
Multiverse : Journey of Desperado

This is a cliche story of the reincarnation of an ordinary otaku become a Desperado in the world of his favorite anime. Follow MC's story and witness the beauty of the anime world on a long journey across the multiverse. Note: the author uses Google Translate, so if there is wrong vocabulary, I apologize. If there is a word wrong, please tell me, I will change it Note : the pic is not my creation Note :this is a fictional story

Kuuhaku_28 · Anime und Comics
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211 Chs

Battle of Shinjuku

After getting the Knightmare and leaving where C.C was, Lelouch immediately crossed the Shinjuku Ghetto to check the situation. Even though previously the Shinjuku Ghetto was an abandoned area with the scars of the war seven years ago still there and left alone, the current condition of Shinjuku is even more terrifying where gunshots and desperate screams can be heard from Eleven who was massacred by Britannia.


On the streets of the Shinjuku Ghetto, the red Glasgow driven by Karen fired an anchor and destroyed a Britannian military vehicle which continued to massacre the Elevens.

"Damn Britannia! How dare you...!"

Kallen growled angrily and glared at the Britannian soldiers with hatred.

Kallen Kozuki or Kallen Stadtfeld is a young Britannian-Japanese woman, who believes she is Japanese in her heart and prefers to be known by her Japanese mother's name. Her mother was an Eleven who lived with her children for most of their lives. Her older brother, Naoto Kōzuki, with whom she has a deep relationship, was the former leader of a resistance group before his death. After his death, Kallen became a member of the same guerilla resistance group against Britannia. Because when she saw Britannia's murderous behavior towards Eleven, Kallen's hatred and generosity increased even more.

"Kallen! Can Glasgow still move?" The sound from the communication device woke Kallen from her anger and cleared her mind a little.

"It's okay! I can be bait! Ohgi, you guys get out of here! At least let one get caught in the fight!" Kallen answered Ohgi who was on the other side of the communication device.

"I know, but they have surrounded us" Ohgi answered Kallen and reported their situation.

Meanwhile, Lelouch, who had explored the surrounding area, was currently hiding in an abandoned building before calling one of his school friends to find out more information about the conditions in Shinjuku.


In a changing room a woman with long orange hair that reached her hips was wearing a navy blue swimsuit when she heard her phone ring.

"Lulu? Where have you been? Where are you now?" the woman asked after picking up the phone. The caller was none other than Lelouch who was currently hiding in the Shinjuku Ghetto while looking at the location of the Britannia soldiers on the Knightmare dashboard.

"Is there a television near there?"

"Television? There is, wait a moment" asked the woman, confused as to why Lelouch asked where the television was, but even though she was confused, she still answered.

"Sorry, can you move for a moment?" The woman said to her friend who was watching television.

"Is there any news about Shinjuku?" Lelouch asked.

"News?... nothing but a traffic ban." The woman was confused for a moment before answering.

"Why is it prohibited?" Ask Lelouch to get more detailed information.

"Don't know, there's no explanation about that," answered the woman while watching the news on television.

'so. They intend to destroy everything, then broadcast the news as they please' thought Lelouch as he guessed Clovis's purpose.

"Hey... You're gambling again, right? I told you it was dangerous," the woman advised Lelouch with concern.

"Yeah, I know. By the way, please tell my little sister that I'm coming home late" Lelouch replied with a smile at the mention of his little sister before hanging up the phone.

"Ahh...moo...why did he hang up the phone so casually!" The woman screamed in annoyance when Lelouch hung up the phone suddenly and tried to call back but the call didn't connect.

Meanwhile, after hanging up the phone from his friend, Lelouch immediately looked at the map of the deployment of the Britannian army on Sutherland's screen which he got from Vinetta.

After seeing the position of the Britannian troops, he found himself in the middle of the Britannian encirclement.

'it seems impossible for me to escape from this place by myself, I have to find a pawn to help me' thought Lelouch while holding the king piece in his hand.

After a few moments of thinking, Lelouch remembered Kallen who he met earlier in the truck.

Without waiting long, Lelouch immediately entered Knighmare Kallen's call number.

Meanwhile Noah and C.C watched Lelouch's every move not far away.

"Do you think he can escape the encirclement?" C.C asked asking for Noah's opinion.

"He can do it, and maybe he will be able to do more than that" Noah answered C.C's question with an inexplicable smile on his face.

"Is that so? I think so too," said C.C calmly. She also knew that with Lelouch's intelligence plus the power of Geass, he would be able to escape this siege and even do something more than that. However, C.C had watched Lelouch since childhood, so she knew best what Lelouch was like.


At the same time, Kallen was facing pursuit by several Sutherland Britannia behind her when she heard a call from her communication device.

"Use the railway line to enter the west entrance!"

"Who is this? How do you know this code?!" Kallen asked the mysterious voice worriedly.

"It doesn't matter who I am. If you want to win, then trust me!"

"Win?" Hearing the word win, Kallen, who was in a desperate position, seemed to have found hope and no matter who she talked to, she would believe in him to win.

Glasgow Kallen immediately jumped and sped along the train track, when Kallen jumped, the Britannia soldiers immediately followed behind Kallen.

"Oi! What should I do next?" Kallen asked hastily.

"Jump on the roof of the train car in front" Lelouch ordered.

Seeing the train coming towards her, Kealen without hesitation controlled Glasgow to jump onto the train carriage.


There was a muffled sound when Glasgow's feet made contact with the roof of the carriage, after making several jumps, Glasgow immediately passed the train before entering the western tunnel door mentioned by Lelouch.

"You guys chase Eleven," ordered Jeremiah Gottwald, the Knightmare leader who was chasing Kallen when he stopped the train with his Knightmare body.

"Yes, My Lord"

Jeremiah Gottwald is a Britannian knight who in the original work of Code Geass, he handed over Suzaku to Zero because of control of Geass on the day of Suzaku's execution who was accused of killing the Clovis prince.

On that day, because of Zero's random mention of the words Orange, Jeremiah received a severe punishment from the Britannia military court and was mocked by everyone as Orange. This causes him to really hate Zero.

When one of the Britannia Knightmare jumped onto the train, Lelouch immediately shot the anchor that was located on his Sutherland's shoulder and hit the Knightmare's head making the driver unable to see the situation outside. Before the Knightmare could dodge, Lelouch immediately shot the Knightmare with continuous shots.

Jeremiah, who saw the attack from the side, immediately turned around and saw a Knightmare that was exactly the same as the Britannian army attacking them. Before he could ask anything, Jeremiah's Knightmare's right leg was immediately destroyed by Lelouch's shot.


Accompanied by the loud sound of the Knightmare's wheels from above the train, Kallen's red Glasgow that had previously disappeared came back to attack Jeremiah.


Seeing Glasgow's arrival, Jeremiah without hesitation pressed the ejection button to escape.

Seeing the enemy running away, Kallen did not chase him but looked for the whereabouts of the owner of the mysterious voice. But he didn't find anything because Lelouch had long left the place after destroying Knighmare Jeremiah's right leg.

"Kallen!...Are you okay?" Ohgi's voice calling from a distance immediately stopped Kallen from searching for the owner of the mysterious voice.

"It's okay" Kallen replied to Ogi and the other resistance members who were approaching.

"Are you the leader?" While they were chatting, the mysterious voice came from their communication device again.


Even though Ohgi was confused, he still answered the question.

"The objects in the carriage are a gift from me. They are your means of victory. If you want to use them and win then follow my orders."

After Ohgi and the others checked the contents of the train, they found many fifth generation Knighmare, Sutherland inside.

This discovery immediately excited them and excited them for a long time.

Because Lelouch's previous orders saved them, without hesitation they immediately boarded the Knightmare and followed Lelouch's orders.


Under Lelouch's orders, they immediately ambush the Britannian army and destroy many of the Britannian Knightmares.

The continued defeats of the Knightmare forces were soon discovered by Clovis and the leaders of the Britannian army in the mobile fortress.

This victory immediately made Lelouch more confident and he continued to send orders to Kallen and the others.

"P1, P2, P3, P4. Move 100 meters to the right and fire your Slash Harken at 3 o'clock."

Following Lelouch's orders, they immediately shot without hesitation in the direction Lelouch indicated.

The Slash Harken is a square blade attached to a rope that is attached to Sutherland's chest.

After repeated defeats, Clovis finally couldn't take it anymore and began to take command of the order.

Clovis immediately ordered all troops to spread out in all directions before surrounding the enemy in the center.

When the Knightmare Britannia arrived at the location marked as enemy, they did not find a single Knightmare there. Just as Clovis was thinking about finding the enemy's location, the ground where the Knightmare troops were located immediately shook like an earthquake.

Accompanied by a roar and a puff of smoke, the ground immediately collapsed and trapped all the Knightmare Britannia underground.

Previously, after Lelouch saw the movements of the Britannia troops, he immediately ordered Kallen and the others to immediately enter the underground passage before tearing down the support pillars using anchors and Slash Harken.