
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime und Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 141 A past lesson

( Yuto Pov )

* Splurt *

After cutting the head of the assassin, I threw a kunai above me.

" Gaaaacckk!!" * Thud *

The assassin who was about to attack me from the back.

' I'm getting the hang of this.' I thought as I stepped back from a short blade.

Countering by slicing their arm off and finishing him by cutting his throat.

"ARGG!" I screamed as a blade plunged into my arm as it turned my body to cut the attacker.

" Phew." I breathed out as I killed the last assassin.

Under the moonlight, I ran through the streets.

Leaving behind a pile of dead bodies and weapons.

As I moved towards the city walls, the fewer people were on the streets.

But I knew I knew that the hunter was tracking me.

Parkouring my way to the top and jumping across a building, I jumped onto the wall and off the city walls.

* Thud * * Roll *

Rolling to disperse the momentum, I ran towards the forest.

* Swoosh *

Hearing something cutting through the air, I threw myself to the ground. and crawled behind a tree.

* Thud * * Boom! *

A tree split in half as it fell on the ground.

' That arrow. Only one person could create that kind of arrow, Atalanta.' I thought as I looked at the arrow that was kn the ground.

Hurriedly getting up, I ran through the forest as I passed a tree, an arrow broke through it.

* Thuck!!*

Covering my face from the wood fragments as I kept running.

* Thuck!!*

Another arrow struck a tree as I dodged.

*Swoosh* * Splurt *

I held my arm as I covered the flesh wound and kept my mouth shut to not disclose my location as I kept running.

As the wound healed as I kept running without looking back.

* Thuck!!* * Slide *

A tree fell in front of me as I slid under it.

* Thud!! *

Hearing the tree falling behind me, I kept running.

" Phew." I breathed out as I took a kunai out and threw it behind me.

* Clank! * * Swoosh *

I managed to block one arrow, but I didn't think of a second arrow.

As the arrow gleamed under the moonlight as it approached me.

That light reminded me of something.

* Flashback *

* BANG!! * * Thud *

" Sniper!! Get down!! " Screamed Nick as he took cover behind a rock.

I watched in horror as I saw my teammate killed right in front of me.

All it took was a single moment, one bullet, and one life to change a person's life. Not just one but many.

Others also watched in horror as it was their first time in battle as well.

* Bullets raining *

It took a second to get my bearings and grab my gun.

* Inhale, Exhale. * I calmed down as I leaned back on the rock.

This was supposed to be a recon mission. Just find the enemy base and report back.

A perfect mission for recruits.

Nick was the commanding officer and an instructor for us recruits.

Even if he took me in, he trained me harder than anyone in basic training.

" I..I....I.I..I can't do this!!!" Fred shouted as he stood up.

" Get down!!!" Nick shouted but fell in deaf ears as Fred tried to run away only to get shot.

* Bang * * Thud *

Seeing him die in front of me, I tighten my grip around my weapon as I focus.

Looking at Nick, I spoke.

" What now, sir!?"

" We need to locate the snipers' position. From the two shots, it shoots be two clicks, NorthEast!!" Nick shouted.

' Two clicks, an expert sniper.' I thought as I looked at Fred and Mathew as they were shot in the head.

I looked at Fred, who was an excellent marksman, as he held a sniper rifle with him.

But the thing was he was in the open since he tried to run away. And the sniper knew of this.

He isn't trying to lure us out to help since he didn't injure him but to make us desperate.

And when we're desperate, we'll do the most stupidest actions which he'll use to his advantage.

Looking at Nick, I spoke.

" We need someone to draw his fire."

" What!?? Are you crazy? Are you gonna run up there!!?" Nick shouted.

" Just draw his fire." I spoke as I got ready to run.

" Tch." Nick lifted his gun and blind fired.

* Thuck!*

The sniper missed Nick as I sprinted towards Fred.

" Sorry, pal.' I spoke as I hurriedly grabbed the sniper and slid to my stomach.

* Thuck *

The bullet missed my head as I aimed.

Aiming from where the bullet came from, I saw a small movement and pulled the trigger.

* Bang *

" pheeww." I closed my eyes, ready for a counter shot in case I missed.

A few seconds passed by, and there was no gunshot.

" Great job, kid! But don't do that again!" Nick said as he walked up to me.

The others also got up, but just as they did more, gunfire came from the sinpers position.

" Shit Take cover!" Nick ordered.

" MG's on the right." A soldier shouted.

" Yuto, and you three move forward, The rest suppress fire!!" Nick ordered as he pointed at me and three others as he shot at the Mg's

" Let's go, Yuto." Brock said as he patted my shoulder.

I just nodded, and we ran behind some rocks.

" Alright, the rest, move up!!! Team 1 suppress fire!!" Nkck ordered.

I peeked over the rocks and aimed the sniper.

Controlling my breathing, I shot an unlucky soldier that was in the open.

* Bang *

Pulling the lever, the shell came out of the chamber, and I pushed the lever back in.

* Bang *

" Come on! Let's move forward!! " Brock shouted as he pulled me up.

Following him, we both threw ourselves to the ground as bullets rained on us.

* Splat * * Thud *

I watched to see a teammate fall over the rock as he tried to run behind the rock.

" Come on!!" Brock shouted as he ran again.

Hurriedly getting up, I ran after him.

" Motor!!" Someone shouted as I heard a motor shell dropping next to me.

* BOOM!! *

My body flew over a few feet.

" Ugh!" I tried standing as Brock came back for me.

" Come on, Yuto, we need to go!!" Brock shouted as he took my arm over his shoulder.

* Thud *

" Ugh!"

Brock threw behind a rock as he also sat down as the gunfire filled the rock behind us.

" Huff, Huff. We need to clear those trenches." Brock said.

" Trenches!??" I shouted as I looked over to him.

" You didn't see the trenches!?? They're behind that treeline. That's where the MG are. We need to take them out." He said as he peeked over the rock only to pull back as a bullet almost hit him.

" Huff, alright." I nodded as I got ready to run.

" Alright, on my mark." Brock said as he looked behind us at Nick.

Nick and his team started shooting.

We both took off toward the trenches.

* Thud. *

As we flanked the trenches on the west side. we need to make our way towards the east.

" Here." Brock said as he pulled out a pistol.

" Father said that the only way to clear a trench was a pistol and a knife, I only have a pistol."

" Thanks." I grabbed the pistol and checked the magazine and the chamber.

" I'm right behind you." Brock said as he lifted his shotgun.

Nodding, I turned the corner into the trenches as I aimed the pistol forward.

* Bang bang!*

Shooting two soldiers that turned the corner, I shot them and went where they came from.

Peeking over the corner, I turn to Brock.

" It's clear."

" Heard." He nodded.

Walking through the trenches with motors and gunfire shooting in the background, we made our way through the trenches.

* Bang bang bang!!*

" Shit." I took cover.

" Slow and steady Yuto, here take this."

I grabbed the grenade from Brock and pulled the pin and threw it.

" Grenade!!" They yelled as I heard them try to scramble.

* Boom!! *

'Moving forward!" I yelled.

" Heard!" Brock responded as he covered my back.

* Bang Bang bang! *

Shooting three soldiers that were waiting, Brock shot up as soldiers jumped into the trenches.

" On top! " He shouted as I shot them from jumping into the trenches.

" Right here!! The MGs are in this room. " Brock shouted as we both positioned ourselves by the door.

We could hear the gunfire coming from the gun.

" Ready?" He looked at me as I nodded.

" 3....2....1..now!"

* Thud *

Brock slammed the door open as we both entered the room.

Quickly aiming and shooting at the soldiers that were turning towards us.

* Bang bang* * click *

" Shit!"

The pistol was out of ammo as I threw it at the soldiers and talked him to the ground.

He struggled to get up. As I put him in a chokehold.

A couple of seconds later, he passed out as I got up.

" Great work, Yuto." Brock said as he pulled a hand over his communication device.

" This is Brock reporting in.....The MG's have been taken over. Yes, sir."

" Come on, there's another attack coming from the west." Brock said as he turned around.

But just as he turned around the wall to his side exposed open.

* Boom!!*

I glew back as Brock was stuck under some rubble.

" Ugh, arrgh!" Tryjng to get up, I reaches over towards Brocks ahkthun only for it to be kicked away.

* Thud *

" Ugh!"

I was kicked on the side as they pointed their weapons in front of me.

* Bang *

" Brock!"

I looked on with horror as they shot him.

The person that shot Brock walked over to me and crouched as the other soldiers made way.

" Sloppy." They pulled their mask down.

It was to reveal Nick.

" Sigh. Training's over!!" He shouted as he stood up.

" Sigh." I sighed as I dropped my head back onto the floor.

I looked over to see Brock fine as he easily pushed the rubble off of him.

" Ahh, the explosion was a bit too powerful, don't you think?" He questioned.

" Eh, it helps them with their training. " Nick shrugged.

" How did you change clothes so fast?" I asked as Brock helped me up.

" I'm just better, kid." He said as he walked off but stopped.

" Right, here. This should help with snipers. Use the glare from the sun to draw their fire instead of using live bait." He said as he handed me a dagger.

I just nodded.

I followed after him through the blasted wall covering my eyes from the bright sun.

* Flashback end *

Grabbing a few kunais, I threw one towards a different direction.

' Even if it's Atalanta, I need to finish this mission. ' I thought as kept running.

* Clang! *

An arrow shot the kunai.

Using this method since the She's ready to shoot an arrow at any movement, especially in this dense forest.

I also threw a few smoke bombs to cover my tracks and confuse her in case she'll predict my move.