
Multiverse Chronicles (OPM)

Roy is your ordinary corporate slave, grindin' with no pay for overtime, then suddenly, as he passes through the walmart door, he's whisked away to a strange yet familiar world, filled with the duality of extreme good and evil. Can Roy survive in a world where disaster strikes every day? Nobody knows. An endless journey in the boundless ocean to discover the awaited and meaningful end of a journey. That's... The Multiverse Chronicles --- 1. One Punch Man - On Going 2. Campione - Waiting

KangTL · Anime und Comics
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40 Chs

39 Justice?

"The ship, the ship is going to crash..."

"Did Tatsumaki's attack work?"

"Regardless of whose merit it is, this position is quite dangerous, isn't it?"

"Oh no... hurry, run towards the Association!"

The S-Class heroes below noticed the ship teetering like a candle in the wind and hastily made their escape.

Tatsumaki levitated in mid-air, supported by her psychic abilities.

She was surrounded by her telekinetic shield, feeling invulnerable.

'Why hasn't Roy come out yet?'

She felt impatient.

Although not as attuned as Fubuki, who could easily sense Roy due to their similar wavelengths, Tatsumaki still remembered Roy's presence. Within a certain range, she could perceive Roy's whereabouts and current situation as if through a psychic link with him. If it weren't for Roy's lingering aura, indicating he was unharmed, Tatsumaki would have stormed into the ship long ago.

Tatsumaki respected Roy's strength, but that didn't mean she would completely disregard his safety. Her protective instincts remained strong.

"To avoid harming Roy, I didn't attack the ship with full force. The ship's descent must be Roy's doing... Or maybe that bald guy ran inside too. Even though he seems like a nobody, his strength is quite impressive. He must have contributed as well."

"Tatsumaki, stop standing there dumbfounded and run!"

"Stop nagging! It's just a ship, how could it possibly hurt me?"

Tatsumaki stood her ground.

Meanwhile, the ship crashed heavily to the ground, completely destroyed.

Of course, the city of A, located beneath the ship, was also wiped out. It had already been devastated once before, but now it was utterly destroyed.

"There's chaos everywhere."

Someone sighed.

"But there's nothing we can do about it. Anyway, we won in the end, so the outcome is good."


Just as the S-Class heroes chatted idly on the spot.

The wreckage of the ship exploded.

"Are there still enemies?!"

Everyone went on high alert.

But Tatsumaki raised an eyebrow, she knew who it was.

Seeing someone rush out shouting the first move wins, Tatsumaki didn't hesitate. With a flick of her finger, she sent him crashing into a nearby rock, turning him into a piece of art.


"Tatsumaki, what are you doing?!"

"Is this... telekinesis? I'm dizzy."

Tatsumaki showed no remorse on her face as she looked down from above. "Fools, you can't even tell friend from foe. That's why none of you useless S-Class heroes are of any help."

"But aren't you also S-Class?"

"Hah! Are you suggesting you can compare to me?"

Alright, can't argue with that.

The crowd could only focus on the still smoldering area.

Two figures emerged slowly.

"Saitama-sensei! And Roy-san!"

Genos saw the two and rushed over, overjoyed.

Tatsumaki floated over as well.

Wait, she was more like a missile, charging straight into Roy's arms.

Before Roy could react, he felt a heavy blow to his abdomen, almost knocking the wind out of him.

"Who are these two... one is that B-Class guy we were having tea with earlier, but who's the young man? Tatsumaki seems to know him."

"Not sure."

The S-Class heroes whispered behind their backs.

Tatsumaki straddled Roy's waist, looking down at him.

"Um, Tatsumaki, what can I do for you?"

"You dare ask me?"

"Uh... "

"Hmph, forget it." Tatsumaki stood up. "Just don't do anything so dangerous next time."

"Sure, but I'm usually more of a logistics person. The only reason I ended up on the ship this time was because there was something I wanted." Roy chuckled. "Are you angry?"

"Nonsense, why would I be angry."

Although that's what Roy said, he felt that Tatsumaki was indeed angry just now.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have delivered a rocket headbutt as soon as they met.

"Weren't we supposed to have an S-Class assembly today... How did it turn out like this?"

Someone arrived late.

With a handsome appearance, he was the facade of the Hero Association, the top A-Class hero, Sweet Mask.

He was taken aback when he saw the ruins of A City.

The S-Class heroes, with their flashy appearances, spoke up, with Metal Bat, the S-Class hero with a metal baseball bat, speaking carelessly, "As you can see, A City was attacked just now, but we emerged victorious."

"Victorious...?" Sweet Mask couldn't help but sneer, his eyes filled with anger, but his expression was mocking, sarcastically saying, "You call this victory? A City is gone, what did you actually protect?"

"You...!" Metal Bat, filled with youthful vigor, couldn't stand the cold sarcasm and seemed on the verge of erupting like a volcano.

But Sweet Mask paid him no mind.

He walked down slowly. "I was holding a fan meeting in the neighboring city when I heard about the situation in A City and rushed over in a hurry. How long has it been? You let monsters turn A City into this state. With S-Class heroes like you, what can you even protect?"

"You're just good at talking, aren't you?!"

"Hah! Do you know why I'm still number one in A-Class? It's not because I lack the ability to become an S-Class hero, but because I want to prevent guys like you, who lack class, from becoming S-Class heroes."

"You... Whose side are you on?"

"I stand on the side of justice."

Ah, this kind of person.

Better to keep your distance, keep your distance.

Anyway, the target of his challenge wasn't himself, and Roy couldn't care less about such matters.

But it seemed that Sweet Mask, unlike Roy, didn't ignore him like he was invisible.

He saw Roy.

Even though he ignored Saitama, the bald guy.

"You... I remember you, you're the one who refused promotion to A-Class, right? Now you're the number one in B-Class."


Didn't refuse, just didn't have the time.

But if this was considered refusal, Roy wouldn't object.

After all, there seemed to be such a mechanism.

Roy nodded. "What's up?"

Sweet Mask said, "I thought you were promising material, with a decent image, but it seems you're just like that. You have the courage to face monsters, but looking at you being so clean, this time, you're just blowing in the wind at the edge, right? Trying to take credit? I see, you think with your current level, entering the more competitive A-Class, you'll probably be stuck at the bottom for the rest of your life, so you want to improve your reputation by taking credit and skyrocketing, right?"

His words were harsh.

Roy frowned. Originally, he wanted to avoid unnecessary trouble and ignore him.

But since he had come to this point.

If he didn't speak up now, he felt he would be too easy to bully.

Roy stopped Tatsumaki, who was about to erupt.

"Are you called Sweet Mask?"

"That's right."

"I thought as the number one in A-Class, coming before all the heroes, faced with this situation, you would have some profound insights. I didn't expect you to utter such vulgar words."

Roy cursed directly, pointing at Sweet Mask's nose.

Others might be afraid of Sweet Mask.

As a public figure, holding both the position of a professional hero and an idol, Sweet Mask had extremely high popularity among the masses. With just a word from him, he could sentence a professional hero to death. Besides S-Class heroes, few people would choose to confront him head-on.

But Roy didn't care.

After all, so-called professional heroes weren't particularly important to him.

He didn't even care about his so-called reputation.

Roy spoke, "The guy with the airplane head is right, you're just good at talking."

"What do you mean?"

"You claim to stand on the side of justice, to appoint yourself as a righteous partner. But your so-called justice is narrow, ridiculous, and self-satisfying. Regardless of this matter, you've made no contribution, and after the battle, all you care about is that the professional heroes didn't achieve their goals perfectly, and you've exposed your ugly side by attacking others. Is that what should be said now?"

Roy stared coldly at him.

"Is it that the Hero Association has pampered you too much, making you forget yourself? Justice, justice, such beautiful words, yet always spoken by people who cannot truly act justly, tarnishing this good term. Look, as you can see, A City has been destroyed. This is a significant fact, so what you should do now is not to condemn others but to help the people."

"Well said."

Sweet Mask's expression twisted for a moment.

Metal Bat, who was beside him, clapped and praised.

Tatsumaki also smiled.

She saw Sweet Mask clenching his fists and squinting his eyes, "Hey, don't make any unnecessary moves, or I won't show mercy."

Originally unable to retort and wanting to confront him, Sweet Mask hesitated.

"Mind your own business, you moron."

Roy ignored Sweet Mask.

He was about to leave.

At this moment, a robot suddenly appeared. It glanced at the wreckage of the spaceship, "Oh... so that unidentified flying reaction was an alien spaceship? Interesting."

Genos murmured quietly, "Metal Knight?"

He stood in front of the robot, "The battle is over. What are you here for?"

"Of course, I'm here to clean up the battlefield and handle the aftermath."

Genos said coldly, "Are you implying that you want to take over the wreckage of this spaceship?"

"Of course, only by absorbing the technology of extraterrestrial civilizations can we better enhance the power of our human race." He paused, "All of this is for justice."


Genos suddenly understood what Roy had said.

Yeah, justice.

It's a beautiful word, but it's been abused, and now it's tainted.

At this point, since Metal Knight had said so, Genos couldn't oppose it. After all, if he continued to oppose it, he might be attacked by the masses.

As a rookie hero, although he started at S-Class, the Association might be more biased towards Metal Knight.

And Roy didn't say anything either.

'Metal Knight... He's also a technological expert, but his technology is more combat-oriented. Although he has the intention of communication, it seems better not to have contact. But, is there value in dealing with him...'

The most valuable part of the spaceship had already been taken by Roy.

Even the design, construction, and materials of the spaceship had been analyzed by his drones.

Now the spaceship was just a pile of junk to him.

He had no objection to Metal Knight taking it away.

Although Metal Knight was difficult to distinguish between good and evil, his contributions were obvious. Letting him take away the wreckage, he was willing to take on the task of rebuilding A City. Although Roy could also do it, it wasn't cost-effective. He could leave it to Metal Knight.

[Hello, are you done over there?]

It was Yumemi Okazaki.

She contacted Roy through a special communicator.

Roy simply said as he walked, he was leaving here.

Since everything was done, honestly, he didn't care much about the Hero Association's rewards and punishments after the battle.

Seeing Roy leaving on his own, Tatsumaki, Saitama, and Genos followed suit.

Roy replied, "Did you see what I sent back?"

[Ah, I haven't seen it yet.]

"You're being lazy, aren't you?"

[There are other things to do.]

[Under the first wave of unannounced attacks by the alien spaceship, A City suffered heavy casualties. But there are still quite a few people alive. I thought I could help, so I rescued them.]

"I see, is that why you didn't come with us... Sorry for misunderstanding you."

[Hehe, falling for me?]


[What a boring answer. Do you want the red flower at home not to fall while the colorful flowers outside flutter?]

"Yes, I want to build a harem."

[Great! Full of energy! When you have time, I'll introduce you to Chiyuri!]

"Chiyuri Kitashirakawa?"

[Did you know? Ah, I see, you learned it from your so-called works.]

"Yes. But that's not important. Are you looking at what I sent back now?"

[Yes, it's extraterrestrial technology, but it can't be used directly. Many things need to be translated. But this design is quite straightforward, the overall design is fine, but the traveling time is probably too long, many places are handled quite carelessly, and the internal passages and chambers are not very reasonable... This place is too big, isn't it? A huge space with no functions?]

"I guess it's Boros's room... To be honest, it's indeed too big, but it serves no purpose."

[The materials of the spaceship are good. The hull is made of some kind of super alloy, which performs better than steel and is suitable for interstellar travel... Roy, when you come back, you should produce some.]

"Am I going to be exploited again?"

[If you want to make a starship, you have to be prepared to be squeezed dry... Well, with your production capacity, I'm afraid it will take a hundred years to produce the materials for a starship. It's just for prototype research. When making large-scale equipment, it's better to use materials from nature. These are new technologies and knowledge. Without a good period of organization, they can't be absorbed. Be prepared for an all-night battle... Do you feel your blood boiling?]

"Where did this vampire come from? But indeed, obtaining new knowledge, some of it is quite exhilarating." Roy smiled slightly, "Well, let's talk about the rest when I get back. By the way, I also sent a power core to your lab."

[Oh... The power system of the alien spaceship? That's really rich! Honestly, Roy, are you really going to build a starship?]

"I don't have that idea for now."


If you want to read more than 15 chapters ahead of the update schedule, you can visit my Pat-reon: pat-reon.-com/KangTL (remove "-")