
Multiversal Adventure?

A life of mediocrity. Dying normally and fading after the passing of a long time. It always bothered me whenever I thought about it. I want to be remembered, to leave a mark in history and not fade due to the passage of time. I died once and in this life it will be different. PS: The cover is not mine, don't sue me.

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23 Chs

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{ A/N: Hello there everyone! I hope you enjoy this fic! If you want me to continue please throw me some stones~! Thank you! }


It has been a week since I was discharged from the hospital and came back to the orphanage. Nothing much happened these days and I adapted to living here easily as my personality is not different from the previous.

The orphanage I was in is near the St. Peter Joaquin Church. There's many children living here along with the nuns that takes care of us, which made us 23 in total.

In the past week I haven't really made friends with anyone and just studied books about science and others to increase my sync rate, though there's not much improvement. I didn't try to befriend anyone as I knew and saw that all of us will get adopted sometime in the future. Just yesterday three kids were adopted, but that is a rare case.

Anyway, in these days I am mostly spending my time sitting alone in a corner with a book in my hand. No one bothered me as I am one of the old ones here, with Jane being the oldest kid at 11 years old.

Today is one such ordinary day. I was sitting at the stone bench under the pagoda reading a book when I noticed something. Two kids were being approached by three rebellious looking children.

"Hey freaks!" A boisterous looking boy called out with a mocking expression. His yell made the two flinch.

"What are you doing here freaks? How about you come back to the circus?" One of the boys said as walked in front of them.

Now in front of the two, who were shivering like little rabbits, the three showed disgust and ridiculed them.

"W-we're no—" Just as one of the two were replying to them, she was cut off by one of the bullies.

"No what? Not freaks? Hahaha, guys she said they're not freaks!" he said to the other two as they also laughed.

"What do you call that then? A hand? That's not even a hand, where's the fingers?" He pointed at the girl's hand, it was missing its fingers.

The trio continued to laugh at them. The girl looked like she would cry and lowered her head while her sibling just hugged her and glared at the trio.

"What's, your, problem?" the other girl replied in a creepy monotone voice.

Her emotionless voice creeped out the trio as they felt a chill. They're always annoyed by these two. They always ignored them like they're nonexistent whenever they tried to talk to them. When they learned about their 'unique' traits, they immediately went here to ridicule them as revenge for ignoring them.

"What's wrong? Can't, speak, fast? Hahaha!" the boy spoke slowly and the others laughed again at their companion's joke.

The girl just looked at them coldly while clenching her fist tightly. One of the boys saw this and pulled her by the collar of her shirt.

"What's that look? You, want, to, fight~?" The boy(leader) threatened to punch her while he was holding her collar. But then, someone shouted at them.

"Hey bullies! How about you fight someone your own size?"

The trio looked at the direction of the voice and they saw Alexia who's holding a book while walking towards them. The trio immediately smiled maliciously when they saw her.

"What? You want them spared?" "Yeah, you gonna be our punching bag!" "Whatcha lookin' at?"

Alexia just sighed at them and said, "Can you background characters just shut up? You sound like a typical highschool bully."

"What are you talking about?" (Leader bully)

Alexia ignored their question and pulled the two behind her. This action of hers angered the trio greatly. They were ignored again! They decided to include Alexia to their list, they thought that she's nothing and just a loser. They always saw her alone so it never occured to them that she had some abilities.

"You're in for a world of pain!" the leader shouted while signalling his friends to beat them before engaging himself.

"Stay behind me," Alexia confronted the the trio and made a kyokushin karate stance.

Don't forget that she's a black belter in her previous life and although her body's untrained she still have the skills. Beating these kids will be as easy as taking candy from a baby.

Just as the tension between them increased, a melodious voice interrupted them.

"You're bullying the other kids again, Sirius! How many times have I got to tell you to behave!"

They looked at the direction of the voice and saw a familiar woman wearing a nun's dress. She had lustrous black hair and a pure pretty face with pearly white skin. She wore a furious expression as she looked at the trio in front of Alexia.

"S-Sister Be-Beatrice!" the leader of the trio, Sirius, looked at the young woman in fear.

Beatrice strode to Sirius' side and twisted his ears off before saying, "You really don't listen, do you!"

"Owww! Sister, my ears!"

Beatrice released his ears before pointing at him and saying, "You are always bullying others. Why can't you get along with them, Sirius?"

Then she looked at the other two of the trio and shouted at them making them flinch, "You two also! You two always compromise with Sirius' wishes, can't you stop him?!"

. . .

Everything that happened after that, the trio of bullies were scolded their ears off. We slipped away from there to not get caught in the crossfire as whenever sister Beatrice scolded anyone they'll be reduced to tears and snot.

Right now I'm in the pagoda again. I wanted to continue reading to increase the sync rate. Time is money as they say. But it seems that I won't be able to read much today.

**Sigh** I sighed and looked beside me. The two girls earlier is now beside me, looking at me intently. They introduced themselves earlier to me and I dismissed them after to continue reading, but they're still here staring at me.

"Selena-chan, Bianca-chan, you can go now. I still have to continue my reading time."

Selena stared at me with her emotionless eyes and said, "No. We, always, follow, Alexia, sama, anywhere."

I was quite surprised at her words. What the hell is this kid saying? They want to follow me?

"W-What she meant is that we want to thank you for standing up for us, so we-we'll follow and serve you," the shy kid, Bianca, said.

What the actual fuck? Serve me? They're fucking kids, how would they know about this. Their way of showing gratitude is by serving them. Hey ladies, I just saved you from bullies not death! Whatever, I'll just accept for now. I still need to read my book.

**Sigh**"You know that you can go, right? We're still in the orphanage. Not like I'll leave or anything."

"No. Servant, never, leave, Alexia, sama's, side," the girl said seriously, not budging an inch from her place.

"Haaa... fine, fine, fine! You win okay!" I just ignored them for now and continued to read. What a stubborn kid. They will get bored with me eventually and leave.

. . .

But I would be so wrong to assume that they'll leave. As they stayed with me for a long time.


{ A/N: Hello readers! Silent is here! I am surprised with myself to write this story until here. Man I thought I would give up after three chapters or so, but no. I continued and will continue writing. I want to be at least be on the ranking. So throw your stones at me! Don't be shy~ }