
Multiverse In Slice Of Life Animes And Manga

A Group Of Boys Got Reincarnated Into A Multiverse Of Slice Of Life Animes And Mangas (This story are 90% romance and 10% other things that I will include and if you want a wholesome romance this is for you and there are 5 Main character in this novel and I have found 2 love interest for 2 of the MC'S and another 3 I don't know who will be their love interest) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Aight I'm gonna heavily warn y'all cause I'm probably going to produce the most outrageous, grotesque, ridiculous sentences known to mankind and probably the MC'S not going to bat an eye and most of the sentences either I created it or one of my friends in real life and most of the MC'S is base of my friends group personality so you can expect the worst from it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I own nothing except for the MC'S

I_d0nt_kn0w · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

Ch 3

<p>[3rd POV]<br/><br/>In the burger shop<br/><br/>There was two teenager staring at each other.One of the teenager currently is sitting down while the other is couple of steps away from the other teenager.After a while of staring at each other the teenager who is couple of steps away start to fast walking towards Masumi and upon arriving he invite himself and sit in front of Masumi then question him<br/><br/>"You are just like me right?"<br/><br/>The person who question Masumi ask him with a curious tone and then Masumi reply with a simple<br/><br/>"Yes"<br/><br/>Upon hearing the answer the other teen lean his back towards his chair while putting his hand at his chin doing the thinking pose and after a while he ask another question<br/><br/>"Do you...remember your past live?"<br/><br/>After the other teenager finished his questions Masumi tried to remember his past live but he comes up with Nothing.he can't remember anything except that before he died he was with his friends group and his past parents kill themselves because they couldn't cope with him dying and that's all.Strangely, he didn't feel sad as if he didn't have a relationship with his past parents.<br/><br/>"...No"<br/><br/>Masumi said that with a frustrated tone while clenching his palm.The other teen just slumped his shoulder and said<br/><br/>"Don't worry,I also don't have any recollection of my past live and the only thing I remember is 'something' ask me for a wish and after that I just go with the flow"<br/><br/>Upon hearing that Masumi look at the other teen face with an interested expression and ask him<br/><br/>"And...What's your wish"<br/><br/>"All of ayanokoji kiyotaka knowledge"<br/><br/>And after the other teen said that Masumi wait for few second and ask him again<br/><br/>"What is your second wish?"<br/><br/>"Huh,there is a second wish?"<br/><br/>The other teen looked confused at Masumi question and tilted his head and after hearing the teenager question Masumi explain his situation to the other teenager and after he explained his situation the other just nod his head a couple of times and said while closing his eyes<br/><br/>" I see.....I don't know why you got two wish instead of one but that question is for another day."<br/><br/>"I agree...anyway,what's your new name in this world?"<br/><br/>After deciding to let go of the wishes topic Masumi decided to ask the other teenager his name and the mentioned person answer him with a small smile<br/><br/>"Taira Yasushi it means calm and quiet...that's my new name in this world"<br/><br/>After hearing Yasushi introduction Masumi also decide to introduce himself with a grin<br/><br/>"Masumi Noda I don't know what's the meaning of my name and that's all"<br/><br/>After both of teenager introduce themselves to each other they both started to have a light conversation while cracking a joke here and there and from the conversation Masumi and Yasushi also were friends from the past live.This information didn't come as a shock from both of them because they both already feeling familiar the moment they locked eyes with each other (no homo tho).after a while of talking to each other two voices interrupt their conversation <br/><br/>"What are you doing Yasushi?"<br/><br/>"Who are you talking to Masumi?"<br/><br/>The voice who interrupted them is none other than their future wi-*ahem companion who comes with them.After hearing the question both Masumi and Yasushi face the direction where the voice coming from and what greeted their eyes is their companion holding a tray of foods and drinks.Masumi and Yasushi then get up from their seat and start to introduce their companion to each other<br/><br/>"This is Yasushi my old friend and this is Fuji Izumi my best friend"<br/><br/>"This is Masumi a childhood friend of mine and this is Yoi Takiguchi who is also my best friend"<br/><br/>After introducing each other and a couple of minutes of conversation Yoi and Izumi started to get along with each other really well while the boys eat their burger and fries and does the same thing as their companion does.<br/><br/>____<br/>Half an hour later<br/><br/>All four of them have filled their stomach and finish the conversation with each other the four of them exchange contact with each other Masumi with Yasushi while Izumi with Yoi and then they leave in pair just like when they arrive at the burger shop<br/><br/>[Masumi POV]<br/><br/>Mann.....I'm tired...the moment I arrive home I am going straight to the bed and before that I also need to message Yasushi to know where is the other person<br/><br/> <br/><br/>"Right now if I were to include you that mean 3/5 members have been found"<br/><br/>"Wait,you have found someone other than me first?"<br/><br/>"Yes and the other two whereabouts is currently unknown"<br/><br/><br/><br/>Hahhh....what a tiring day looks like I have been sighing a lot today<br/><br/>"Oi Masumi"<br/><br/>A feminine voice broke me out of my thought and then I look at the person who interrupt my thinking<br/><br/>"What?"<br/><br/>I answer with a groan and the person who is in front of me look at me with a worried expression <br/><br/>"Did you have a fever?"<br/><br/>"No just a little tired"<br/><br/>After hearing my answer Izumi then do the thinking pose and after a few seconds she start to tiptoe and pat my head gently <br/><br/>"Good job today Masumi"<br/><br/>She said those word with a reassuring smile and the headpat felt like eternity and then she takes her hand of my head and start to walk forward<br/><br/>"Well then let's go"<br/><br/>After she said that she start to walk a bit faster I'm sure because she is embarrassed and the reason I'm positive of that is because her ear is crimson red just like my hair.I then touched the position where she pat my head and then with a small grin formed on my face I start to chase after her<br/><br/>______________________________________________<br/></p>

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