedy here.

But instead, he motioned his arm forward as he began to make the give-it-up impression on his hand.

Bloody hell…

Why the hell would this guy want 10 Billion anyway?

Isn't 1 Billion just enough for him why need the money?

At this, he began to reply to me with his answer for the reason why he needs it for selfish reasons inside my head, 'Simple Angstrom-san. I need the money to pay for clothes and spend it on some coffee jelly. And the portal to Toriko world would be good since I can get the most delicious Coffee Jelly. I'm a very simple man Liam.'

Simple my ass.

This is highway robbery!

I knew he has a sweet tooth.

He loves any type of sweets, with coffee jelly primarily being his favorite.

But to allow me to fork over 10 Billion, portal opening, and my PDA though?

The portal to Toriko world I can understand but the money and PDA inventory?

I mean isn't he rich?

I mean I can give it to him since I have a spare or a few copies holding more items for me thanks to the Fabricator but I couldn't help but ask, "Ok the portal I can get. But why would you need one of my spare PDA's and money then?"

Saiki then explained to me the reason why he needed it as he spoke through Telepathy, 'Actually it's more so for me to give to my brother. You know how he is if you figure out my manga and anime adaptation.'

Blinking at this I couldn't help but speak out loud the reason, "It's for a future chapter or episode relating to an end of the world scenario, doesn't it? Like what World War 3 or 4?"

Confirming my answer Saiki tilted his head down in agreement with my words as I can somewhat sympathize with him.

And raised his hand pointing 5 fingers.

Fuck his brother in the future or parallel world-created World War 5!


I can't tell if that's impressive or really dangerous.

But hey at least he's not my brother and he is a supervillain.

Not that it's much better but at least I should meet him at least once.

Next, he explains to me about the money issue as he spoke to me through his thoughts, 'And about the money. You, already know my mother buys weird clothing for me. So, I need money for normal clothing and for Coffee Jelly. With that amount, I would never be worried, and mom is protective with the money because my father buys lots of useless things off Amazon and eBay.'

So, Amazon and eBay are a thing here huh?


Agreeing to his demands I open up the portal to Toriko's world as Saiki replied to me, 'Good. Now then this shouldn't take any more than 10 seconds. I'll be back soon enough.'

And so the teenager entered inside I took out the spare PDA as I counted the number of times of seconds for him to return.

1 second…

2 seconds…

3 seconds – Ack!

'And done. A lot easier than I thought.'

What the hell that was only about only 3 seconds!

How powerful are you?

Saiki took his glance at me with a shrug appearing completely normal as he basically gave me a rundown on what happened, 'Oh not much just time travel here to the past and met Acadia to tell me where I can find the best Coffee Jelly and then travel into the future to the tree of Jelly was the most delectable Jelly's life in the area. And next, I harvested the Coffee Jelly beans so I could grow a private area and eat one privately for the rest of my life. So just a Tuesday for me really.'

What the literal fuck…

Like that Saiki then began to talk to me using his Telepathy to talk into my head giving me details of the training program as I hand him the items, 'Alright. I'll give you info in your head later today to practice perfecting your requested items but that more or less depends on your natural talent in being an Esper. Sadly, though Technokinesis is out of my power list.'


Expressing a confused look on my face I got an explanation as to why I couldn't get Technokinesis as Saiki explained, 'What I mean is that I never have a reason to use it myself. And I highly doubt you would want to learn from a guy who has no means to use it. Besides the best advice, I could say is to imbue your ESP into a machine to see how it clicks. But otherwise, you might want to have an alternative.'

Well… fuck….

I thought I would at least get to learn how to use Technokinesis as that's really a powerful skill to have but…

Guess I can't be too greedy getting power like that now can't I?

I should just be glad I even get the chance to learn Psychokinesis from the best Esper user I know so I guess this wasn't a total waste.

Just need to figure out how to do it next would be great to do.

Or figure out what the issue on is how to unlock its power with my Esper abilities.

Till then I guess I should focus on what I do have and learn about Teleportation, Telepathy, and Flight as that is more helpful and versatile at the moment.

Worrying about obtaining Technokinesis can wait a bit.


Like that Saiki already left the area he was in as I began to make my way to the nearest hotel I plan to make sure to get a roof over my head for today.

For now, though I should mainly focus on obtaining Teleportation, Flight, Telekinesis, and Telepathy first.


At least I'm going to be taught how to use my Esper powers properly.

Now then where is the nearest hotel?