
Multiverse: hogwarts with gacha

summary: a author got transmigrated in his own fanfiction which involves regression and transmigration. main world : hp travelling world : marvel, dc, dxd, etc. this is a fanfiction made with intent of entertainment. any characters used belong to original owner.

gacha927 · Anime und Comics
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16 Chs

Harry Potter (1/3)

Privet Drive was as ordinary as suburban streets come, with its neatly kept gardens and identical houses. Yet, within one of these houses resided a boy who was anything but ordinary. Harry , who lived in the smallest bedroom of number four, was not the Harry whispered about in wizarding legend. That illustrious role went to his brother, William Potter.

Eleven years ago, on a fateful Halloween night, it was not Harry but William who ended the terror of Lord Voldemort. As the He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named horrified the world, it was baby William's unexpected surge of power that rendered the Dark Lord powerless.

Harry, on the other hand, was revealed to be a squib at an early age—no magical trace ever hinting at a wizard's lineage. The Potters, upon advice from a Dumbledore, decided that, to protect their magical world and William's growing fame, Harry should be raised away from their overwhelming society. So, Harry was sent to live with his aunt and uncle, the Dursleys, who treated him as an inconvenience at best.

Things were as James had planned, but then something different happened. According to the original plot, the person should have transmigrated on Harry's eleventh birthday, but here it was when Harry was only five years old. Dudley pushed him, and Harry died. Mickael Cain, a school dropout and gang leader, took his place. Mickael has watched Harry Potter. Initially happy to be able to do magic, he was shocked by the absence of the lightning scar. He realized that either he might not be the Boy Who Lived or his situation resembled Harry's too much.

Wanting to know the truth, he started to lay low and behave just like Harry. His chance came when the Dursleys had to go to a family dinner. Being alone, he entered Petunia's room and search for the notebook he saw her that appeared to be a diary. Finding nothing outside, he then checked her closet. His attention was immediately drawn to the undergarments set aside, but he refocused, knowing he was short on time. After searching, he found the diary behind the clothes. Taking it out, he sat on the bed and began reading. Most of it was about her life, how it changed after marriage. It was boring, but then, on one page, it was written how he resembled her sister Lily, reminding her of how Lily had changed after becoming able to do magic.

Her parents had been so happy that they started focusing only on her. As time went on, the distance between her and her family grew. Her marriage was also part of some deal. Soon, her parents died in an accident, and Lily did not even come. Just when she thought she would never see her again, Harry was put in front of their door.

Confirming his speculation that this might be some au. But still can't understand why they left him. Knowing that it might be waste of time to live here anymore Harry decided to run away. He wants to know the history of this world, what happened in 1st wizarding war, why he didn't have mark, who is now the boy who lived, if anyone is.

After keeping the Diary harry left the room.


Author's pov

Crossover World mc should travel???

Hotd x ??? x ???? , give suggestions for single or multiple animes. Characters should be brought.

Should there be r18 chapters other than mc like snape x lily. If yes, suggest some.

What are the plot I should add in this au. Like lily being teacher. McGonagall being loyal supporter of Albus, Albus being serving some evil god. Hermione parents being abusive . Draco has twin, Sirius being married. Etc. give idea's.

Should harry take revenge on Potter's or just ignore them .

Mc harem suggestion from both hp and otherverse.

Hp: Hermione, Daphne, Tracy, Narcissa, Bellatrix, etc, write everyone should be ,in case I forget