
Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures

Zephyr Potter, the soon dying and magically crippled brother of the girl who lived, decided to free his sister with the help of a mysterious otherworldly entity claiming to be a god. The catch? He had to save the multiverse. A good deal in his book, with the safety of his sister at stake. But soon Zephyr will learn that things rarely go like they are supposed to. --- First world: Harry Potter

SubtleDivinity · Anime und Comics
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10 Chs


"Heaven's Feel…" Zephyr murmured as he was reading the contents of the page.

"One of the more grand spells I've picked up on my journeys. It materialises your soul, making it able to exist and interact with the world on its own. Essential it transcends you into a higher existence, one that is also immortal… Unless you run into someone that can destroy your soul, that is." Enuma said, chuckling darkly. "Of course, I modified the spell, mostly to limit the actions your improved soul could take, and some benefits that would come with it. My generosity may be huge, but it has its limits. Despite that, this should be able to restore your damaged soul, and even make you able to fully connect with your body. And if you play your cards right, you will be able to live forever." Enuma looked at him expectantly. "So, what do you think? This must have been the best gift you have ever received, right?"

"I think you have a really sick sense of humour." Zephyr said, his eyes still focused on the book.

How cruel, to dangle such a spell right in front of him, while being aware he cannot use it. The cost was just too great. First, he would need to offer the deathly hallows — whatever that was —, and a dementor's kiss (he had absolutely no idea how to do that) to learn the spell. Then he would still need a large amount of magical energy to use it. A really large amount. Impossible. Where would he get that much energy any time soon?

He looked towards Enuma. "So, I don't suppose you have a spell that raises my magical energy… several times?"

Enuma shook his head mockingly. "It does not matter if I do. This was the last spell you will get from me."

Zephyr frowned. "Then what is the point of giving me this? Before I gather this much energy, I will be long dead."

"Oh, I was not aware you could see into the future." Enuma said, again wearing that insufferable smile. "By now you should have realised that anything can be possible. So rule nothing out too hastily."

Zephyr went silent and turned his eyes back to the book. He was right, he couldn't be too narrowminded. There must have been a reason Enuma gave him the spell. But he couldn't afford to waste his limited resources on things he didn't need either. He had to plan his future arsenal carefully.

"Though you raise a valid point." Enuma said, drawing his attention again. "If we ever leave this world, you'll have to do something about your pathetic body. With your current state, you won't be able to learn many magics out there… or survive at all. After all, your mana and body are barely acceptable for this world and its pathetic magic. You will be eaten alive in the worlds we might visit in the future."

"What do you mean by that?" Zephyr asked. Was the magic here worse than the rest?

Enuma looked thoughtful for a moment. "Well, I suppose this world's magic has its uses. The magicians here are truly talented in crafting spells that make your life easier. But when it comes to the offensive spells, or more specifically any spells that effects someone else, it becomes useless. You see, most residents of worlds where magic is common have an innate magic resistance. The strength of it varies, but you won't need much of it to resist the spells here. The reason for that is the creator of this magic system. The wannabe gods. They are weak and pathetic, and so are their spells. Enuma said, displaying a disgusted sneer on his handsome visage. "Honestly, the only reason the spells are useful even here is the complete lack of magic resistance. Most likely because this world was not meant to be a magical one…"


Enuma shook his head. "This is a topic for another time. I think you should focus on your task now."

Zephyr regained his composure and nodded at him. He had many questions, but now was not the time. He continued to look through the magic book. He thought about the fire-making charm. While there were spells to deal with fire, it was nonetheless useful to have a fast way to light things up. So despite the high cost, he added it to the to-do list. Thankfully, he had access to a phoenix. He just needed a way to make him agree to help him.

"By the way, how do I even collect the offerings?" It was a valid question. He had no idea how to gather stuff like a dementor's kiss.

"With that." Enuma said, pointing at the unassuming urn on the table. "It can collect anything that is not alive or in some way protected. But be careful, once in the urn, the things in it can only be used for offerings, nothing else."

Useful, but he had to be careful with valuable items. Too bad, though, he couldn't use it as a storage space. If, by a miracle, he truly would travel around the multiverse in the future, he would have to find a method to store all the treasures he will gather.

"I will keep that in mind." Zephyr said, as he turned to the next page. But he suddenly stiffened where he read the contents.


Of course, the magic would be here. He observed his body using it many times, after all. Zephyr was getting nauseous, feeling the familiar sensation of being tainted.


Zephyr shook his head, his face turning serious. 'I cannot proceed to act this weak.' Parseltounge will be immensely useful, especially paired with the Serpensortia spell. Since Hogwarts was filled with mini Death Eaters, it would come in handy to have snakes that could spy on them. The ingredients were also not that hard to get. The venom and tongue of a basilisk for parseltounge, and the skin for the snake summoning spell. But all that had to wait until the end of of his holidays. "If I only could apparate whenever I feel like it…" Thinking about the annoying house-elf that just did that in his room, before his first year. The damn elf got him and his sister almost expelled. Wait…

The ministry only gave them warning for a hover charm, never for apparition. Which means the trace could not pick that specific spell up. He could use that.

Zephyr was smirking. Maybe he did not have to wait that long after all.