
multiverse: gamer system

yuto takahashi died, struggling to the very end. Bad luck had always seemed to follow him since he was young till adulthood, but no matter what happened, he always pulled through with the little luck he had. However, this day, that little luck he had vanished. left to the cold rain, not knowing the second chance he had that awaits him ----WORLDS---- 1.NARUTO 2.FATE 3.RWBY 4. Highschool DxD 5.Aot 6.Black Clover 7. ??? ———————————————————————————— ( A/N: Pretty new to writing, so expect some mistakes here and there. If you have any ideas, comments, or something for the story, then please share them. I don't think my last brainchild could come up with anything. Thank you.) ——————————————————————————–— ANY WORK HERE BELONGS TO THEIR ORIGINAL ARTIST/CREATOR, ANY NAMES HERE ARE PURE COINCIDENCE

ShadowPanda_538 · Anime und Comics
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195 Chs

Ch. 125 Her beginning

( Third Pov )

As both Yuto and Atalanta entered the cave, they immediately started to follow the footsteps.

As they entered, the more it got dark.

With a simple rune, Yuto managed to see in the dark, Yuto looked at Atalanta.

Atalanta shook her head as she could easily see in the dark.

Yuto nodded, and they both kept walking.

They walked for a while until they saw light in the distance.

Taking cover by the wall, they peeked around the corner to see multiple men surrounding a cage full of women and children.

Atalanta pulled her bowstring, but Yuto held out his hand.

" What?" Atalanta whispered.

" There's only three. We need to find the other two." Yuto whispered.

Atalanta just rolled her eyes and just let go of their string, which killed a man.

Yuto sighed and pulled out two kunais and threw them into the other two's neck, killing them.

Seeing how he easily killed them, Atalanta looked at Yuto.

Ignoring her, Yuto pulled out another kunai and stabbed it into the newly arrived kidnapper.

* Thud *

" Oi, what are you idiot doi...AAAAHHHH"

The last man arrived as Yuto stabbed his leg.

Yuto grabbed the man's leg and broke it until his bone stood out.

Everyone flinched at the brutal scene. The man tried to crawl away. But Yuto held onto his bone.

Yuto began to drag him into the darkness out of the lighting that the torches provided.

" Deal with the woman and children." Yuto spoke to Atalanta as she opened the cages.

A while later, the screams ended.

Nothing but the breathing of the woman and children filled the cave.

Soon, footstep approached them, and they saw the shadow steeping out to reveal Yuto.

Atalanta led the people outside of the cave as Yuto was in the back.

The guards moved in front of the group before they could do anything. I moved in front and kicked the guards knee.

" Hurry and move."

And they did. When people saw them, it attracted a lot of attention.

Most people recognize their friends and family.

Using this chance as the people surrounded them to welcome them, Yuto pulled Atalanta away into an alleyway.

" What's wrong? We should celebrate their return." Atalanta questioned.

" We should find those people that are behind human trafficking. We can't dhow our faces to our enemies just yet. "

Atalanta nodded.

" Just like hunting." Atalanta spoke as she looked at the happy faces of the people reuniteding with their loved ones.

" Yeah." Yuto spoke as he turned around and walked through the allayway.

Atalanta followed after him.

/// Bringing you Chibi Yuto menacingly standing on top of a building///

* Crash!! * * Scream *

Yuto pushed a man who wore a ripped up noble clothing.

As the man crashed through the door, he tried to stand up but was grabbed by the throat and was pushed into a table.

Before the man could plead for his life, Yuto grabbed a rope that was around his shoulder and tied the mans ankles.

The man tried to fight back only to be hit or cut by Yutos' hidden blade.

Yuto cut the man tendons as he dragged the man towards the window.

" PLEASE NOO!!!! "

The man saw Yuto tie the end of the rope to a railing by the balcony as Yuto opened the glass door.


Yuto stabbed the man's neck with the hidden blade and pushed him off.

Everyone saw the hanging body of the city governor, but with that was also evidence of him working with a human trafficking ring.

Scrolls of evidence were found on his dead body.

* Underground *

Atalanta and Yuto are seen on top of the ceiling, watching a group of people betting on slaves.

Atalanta had anger in her eyes as she saw children being sold like items.

She gripped her bowstring, ready to attack, but was stopped by Yuto.

" We need to find the VIP list. Then we can kill them." Yuto spoke as he calmly looked around for the organizers of this event.

Yuto stalked an older man who seemed to enjoy this show.

" Him. That's the target. He's enjoying this event as it makes him money and a way of creating more influence." Yuto spoke as he pointed at the man.

Before Yuto could move, he stopped as he looked back at Atalanta.

" You know what? Why don't you do the honors." He spoke as he held out a kunai to Atalanta.

Atalanta didn't say anything and just grabbed it as she kept her eyes on the old man.

Yuto sat on the ledge as he looked at Atalanta sneaking her way towards the old man.

' She's not going to make this subtle, is she?' Yuto thought as he made runes towards the doors. This would make the door inaccessible.

A few seconds passed as Atalanta made her way towards the old man.

" Oh, are you perhaps los... Gurgh." Before the old man could finish, Atalanta plunged the blade into his neck.

' Yuto said he had a list. Find it.' Atalanta thought as she quickly looked through his clothing.

A few seconds later, many people were alarmed and screamed.

' Shit, I was too careless.' She thought to herself as she quickly rumbled through the clothes.

' Found it.'

Just as Atalanta grabbed the lost, she turned around only to see Yuto sitting on one of the chairs surrounded by dead bodies.

" You were too slow. Try to keep up." Yuto stated as he turned his head towards Atalanta.

'How? I didn't hear a thing.' Atalanta thought as she held the scroll.

Looking at the bodies she saw, the bodies were mutilated. She couldn't determine how they were killed so quickly.

Many of them were by the door as they tried to escape.

And some didn't get the chance to react.

Before Atalanta could question Yuto, the sound of the doors being kicked opened caught her attention.

" It's the....Blurgh!" Before the guard could finish, he threw uo as he saw the bodies laying on the floor.

Atalanta turned her attention back to Yuto only to see him gone.

A man who seemed to be the leader came in after moving the other guard away from the scene and looked at the bodies before looking at Atalanta.

" You there, what happened?" He calmly spoke.

Atalanta didn't say anything and just helped the scroll up to him.

The man furrowed his eyebrows as he grabbed the scroll. And read it. He looked at Atalanta with admiration as he finished.

" You young lady are a hero for saving these people from these scums." He spoke as he looked at the slaves.

" Come with us. You deserve a reward for saving these people, young lady." The spoke as he tried around to order his men to help the slaves.

" Hey, get in here and help with the aftermath!!" He and the guards hurriedly carried it out.

A few hours later, many nobles were captured for bribery and having a hand in the slave trade.

And now Atalanta is found standing in front of the king of this small country.

" May I know the young savior for my people?" The King spoke with Authority but with a kind voice.

" Atalanta." She spoke as she looked up into the kings eyes.

The king nodded in respect.

" Everyone!! Let us celebrate our new hero!!"

The people cheered as she tried to look for someone through the crowd but wasn't able to.

Yuto looked on through the crowd of people as he blended in perfectly with his hood covering his face.

' Sorry, Atalanta, but this is your story, not mine.' Yuto thought as he saw Atalanta being rewarded with gold and items

This was the beginning of the story of Atalantas' legend and her journey.