

Su Yang was a very handsome and famous dual cultivator. He was sentenced to life on the cliffs of the eternal prison for offending the heavenly emperor, the abode of the most ruthless and evil criminals in the universe. The crime? He seduced the moon god's wife, kidnapped the dragon king's sister, and even tasted the forbidden fruit that was the heavenly emperor's favorite daughter. In prison, Su Yang meets a mysterious older man who helps him escape prison by reincarnating into a new world. In his new life, Su Yang vows to reunite with his partner and hug them once more while discovering new ones along the way.

BabyF_05062016 · Fantasie
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19 Chs


"Su Yang, w-what happened?" Tang Hu's jaw dropped to the floor when Su Yang returned with a group of ten beauties. How could he gather so many women at once, even convince them to follow him home? Since when did he become a playboy?

"They are my customers." Su Yang said with an indifferent expression.

"Customer? Again?" Tang Hu wondered if they were the same type of customer as Elder Lan. What has Su Yang been doing for the past few days?

After Su Yang finished his preparations, he invited the girls to his room one by one while the rest waited outside in the living room.

When the door to Su Yang's room closed, the girls waiting outside started talking.

"Master assures us that we can trust him, but I don't feel comfortable being here," said one of the girls.

"Hey, you're Su Yang's roommate, right? Tell us about him." The girls looked at Tang Hu, who was nervously standing by the wall and observing them.

"Eh? Ah… um… Even though we're roommates, we never had a real conversation, so even I don't know much about him. However, he always had a mysterious feeling around him. I never knew what he was thinking or understood his actions."

"Mysterious man, huh? Sounds sexy, don't you think so too?"

"Well, if only there weren't so many negative rumours about him."

"Um… senior apprentices are from the Medicine Hall, correct? What are you guys doing here with Su Yang? He called his customer's apprentice-sister?"

"Hmm? You don't know about the massage service?"

The girls looked at him strangely. Are they roommates? They don't seem to know anything about each other.

"Massage service?" Tang Hu looked at them with wide eyes filled with disbelief. "You are all here for a massage from Su Yang?"

They nodded, confirming his doubts.

"We are betting with our Master. He said that if we can get out of here, after receiving a massage from Su Yang, without stumbling a single time, then he will give each of us a Profound Yin Pill."

"Profound Yin Pill?! A precious pill that greatly increases the Yin in women?" Tang Hu was shocked. Why would someone risk such an expensive resource? Not to mention ten at a time!

"Your master…" Tang Hu remembered Su Yang calling Elder Lan his customer. "Is that Elder Lan?"

They nodded. "Although we don't know why Master made such a bet with us, this bet will definitely be a piece of cake to win."

"Hehehe we all got the Profound Yin Pill after the massage. Maybe this is his way of rewarding us for our hard work."

"One Profound Yin Pill will cost us 3,000 Premium Points at the White Pearl Treasury. However, we only need to pay 10 Premium Points to obtain it. It's too easy."

A group of beautiful women laughed, sounding like a group of birds singing.

Suddenly, the door to Su Yang's room opened, and Su Yang walked out quietly.

"Oh? It's been ten minutes already?"

"Yeah, who's next?" Su Yang said to them calmly.

"Hah? What about senior apprentice sister Xuan?" The girls ask about the girl who entered first.

"She's having trouble moving," said Su Yang in an indifferent tone, and he continued: "And she asked me to allow her to stay inside for a bit longer."

The girls looked at him with confused faces.

"Why is she having trouble moving? Is she okay?" One of them asked in a worried tone.

"You don't have to worry. She'll be fine; her body is slightly sensitive after the massage."


"So? Who is next?"

None of the girls there could see anything extraordinary in Su Yang's calm face, so they didn't ask anymore.

A while later, the second girl walked into his room, and the first thing she noticed was senior apprentice Xuan, who was panting heavily as she struggled to get out of bed, her face red as a tomato.

"Senior Sister Xuan?! Are you okay?" The girl quickly went to support her, but Xuan pushed her away and said: "Don't touch me! You will only make this worse!"

"Senior apprentice sisters…."

"I'm… fine… my body is just… a little sensitive…." Xuan said as she looked at Su Yang with blinking eyes, her face turning even redder.

Su Yang smiled at her, and he turned to the second girl. "Let's go to sleep, and we'll start soon."

The girl looked at him and the wrinkled bed with doubt in her eyes. She felt that if she lay on that bed, she might never live her life in the same light again.

"Junior apprentice-sister Yu, go ahead and lie down on the bed. You won't regret it," Xuan said to her with a gentle smile that was also a sinister grin. She wanted her siblings to experience what she had just a moment ago because her embarrassment would also be less when more people shared the same experience.

Encouraged by her senior apprentice-sister, whom she trusted deeply, disciple Yu decided to throw away her doubts and lay down on the bed, still lingering with Xuan's scent.

"Then let's get started," Su Yang said to her.

Seconds later, the room echoed with a pleasant-sounding moan that wouldn't end until ten minutes later.

Disciple Xuan, sitting in a corner trying to recover her strength, looked at Su Yang with wide eyes, seemingly mesmerized by her graceful movements and calm face. How could she be so calm in such a situation? She looked like she was playing a musical instrument – ​​the girl in his bed became a musical instrument.

"That's how he also touched my body?" Xuan's body heated up just from watching Su Yang massage his junior apprentice sister.

As for disciple Yu, who noticed her senior apprentice-sister, who was also in the same room, did not notice Xuan's presence and continued to moan crazily without control.

"Do I also make the same embarrassing face and make vulgar noises when touched by it?" Xuan covered her mouth in shock. And the more she watched her junior apprentice-sister enjoy herself, her lower body trembled.