
Multiversal Mercenary: Starting From The Prehistoric World

*Previously known as "Humanity's Rise Across the Myriad Realms"* In the beginning, there was nothing in the universe except a formless chaos. Then Pangu, one of the 3000 Chaos Demon Gods, awoke from the chaos. With his axe, he split the boundless expanse, cleaving Earth from Sky, birthing the Great Wilderness—the domain where countless mighty deities reign supreme. Into this realm of unfathomable power and peril, an ordinary Earthling named Nick is reborn in the Human race made by the Goddess Nuwa. Thus begins his journey as he travels across the multiverse and conquers worlds to help humanity thrive. [Infinite Flow]

Samay04 · Ost
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56 Chs


As they continued their journey through the forest, Han Mei walked with a slight blush on her cheeks, still feeling the embarrassment of her earlier actions. She kept her gaze down, avoiding eye contact with Feng Lou. Xiao Meiying stayed close to her mother.

Feng Lou, on the other hand, focused on recovering his spiritual energy. He walked with measured breaths, trying to draw in the wood spiritual energy of the forest to replenish his reserves. Each step seemed to restore a bit of his strength, but he knew it would take time before he could fly again.

The forest around them gradually shifted from the eerie pink glow to a more serene, natural ambiance. The air grew fresher, and the oppressive atmosphere began to lift, though an undercurrent of tension remained.

"How are you feeling, Mother?" Xiao Meiying asked softly, glancing at her mother with some concern. Despite the inner voice of the queen within her criticizing her mother as a harlot, she still cared deeply for Han Mei.

Han Mei managed a small, reassuring smile, though her embarrassment was still evident. "I'm alright, Meiying. Just a bit... embarrassed, I suppose."

Feng Lou, sensing the need to ease the tension, spoke up. "What happened wasn't your fault, Miss. Just be careful next time," he said gently, hoping to alleviate some of her discomfort.

Han Mei nodded, appreciating his words, though she still couldn't bring herself to look at him. "Thank you, Feng Lou. I know you're right. Let's keep moving."

As they walked, Feng Lou continued to draw on the ambient energy around him. He could feel his strength slowly returning, each breath bringing him closer to full recovery. The need to fly was pressing, given the potential dangers they might still face.

"Do you think we're getting close?" Xiao Meiying asked, her eyes scanning the forest.

"I hope so," Feng Lou replied. "But we need to be ready for anything. This place has already shown us it's full of surprises."

Soon, Feng Lou finally recovered enough spiritual energy to fly. He turned to Han Mei and Xiao Meiying. "I can fly again. Han Mei, please get on my back, and Xiao Meiying, hold onto me."

Han Mei hesitated, her earlier embarrassment resurfacing. She remembered how she had rubbed her body against his before, and the thought made her blush deeply. Still, she knew it was necessary.

As she climbed onto Feng Lou's back, she involuntarily pressed herself against him, immediately feeling the same mortifying sensation. "Sorry," she quickly said, her cheeks turning a bright red.

"It's alright," Feng Lou responded kindly, trying to keep his tone professional to ease her discomfort. He then wrapped one arm around Xiao Meiying, ensuring she was secure.

With everyone in position, Feng Lou lifted off the ground, flying low to avoid detection by any lurking creatures. The wind rushed past them as they soared through the realm, navigating the eerie pink forest below. The strange, almost ethereal landscape stretched out in all directions, filled with unnatural flora and an ominous sense of mystery.

Finally, after some time, Feng Lou spotted a huge castle in the distance. Its towering spires and dark, foreboding architecture stood out starkly against the surreal backdrop. As they approached, the worm that had been flying in the sky suddenly disappeared, vanishing without a trace.

"Look," Feng Lou said, pointing towards the castle. "That must be where the master of this realm resides."

Xiao Meiying's eyes widened as she took in the sight. "It's enormous. And why did the worm disappear like that?"

"I don't know," Feng Lou replied, his voice tense with caution. "But we need to be careful."

Han Mei, still clinging to Feng Lou's back, this time without any embarrassment, hugged him tightly, her fear overriding any sense of propriety. She glanced nervously at the looming structure.

"You think my husband is there?" she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper.

Feng Lou felt her fear and tightened his grip on her legs, trying to offer some comfort. "I don't know," he replied softly. "But If he's anywhere in this realm, it would make sense for him to be in the castle. We'll find him, Han Mei. I promise."

As they approached the castle gates, the massive doors began to creak open slowly, revealing a dark, foreboding interior. The air grew colder, and an oppressive silence settled around them, broken only by the distant, eerie whispers that seemed to emanate from within.

"Stay alert," Feng Lou whispered, leading the way. "We don't know what's waiting for us inside."

The trio stepped cautiously into the castle, their senses heightened. The interior was dimly lit by flickering torches, casting long shadows that danced across the stone walls. Strange symbols and carvings adorned the surfaces, hinting at the ancient and powerful forces that resided within.

As they ventured deeper, the oppressive atmosphere seemed to press down on them, but they remained resolute. Every step brought them closer to the answers they sought and, hopefully, to Han Mei's husband.

Suddenly, a faint sound echoed through the halls, causing them to halt. It was a distant, rhythmic thumping, like the beating of a gigantic heart. Feng Lou motioned for them to stay close as they moved toward the source of the sound.

Finally, Feng Lou and the team reached the source of the sound. When they saw what was causing the noise, they were utterly shocked. Han Mei's husband was engaged in sexual relations with a bizarre, pig-like creature. The scene was grotesque and surreal, a stark contrast to the ominous grandeur of the castle.

Both Han Mei and Xiao Meiying were stunned into silence, their expressions a mix of disbelief and horror. Han Mei's hand flew to her mouth, her eyes wide with shock and betrayal. Xiao Meiying, equally horrified, looked away, unable to process the scene before her.

Feng Lou, though equally taken aback, quickly regained his composure. He stepped forward, shielding Han Mei and Xiao Meiying from the sight as best as he could.

Han Mei, tears welling in her eyes, struggled to find her voice. "How... How could he...? What is happening, is he possessed or something?"

Suddenly, they could hear what Han Mei's husband was saying. "Yeah, how you like that, Meiying, you filthy holy daughter," he muttered, his voice distorted and filled with twisted pleasure.

Both Han Mei and Xiao Meiying were shocked, their expressions a mix of horror and disbelief. Han Mei was devastated not only by the grotesque scene but also by the realization that her husband was under some horrific delusion, thinking he was with their daughter.

Xiao Meiying's face paled, her eyes wide with shock. "Father... No, this can't be happening," she whispered, her voice trembling.

Feng Lou quickly stepped between them and the disturbing scene, his mind racing to understand what could have driven Han Mei's husband to such madness. "This isn't right," he said firmly. "He must be under some powerful spell or possession. We need to get him out of here."

Han Mei, barely holding back her tears, nodded. "Yes, we can't leave him like this. We need to help him."

Han Mei ran towards him, desperate to break him away from the pig-like creature. Just as her hand touched her husband, he vanished, revealing himself to be an illusion. The grotesque scene dissolved into nothingness, leaving the three of them standing in the cold, empty hall.

Suddenly, a mocking voice echoed through the air, dripping with malevolent glee. "Haha, how did you like my joke? It was fun, right? You laughed, right?"

Han Mei stood frozen, her hand still outstretched, trembling with a mixture of shock and anger. Tears streamed down her face as the realization of the cruel trick set in.

Feng Lou's eyes narrowed, his anger somewhat rising with this illusion. "Who are you? Show yourself!"

Little dark.

Enjoy :)

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