
Multiversal Systems Quest

I own nothing. The MC wakes up as Elena Gilbert with the Magic & Sword Multiversal system which she uses to climb to the top of the multiverse. She finds out that this Elena has a bratty twin name aria everyone fawns over while she’s treated second so they won’t notice her getting stronger than anything in there world. She is Lesbian and OP. There will be OC’s in this.

GustWind · TV
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 - Don’t think so

Elena POV

I was sleeping nicely until the phone rings as I groaned to reach to reach over to it on the table to see who it is, it's Aria, great.

Elena: What?

Aria: Where are you?

Elena: In a bed, what do you want?

Aria: No, you need to be here when we get rid of the Mikaelsons.

Elena: Yeah no.

Aria: What do you mean no?

Elena: I mean I'm done listening to you and the dumbasses, I'm taking a me day so bye.

I hung up to look over at Renise as I see she's still asleep as I cuddle with her.


We finally wake up to head downstairs as I have to get home.

Rebekah: You have got to be kidding me.

I see Rebekah stil in her dress with her hair a mess so she slept with Damon then to get to Aria.

Elena: I see you had a night, let me guess, Damon?

Rebekah: None of your business.

Elena: Well said but at least I have some dignity.

Rebekah: That is it!

Renise: Rebekah! Just stop talking.

Rebekah scoffed.

Renise: Elena, are you going home?

Elena: Yes but quick question, did any of you see my sister last night?

Elijah: We all did, she had a chat with our mother.

Elena: So you let a doppelgänger whose blood is mystical near The Original Witch who with Doppelgänger blood before creating The Originals let them chat?

That got them thinking.

Kol: Yeah that wasn't smart on our part.

Renise: What are you saying Elena?

Elena: I'm saying where is your mother and speaking of, where's Finn?

Klaus: There up to something aren't they?

Elena: Did you all drink anything yesterday that stood out?

Renise: Yes, the pink champagne.

Elena: Okay I need a drop of one of your blood.

I walked to pick up paper to bring it to the outside table as I grabbed a pen to right the Mikaelsons names.

Renise: Here.

Elena: Drop it on the paper.

Renise drops some blood.

I started speaking a spell as the blood moves to go through each of there names but combining and connecting.

Elena: Thought so.

Elijah: What is it?

Kol: And how can you have magic?

Elena: I had an Ancestor who was born way before Tatia who was a really powerful witch and no my sister doesn't have magic, I checked but also your linked.

Klaus: Linked?

Elena: Linking spell, meaning if you are daggered then everyone else can be as well well.

Kol: Great, how did mother link us?

Elena: My sister gave her blood to her to kill Klaus and Finn must be in on it as well.

Rebekah: How do we unlink ourselves?

Elena: I need blood from each of you.