
Multiverse of V

"The Angel that presided 'oer my birth said, "Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth, "Go love without the help of any Thing on Earth.”"

Diobutstronger · Videospiele
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8 Chs

Planning 1

(A/N I made a few edits to chapter 2, too keep the timeline in better shape)

(Flash back, V/Vincent/Caster, 200 hours, half hour.)

V hummed a tune as he walked next to his master. His day had been enjoyable so far. His master was quite the tenacious young man, it was late at night but Haruto could still keep up with him. The good news was that his master would be able to rest soon as they had almost reached their destination.

'Shakespeare where the hell are we going again?' Griffons voice rang out in his mind startling V, almost causing him to fall over. 'V, if just hearing my voice can cause you to fall over, just kill yourself now to save the servants the trouble.' V's eye twitched before he sighed and continued on his path. He wouldn't let the damn bird bother him.

After all, of all the world's Vincent could have been transported to, he ended up in one of the more fucked up ones. Instead of being depressed about it, he decided to embrace it. V would take his time in this world and try to enjoy it. Though that might be hard with the upcoming war.

Thinking about the war, V was confident enough in his and his master's survival. After all he had become a servant and no matter how physically weak he was, he had his noble phantasm.

He had three noble phantasms. First, his Royal Cane an item that allowed him to make use of his demonic energy to summon his third noble phantasm, his familiers. Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare. Using his class skill's item creation, V could perform a technique called 'Royal Fork' which allowed him to duplicate his canes and fire them at enemies using demonic energy. On the topic of demonic energy V realized he could convert mana into demonic energy, at a ratio of 3 units of prana per unit of demonic energy. Which he could use to bolster his failing reserves of demonic energy.(A/N bullshit)

Fortunately, the grail summoned him with 'basic' knowledge of magecraft, which was enough to utilize prana. Unfortunately, like the original V he had to keep himself together using demonic energy but it was more bearable than the original condition, due to the prana conversion. Another boon of prana conversion, is the fact he had a plan to get a lot of prana. The same plan the caster of the fifth holy grail war would use in the future. Hijacking a ley line. Ley-lines were from what V remembered, the lifeblood of the planet, which resulted in them being great sources of prana. Which he would gladly take advantage of, due to his masters current lack of any form of magecraft which he planned to remedy in the near future. His second noble phantasm, helped him decrease the amount of prana needed for prana conversion to a ratio of 3 units of prana to 2 units of demonic energy. He dubbed it the book of V and to activate it he had to recite one of the many quotes of poetry in the book. Depending on the quote, V could gain anywhere from 2-10 units of demonic energy.(A/N Imagine V had max devil trigger gauge 10 slots, that would equal 100 units of demonic energy, which would mean V needs 300 units of prana to max the 'Devil Trigger Gauge')

One of his personal skills Demonic Energy Infusion, allowed him to strengthen pretty much anything by infusing his demonic energy into it. (Also the skill keeping V alive) He could use it on his third noble phantasm(s) his familiars to strengthen their abilities. His families were named Griffon, Shadow, and Nightmare. V had figured out the cost of each familiar, by testing his abilities in the abandoned warehouse while his master was sleeping. From what he could tell, Griffon was 15DE, Shadow was 20DE, and Nightmare had a drain consisting of 2DE per second and could only be summoned after ten and with the max amount of DE he could control at the moment could last a total of fifty seconds if not fighting and without activating his fourth noble phantasm, #O##D O# #. Strengthening Griffon and Shadow cost 5DE each. All in all V thought he had a good set of abilities in his arsenal.

V was snapped out of his thoughts by his master having a query.

"V, is that the temple?"

V looked up and saw Ryuudo temple. As soon as his eyes laid upon the temple, he smiled maniacally. He could feel the prana emanating from the ley-line beneath it. He was truly, the luckiest caster in the world. The japanese style buildings were surprisingly well-kept , from what he could see over the large stone gate surrounding the premises. A perfect place to set up his workshop.

"Yes that's it."

V alongside his master walked up to the temple door, stopped and hit the door thrice with his cane.

'Master follow my lead okay' V kept his master informed on the current situation through their mental link. Haruto nodded and stood silently waiting for instruction.

He heard a muffled voice from inside, but couldn't make out what it said. The door to the temple creaked open and a middle-aged man in a monk's attire opened the door. He had black hair and was relatively tall.

"What could you two kids want at this hour?" His query was quickly responded too.

"Me and my..." V paused for a second before continuing "Nephew here had nowhere else to turn I was taking care of him as his parents were out of town but my house is unfortunately out of commission at the moment and we was wondering if you could let two lost souls such as ourselves into our temple for a few days."

A smile bloomed on the monk's face. "But of course after all, what kind of monk's would we be if we let two poor souls fend for themselves in the night."

V thanked him and mentally told his master to do the same.

""Thank you very much sir, what should we address you as?""

" Call me Mr. Ryuudo, follow me to one of our empty bedrooms."

V nodded and they entered Ryuudo temple. V had a busy day tomorrow, that started with visiting a certain church.


Don't be afraid to comment, or send power stones.

Next chapter will be out tomorrow, at some point. Not to be rude, but I implore you not to expect 2 chapter per day, as I am human and have other things to do in life as well, I was just feeling an extreme bout of motivation today.