
Multiracial Chat Group

Post-breakup, life takes an unexpected turn for our protagonist. He ends up in this quirky 'Multiracial Chat Group,' where folks from distant planets hang out. Amidst banter, muted talks, and some cosmic missions, the journey becomes this mix of figuring himself out and dealing with the unexpected. Picture reality getting a bit blurry, things getting whimsically absurd, and the story unfolding with a good dose of humour, cosmic mysteries, and the kind of camaraderie that turns ordinary days into something quite extraordinary.

Im_jealous · Urban
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25 Chs

Orion Martial Techniques

As Li Xian lapsed into a blank state, another notification from the group jolted him back. Urgently, he wanted to seek confirmation from the enigmatic admin — was this bizarre reality true, or was he dealing with a god-level hacker?

Collecting himself, Li Xian, under the constraints of his muted status, read the admin's message about an upcoming cosmic exploration scheduled for the next month.

Travis Head: [Our first mission kicks off two months exactly from now. We're diving into exploring a new world and, step by step, we'll be claiming and building our own territory there. We named this planet as TerraWild, as our explorations has found vast amounts of wilderness, deserts, rivers etc.]

Travis Head: [But it's all on the outer edges, as such we are not sure about the true strength of this planet. It's either going to be extremely dangerous or extremely easy to capture. Only once we start our exploration will we be able to find the true difficulty of this mission.]

Li Xian, caught in a swirl of belief and skepticism, tried to process the information. Meanwhile, Alex couldn't resist his sarcasm:

Alex: [Oh great, so we're either walking into a cosmic zoo or a cakewalk. Can't wait to find out which one it is, Travis!😜]

The admin, unamused, promptly muted Alex for his sarcastic commentary.

Travis Head: [Alright, team, from now on, you can call me the team leader or squad leader. Also, just to be clear, I've muted Alex. We're here for some serious talks, and I won't tolerate any nonsense in the midst of it.]

Alex, a tall and striking figure from the planet Celestia, anxiously examined his advanced device. Standing at 1.8 meters, he tried to follow Li Xian's lead in manipulating the unfamiliar technology.

However, panic set in as he realised his attempts were futile. Frustration etched across his face, marked by a furrowed brow and an uneasy expression.

Unable to exert control over his Celestia device, Alex's attention remained fixed on the chat. Thoughts of the unusual journey they found themselves on raced through his mind, and his expression toggled between anxiety and determination as he contemplated the unfolding events.

Travis Head: [Team, we've got two months before we explore TerraWild. We need to get stronger and be ready. It won't be easy, and things could get tough if we're not prepared. Let's focus on getting better and taking on whatever comes our way.]

My apologies for the confusion. Let's correct that:

Luminara was puzzled by Travis's message about getting stronger, and her response carried a hint of sarcasm.

Luminara: [Sure, getting stronger sounds great! But, umm, what exactly do you mean by "stronger"? I'm not sure I follow.]

Petra and Gromm, the other two members, added +1 and +1 to express their confusion with simple question marks, indicating their shared uncertainty.

Petra: [??? +1]

Gromm: [??? +1]

On Earth, Li Xian and in Celestia, Alex found themselves equally puzzled by Travis's mysterious directive.

The +1 +1 messages, indicating confusion, were added by Petra and Gromm, who seemed to have picked up this peculiar Earthling expression from Li Xian. Travis's brows twitched in response to the growing team-wide confusion.

Travis: [To become stronger, You all are lucky enough to have access to martial arts training from the Orion Empire. If you practice diligently, you'll notice the difference. Give me a minute, and all your confusions will fade away.]

After a brief pause, everyone's chat app underwent a surprising transformation. Two additional sections labeled "Storehouse" and "Stats" appeared alongside the chat section on Li Xian's WeChat app.

The sudden change left the team stunned, and in anticipation, they hurriedly explored the new section to unravel its mysteries. Travis remained silent, allowing them to discover the contents of this mysterious "Storehouse" at their own pace.


Points: 0. 

Buying Section:

Orion Martial Techniques Manual: Free

Level 1 Initiate Elixir: Free (Helps increase martial cultivation speed by 50% for one hour in Initiate rank)

Level 2 Initiate Elixir: 10 points (Helps increase martial cultivation speed by 75% for one hour in Initiate rank)

 Strength Potion: 100 points (Doubles strength for 10 minutes)

Agility Potion: 100 points (Doubles agility for 10 minutes)

Level 1 sword: 50 points (Suitable for those at Initiate level)

Level 1 Saber: 50 points (Suitable for those at Initiate level)


..... (A lot of level 1 weapon types are available)

Selling Section:

Set requirements ( 0/0/0/0/0) = (5 points) (0/1000 points) (An alchemist from Orion) (distributed accordingly with the contribution)

1. Aurora Petal shine (Image)

2. Lunar Luminara (Image)

3. Stardust Lotus (Image)

4. Nebula Orchid (Image)

5. Ember Dust (Image)


After looking at this, Li Xian's legs shook a bit. Without wasting much time, wanting to dispel his fear of the unknown, he clicked on the free manual button.

Suddenly, an ancient-looking book materialised in his hands, sending shivers down his spine. As he grappled with the realisation that everything about this group might be true, the same eerie experience unfolded for the remaining four.

Petra, Gromm, and Luminara, just like Li Xian and Alex, have finally gone through a storm. Suddenly, an old book appeared in each of their hands. It surprised and scared them, making them feel uneasy about the strange reality they found themselves in.

The ordinary act of joining a chat group turned into something unexpected and confusing, leaving them feeling a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Li Xian, feeling a mix of fear and uncertainty, started to sort out his thoughts, attempting to calm himself down. The realisation hit him that he might have stumbled into something beyond his understanding. The eerie feeling was akin to those mysterious videos he had watched online with titles like

"No man should see this?" or "No human should be here?"

Unable to contain his anxiety, Li Xian involuntarily shouted, "Damn! I'm definitely somewhere I shouldn't be."

His sudden outburst startled Chen Dong and Kang Li, who had just returned from lunch. The two friends exchanged puzzled glances, and Chen Dong asked.

"What's going on? Why did Li Xian shout like that?"

Kang Li shrugged, equally bewildered.

"I have no idea. Let's go over and check."

As they approached Li Xian, their curiosity mixed with concern, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty.

Li Xian quickly gathered himself, hiding the mysterious book from the storehouse as Chen Dong and Kang Li approached. Chen Dong, with a perplexed look, questioned.

"Li Xian, what's going on? Why did you shout?"

Li Xian, trying to ease the tension, replied.

"Oh, nothing. I was just watching a weird video online. You know those strange things that pop up sometimes."

Kang Li, still puzzled, chimed in.

"Is everything okay? You seemed pretty startled."

Li Xian waved it off.

"Yeah, yeah, it's nothing. Anyway, did you guys bring the lunch? I'm starving."

Chen Dong grinned, holding a bag.

"Of course! We got your favourite – some noodles and dumplings."

"Alright! I will eat here itself, even though the movie is weird, it's interesting. you guys go and enjoy your show."

Li Xian excused himself as he took the lunch bag from Chen Dong's hand.

"You know that I also like to watch horror movies, right? Let's go and watch in the Tv itself."

Kang Li, still a bit concerned couldn't help but suggest, making not only Li Xian but also Chen Dong, who obviously doesn't want to watch it, as he want to watch the show twitch their faces.

"No, it's alright! I am already in the middle of this video and it's not a movie. I will give it you later, you can watch if you like it."

Li Xian lied with straight face with a bit of rushing. 

Even though both Chen Dong and Kang Li felt a bit suspicious of his behaviour, they went away as they also do not want to waste their precious holiday.

This interaction indeed calmed Li Xian a lot, he touched the hard book that he shove under bed, feeling it's hardness he couldn't help but marvel at his fate.

'I have never in my dreams thought that I would encounter something like this. But this may be my chance...'

Li Xian suddenly felt a rush of excitement. He thought about how his comfortable lifestyle had played a role in his recent breakup.

Now, he had a chance that no one else out of the eight billion people on Earth could experience. It hit him that this was a rare and unique opportunity not to be wasted because of fear or uncertainty.

Feeling more in control of his emotions and ready to embark on this new journey, Li Xian couldn't help but eagerly open his mobile again, even though it still didn't have any battery.

But the entire chat section is silent at this time. It's absolute pin drop silence. Li Xian also saw that he got unmuted and can message now. But he hesitated for a moment, before deciding to check the book to see how it will let him become strong.